Haven't been on here for a while. Can't muster the will to model and paint. Anyone have inspiring words?
Pretty nice, user. Where'd you get it and how long did it take to get to that point?
I dig it. The blue is really nice and the gold is brighter than the dark, definately-not-bronze look people usually go for. The base, excluding the torches, is a little bland, though. Maybe add small tufts of grass to brighten it up?
That's fuckin' pretty, m8. Skulls look a -liiiittle- dull, but all in all, it looks fantastic. What more do you have planned for the base, might I ask? Looks like it could do with a tad bit of brown here or there. Mid brown or light, given the coloration of the grass.
Oh, no... Has it really been so long...? We're already forgetting the Tomb Kings.
Not the sort of thing I usually comment on, but it's pretty neat, man. The orange car could use some more attention, though. As is it looks a bit too much like... well, a toy that just recently had shit welded onto it, rather than an old, worn car that's had a lot of improvised armor and shit slapped onto it. The truck looks fine. The gold rims are a bit much.
Calm down on the metallic, dude. It looks a little thick, but most importantly it's overwhelming. It makes the model blend into itself, giving the impression it's one big blob of pewter or something. Get some more colors in there- more blacks, yellows, greens and reds- especially on the details, and highlight that metal with something bright like Runefang steel. If 15% of the model was metallic, you might be able to get away with not highlighting it, but there's no avoiding it on Iron Warriors.