The Rising Sun Never Sets

My setting is a cross between the British Isles and Japan

Politely requesting pics for inspiration and world building suggestions

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I read a comic once that was a British steampunk anime setting and the characters eventually realized that their technology couldn't really function under the laws of physics, and then realized that they were actually fictional characters

It had a lot of good visuals you could lift.

>The rising sun never sets
No duh. That would be like saying growing flower shrinks.

So are you looking for westaboo Japanese, or weaboo Victorians?

What if the British royal line married into the Japanese Imperial line and created one super monarchy?

Xenophobic expansionism?

The most sexually repressed people ever.

>sun never sets on british empire
>land of the rising sun

You dont need to be a history buff to get the mash up

A larger emphasis on Samurai/Knight Feudal dynamics, extremely sexually repressed people (which spawns inversely equally fucked up people), and pirates. Also, a lot of dragon imagery.

It's not really a one-for-one thing.

It's a vaguely pre-modern archipelago with influence from both. Racially they look ambiguously eurasian.
>cock hungry slags prowl the night for beta lovin'


if going for feudal setting, honor code like chivalry and bushido, and an elite warrior class

if imperial setting, lots of factories and stronk navy

>Le repressed brits and nips meme

FFS westerners were shocked by the utterly casual attitude the japanese had about sex. And britain was almost as bad before middle-class victorian moral crusaders with too much time on their hands showed up. You could buy a 14 year old girl for the cost of a modern PlayStation in London.

>honor code like chivalry and bushido
>lots of factories and stronk navy

Why not both?

I feel like if the brits were so repressed the magna carta wouldn't have been a thing. Ever since christianization of europe, the brits in particular seemed significantly less repressed and more liberty loving than the rest of europe. I mean we're talking about the culture that basically spawned liberalism and the american revolution

Yep, the British are pretty sexually adventurous, alright.

If you want J-steampink go read Jay Kristoff's Lotus war trilogy. it's fantastic and has great elements of both. can't say much for an english aesthetic, so i'd recommend the leviathan trilogy as well by scott westerfeld. fantastic art in it as well.

Also the culture that spawned the puritans.

The brits are less entirely "liberal" or "repressed" - more "schizophrenic" and alternating between both.

U wot m8?

Double dose of tea-obsession?

What about a Japan that had been colonized and partially Anglicized by a neo-British global Empire, and is now ruled as a vice-regal crown colony? Perhaps with the campaign involving the players interacting with an uprising for Japanese independence.

Etiquette must be insane in this setting, you're mixing to of the most polite nations in the world both having written and unwritten rules and horrible consequences for failure. Personally I think you're missing a trick by not making them a bit more Early Modern at least, but do as you wish.

Be sure to include sick bantz between western tea sippers and eastern teaism devotees

>In our common parlance we speak of the man "with no tea" in him, when he is insusceptible to the serio-comic interests of the personal drama. Again we stigmatise the untamed aesthete who, regardless of the mundane tragedy, runs riot in the springtide of emancipated emotions, as one "with too much tea" in him.

The outsider may indeed wonder at this seeming much ado about nothing. What a tempest in a tea-cup! he will say. But when we consider how small after all the cup of human enjoyment is, how soon overflowed with tears, how easily drained to the dregs in our quenchless thirst for infinity, we shall not blame ourselves for making so much of the tea-cup. Mankind has done worse. In the worship of Bacchus, we have sacrificed too freely; and we have even transfigured the gory image of Mars. Why not consecrate ourselves to the queen of the Camelias, and revel in the warm stream of sympathy that flows from her altar? In the liquid amber within the ivory-porcelain, the initiated may touch the sweet reticence of Confucius, the piquancy of Laotse, and the ethereal aroma of Sakyamuni himself.

Fuck me, it reads like the plot for the next Red Alert title.

>hell march with super brit mechs.

Western straight swords or Eastern curved swords?

Perfidy + Brutality, the perfect evil empire.

What the hell did they put in their tea? Damn.


Literally nothing, that was the whole point of teaism and zen. It's a big part of what the book is about.

That was China.


wtf is this

Ledouce get out and stay out, dad's trying to kill God

not this shit again