Opinions on this shitcoin?


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I like the idea, but I've been waiting for the project to get some more traction.

Basically a SaaZ blockchain in a way. I can see businesses eating this up.

Have to wait and see

its undervalues as fuck, hope somebbody notices it

Easily a top 20 token given the scope of the project and the amazing team. Also, the nature of Simple Token means that there will be a steady flow of great news and that will drive up the price

Idk. I bought some last night and sold today before the massive dip it took. It was diving even before the Bitcoin dip.

I bought in today, not sure how much lower it'll go but if it does I'll accumulate. Agreed with and I'll add the only reason people aren't taking it seriously is the disastrous launch. Better for us then...

Their social media/PR is not the best.

Thats what I am worried about

I sold mine today at 2418, but it’s super low right now. Should I buy the dip?

It's cheap enough... If you are willing to write the money off as lost and forget you have it for a while I feel like you'll be pleasantly surprised one day

That should be the approach I take to all of my investments tbqh. I pay way too much attention. Think I’m gonna buy a few coins and just disconnect from the internet until New Years.

Check out ICX too. Both seem like solid projects and neither of them has had a moon yet.

ADA mooned in a week. I don't see why OST or ICX won't with solid teams and ideas. They both have code and/or prototypes out.

Agreed. ICX has been getting some shill action on here today but I think its well placed

u fucking shiller, icx did 20x of ico a day before. you say not mooned yet retard.

what exactly it does user? explain usecase. I read their website quite not sure what exactly they solving ?

It allows anyone to create their own tokens on side chains. The idea is huge

so like ethereum? what's different?

I'm holding 15k of these babies

its already 6x of ico correct? ico price is .06 cent

so they have their own blockchain ? or they using eth?

It's different because you don't need any coding experience. You can create your own tokens with a few clicks. They already have 9 companies on board

And from what I understand the more they sign, the less tokens to go around? Limited supply and increasing demand etc.

Eth for now. I can't comment if they will have their own chain but they already have a platform that you can test

Yeah, how many other tokens are guaranteed to go mainstream? How many others will have weekly news of new partnerships? Simple Token will be the Ethereum of the real world

hopefully this coin takes off soon ive been in since 20 minutes after its release on binance

I already got a lot of ICX. Looks promising, even long term.

Pajeet gtfo

u mother fucker. go and fuck u r mother. what doing in biz.

When will the ICO holders stop fucking dumping

seriously seriously undervalued coin