What is Veeky Forums hodling and why isn't it verge?
What is Veeky Forums hodling and why isn't it verge?
because im skeptical about it. It looks like it could go up to a dollar but idk
Because it already pumped. There is no legitimate reason for it to have gone up 9x. Hype only lasts so long and after that it comes crashing down
I mean you know you're buying Dogecoin Dark, right?
this. fucking kek.
rebrand it whatever you want. this shit is dogecoindark rofl
Still clearly uptrending with no real signs of stopping. Anticipation for updates by the end of the year is big, and John McAfee endorses it hard in the media lately.
It's still only worth roughly 6cents.. i don't see why anyone looking for some potential x10-100 gains before the end of 2018 shouldn't get in.
Rich people are going to need anonymous untraceable ways to store their wealth pretty soon. Privacy coins offer the best way to do that; just look at the prices of the established ones right now. Verge still really only go up.
Biz is apparently full of deadshits who can't look past a name to see some decent fundamental technology and functionality. It's like you cunts want to be poor or some shit. Idiots.
i dont know about 100x. 10x seems more realistic, but then it would have to end up in like the top 15.
Worth 8 cent, moon mission leaving soon
>being this mad over dogecoindark
That's only assuming the Crypto Market Cap stays the same by the end of 2018, which it most certainly wont. Just look at the gains it's made this year.. you can expect more of the same next year as well i think. Crypto Markets are only just getting started.
worthless shitcoin
that makes sense.
Inside user will pump it to 0.5
Just waiting
Can you wait? Im verifying my account to accept deposits, which will take 2 weeks, then I will buy the fuck out of it.
Looks like it's been consolidating all day for a nice boost.
it's the comfiest hold right now
End of year predictions?
Because I was a bagholder from 5 months ago with this shitcoin
Maybe 15 cents. McAfee says it will hit $15 one day, that's crazy to me. I they lie about Wraith one more time, I'm done.
*if they lie
the moon mission has begun
Don't know if we're gonna break that wall tonight