Is it too soon for a thread? Is it awesome enough to warrant it's own thread?
NO and YES!!!!
Shadow War: Armageddon
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When is that supposed to come out?
they couldnt have updated the models they put in it?
or lowered the price?
Already Sold Out?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
It definitely warrants new models, I was disappointed to see that.
How do you play? Where is the core rules?
USA Pre-order April
out on April 8th
Face it, who is only interested in the terrain?
I'm kinda annoyed that SOB are not part of the Imperial Agents group when they literally just turned up in the Imperial Agents codex.
Not out till later today for US
It's like Kill Team for 40k but with older 2nd Edition/Necromunda rules. 12 available factions fighting for the Hive World Armageddon.
I only care about the rules.
Evidently almost identical to old Necromunda.
necromunda rules
Your "hired guns" are now Special Operatives who are one mission only units that you pay for with Promethium Caches that you get from completed missions.
These are the Space Marine Scouts S.O.'s
i go to a bar called the wayward kraken that sells GW shit at 20 percent off and the owner declined his fucking reserves because he thought no body would want it
Your "hired guns" are now Special Operatives who are one mission only units that you pay for with Promethium Caches that you get from completed missions.
These are the Astra Militarum's S.O.'s
Your "hired guns" are now Special Operatives who are one mission only units that you pay for with Promethium Caches that you get from completed missions.
These are the Ork's S.O.'s
Just run them as Space Marines.
A standalone boxed game, Shadow War: Armageddon pits kill teams against each other in skirmish combat, with a detailed set of rules that are easy to pick up, yet deep enough to delight even the most seasoned wargamer. Containing an assortment of Citadel miniatures Shadow War: Armageddon brings the thrill of close-up and personal warfare to your gaming table, from single skirmishes to hard-fought campaigns that could decide the fate of Armageddon.
Melee is VERY different
So you can't make a pure Deathwatch team ?
No there doesn't seem to be any armor value higher than 4+ in the main teams saving those for one shot units.
Space Marines don't get Tacticals/Assaults?
Here are the rules for Adeptus Mechanicus, Chaos Space Marines, Dark Eldar, Eldar, Harlequins, Grey Knights, Necrons, Tau Empire, Tyranids and Genestealer Cults in PDF form.
Melee is basically Necromunda rules aka 40k 2nd ed.
Scouts for the main team with Deathwatch and Veteran Marine for the Special Operatives. I don't think they wanted to mess with jump packs with the new Movement Values.
That's kinda weird.
I guess this (Among other things) explains the lack of SOB. They don't HAVE a troop unit without power armour.
Would give them a rather distinctive/interesting place in the game as a bloody tough army compared to most.
Exactly, doesn't mean they won't add them as Special Operatives later on. This is just the first release and as popular as it is (already sold out in England) I can't see them not backing this with more available units helping to sell more models of course.
Wonder if they will add separate lists for Dark Angels, Blood Angels and Space Wolves.
Yeah, they'd need to go Special Operatives if 'No 3+ save troops' is the order of business. They simply don't have models for lightly armoured ecclessiarchy stuff the SOB could use as base troops.
Maybe they'll turn up as special operatives for Imperial Guard or something. Would have to tuned them up a decent bit to make them worth taking compared to the Veteran Marine or such. Then again, Seraphim would work pretty well. Jump Pack + Twin Inferno Pistols + 5++ inv save would make them kinda scary assassins in a game where most people are looking at 4+ saves at best. Pop out from hiding and have a non-negligible chance to evaporate a terminator.
See ---> I can't see how they wouldn't later down the line
Space Wolves would be weird. Since Scouts are the veterans there rather than the basic troop.
Scary indeed!!
Grey Knights have only power armored models so I don't buy it.
Most of the jump pack/teleporter units really seem designed to enforce the buddy system, else they'll eat your whole warband.
That's right! I totally forgot about them, That is weird now that I think about it that they would include GK and not SoB. I wonder what their thinking is on that and how they plan on keeping it balanced. I can't see my GC Neophyte Hybrids stacking up against Power Armor
Shooting rules
Well, your Neophtes also outnumber the grey knight 3 to one.
Considering they have normal bolters rather than storm bolters, SOB would likely drop heavily in price (Heck, they are the same price as Space Marine scouts on the TT) so they'd be much more plentiful power armour with 6++ saves.
>Low Res
Chaos also has power armor...what gives?
I mean i just downloaded the pdf and chaos gets maroons with power armor...
Who gives a fuck about the rules anyway? Nothing is stopping people from just dusting off 2e codices in the first place, or ignoring the rules for team construction and just using the new Armageddon shit to play skirmish level 500 point games.
Loads of guys have 3+ in SW:A
Necron immortals have 3+ and arent a special troop type
>there doesn't seem to be any armor value higher than 4+ in the main teams
>talking out of my ass
>doesn't know jack
Yeah my bad, I'm just really excited about the game
>no full team of storm troopers
Not really. Their basic team would be Leader, Grey Hunters, Blood Claws and Long Fangs.
Hey, you and me both
space marine (vanilla, blood angels, dark angels and space wolves) and orks (all clans)
So is this going to be what Killteam promised and failed to be? Has anything blatantly OP been noticed yet?
>veteran guardsman
>hotshot power pack
whoosh, you've got a storm trooper
the operative has extra kit, but in necromunda loading your guys down with loads of kit to start off with is a bad idea
An operator kill team would be pretty sweet.
>no pure genestealer team
>no lictor operative
>no occasional gaunt
I guess I have something to do with my unused warriors though
There are spec ops models with d flamers... but we dont know how spec ops are going to be taken yet
Ive got like 30 Kasrkins and 20 Old school stormies so Its nice to know I could use them. Veterens can still get carapace right? And what extra kit would a stormie have over a vet?
I'd go something like:
Special Rules:
Shield of Faith: All SOB have a 6++ save.
Gunslingers: SOB armed with two pistols gain a sustained fire die (On top of any the pistols would otherwise have) with those pistols.
>Trooper: Shooting, Agility, Guerrilla
>Specialist: Shooting, Agility, Guerrilla, Stealth
>Leader: All but Muscle.
New Recruit: SOB Initiates. Power armour but only BS 3 rather than 4. Access to Pistols, Grenades, Miscellaneous Equipment.
Trooper: Sister of Battle. Pistols, Basic Weapons, Miscellaneous Equipment, Grenades.
Specialist: Sister of Battle Dominion, Pistols, Basic Weapons, Special Weapons, Miscellaneous Equipment, Grenades.
Leader: Sister Superior.
SOB Special Weapons: Flamers, Meltaguns, Storm Bolters
Miscellaneous Equipment:
Holy Rounds: A bolt weapon armed with holy rounds ignores penalties to BS for cover and overwatch. Rare Ammo.
Camo gear
Clip harness
Red-dot laser sight
Telescopic sight
Weapon reload
Specialised Equipment:
Hospitaler Medical Kit. Unit can give up it's shooting to cure a flesh wound on a nearby model or itself or to stand a down (But not taken out) model up with a flesh wound. A unit within 6 of a model with a Hospitaler Medical kit ignores the poisoned rule.
Seraphim Jump Pack: As Harlequin Flip Belt.
Seraphim Superior: 5++ save, Seraphim Jump Pack, Twin Inferno Pistols or Twin Bolt Pistols w/holy rounds, Causes Fear
Hospitaler: Pretty average SOB but comes with a Hospitaler Medical Kit.
Death Cult Assassin. TT statline but with Infiltrate + Causes Fear added.
As an army, rather short range shooting focused but pretty good at it. No access to heavy weapons but have a heap of access to short range sustained fire dice with two pistols (Offer separate prices for 2 pistols like 25/40).
>Veterens can still get carapace right?
Can, but it's a bit of a waste. Modifiers are everywhere, and the -1I can fuck you over.
>extra kit
Mostly faff, though I can't remember the card exactly. Just that it was real unimpressive when next to an ogryn (who can be equipped as a bullgryn).
Holy Terra did GW just screw themselves (and us) by vastly underestimating demand? It wasn't even listed in the Aus GW site this morning and I check again tonight and it is sold out.
This isn't a standalone game like Space Hulk, you need a bunch of people playing it in a league to make the most of it.
Glad I decided to go with other terrain so now all I really need is a blessed scanfag.
this is the kind of book you'll want a physical copy of to flip through while playing I think
mind, most of the people buying are probably just going to scalp the models/terrain, and drop the rules/templates/dice for cheap
With the demand this high they'll do a second or even third printing.
That'll still be a month or more delay even if they bump other releases off their production schedule.
I've already dropped several hundred in terrain (Technolog Platformer, Mantic Industrial battlezones, and GWs Imperial Sector) and started buying kill teams.
I'm really hoping the sold out pre-orders was just a marketing gimmick.
Why the fuck does every eldar leader get 2 wounds base?
I never played necromunda and all I got is the recent rule leaks.
so, how does fear work?
does in hand-to-hand the armor save is modified by strength -and- save mod or the highest?
is a invul save in addition to the armor save like fantasy was, and is it modified by mods?
Look at their prices, they pay for the wounds
If I pre order it to my local GW, should it arrive on release day? I REALLY want it but if I can get a copy in store before it arrives by shipping I'll just do that.
>sold out
a-user, i...
>how does fear work?
In necromunda? Like this. Though I don't remember if they changed it to making the scared model have shitty WS if he fails in a later edition of the rules.
>in hand-to-hand the armor save is modified by strength -and- save mod or the highest?
highest (at least, that's how necromunda/2e handled it)
>is a invul save in addition to the armor save like fantasy was, and is it modified by mods?
we don't know
in necromunda/2e it was an additional save that could never be modified
Most of this we just don't know yet. The rules ain't complete, and they are changing things slightly from how necromunda handled it.
The IG get in?
Just ordered mine and as long as you pre order this weekend you'll have it ready in store on release day. Assuming you can pre order it that is
Yes of course I mean necromunda. I'm aware that the leaks are incomplete.
Anyway, love you, user.
Rules are in the box, yes.
Ork rules anywhere? I want to see how badly my Boyz get shafted.
Only in the box... - or wait for leaks next week.
Orks look pretty great, actually. Shootas and choppas, buddy up and lay the pain.
I'd ditch the cruddy box nob for a properly turgid and engorged multipart nob, though.
well, they see to be worse at shooting than their 40k counterparts, but better in melee.
Ironically, their stats are the same across both games, it's just how the rules operate.
They were announced with the game, dude....
this was supposed to be in reply to
Going by what we know, it seems that orks are mostly crap. In the White Dwarf battle report, they sucked pretty hard.
Even runts don't look promising, since the runtherd is a special operative and the grot blasta only gets negatives to hit.
I strongly suspect that the only viable ork build is going to be filling your roster with basic boys with zero equipment and spending most of your time hiding and hoping to get close enough to knife someone. Assuming the hiding rules are still as good as they were in Necromunda.
To be fair though, since Cults can only get the 1 Stealer they have made him fucking terrifying to compensate.
Personally, I find the Harlequin Solitaire to be the most hilarious of the Special Operatives.
Wanted to use my Kasrkin and old Stormtroopers.
Looks like I won't.
>Why the fuck does every eldar leader get 2 wounds base?
Because they are all T3? Even the goddamn Solitaire?
>space Marines and Orks get chapters
>CSM don't get legions
>CSM's getting shafted
Surely you should be used to this by now?
Is there any lore in it, or is it just rules, includying teaser of the rules for 8th edition, for all the armies in KillTeam?
Chainhook, Blade Venom, Mirrorhelm, Splinter Pistol
Shardnet and Impailer, Mirrorhelm
Shardnet and Impailer, Mirrorhelm
Wych with CH+BV + Splinter Pistol
Wych with CH+BV + Splinter Pistol
Wych with CH+BV + Splinter Pistol
Wych with CH+BV + Splinter Pistol
unless 8th edition is just 2nd edition, this is not 8th edition
What if Shadow War Armageddon was an April fools joke?
We haven't really seen the main rulebook yet, so no idea. But it's 120 pages, so almost certainly contains a bunch of 'lore', but that is very likely going to be mostly rehashing existing stuff, because GW loves repeating shit you already know with slightly more awkward phrasing each time.
>What is faction differences?
Space marines and chaos being interchangable outside of 1-2 weapons is stupid. Chaos marines and Scouts are distinct entities and allow you to do the two factions different enough to be worth playing both.
The biggest problem here is that i's just an extra rule set for normal models. Is any one going to pick it up or care or did they just buy it for terrain?
That middle building might as well be a soda bottle with a chimney attached.
If anything, this is your best chance to play some rarely-seen Deathwatch Scouts. Have a Deathwatch Vet lead them in the field.
Flash Git might be fun to work with. The rest of these are ehhh compared to the other factions. Runtherd was the last one I expected.
Have they nerfed the Supporting Fire rule?
The only thing I want from this is that I'll be making some Blood Ax Kommandos with all the bells and whistles. Shootas, Burnas, the lot.
I'll probably have the Flash Git as some lad with a Vulcan Raven-esque ammo pack and zogging big gun.
Does anyone know a good source of ork arms without weapons? Seems like the best ork builds are likely to be just a choppa or maybe just a slugga.
Any tau within 3" of a tau charged gets to overwatch and make your guy eat shit.
Fantasy orc arms?
So, nerfed. Previously it was 6".
Isn't that the range you need to take break tests if the next to you goes down as well? Yeah, that's a pretty decent nerf, especially since Tau LD isn't exactly Space Marine tier.
>got an E-Mail today from my LGS that I can preorder the game
>read this thread, turns out it's sold out everywhere
>look it up on GW
>sold out
W-well, m-maybe there's still a chance at my LGS, right guys?
Can any one give me some tips on Chaos list building? Should cultists just be melee combatants or should they have guns?