Warhammer 40k general /40kg/

Magnus did nothing wrong edition.

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Shadow War rules when?

Whops missed the new thread.

one gorkanaut managed to get into the ruins with the pathfinders, and a unit of kanz into drones. The dreads only managed 2 wounds on the riptide after abysmal rolling to his none, and he stayed. kanz killed 3 drones from the jinked squad, and pathfinders died to the man. markerlights were basically gone at this point. the drone ran but was caught.

Next turn he got the piranha in, and landed behind my gork in the ruins. i made my fusion cover save, broadsides targeted the closest dread and did away with it. the other being 2 inches behind. All the fire warriors combined and blew away the untouched kan group. the single kan being near 2 of them still. stormsurge fired its big gun at the exposed gork, only doing 2 hull points. it fired its remaining d missles at the kanz the previous turn, i was thinking they were the side missles, but those are only str 5. with a sigh, he fired its 2nd big blast on it, of course this time getting a 6.. its battery of str 5 missles were pretty worthless this game. In combat the 2 dreads did fantastic and scored 7 wounds on the riptide. He failed every invun, and only made 2 fnp. it was actually pretty funny.

my turn my objective grabbers came on and ran up the field as always. after rather pointless shooting my dread assaulted the hammerheads, losing 2 hp in the process. the gork was out of position so killed the piranha, the single kan charged the fire warriors, and another dread made a hail mary charge and managed to tie up the stormsurge. he managed only one wound thru after a 4++ and 5+ fnp. still he was not stomped to death, so that was good. The other dread killed 2 broadsides outright, and the other one losing by 4 ran but got away. gork killed the piranha, and the other 2 living dreads were still out of range to help this turn but next would be able to hit whatever they wanted.

At this point he conceded. While he could have still won with what he had, he had none of the objectives.

I have been out of the loop for a while. What's Shadow War: Armageddon? Besides gameplay rules, does it have any new lore?

late 2k17

Actual previous thread

So yeah didn't see if anyone replied for my 1850 list.
Company command squad with vox, regimental standard, Kurov's Aquilla

3 Vendettas loaded with 3 Platoon Command Squads with 4 plasma guns

9 infantry squads with plasmaguns, 6 have a sgt with plasma pistol

3 commissar with plasma pistol

3 priest with plasmagun

I'm against Plague Marines in my next match.

Old man book anyone?

can you not fit any special weapon teams in there? They're a bit better at the whole plasma thing than infantry squads and plasma pistols.

Also battle cannons would probably do you more good.

On a scale of 1-10 how shitty is this

Considering some of the conversation from last thread, I have a question:

What fallacies or revelations have the Tyranid players here heard from non-Tyranid players about your army? Example:

> Wait, What do you mean none of your units can assault from Deep Strike?

>Why are you complaining about 3+ saves? Just buy a 2+. You guys can do that, right?

>Damn you cismales, always triggering with your space marine content!

>Exalted Reward on the one Herald that can't join the Screamerstar

For what purpose?

>Assumptions we can use their psychic tables
>Assumptions that bugs are immune to instadeath
>Assumptions that flyrants are WAAC
>Assumes we have transports like overlords

And most of the time when a faggot learns what army I play he tailors his list with Grav and force. Wish I could tailor my army to counter anything.

>Alright, that's AP 2, make your Invuln save
>What? Oh, right, Feel no Pain then?

Already leaked slowpoke.

Grimoire of True Names, for Kairos

In surrender language. I can read it but my group can't

Maybe taking portalglyph.

> You can't assault with your lictor ? What is the point of having those ?


Isnt Shadow war out April 5th? Is it the revisioned necromunda, or, just a squad based game?

Not an assumption, but something someone took for granted:

>yeah, my overlord can buy IWND for 15 points, but that's expensive, you know?

Core rules are in freedomspeak as well as Wyches, Skittles, Genestealers, and maybe one more.
Only a few kill teams are french.

I'm scrubby new, which undercoat should I go for? Caliban Green or plain Chaos Black?

>When you have a trump induced break down and try to hide all mention of your excruciating defeat by not linking to the last thread


>Tyranid Warlord traits suck
>Individual table results in the rulebook are redundant
>tfw you made an entire houserule just so Warlord traits aren't such a fucking downer

Question for anyone who's ordered from china - how is the quality of the space marine squads?

Which army has the most powerful psychic phase?

40k is /pol/ as /pol/ is 40k.

The terrain in the Shadow War box looks insane. Might get two boxes...

That's a lot of plasma, I think it could work!

Chaos Daemons, Tzeench, Thousand sons(CSM) or Eldar, after them GK.

Imperium can get librarian detachments as well.

Meh I can wait for proper Empire language.

>Being this triggered your shitty shill candidate didn't win

I was so glad when Tzeentch lost.

>I don't bother with Psykers against you man, Shadow in the Warp is too scary

I'm saving your post for posterity's sake. Future generations must see how stupid some endangered species are.

Lizardmen 40k when?


This is what retards actually believe.

All hail cheetanon, here to save us from pol

Britain here. The world is not limited to your shithole and its retarded president, you mongrel.

Like when you had your cringey antifa protest because you saw a space marine in 40kg.

honestly the new flesh hooks kind of handle the same jobs they did in 3e/4e, largely "hit AV10"

the real loss is how they're stuck in boring old broods, rather than operating independently


Are they calling an expansion pack a sequel? What da fug?

Plasma Pistols? What a fucking waste of points. That's 90 points you could spend on useful units - say, something that's AP2 but with more than 12" range?

My problem with plasma pistols is that they cost the same as plasma guns do, which is fucking ridiculous. You could, instead of those dinky pistols, take some Infiltrating Sentinals with Autocannons, or Rough Riders with two Plasma Guns. Shit man, I didn't even see the ones on the Commissars.

How is this for 1250?

Lib with the LCdevs for prescience, that unit in the defense line

>My problem with plasma pistols is that they cost the same as plasma guns do, which is fucking ridiculous.

As long as this is true and the fact that IG and SM pay the same for plasma I will never take GW's rulewriters seriously.

Does Shadow War have any new lore?

>all caps
>still triggered
>couldn't hide his assmadness

>he's gone full caps lock

Depends on the Chinaman. Once painted there was no difference.

Is english your second language or are you this retarded?

Can we please bring the topic back to the game being discussed? I'm not even going to cite the rules on this, I'd just like to discuss 40k without stormfags and libcucks getting into pissing matches. You're both shouting over the internet, congratulations. Now shut up.


Its standalone game that combines with previous game in one campaign.

>mfw no that badass vidya depictions of Phoenix Lords, Guilliman or Magnus.

The big building looks like a soda bottle with the bottom chopped off and a chimney added. Pic somewhat related.

Chinaman is usually more brittle.

Once painted you can't really tell what is what unless you pick them up and have the original next to it.

Some FW the China recast is better, no idea how they manage that

Mexico here, no one cares about the opinion of a has been power that became so irrelevant that your ex colony had to bail you out twice.

>40k isn't satire

Is someone just having a stroke?

Just shut the fuck and give Creative Assembly your cash, alright?

>Malekith wearing that retarded mask


Just let them play it out, its not going to stop now. Pretty sure its only one guy now replying to himself. Hopefully the next thread will be better.

Wow this thread is shit. Someone should make a new one.

stfu and give ca your cash

long live fantasy

it's pastiche

there is a difference

Is 5 flyers but only 28 infantry a dick move at 1500 points or reasonable. Fluff is Ordo Xenos spec ops with Scions and Deathwatch, plus an Inquisitor

Centurions can't take a Drop Pod. It's recommended not to mix weapons on say the Tacs.

If it's shit then make an actual on-topic post rather than whining about it.

No dark eldar will be as badass as Malekith.


Every general is shit.
Some times is just mediocre and shines like a sweaty virgins getting gang raped

>Is 5 flyers a dick move at 1500 points

>Scions and Deathwatch, plus an Inquisitor
you should be fine

>posting an even worse version of him

I was aware they can't have it as DT, but that you could bring one in as a fast-attack. If not, then I will have to re think some things.

I've heard of people using gravcents in drop pods, how did they do it?

The tac squad is going to be combat squadded, since I can't exactly afford another grav gun over the flamer

What about the stuff like Rainbow Warriors getting squatted by the SoB as relating to the Rainbow Warrior ship getting sunk by the French?

France here. You are an american in disguise.

Also Mexico here shut the fuck up and stop the shitposting pendejo

But those can only cast two powers per phase, inquisition with loads of 10 point psykers is better.

So they can charge more for it.

You're right about the drop pods, my bad

>The setting is satire

Ok, cool.

Do you think I should move any points around for the tactical squad then? I'd need 10 points for a plasma/grav gun

It's Necromunda rules taking place on Armageddon.

>being Mexican
>playing this game
>badly disguised raiden as Mexican mariachi appears
>proceeds to play the rest of te game as Mexican raiden mariachi because awesome
I ain't even mad

>It's amazing how these SJW's forget this game is about cleansing entire planets of their indigenous populations and replacing them with the Imperium.

>Getting triggered when this is brought up in 40kg

Shiggy diggy

Why are vanguard veterans more expensive than regular assault squads?

This man speaks the truth, old 49k was satire now it's meant to be taken seriously but grognards and their muh satire are fucking this game

>fan of total war:WH walks into GW
>wonders who all the golden gay boy clones are

Bravo GW

I meant to say "less expensive" but I'm too lazy to delete my post.

Does anyone have any idea what the ork rules in Shadow War are going to be?

I've seen the weapon stats and it looks like the profile is basically the same as their 40k equivalent, but what about points cost?

Or stuff like what the unreliable rule does?

I'm no expert but maybe your Devastators don't need that many meatshields? Could just remove two, get Plasma/Grav and give your Sergeant a combi weapon or something

>fan of total war: WH
>never fucking play tabletop

>400lb Assberg assumes everyone is a samefag.
>ends up being BTFO

Because otherwise they'll outshine aspect warriors and in God above all Phil Kelly's name won't allow that to happen

Not him but
>this game is about cleansing entire planets of their indigenous populations and replacing them with the Imperium.
This is wrong, this is an aspect of a faction in the setting
If you genuinely think this is the main theme of the setting you're legitimately retarded

Why are 40k players so anally booty blasted by Age of Sigmar?

They aren't. Vanguard are 19 points each, Assault Marines 14.

Ok, I was just wanting enough ablative wounds, and someone to man the quad gun.