nice larp
Just about to go to sleep and I saw the moon!!!!!!
$8.84 on bittrex
i just bought some, keep or sell?
$15 EOY
deluded arkies. What would we do without you?
holding tight
You can sell and regret it later
Why the fuck is this mooning so hard now? I wanted to put in 10k but have to wait two weeks because of bank shit and in the meantime this completely takes off just because it got listed on some gook exchange? Please tell me it'll come back down in the short term.
people said the same thing when ETH did broke $8
apologies now linkies
nope get in asap or get left on earth
Haha wtf did I wake up in a different time line I thought this shit coin was 18 cents still wow and I sold these bags at a loss should of just listened to biz
I bought at 30 cents and will hold for years if necesary, this coin will reach 30-40 bucks easily
As an Ark majority holder, I’m thrilled but also kind of sad cause I wasn’t done accumulating. I have 650 atm.
This is one of the fuggiest coins around. Great tech, great potential, solid dev team with timely updates/releases, and the coin stagnates while every other shitcoin is mooning.
Now, all of a sudden, it's fucking through the roof. There's no way to plan around this fucking coin. I was planning to sell the highs and buy the lows to accumulate, but how could I possibly time this shit?
Guess I'll just hodl.
man i bought this months ago when it was 50c. Finally browsing Veeky Forums has paid off. this shit has been earning me passive income too
Selling ARK is a SIN
dropped $200 in ARK at the beginning of the month and promised to hold for at least a year. tonight the value of my ark ranged from a low of like $700 to now $1200. i'm still planning on holding this coin for a long time.
Look at the amount of transactions being sent to the ARK wallet on bittrex.
We're about to be dumped on hard, i just sold at 54k.
shill me please, key points
yea I got out at 53k hopefully it dips a decent amount so I can accumulate
>5500 checking in
This is just the beginning
all those who sell will be punished for their sins
If I die before I wake
pray my dog doesn't wind up eating my face
-Clarence "Pinkie" Wojack
0.02 this time around? I will sell half my hefty bags there or just before hahah
lol I mean 0.002.. 0.02 and i'd buy a house with 7 garages for my lambos corresponding to days of the weeks.
great, NOW it fucking dips, after I bought back in
ikr , wtf it barely went up 50 cents and they are yelling moon, then it hovers around there give or take. And now it has been dipping, i lost eth trading for this bs coin
sold half my ARK stack at 4.70 for REQ, THIS SHIT HAS BEARLY MOVED
So the exchange opens in one hour right. So we will probably see 10$ right after.
I meant 10k sat so 15$
Phewwww I almost did that yesterday
Also this exchange is as big as gdax
God punishes those who leave the Ark.
It will moon even harder then it might go down.
That gook exchange is size of gdax