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>General's Handbook pdf
>army builder
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We Anime Now Edition
>General's Handbook pdf
>army builder
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Why is Death the best faction?
Why does GW deny us?
So Black Knights are good in an army built around Synergy, while Hexwraiths are better if you have nothing playing with the keywords - agreed?
And how did the Kunnin Rukk come up? Isn't that the Skaven list which was supposed to be played against the Seraphon one above?
Also it's quite interesting how highly Veeky Forums rates Kunnin Rukk. It's obviously great when it works but the Big Boss is not that hard to snipe out for most armies and the Arrer Boyz crumble under focused attacks.
As far as I know it was "meta" in last autumn, since then most competetive Destruction armies are Beastclaw + Moonclan mixed lists (which are almost all the same).
I really need to stop list building and actually get to army building
It's a horrible addiction
Skarbrand - 400
Daemon Prince Of Khorne - 160
Herald of Khorne - 80
Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage - 280
20x Bloodletters - 200
10x Bloodletters - 100
10x Bloodletters - 100
Skull Cannon - 180
Skull Cannon - 180
10x Flesh Hounds - 200
Blood Host of Khorne - 120
--- 2000/2000
where the fuck did you find the new khorne battletome pdf ?
Im sick of painting huge mobs of guys
I need an army that is
>Low model count
>Melee beatsticks
>good magic
>not ironjaws
why the fuck are 'Bloodthirster Squadrons' a thing?
to sell models
3-8 Bloodthirsters. No one is fielding more than three of the fuckers in matched play.
>not ironjawz
i dont like the models desu
play AoS28 instead of being an armycuck
Stormcast Eternals.
I made that list from the various resources online - nothing from the new BT i'm afraid
I have a habit of making lists from new releases to see if they would be fun
Beastclaw Raiders?
You could easily get a 1k list of Soulblight too
>VL on Dragon - 440
>2x 5 Blood Knights - 520
Then assuming you want to expand it
Vampire Lord On Zombie Dragon (440)
Vampire Lord (140)
5 x Blood Knights (260)
5 x Blood Knights (260)
5 x Blood Knights (260)
3 x Vargheists (160)
3 x Vargheists (160)
4 x Bat Swarms (160)
4 x Bat Swarms (160)
Total: 2000/2000
its not a squardon. its just a battalion of bloodthirsters.
each can still act independently, and each is still going to take up a leader/behemoth slot
It's quite an investment for a situational payoff at best, especially in games 2k pts or lower
Do prayers count as being good at magic?
Getting into Age of sigmar. How would these two armies compare? Would they be fun battles or one sided bloodbaths? Would the lizard men kill enough skaven to summon their god or would the skaven drop a moon on the dinos?
Saurus Oldblood on Carnosaur (320)
5 x Saurus Knights (120)
- Blades
10 x Saurus Warriors (100)
- Clubs
20 x Skinks (160)
- Meteoric Javelins & Star Bucklers
Bastiladon (300)
Total: 1000
Screaming Bell (260)
20 x Clanrats (120)
- Rusty Spear
20 x Clanrats (120)
- Rusty Spear
2 x Warpfire Thrower Weapon Team (120)
1 x Poisoned Wind Mortar Weapon Team (60)
War Machines
Doomwheel (140)
Warp Lightning Cannon (180)
Total: 1000
Shame. I think they're the best range in the game.
wtf I love Age of Sigmar now
>You'll never blow your load on a stormcast girls chiseled abs
why live
That's armour, user.
You guys have no idea. The only reason I will be wanting to buy the game is for this fucking mini right here.
that's Angharad Brightshield.
She's very genki!
I dont see stormvermin & stormfiends for the skaven list but his list is pretty fun tho. careful of the 2 war machines & weapon teams
hot glue?
Go for lizards
>Low model count
Bastilodons, Engines of the Gods, Carnosaurus, Temple Guard...
>Melee beatsticks
Temple Guard, Carnosaurus, Stegadons...
>good magic
Fat frogs...
>not ironjaws
/aosg/ i need help.
My wife has approved a release of funds for me to start a new army, after I finish my 40k orks and space wolves.
I'm going to dip my toe into sigmar, but want some advice.
Is order a good choice? I always wanted a dwarf army in fantasy so the new sky duardin look interesting, but so do stormcast and sylvaneth. I could also swing toward seraphons, and possibly FEC from death
There are too many choices, which faction is the most fun, yet unlike space marines or orks in gameplay?
>my wife has approved
what did it take for that, did you have to spend some quality time bonding with her son?
Here's a stormcast list that i fancy
>My wife has approved a release of funds for me to start a new army, after I finish my 40k orks and space wolves.
Choose the faction that appeals to you the most in aesthetics and even fluff. The meta in this game will be changing yearly, so don't get caught up with what's 'good' on the table. As you know, most of warhammer is the hobby, make sure it's a hobby you're enthusiastic about
I pretty much had to do enough overtime to cover our expenses for the next 2 months solid and then get us a new car.
>with her son
Shit I have three daughters under 7. In a few years time my plastic men will be my only solace
Is your wife the breadwinner or are you animated sitcom poor and this is another of your badly planned hijinks?
Lol. We both are, I work for the Australian government and she's a journo. But we have 3 small children, so we're more time poor than money poor
Well all the factions i listed i like. I did think of making a g1 dinobot themed seraphon army. Painting a carnosaur as grimlock, a stegadon as slag, a terradon a swoop, coverting a bastiladon to be snarl, and coverting a engine of the gods to be long necked and tailed for sludge
So how is the Seraphon progressing story wise ATM?
Like how Ariaelle and the Realm of Life went from nearly being consumed by nurgle and being a seed pod, and then they had the whole story arc of her coming back and so forth.
Any such story arc for the Seraphon?
So where do all the zombies, skeletons etc in the Realm of Death come from? Presumably something needed to have been alive at some point.
In fact, does Death stuff exist outside the Realm of Death?
Everything that dies ends up in the Realm of Death
Hence why Nagash is super salty at Sigmar's Stormcast
Is it just me or has anyone else noticed that the pastebin link in the OP links to nothing?
wut a cuck
Realm of death have own villians.
Yeah, Shyish is basically Hades. Everything that isn't taken by one of the other gods washes up in the Realm of Death for Nagash.
Also, this is why Stormcast lose memories etc every time they're killed. Nagash takes a little bit of them before Sigmar resurrects them.
Tomb keks when?
>So Black Knights are good
>10 BKs with Van Damsel + Liche Priest's +1
HWs are better overall, since relying on a combo can be risky
Anyone else suddenly a bit worried about fighting flying airships and transports?
Dogfight phase.
Can only be hit on a 6+ with missile weapons only.
thinking about how kharadron can be used as chaos dwarf so i can play 2 armies with one collection. Beard is easy to sculpt, but the hats are problematic. Any ideas ?
Best way to run an army bast off Dark Souls? I'm guessing Deathrattle.
A true patrician uses both in his Undying Legions
I always make sure to use a screen of Zombros before my Grave Guard advance in TW:W
Ghouls however have no place, unless it's a Mourngul
I just wish skellies were the same price to buy as zombies. But they're almost twice as expensive, since zombies are 20 to a box and skellies are 10.
Mantic shill arriving in 3...2...1...
Elves when?
Slaanesh when?
Soulblight/VC when?
Deathrattle when?
As soon as you want to play Sigmarines or Cornies.
For my 30x Zombies i use the 20 man Zombie box, and then 10 Skeletons
>Same bases
>Same size
>Similar loadout
Everytime some moans i just say "Not all flesh rots equally" and then they tend to quiet down
Are Saurus Sunbloods worth taking?
There are alive people in there too, one of the books (I think the one you get in the starter) mentions that "only those living that swear fealty to Nagash and provide sacrifice" are allowed to live.
>Acting like Khorne gets lots of stuff
>Got two new units and some heroes
If my Orc Warboss is on a boar, does he cost more points?
What's the point of not putting him on a boar, if that't not the case?
Nope, costs the same.
For the sake of having a choice. AoS stresses personal choice and fluff far harder than other games.
He costs the same. He takes up less space and is easier to hide from hero sniping if he is on foot. Also the best Warboss model is on foot.
He's harder to snipe. Remember, they cannot join units. Sometimes, being more mobile doesn't pay off being easier to hit.
lol beta
Alright, ty.
Posting my awesome dudes for those who want to take a look
What does Veeky Forums think of my list?
Orruk Warboss (140)
- Massive Choppa
Moonclan Grot Shaman (60)
10 Orruk boarboys (200)
- Spear and Shield
10 Orruks (100)
- Spear and Shield
- Drums
40 Moonclan Grots (240)
- Bows and Nets
2 Grot Squig Herders (20)
2x Grot Spear Chukkas (240)
Destruction Allegiance
Total: 1000
Wounds: 96
Most of the people at my club are playing super defensive armies like Deathrattle or Nurgle. I'm not blameless either with my Sylvaneth so I was thinking of an aggressive, offensive minded force like this:
Allegiance: Stormcast Eternals
Lord-Celestant On Dracoth (220)
- General
- Tempestos Hammer & Thundershield
- Trait: Shielded by Faith - Stormcast Eternals
- Artefact: Obsidian Amulet
- Dracoth Trait: Drake-kin
Lord-Castellant (100)
- Mystic Light: Lantern of the Tempest
Lord-Relictor (80)
- Artefact: Mirrorshield
- Prayer: Lightning Chariot
5 x Liberators (100)
- Warblade & Shield
- 1x Grandblades
5 x Liberators (100)
- Warblade & Shield
- 1x Grandblades
5 x Liberators (100)
- Warblade & Shield
- 1x Grandblades
5 x Paladin Protectors (200)
- 2x Starsoul Mace
5 x Paladin Protectors (200)
- 2x Starsoul Mace
10 x Paladin Protectors (400)
- 4x Starsoul Mace
9 x Prosecutors with Celestial Hammer & Sigmarite Shield (300)
- 3x Grandblade
Celestial Vindicators Warrior Chamber (80)
Hammerstrike Force (120)
Total: 2000/2000
I know that all the artefacts and the like are defensive but I need some way to protect my buffing pieces/paladin delivery system.
It's somewhat lacking in synergies, you are trying to do too many things well while being at best mediocre in everything and most of your units would easily crumble under pressure.
Orruk Warbosses are primarily support models, you take them because their command ability and their banner affects everything with the Orruk keyword in range. Your list has two Orruk units, and one of them is basically useless. If you want to use him as your commander (and I assume you would, as if you want to beat face, a Megaboss does it way better for the same price), Massive Choppa is the worst possible loadout. WAAAGH Banner gives rerolls to Orruks in the combat phase on 1s to wound, while Shield and Choppa gives you a reroll on your saves, which could be a lifesaver.
Moonclan Shamans are great, you could even take two of them.
Boarboys are decent, though I'd take them with Choppas instead of spears.
Orruks are just bad unless you take 20+ of them, and even then they are quite meh as they die in droves. Savages are superior for the same price, especially as MSU battleline chaff.
Moonclan Grots are one of the best Destruction battleline choices - if you take them with shields and add a Fanatic. As bowmen they are just plain rubbish. Swap them to Gitmobs if you want ranged Goblins, they are quite good at bigger units.
Never thought of filling the last 20 points with squig herders, nice.
Spear Chukkas are great, but I think they'd be better at higher point costs. Your current list lacks threats and effective tarpits, so they could be taken out quite easily. You'd get a better mileage out of some kind of Behemoth or more troops at this point level.
>My wife has approved a release of funds
Thanks, I'll see how I can rearrange my order, then.
I am not exactly in a hurry, the reason I didn't pick Savages is because I don't really like them fluff-wise.
Swap your hammer-Prosecutors for spear-Prosecutors, swap one Liberators for bow-Judicators, change Relictor prayer to Bless Weapon (if the Shockbolt Bow triggers, it's beautiful).
I'm partial to Celestant on foot's command ability over Dracoth and hammer-Liberators over swords, but that's just me.
Shit is gonna be cancerous as hell, AoS isn't perfect but it's in a better state than typical gw games, most armies can handle most other armies
Hopefully the ships are expensive in pts, like 400-500 at the lowest. if you're a melee focused force and have to fight more two of two of those fucks you'll have no chance
real issue is how cheap their battleline troops could be, people will just take the minimum and try to spam airships
Blades of Khorne, we have an official unified force of Khorne now.
Nurgle/Pestilens tome soon.
And then the four relevant gods shall be complete!
Starsoul maces on protectors are kind of a meh choice but since they're your only paladin type it's not a terrible idea
Although having one unit of retributors to help your protectors would be pretty good
I run Nurgle. Apart from Drones and a DP I've got literally nothing that moves fast, and nothing with any range
Will Nurgle be fucked against these new dorfs?
>Chaos Knights
Do we have any rules for them or is it just the usual pre-release bitching?
They'll have to kill us though
True, but still no range
>most armies can handle most other armies
Actually all except Fireslayers
>Rushing expensive as fuck knights into an airship gunline whilst the Nurgle shit lags behind
Sort of. supposedly the bigger ships have a 5++ versus mortal wounds, they can transport units somehow, shit can just jump out and charge, the blimps auto run 6 inches, ships can have artifacts
There is no way melee attacks won't have at least a -1 hit modifier assuming they can hit airships at all. OR the ships add 2+ to their save versus non-flying like Discs do so most melee shit will be useless
I use a Soul Grinder in my Nurgle list, as well as a squad of Drones
But yeah unless you use a few Skull Cannons can just convert them...
Fyreslayers with their new points cost aren't god awful.
Their issue now is that their blob squad battleline is $50 for 10 when you want groups of 30
>Fyreslayers with their new points cost aren't god awful.
Yet still they are pretty low comparing to the other battletomes.
>Their issue now is that their blob squad battleline is $50 for 10 when you want groups of 30
Well, that's premium product.
RemmammeRfags BTFO
WarhahraW for life nigga
>implying theres something wrong with symmetry in a mini
I don't get this argument against fyreslayers. i rather like it.
They aren't top tier by any means but with their price reductions you get some respectable swarms with a 4++ save and some decent heavy hitters with decent deep striking capabilities
>the blimps auto run 6 inches
If you put too many dudes on one ship, that gets lower.
Looking to build destruction, odds decide which sub I will choose.
hardmode: no beastclaw or ironjaws
Order, chaos and destruction get out!
>all these faggots who have no understanding of marriage or financial responsibility or raising a family
>says GA without their own versions of sigmarines