They should have merged Veeky Forums and /qst/. It would have been funny.
They should have merged Veeky Forums and /qst/. It would have been funny
on one hand, I think tg is perfectly fine as it is and would otherwise be completely fucked when merged with another board but on the other hand the merged boards seem like they are having fun
They should have never forced the /a/ quests onto Veeky Forums. That was the thing that gave the antiquesters legitimate complaints.
I hate how the fucking mods killed questing on Veeky Forums completely.
A maggot infested corpse is more lively than /qst/
Good riddance.
>not combining Veeky Forums Veeky Forums and /d/
What we need is a traditional historical deviance board. So that we finally have a board to talk about how much we want to sodomize Pope John XX.
I hope they combine /r9k/ and Veeky Forums.
I never really understood the absolute hate some people have for quest threads. I'm not interested in 95% of the threads on Veeky Forums but I don't constantly complain about their existence. I just don't click on those threads.
I can't imagine routinely shitposting in MtG threads just because I don't play Magic.
but now it's just fucking generals user.
like it was for fucking ever?
good riddance
they combined Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums but they both browse /r9k/ anyways
What boards were even combined?
None of my regular boards got combined with anything.
>Muh generals
Generals are more Veeky Forums related than quests ever were.
/mlpol/- My Little Politics
/can/- Animals/Cute
/fap/ -Fashion & Photography
/cock/- Comics & Cartoons & Cooking
/mo/- Mecha & Auto
/fitlit/- Well-Rounded Citizens
/co/ and Veeky Forums have joined to become the grand /cock/ Veeky Forums was always missing.
/pol/ was combined with /mlp/, and it is glorious.
>/mlpol/- My Little Politics
Oh boy.
>le april fools we so fanny XD XD prankz
Fuck April 1st and fuck anyone who "celebrates" it, you fucking ignorant twats. All Fools Day was not and is not a day for stupid pranks and blatant lies. There is no wit or humor in bullshit. But once a year, every year, the internet gets shat up with garbage from losers who think they're fucking funny. You can't read any news, you can't go to any websites, you can't not lose the game you just lost.
It's fucking stupid.
Are these permanent? Or are they just Spring Break Shenanigans?
April fools, you dip.
Ok, I'm dumb, how do I actually get to a combined board? The list at the top/bottom of the page lists original boards, and when I go to one of "merged" boards I get to a normal unmerged board. Is the joke that no baords have actually been merged?
April Fools!
The joke is user was only pretending to be a living salt mine.
Autism speaks.
But nobody's listening.
>You can't read any news, you can't go to any websites, you can't not lose the game you just lost.
Wow, talk about being insecure.
I don't even know what boards have merged. There's no board I'm "missing" right now.
I hate questfags, but the butthurt from both sides would be a sight to behold.
They're giant circlejerks that choke up 90% of the first page.
They also have literally nothing to do with Veeky Forums besides "hurr playing pretend is a traditional game", along with the fact that almost every single game was "You're playing a cute girl, go do cute girl things."
At first it was cool when artists drew the actions out, but once text became the norm every single slackjawwed idiot started slamming out quests so they can write shitty fapfics with their little gaggle of retards.
Holy crap, you're right. Looks like they already unmerged the boards. Just clicking on /mlp/ or /pol/ would take you to /mlpol/, for example.
Let's see if this works
>My favourite quests were the ones where you're a dark elf mage, the one where you're a robot gundam, and the one where you're a medieval conqueror
>All but one died thanks to the split
Not to mention that the more popular quests often had multiple threads on the front page at the same time.
Like there would be one actual quest thread, one discussion thread for that quest, a suggestions thread and two or three threads from people asking where the quest thread was or when the next quest thread would be posted.
Anyone who things quest threads weren't bad obviously wasn't around back then.
Strange, once I clicked on a merged link it started working for links in the top/bottom as well. Dis gonna be gud.
Also, Veeky Forums, how does it feel to be not relevant enough to be included?
People making quest thread generals to discuss other quest threads was the final nail in the coffin.
It probably would have worked out if people controlled themselves, but then again most questers were /a/-transplants and we all know how rambunctious they can get.
>Veeky Forums
>Veeky Forums
>Veeky Forums
>Veeky Forums
They took what they thought was funny.
Yeah, and you don't even qualify for funny.
/pol/ is not having fun
/mlp/, on the other hand, seems to be loving it.
We just don't make a funny joke when merged.
Seriously, what do you pair Veeky Forums with that's some semblance of comedy?
Oh shit, butthurt because I included one of your boards in this list? Is it /an/?
>Veeky Forums's marxist faggotry on my Veeky Forums
Neither am I.
Veeky Forums +Veeky Forums+/u/+/y/+/s/. Convoluted, but can you imagine the shitstorm?
Now they know how it feels when they post /pol/ shit on other boards.
No, keep trying.
is basically just kemono friends posting. It's great.
i always assumed /mlp/ is where all of /pol/ went when they had their daily fill of rare pepes and apparently i was wrong
There's like a 70% overlap between /pol/ and /mlp/ anyway.
Everyone's just taking it as an opportunity to shitpost even harder than usual, with only a handful of /pol/-only posters losing their shit.
>the most American merged board would be composed entirely of sexy anime lesbians
Truth in internet.
>There's like a 70% overlap between /pol/ and /mlp/ anyway
/mlp/ is like 3 people. Why does that board even exist anymore?
>I never really understood the absolute hate some people have for quest threads.
Taking a look at the /qst/ catalog should be a good reminder
Eat shit, questfag. Your cancer is gone from our board, and it's not coming back.
Did Risk threads fall under Quest? I enjoyed Game of Bros or all the variations of the regular risk board, even it was clearly kinda reserved for the first dozen people who got into the game which is kinda shitty.
they still play risk over on /pol/. no idea how it goes since i don't check those threads, but theres one up most nights it seems
Yeah but those are awful cause there is always a handful of guys masturbating their German reichs and getting pissed the moment they start losing and then you get the oh so funny guys playing African nations called "UngaBunga" or "Wheredawhitwymyn" tribes every game.
/pol/ also plays Hunger Games all the time, those are fun. Veeky Forums also has them rarely.
Generals are great compared to quests.
>Khornate Daemon Girl Quest
>Nice Daemonette single handedly makes OP remove a huge component of the Chaos dynamic by sheer butthurt
Most were totally awful but sometimes it was hilarious whenever someone came in and pissed off the circle jerk.
Last years April Fools joke was better. Does anyone know of some other good ones on this website or others?
Taking april fools to hardcore lad
Well /s4s/ was a pretty good april fools joke
Answer me this: why the fuck do we even have a diceroller anymore? Why do we need it? Where else would you think to play a traditional game than on the traditional games board?
Should have merged Veeky Forums and /toy/.
I don't even know why they are separate boards to begin with.
They use it to make warhammer armies and CYOA stuff.
You mean generals and fetishposting and polbaitposting.
You know, the shit that getting rid of /qst/ and /wst/ was supposed to get rid of and didn't?
I know right? the inevitable butthurt reignited from both sides would have been hilarious to watch.
Go home, questfag.
Dumb questposter.
>I hate truth
hey, at least we can easily access near-fap material by just using general threads. one reverse image search is all you need for good stuffs.
And why is that any more of a traditional game than questing?
>why is Warhammer a traditional game
Making up chapters on an image board is not playing Warhammer
However, I don't have a problem with it, but I don't see how it's any more of a traditional game than questing. Using dice to facilitate a collaborative roleplay experience checks all the boxes of being a traditional game.
Good, they take this site too seriously.
I honestly thought you were talking about generals until I got to the second paragraph.
>that is a problem
Besides a single Marx thread, /fitlit/ is ironpill as fuck.
Veeky Forums traditional technology
I feel like it's similar to the whole Veeky Forums debacle: You had a board for a general subject and then you had a bunch of general threads for one very specific topic. The problem is those threads made up a shit ton of the board and people really didn't like it. Given enough whining and complaining a containment board was created in order to put them all in one place.
Really all you have to do is whine hard enough and the mods will make a new board for it so you don't have to see it anymore.
Yeah but by the time the new board was created quests took very little of Veeky Forums.
It was in fact just bitching but it was weird because the 'problem' was at a low and so was the bitching so you have to assume someone new was taken on at a higher level or someone already there had a supped change of heart. I say sudden because the whole thing was rushed and disorganised.
I think /qst/ was made when hiroshimoot came into power though, so I can understand why.
Too late now though.
Don't tell me they don't deserve it.
AFAIK they wanted to merge Veeky Forums with /d/ as well, but we are too blue for this, so no dice.
We could've had a true magical realm thread..
Speak for yourself.
Compared to /pol/ harbor, this is fucking nothing.
The people throwing the biggest shit over this are people who hate /pol/, in some sort of weird "You deserve this" revenge fantasy.
/mlp/ is hardly even a fucking board at this point. It's just /co/ dumping their pony folders and everyone else google searching pony porn cause fuck it it's Saturday.
I laughed out loud. Good, user
>not /b/ and /an/
For fuck's sake mods.
Holy shit why did I not think of this
>it's all animal gore
Does this mean I can complain enough to get futa shit removed from aco?
Making an entirely new board was probably the stupidest way to "fix" quests.
Hiroshima could have just increased the maximum number of boards on Veeky Forums, increased bump limit for threads so old threads don't get pushed off, or just enforce a hard limit to how many quest threads could be on the board at any time.
Now instead, we have a board that's DOA and a board that's nothing but the same threads over and over again.
/fitlit/ is genuinely fucking great.
>Using dice to facilitate a collaborative roleplay experience checks all the boxes of being a traditional game.
Except quests aren't that. It's an excuse to post anime and talk about anime and jerk off to anime waifus on a board that is very specifically not about anime.