/CofD/ & /wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General

That was the point, I think. It was unique and fun. In the end, we played a final few sessions in the near-future age, each of us playing a clan/descendant of another player's ante.

wow sounds epic

but it would be totes sweet if we didn't have to boss

My group's games that go off the rails often just become stupid settings. Like we infiltrated, took over and *became* the secret government in Mage and this weird espionage shit just turned into the daily life of the setting. Our setting was then a sea of suits secretly running the show under every door, and the objectives became the madness of trying to find actual specific people within that system who were intent on fucking everything up. Like the last part of the Thomas Crown Affair but all day.

Dark Pack is back, for all your DP fanfic


>mfw I read a story about some people playing a tabletop game and doing something totally ridiculous in the context of the setting way too easily, and I know its completely impossible or at least very difficult and it was probably accomplished within a few sessions by very weak beings in the confines of the setting, but it doesn't matter because it was probably hilarious and a blast for those involved.

Assloads of money and the key to the city. And you don't even have to sell out to the throne.

Old Changeling is really about growing old in a young man's fandom, and the Union is about to split between the euphorics and the fascists

Already did it with a Transhuman Engineer.

Symbols are inherently subjective and the supernal lies within. Dave's opinion is irrelevant.

There's an utterance that lets you smoke an archmage for 1000 years.

I like runic tattoos on a womans skin so I think its one of the sexiest yantras

Whats a good legacy or shadow name that would allow using barefoot as a yantra?

its almost always a better question to ask "What spell would this be a good Yantra for"