*blocks your path*
*blocks your path*
*politely steps aside, giving way and avoiding shadow
I remind her that she's a shit NPC from a shit setting, and there's a reason Planescape was never officially updated from 2e.
Well, at least you have a comfy residence now.
>pretend she doesn't exist and continue on my way
God the LoP annoys me so much. Not the way the LoP is actually handled in the Plane Scape books themselves but rather how much circlejerk there is about her online.
First. The LoP can't leave Sigil. As long as you never visit Sigil you can slander the LoP as much as you want.
Second. A jumped up stiff with pretensions of being a god was able to defeat the LoP. In comparison to that, the LoP hardly has a chance against a properly prepared PC wizard.
Third. Sigil only works because it is at the centre of everything. If you tip the balance of the planes then Sigil should no longer be at the centre and who knows how much havok would be wreaked upon it then.
>If you tip the balance of the planes then Sigil should no longer be at the centre and who knows how much havok would be wreaked upon it then.
You would crash the planes with no survivors
It would be extremely painful
>"Is it pronounced /si-jil/ or /si-gihl/?"
Her answer would be a mazing.
Literally who?
*incoherent screaming*
Goddess of Sigil. You should probably give her an offering or a prayer or something like that. Her blessing gives you protection when you're in the city, so it's a good idea if you ever visit.
Hi, cleavage.
>jumped up stiff with pretensions of being a god was able to defeat the LoP
Vecna is not deluded into thinking himself a god
Vecna is and was a fucking god that ascended beyond godhood with the power of an overdeity. So no, your shitty wizard could not punk out the Lady of Pain. Nothing that could be called a god or below can.
Don't be mean, user
Not my fault the berk can't read a guidebook.
That's just wrong. She's not a valid target for anything, she has almost no rules presence. You can't stick anything on her except by DM fiat.
finds another path, if there isnt one im sure what i was doing isnt that important anyways
>Dark Powers were once all-powerful, unbeatable entities
>5e rolls in, you can kill the Dark Powers quite easily
>mfw the same will happen to the Lady of Pain
Planefags' tears will be delicious
does she ever get aroused?
So the key is to beat up / blackmail the GM to affect the Lady of Pain?
Lady of Pain, some sort of otherworldly entity that controls the Plane/City of Sigil.
Sigil itself is basically one giant donut that people live on and do trade in. It's main shtick is that it's at the center of the DnD cosmos and basically every plane has a portal to Sigil somewhere on it. Notable exceptions are Ravenloft (due to Dark Powers shenanigans) and Arthos (the Dark Sun plane, due to it being a magically nuked and dying plane, and any portal to it would kill off too many living things on the plane).
Basically she is meant to be DM fiat to get the PCs to do shit in favor of Sigil. The only powers listed to her are she can Maze or Flay at-will, which she uses however she pleases.
She also HATES deities and will not tolerate a god walking around in Sigil, and barely tolerates their followers. She also has a cult devoted to her worship, which she hates and will Maze/Flay upon finding a member of the cult.
Why him in particular? I only know of his questing, the hell does he have to do with the Lady?
The Obyriths blew up their former reality and focused most of their powers into a dark crystal that corrupted Tharizdun. If you could somehow steal the powers of Tharizdun temporarily then you should be able to defeat the LoP.
Ayy bb, want some fuk?
"Umm, First off, who are you. Second, WHY are you in my house. Third, can you step aside? I have to make dinner, my sister and her kids are over."