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Previous thread: Archives and other resources:
Pic is page 1/2.
And here's page 2/2.
To the author of this: How far along would you say you were in making that new version? Not asking for ETA, just for progress report (and even that only if you can be bothered to give one).
Unfortunately, progress is pretty slow.
Honestly, I'll probably finish the next update all at once when I get an unexpected free day. But until then, micro steps at a time.
Combine Demeter and Athena. Gain all the skill need to command an army, and the ability to grow one on demand. Apply the scientific talent that Athena's power gives you to the plants that you can create with Demeter's power, engineering all manner of new plants to solve all manner of problems.
Let this stay here, maybe somebody will be interested in suggestions.
Porphyra Xebraxa, The Dragon Mother
>Vagina (1)
>Plush (x3)
Designed to accept and accomadate "donations" from all manner of incredibly powerful beings and creatures who can enhance the pedigree of my dragon eggs.
Supernatural allure of a succubi.
Large and well shaped enough to draw the eye of powerful dragons and God-like entities.
>Kleptozoological (Oversaturated)
Torso of unearthly beauty with draconic wings and lower body of a great serpent.
Imbued with power of Angels, Demons, and other magical beings to increase beauty and quality of young.
Entrancing beauty with near hypnotic eyes.
>Ourobouros Metabolism
Goddess-like immortal with no need for things like food.
>Godly Cleanliness
Pristine and beautiful at all times.
>Lactation (Bountiful)
Lots of milk numerous and large young.
Nutritious mixture just right for strong dragons.
Hatchlings remain dependant on mother's milk even into adulthood.
When an an egg is ready, I produce so much milk my breasts swell several cup sizes and begin to leak. A sight and scent irresistable to most.
When a dragon hatches, it is sent off to profesionals to be raised or trained. Teiatat's servants collect my milk and send it to the dragon keepers as the need arises.
>Carnal Atmosphere
The problem with being a vessel for producing dragons is that dragons sometimes take notice. Donors are carefully chosen for their pedigree, but particularly large dragons can be hard to stop.
I lays eggs and do not give birth.
>Conditional Emergence
Along with the effect from "donations", and spells and rituals, the size and power of a dragon can be affected by how long I incubate the egg while draped over my horde of treasure.
As a bride of Teiatat, I have a title to denote my purpose.
>True Name
I am ound to service as a dragon maker and ultimately controlled by Teiatat.
>Nuptial Torc
My bejwelled collar and golden chain denote my status as an object of utility.
>Lavender Grimoire
Much of my time is dedicated to rituals to enhance attractiveness and the quality of offspring.
>Primordial Woad
Magical cosmetics designed to enhance enchanting allure and emphasize fertility.
>Abyssal Ink
Spells to imbue offspring with power.
>Celestial Charms
Panoply of jewels and accesories to make even more eye catching and show wealth and power of Teiatat.
>Seductive Array
Always dressed to attract potential "donors"
>Filthy Lucre
Provided with an ever growing horde of wealth to provide regal lifestyle and slept on to empower dragon eggs.
>Sensual Ritualists
An army of Teiatat's ritualists to care for my every need and comfort, conduct rituals, and make sure I'm always ready for the next step in the dragon making cycle.
>Prime Mate
Teiatat only makes customized dragons for his own purposes and for very loyal followers. Incubating the eggs take a long time and is a big investment. So donors are chosen with incredible care.
>Mating Dance
My every move and sound, however slight, is impossibly alluring. Especially when a new egg is ready.
>Throne's Shadow
I long ago accepted my position as a tool for making dragons.
I'm cared for in every way and want for nothing.
>Desire of All Hearts
>Key Strategic Asset
I'm a hugely valuable commodity, desired by all kinds of powerful entities.
Pedigree 8
Status 3
Allure 9
Dragons are fierce beings, both physically and magically powerful. They can be tremendously valuable to anyone who can command one. But the size and power which make them so priceless also make them terribly difficult to raise and control. What if one had a way to produce and raise their own dragons from hatchlings with (relative) safety, and even grant them specialized attributes? Porphyra is the result of millenia of magical experimentation to make just such a thing possible. By starting with a mere mortal who desired the things greedy mortals often do such as supernatural beauty, immortality, wealth, and power and imbusing her with the essences of ancient dragons and other magical creatures, Poprphyra was created. An entrancingly beautiful being who lays eggs from which dragons hatch. But this is not her most important feature. Pophyra can produce dragon hatchlings on her own, but by carefully choosing mates with desirable traits, dragons with customized powers and attributes can be created. Things such as aptitude for certain schools of magic, greater intelligence, or physical traits for specialized dragons. But the dragons are born with the weakness of never being completely weaned off their mother's milk. This is a method to control the dragons and to make the owners of such dragons beholden to Teiatat.
Was there going to be any more updates to this one, or is this the final version?
If it's the final version, any plans on putting together another gallery?
>taking more than a thread to finish a gallery
The people who posted their stuff longsince forgot about it.
>any plans on putting together another gallery?
I hope not. biggest failure ever is a slow gallery. what is this fascination with galleries? i don't get it
Didn't mean to post that
>Didn't mean to post that
Should probably name your files properly.
Even if your mobile device's OS were shitty enough to not have basic file-renaming functionality, you should still be able to do so by plugging it into the computer and accessing the files from there.
Athena, to bring Wisdom to humanity.
Hera, to bring the disparate facets of humanity together.
Love is the only thing that makes life tolerable, so if I'm going to live forever, I need to be able to grant my lovers immortality as well.
> I need to be able to grant my lovers immortality as well.
Take Demeter.
Immortality? There's a plant for that.
But guys. Science.
I'm siding with Hephaustus and I will kill you.
i'm gonna side with Zeus and fuck something weird
Does anyone have any ideas for powers related to contracts and agreements? I have four and need five. It's in the general theme of Faust/Old Scratch/M. Carrefour, but it doesn't have to cleave too tightly to that.
I'm willing to give it a shot, I guess. I've not made a CYOA before though.
Complete malleability of laws - both social and physical (I.E. laws of physics).
I have no need of his Active abilities. I need only Domination.
My will will not bend.
I will smite any who follow Aphrodite. I will rid this world of sluts and whores. They will become tall tales, and cheating will cease to exist.
I am the hero this world needs.
>resizing images making them lose correct aspect ratio instead of using layer masks
Have you been cucked IRL?
Too high powered. It does give me the idea, though, of speaking to things other than humans to make deals with natural laws. Feels fey as fuck, which I like.
Why not you? You'll do great! I believe in you!
yeah this is gonna take me a long while whoever created this. I like it.
No. You don't have to be cheated on to know it is vile and must be removed. Why do you defend cucking?
I don't. Just wanted a free laugh at your expense.
Here we go. I've overcome the great shame of having a CYOA drifting around with a placeholder image and an uneven ending for years.
>Shifters phases 2 (3)
Obvious reasons
>Windows in the soul 5 (18)
Also obvious reasons
I don't want or need or will ever use anything else.
Because I'm a terrible editor and kinda lazy. I could write most of it and find images, but putting everything together is too much.
>Shifter's Phases 4
>Dead Man's Dance 5
The latter to become invulnerable to normal forms of harm, the former so I don't have to look like a skellington (unless I want to).
Posting in the hopes that someday I find the desire to finish updating this.
Now it is time for something that is technically still alive.
Lilly Who, literally who.
Erotic Horror
Allure 0
Elusive 6
Force 0
Study 5
Threat 1
>Perks and Flaws
Favorite Class
-Magic 9
-Inhuman Attribute (Elusive) 3
Magical 6
-Magical Training 1
-Haunted 3
-Addiction (Sweet Ghost Pussy) 5
-Flunkies (Ghosts) x2 0
-Lesser Enemy -3
-Dark Secret (Necrophile Lesbian) 1
-Polite 3
-Cute 0
Spiritual Touch
Supernatural Sight
Oh hell no.
Themis Stalker
>Dark Fate
No one ever seems to notice Lilly. So much so that she's developed a bit of a complex about it. In fact, ghosts seem to be the only ones that ever talk to her regularly. Well, it's not all bad. Two nearly identical ghosts are very friendly with her, but seem to hate each other. Or maybe they want to do each other. It's complicated.
There is this one Themis girl who seems to think Lilly must be some sort of ancient evil, because she shows up and challenges her to "duels" on a regular basis. It must take a lot of obsessive effort to track down Lilly so often.
>no vans
Fucking dropped.
For shame.
What now, fuckboy?
well thats a strange girl, is the affinity to ghosts innate or?
Shifter's Phases IV (10)
Windows to the Soul V (15)
God fucking dammit not afuckinggain
i cant help it, the autism overtakes me
>everyone taking the first options
I wonder how much would change if I just moved things around.
The level of the author's autism must be incredible.
I don't know what that means but I don't have any need for the other options you presented. Even if you made the human-shapeshifting expensive I still have enough points to get it.
I'd say it's pretty typical for /a/ crossposter.
Man your RP autism is bretty powerful. But don't worry user! Anything can be overcome with willpower and drugs! I believe in you!
True that.
But user, he can't legally do drugs before he's 18, and he lives with his parents as well.
Does anyone have the CYOA about waking up in a village. I can't seem to find it in the Drives.
It had things like the villages environmental surroundings, picking a job such as doctor or archiver.
It also had you pick a reason why you couldn't leave the village. I think of the options was that all roads led back to the village, and another option was that the wilderness became more barren the further out you went.
Oh, what options. I can't decide.
Hestia and Apollo for being a paladin, Zeus and Athena to be the greatest leader or Hermes and Ares for fucking shit up.
Hera Aphrodite works for making the entire world my loving waifus and husbandos. Worldwide harem. Yeah, I'll choose that.
Mind Control is hands down the most useful and least limited. Given how many of us build CYOAs, it's not out of the ordinary for the power with the most rape/sex potential to be the most popular. Shifter is similarly useful.
The other powers are much more limited and precise, with constant upkeep or caveats. This build is perfectly serviceable so long as you don't completely fuck up your form and get stuck as the sun rises.
>I can't seem to find it in the Drives.
Reminder that CYOAs can be found in non-CYOA-specific archives as well:
I feel like this CYOA could serve as a trial or drawback, with your reward being one of the comfy CYOAs or something.
Discover the myster of the Village and gain your very own Time Stop Chill Zone!
Well I guess that makes sense since the first two were designed when it was just a knock-off of a superhero CYOA. I'll see about instituting some nerfs.
Although I do think that order is part of it. If you see powerful good stuff first of all, and then things dip a bit, why would you go further?
>it's not out of the ordinary for the power with the most rape/sex potential to be the most popular
Wait you planned to use it for rape? I'm going to use it because it's fun. Also not having to pay for stuff and getting top grades is great.
What girl? There's no girl. I don't know what you're talking about.
It also doesn't include immortality, though. Im a bit surprised that's not a bigger deal to people.
Amaya Chernbog
>Enemy House
Allure: 1
>Perks and Flaws
Favorite Classes: Self Defense and Home Economics
Inhuman Attribute
Crush (Her ward)
Ward (Some runt from her clan.)
Martial Training
Dream Girl (Magical mask and ass)
Amnesiac Teacher
Help the weak...slaughter the wrong doers
>Dark Fate
Betrayers of...fellow monsters. They...will...die.
My task is to ensure my ward makes it through safe and sound. Many hate us but I will...defend him with my life.
Hera doesn't allow you to cheat on your girlfriend. No dice.
Having trolled the seedier parts of the Harlequin romance aisles in old book stores,"addictive" is not something I'd have thought of as a descriptor.
Weakling, there's no cheating if they're all my girlfriends, and they all know and approve it. Harems aren't just for sandniggers and japs.
Why are you surprised? I don't want to be around after the nukes wiped everyone else out. All good stories have an end.
Mind controlling people is rape, user. You're forcibly invading their most private of places, the mind, and taking what you please, changing them to your liking. Violating their very being. And there are no "rape survivors" when your suggestions are permanent.
But aren't good ends simply new beginnings?
Are you going to argue the definition of monogamy with the Greek goddess of "I swear, if you cheat on me again, I won't stop with just gutting the bitch".
Did you even try to find it?
Oh cum on bro don't be like that. Jamming my dick in your mouth and making you love it isn't the same as letting me hop in front of you in a queue.
Some rebalancing.
Yes. And immortality has no end. It has tons of filler episodes and the rest of the cast keeps dying and being replaced. Super dull to watch.
Every form of immortality in this CYOA can be allowed to lapse though.
Hey so I wouldn't mind making one of these things, but I have like, no... Image editing/basic decent formatting skills. If I tried to do an art gallery could I make it in paint? Would anyone be willing to tell me how to do things, like if I needed to resize an image or something?
i mean yes, kinda
Spot on thanks mate.
I went through the pastebin but had no luck. Thanks for the advice.
Holy shit that was fast. Cursory glance seems like a good rebalancing, though. Having Windows include a harsh drawback at the top level similar to other options was a good choice
Nah I think I'll keep my old build.
>could I make it in paint?
Yes. Has been done
> like if I needed to resize an image or something?
You should be able to do that by making a selection, click adjust size, change the lowest pixel to 300 and delete the rest.
You download the template from beri's drive (link in pastebin)
Or download gimp.
Here's the thing though: Nerfing the good options isn't balance. Buffing the bad options is.
Alright, new build
>Windows to the Soul III (6)
Is the nag of regret only if they defy their logical misgivings? Or does it include when someone is coerced into doing something they're already inclined towards?
>Shifter's Phases II (9)
Level five doesn't specify a phase or anything, not sure if that's an oversight
>Dead Man's Dance I (10)
>Wander's Treasures V (25)
Wandering drunk hobo with shifting looks and the power to get just about whatever he wants!
This has gone from shapeshifting, mind-controlling implied rapist to a dark fantasy adventure, with hobo and his traveling buddies walking the earth on a grand vaguely satanic quest
If you're going to make one, do us a courtesy and wait until we hit the bump limit to request pictures so the image spam doesn't actually matter.
Sure thing, but, uh, I don't actually know how to tell when that's happened