Lost Legions

It's pretty obvious GW intended the missing Legiones Astartes as an excuse for players to create their own OCdonutsteel. Have any of you done that? Tell of your special snowflake legions. I'm curious.

I gave mine sister of battle heads.

The fandom has spoken.
One is Angry Marines.

The other is the Emperor's pointy sticks.

Emperor's Wife's Sons

>GW creates the lost legions so people can make their own
>nobody does because it's socially unacceptable Mary Sue bullshit by default
Everything is as it should be.


I considered making my dudes successors of a lost legion, but there's really no point to it. You can just as easily say unknown a lot of the time

The true purpose of the lost legions is to identify autists.

>unknown geneseed, custom chapter

Autism alert

>lost legion primarch


>female marines

Fetch the gun, Johnny.

>Spending hundreds of dollars to paint your cylinder can man beaky boy paulronlets exactly the same way that GW tells you to show everyone how much a ultracuck you are

>you were going to spend hundreds of dollars no matter what you were going to do, unless you just not play GW shit to begin with
>you can just paint them a FW chapter or a chapter GW hates like Blood Angels or Celestial Lions to really stick the finger to GW

I've never seen it. All the detail we have anyway is that the space wolves purged both, and one of those purgings was due to severe Gene-seed mutations. Most likely the other was chaos corruption before the actual heresy broke out.

If you are going to spend the money might as well make your own dudes that you like instead of giving Goodboy Gweelieman another blowjob and paying for the privilege.

>people can't like anything but their own dudes

As if we needed any more proof of your autism.

>complaining about autists in Autism: The Hobby
It's like complaining at a Chinese restaurant for having too much Chinese food.

The Chinese food would be the official chapters you're whining about if GW is a Chinese restaurant, turbo autismo. Even your analogies suck.

Lost Legions are heavily stigmatized because the vast majority of people who make them make 0 attempt to make them fit into 40k. Lost Legions are almost invariably used as carte blanche to also make noblebright progressive private empires run by still-living primarchs or some dumb shit like that.

ahhh, I tried my hand at it once.

One collected, researched and used Xenos tech, incorporating small modifications when applicable. Even let a few protectorate xenos species into the Imperium, provided they supplied their unique tech when called upon. When the Ad Mech got word that their holy designs were being defiled, they went apeshit, and they got purged. Their legacy resides with the Jokaero, who have an STC of their collected data in the shape of a necklace somewhere in a temple deep in a jungle.

The other was a legion where blanks became officers, and the apothecaries managed to unlock the secrets of the gene, creating artificial blanks to increase their ranks. While the Ad Mech was interested in the process, the Navigators and Astropaths noticed that they were causing massive amounts of stress to the warp, so they got purged. their artificial Blank research still resides on Mars, where's its being put to good use in creating more Sisters of Silence to fight the still raging Silent War, keeping the daemons at bay in an eternal stalemate...

This. If you wanna make your own chapter just do a successor.

Space Pirates. Full on space navy with actual space marines. Did them up for my 30k army using a shit ton of breacher marines and terminators. Used the rules for legions that don't have rules yet from before so that they'd all have stubborn.

that's actually rather fitting.

the Crimson Wind and the Void Wraiths salute you.


>You are now aware the only thing that could have been worse than traitors was xeno marine hybrids that is why the lost chapters were expunged.

exactly. it polluted the gene-seed, which would have infuriated big E.

Angry Marines will never be a founding chapter to me, unless that chapter is the World Eaters ;)

Stop spreading this myth. The Lost Legions were created to copy the Romans. There was never any intention for OC Legions.

I imagine the decision at GW HQ was made one day after some dude finally lost it from a chance encounter from a 12 year old's army of eldar marines with allied detachments of ork grey knights and tau sisters of battle.

Both are Female Space Marines.

And one turned to Chaos.

Not necessarily. In the latest HH book it is revealed that the Thousand Sons were going to get the Lost Legion treatment, and it was only the Heresy and their reappearance during the siege of Terra that put it off. That sets the bar much lower for getting expunged.

It is also alluded to in the Space Wolves section of the book that one of the lost Legions was wiped out by the end of the Rangdan Xenocides, and if this is the case then getting wiped out by brain eating worm people in one of the worst periods of military history is apparently enough to be knocked off the record.

I play my guys as either a. the 2nd legion in 30k or b. a successor element of theirs in 40k. i also wrote/am writing them bastids a codex. why? because fuck you is why. attached is dex. come at me heretics.

i actually read that lil hint as BOTH legions being lost to that.

From what I remember Fabius Bile experimented with forbidden Xenos Marine hybridisation.
The temptation to make better marines with alien biology would have been worse than treachery.

It was both, genius.

Wasn't the idea of the lost legions to make OC successor chapters, not an entire legion?

My head canon is one Primarch was lost to warp taint, one was lost to xenos (eldar) influence.

One legion was destroyed by the rangdan (very vaguely hinted by FW), and the other was small and merged into the Ultramarines.

One of the earlier books hints that possibly rushing out one legion too early plus gene seed failure led to its end.

They are not missing.

They are legion 2 and legion 11

They became the Alpha Legion, which was the last one to be publicly revealed, and also the biggest one.

I thought it was hinted that the remains of both lost legions were absorbed by the Ultramarines?

that is speculated by one marine.

Also forgeworld mentions the slaughth as being present on Rangdan.

I made the "Doomsday Legion" back when Fallout 4 was all the rage.

FLUFF: They come from a post-apocalyptic world that used to be very tech-savvy. Victory often came down to who had scavenged/acquired the best gear. Thus, they now act as treasure hunters, searching for lost archeotech to incorporate into their armory. They also have a shitload of doomsday weapons, so they're pretty good at exterminatus.

CRUNCH: Two main rules:

1) Scavenged Weapons: Any and all weapon upgrades in the army may get a significant points discount in exchange for taking on the Gets Hot rule.

2) Legendary Gear: All characters may, for 10 pts, upgrade each piece of their wargear to Legendary. These items may only be Ranged Weapons, Melee Weapons, or Armor. A Legendary item rolls 2d6 on a matching table and gets some kind of random special rule. Rules ranged from twin-linked to extra attacks to preferred enemy for weapon, and from deep strike to FNP to a +1 to their Invl save (6+ if they had none). I made sure to make it so that none of the rules were particularly OP, just useful and/or interesting, and its balanced out by the price and random acquisition.

The Primarch, nicknamed the Wanderer, had a sawed-off shotgun with a bunch of special ammo. It was an Assault 2 weapon that shot things like Phosphex Shells, Vortex Slugs (just dark lances), and Nuclear Buckshot (assault 2 template, S6, AP-, Rending). His gimmick was allowing characters with Legendary Gear to choose which Legendary rule they got, instead of rolling randomly. They still had to pay for it, though. The cost of the Primarch is what balances this potentially dangerous rule out.

I wrote them as a legion whose primarch was so obviously vain and incompetent it basically ran their whole structure into the ground. His lack of control over his troops led to them taking the superstitious and barbaric traditions of their homeworld into the legion and eventually succumbing to chaos. Their primarch tried to get hold of them one last time for which he was murdered by his confidants and their own select supporters. Russ was sent to bring them to heel and punish them, but that only led to the legion fracturing, following their own vainglorious warlords for various reasons. Russ just collected the desecrated skull of his brother and brought it back to Terra, for which people assumed he had killed the lost primarch and only Big E and Malcador know the truth.

What's left of the legion is splintered into chaos warbands whose equipment is falling into disrepair and otherwise just cobbled together, the adornments on their armour becoming filthy and scratched irrecognisable. Occasionally, they rally in greater numbers to ravage a world and pillage its resources, then leaving the planet in a state of devastation but otherwise untouched.

That's interesting. What were their name? Their observed strategic tendencies? Which Chaos God(s) did they fall to? Any themes to them?

The "lost" legions were the Valedictors and the Rainbow Warriors. GW removed them because they thought they were stupid.

Mine, when I was a kid and started playing was Cruxis, and that chapter was a successor of the blood and dark angels, cause I didn't know who I liked better. Lore wise, they're were like the Dark Angels, but they were nice like the salamanders.

They are stupid.