At the end of running Jewel of Yavin, my GM had Shen turn us over to the Empire. He later contacted us after we escaped, and explained that he'd been made an offer he couldn't refuse, and that he'd actually orchestrated some of the things that led to our escape, and he had another job offer. We took his offer and then backstabbed him.
According to our GM after the fact, Shen was being 100% honest with us, and had several more lucrative missions planned.
Jeremiah Collins
Daily reminder that Leia remembers her birth mother's face.
Nathan Johnson
Not so much.
She remembers that her mother was beautiful, but she doesn't say she remembers any details and no source in either Legends or Canon beyond RotJ has her instantly recognize Padme as her mother - though the NuCanon Leia comic does show that she thinks Queen Amidala of Naboo looks familiar.
Christian Diaz
I guess you could retcon it into being that she's seen a picture of her. But, I mean, yeah, it's common knowledge that Lucas fucked up with the prequels.
Nicholas Howard
>I guess you could retcon it into being that she's seen a picture of her. Wouldn't Bail Organa or anyone else telling Leia who her birth mother was totally compromise the whole hiding the kids from Vader thing?
Jonathan Myers
Dark Greetings,
Anybody got some 77 point lists for me?
Currently considering super Dash and Ahsoka for Rebs, 2 x7 deltas and doom shuttle jr for imps, and mindlinked Fenn, Teroch, and Kaato for scum
Juan Green
Pretty much. But at the same time, Lucas is retarded.
Perhaps Organa just said "Yeah, this is your actual birth mother, she was a good friend of mine." "But father, she looks like that Padma Amidala I saw on the History TriDeeChannel" "Dont be silly dear, just a coincidence."
Owen Hernandez
Force visions, son
Henry Fisher
Repoastin cus it was after thread died. Post more character art.
Cameron Allen
So Leia gets force visions of her mother's face, but Luke, the guy who's more in touch with the force than she is has no memory of Padme?
The only logical explanation is that the third act of RotS had to shoehorn in so much shit (thanks to Lucas being a shithead with the rest of the prequel trilogy) that Lucas forgot that Luke and Leia weren't twins, but he only had 30 minutes left in the trilogy to introduce them so fuck it.
Mason Sanchez
I always took it as Leia remembering her adoptive mother, not Padme. Or at least, that's what it would have to be after the Prequel shitshow.
Cooper Rogers
We 100% didnt need to see them being born, or them being sent away. Like, it was totally fucking unnecessary.
Just have her disappear with Organa, and Kenobi with them. The end.
We can infer that she died when Leia was young and she went to live with the Organas rather than with her in hiding, while Luke was taken away to stay with Kenobi/the Lars'
The whole fucking birth scene was abso-fucking-lutely retarded in every way.
Austin Ross
I personally would have preferred having Anakin and Padime having to hide baby Leia and then Padime getting pregnant with Luke in Ep3. I agree with you that they didn't need to show as much as they did.
Ian Peterson
Well hey this video neatly covers the whole lot, but more importantly, the line from Luke at the beginning.
>Do you remember your mother? Your *real* mother? Else I'd just read it as her remembering her adoptive mother, too. But it's definitely her 'real' mother.
Landon Sanders
First for the Empire.
How have you served it today?
Carson Hughes
Because during the writing of ROTJ, Mrs. Skywalker was suppose to be alive and went to Alderaan with Leia (see the transcript with Kasdan in Making of SW: Return of the Jedi). It's only until ROTS she died. Why the change? Probably because around the time of ROTJ, Lucas had a divorce and his wife/editor cucked him and walked away with half of his assets and he was forced to sell off several of his most valuable companies (including what became Pixar).
Bentley Brown
Player of here. I served it by doing my damndest to pave the way for a Fel dynasty to take the Imperial throne.
Nathaniel Johnson
Anybody know where I can buy a rebel pilot helmet on the cheap? It doesn't have to be replica quality or anything.
Hunter Wilson
You'll notice that this is also the same time that instead of love being the thing that saves the galaxy, love and all other emotions are evil and relationships are forbidden. The good guys are the stoic, emotionless warrior monks and the bad guys are the ones who are passionate and filled with ambition and drive.
It's also the same time that the acting and lines get really, really bad with none of the camp to carry it this time. Lucas is probably on the spectrum, and he relied on his wife to add human touches to the films. For example, Lucas wanted to scrap the kiss for luck in ANH, because test audiences laughed when it happened. His wife had to explain to him that they weren't laughing AT the scene, but because it was unexpectedly touching and sweet. She also kept him from pulling the mouse droid scene, because it was funny.
TL;DR Lucas is really shit at reading emotions and understanding how they work, likely because he is literally autistic. His wife helped him along in this area during the OT, and her absence for the PT is a large part of why it was such shit.
Jack Campbell
Depends how cheap is 'cheap'. There's a guy who has a store on Etsy who sells all the bits to make your own helmet - basically a kit, which shouldnt be too out there for a fa/tg/uy.
Those are about £60ish last I looked. I keep coming > < this close to getting one to build and paint.
Nicholas Adams
IG-88A How does it work if he cripples a huge ship section?
Adam Martin
His pilot ability doesn't trigger since he hasn't destroyed anything
Samuel Ramirez
Anybody who's read the books know enough to tell me what Esege Tuketu's paintjob on his K-wing is based on? Looks like some kind of 4-eyed snake or flying reptile
Levi Cruz
So I'm starting an Edge of the Empire game soon and I kinda want, for some reason, to try a character based around throwing weapons. Is this viable at all? If so, what class would be best for it? I'm pretty new to the system.
Eli Lopez
What kind of throwing weapons? Are you carting around a bag of grenades? Do you want to werf flammen?
Luke Collins
>When was the last time you or your players got backstabbed, user? It's a continuous process. When you're fighting the Empire, every alliance is temporary.
Grayson Price
Somebody with Ranged (Light) probably. There are boomerangs, throwing knives, atlatls and stuff in various splats, and I believe that's the general skill pool. If you're not throwing grenades your damage spectrum might be a little low but you can have some fun.
Xavier Sanders
Knives would be neat. And grenades for when heavy firepower is required. I don't even know if it's an option, to be honest.
Benjamin Flores
EotE's Hired Gun Demolitionist and AoR's Engineer Saboteur both grant bonuses to using explosives, so if you can maintain a steady supply of explosives, those should work well. IIRC, Demolitionist also has things that reduce friendly fire risk from your own explosives, so that could make grenades even more viable as a primary weapon.
Eli Robinson
Book you want is Fly Casual- career Gunslinger
Now, it is based on shooting punks, but Ranged Light is used for throwing stuff and the book also has throwing knives so there's no reason it won't work with them either. Plus it has Quick Draw and Improved Quick Draw so you can whip them out, Quick Strike for more pain and Lethal Blows to really bring the pain. The knives aren't 'cheap' at 65C each, but they do Str+1 damage out to Short range, so it would mean you're probably looking around Str 3, Agility 3 or so to maximise your chance to hit and really hurt someone. What it does mean though is they're fairly quiet compared to a Blaster going off, so it could be a fairly effective way of getting rid of a guard or sentry without his mates cottoning on or making too much noise. Worst comes to worst, you can throw grenades like crazy...
The other thing I was thinking was the Gunslinger + Force Sensitive Exile, which also has quick draw, but you can get that cheaper in GS and skip over it- the real MEAT is the touch of fate, uncanny reactions, superior reflexes and sixth sense in that career. However- get the force power Enhance (AoR core book) so you can commit force points into Brawn and/or Agility later on. The tactical advantages of Force Leaps are not to be underestimated! Don't forget you can Pilot Space with GS and there are some Enhance powers which will help there too.
Owen White
>or making too much noise You see, Ivan, no worry of making too much noise when enemy loses hearing to flashbang.
Logan Reyes
Remember Yoda's spiel. The force can show you the future AND the past, and people long gone.
Julian Ward
>EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE We are shaking no boys when Jenny loses earing? You fucking crazy Sergai >EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Evan Ward
I'd probably try and keep explosives as a last resort thing, to be honest. Discretion will be useful in the campaign I'll be part of.
Sounds pretty great! Thanks for the info. I won't be picking up any Force based things though, for setting reasons. My DM already allowed me to play a Miraluka, and I feel like that was pushing the limits of what was allowed already.
Gunslinger looks real good though, thanks again.
Jonathan Hill
Anything is viable in this system. Unless your GM is an idiot who thinks this is d20, you'll be fine.
Elijah Morales
That's what I was told, but I couldn't really see anything in the core rulebook that worked really well with what I had in mind. Notably the lack of throwing weapons.
Isaac Bailey
Well, core has the Bola/Net, which has it's own uses.
The throwing dagger specifically is in Fly Casual, I think - which obviously you would need to get Gunslinger.
Jonathan Rivera
I know throwing weapons show up in the various career books, but you can easily make stats for anything. Also you can use coat them in poison.
Jordan White
Improvised weapons (pg212 EoTE CRB) They have a fairly low Critical chance (5) and break easily, but throwing a TV, brick or chair at someone will fuck their shit up. Plus at some point in a cantina you're going to need to glass a cunt with a bottle or beer stein.
>Everything is weapon!
Connor Nguyen
Bounty Hunter Assassin is also good for what you want. It depends on what you want to do aside from throwing knives. You can easily fill a social role on the illicit side of things.
We're part of the Imperial Internal Affairs Department
Hudson Green
>Imperial Internal Affairs Department Kallus was in that so you can have unique weapons at least. You can still use illicit skills I guess. It's hard to make a Imperial game feel right with EotE though. AoR can't really do it well either.
I like the Imperial procedures, neatness, stuff and I don't like when players try to get out of it
Justin Ortiz
>AoR can't really do it well either Swap Duty tables. Problem solved.
Jackson Adams
The game is more than a duty chart. You don't have as much flexibility, and a lot of players/GMs can't adapt to it.
Mason Stewart
>You don't have as much flexibility How so? Most of the classes and mechanics are faction-neutral and the source books contain plenty of Imp tech. AoR is already military-flavored. The only thing that needs any actual change is Duty. If a player/GM can't adapt to something as minor as Impside play, then that's their problem, not the game's.
Luke Brown
Anyone got a writeup for tiss'shar and Ssi-ruu/ssi-ruu tech? I've seen two homebrews for tiss'shar so far, but they're old as fuck.
Asher White
The game itself is flexible, but Star Wars really isn't. Imperials are a lot more formal and regulation heavy than rebels, so you need to take more liberties to do what you want. You don't really get a diverse level of play, or something that's fun/fair for everyone.
Jordan Taylor
There's still room for miscommunication here: >Luke, knowing that they're siblings "Do you remember your mother? Your real mother? >Leia, thinking of Bail Organa's first wife, who died when she was four or something "Only a little etc... etc..."
Nolan Rogers
>hard to make it feel right
Dude, there are Motivations already in place for Empire-supporting characters. AOR is also military themed but includes stats for both Imperials and Rebels. It's really not that hard to come up with an Imperial campaign setting.
The age-old problem with Imperial campaigns is that the players may feel that they have an unfair advantage and get bored, since they're playing the dominant military power as opposed to guerrilla insurgents, so there's a power disparity there. Fixing it easy, though.
Set your game after Endor when the Empire and Rebellion were on an equal footing thanks to the Emperor's death and the fragmenting of warlords and factions within the Empire. Or, make your characters a special group sent in to infiltrate heavier installations and regions of Rebel control. Or, have your character be sent in and then things go bad and they're left in enemy lines, fighting their way out or to turn the battle around and disrupt the enemy forces from the inside. Have the players be prisoners of the Rebellion and have them organize a prison escape or riot. Have them be tasked with delivering some very important plans that are top secret, then they suddenly find Rebel agents relentlessly pursuing them. Have them be aboard a Star Destroy that gets overwhelmed and disabled by ion attacks and crashlands on a planet, the players escaping or somehow surviving and having to deal with huge numbers of Rebels moving down to neutralize the crew and loot the wreckage. Have the players be part of the Imperial Civil War itself, forced to choose sides when the leaders of the Empire start infighting. Have them be lone agents sent after a Separatist holdout, a renegade Republic force, or a particularly dangerous Rebel cell. Have them face off and contend with the main characters of the OT. With a little creativity and effort, anything you can do as a Rebel soldier you can do just as fun with an Imperial soldier.
Christopher Wilson
I don't know, Terminal Lance: The RPG sounds like a recipe for fun if you have a competent and knowledgeable GM. There are also plenty of stories where Imps get some some autonomy. ImpInt agents like Lara Notsil had plenty of freedom to accomplish their goals while infiltrating Reb/NR forces. Imperial Commandos and SCAR troopers display a decent amount of diversity in skill sets. Treat it as Only War wearing a Star Wars skin and it becomes a lot easier. The Imperial Civil War period lets the players throw off some more shackles, too.
Dominic Mitchell
So attack squadron had neat repaints planned. They had rebel ties before it was cool.
Gabriel Baker
Rebel TIEs have been around since the golden days of Legends.
Christopher Phillips
>Dude, there are Motivations already in place for Empire-supporting characters. AOR is also military themed but includes stats for both Imperials and Rebels. It's really not that hard to come up with an Imperial campaign setting.
It's not hard, but you just don't have the same options unless you're prepared for certain levels of play. Especially if you have to restrict yourself to a setting.
>The age-old problem with Imperial campaigns is that the players may feel that they have an unfair advantage and get bored, since they're playing the dominant military power as opposed to guerrilla insurgents, so there's a power disparity there. Fixing it easy, though. It's easy if you go post Endor, sure. But if you have to restrict yourself to one moment of time, you're just trying to have your cake and eat it too.
I know stuff like that is possible, so some of this is just me being personally against players going against the Imperial aesthetic. A lot of these examples feel like the authors were trying to make the Empire into something it's not. I don't even like those new super troopers in the Marvel comics.
Caleb Howard
>having your cake and eating it too >restricting to one setting >against players going against the imperial aesthetic >something it's not >doesn't like kreel
I honestly can't tell what the hell you're even trying to say.
Zachary Moore
I'm aware I just thought this was a cool paint job. Actually, a bunch of em look cool shit I may have to repaint my xwing minis.
Justin Lewis
Say I can't make out the aurebesh on this bomber skin. Halp?
Jacob Sullivan
What are you on about? The Empire isn't a bunch of droids who only do exactly as they're told, when they're told it, to the letter of what they're told. Even the most rigid of militaristic regimes will understand that the grunts need to be able to think for themselves, make their own decisions, and goof off every now and then.
Henry Gonzalez
Option there is to follow what a lot of Imperials did when disenfranchised with their lot in life or pushed to do things they don't like- they become rebels Lot of rebels are ex-imperial, maybe they're part of Madine's bunch or simply strike out on their own against their former masters.
Jaxson Jenkins
Personality wise, you're right. Anyone can make a good character with a personality, but you still need to follow dress codes and unit organization. Your options are limited and that's the point. You're still the Empire and must act like it, at least when on the clock.
Luke Gonzalez
That's an Advanced, but I think it says BRMNE in the repeated text and maybe "CA-R---A- RUNNER" in the line on the side. Oh and a big credit symbol. The paneling texture blurs the first word too much for me to follow it.
Landon Diaz
>you still need to follow dress codes and unit organization Same goes for regular Rebel grunts and fighter pilots once you get to the Rebellion's official frontline units. It hasn't stopped anyone from enjoying Only War or Generation Kill. Dress codes are irrelevant unless it's for comedy value, Imperial armor comes in a wide variety of styles, and unit organization does not necessarily have any bearing on player independence. It is still logical for the Empire to give players an objective and not care how it's accomplished, as long as it's accomplished. Stress the importance of individual initiative, opportunistic action, and independent thinking at the squad level--the Wehrmacht had a similar philosophy for its infantry doctrine. Give the players an objective, but let them accomplish it however they want. It's not a full sandbox, but a structured sandbox can be just as good, if not better.
And give them shit to do off the clock. The hijinks that result from a stormtrooper pub crawl can be just as fun as handing the players free rocket launchers and telling them to go nuts on Hoth.
Thomas Garcia
The whole "no one plays Imperial without defecting" meme is a shitty one. There is nothing wrong with having a campaign of true-to-heart Imperial forces. Having an Imperial soldier but then having them defect is just insanely boring, and it's been done to death in the EU anyway.
Elijah Sanchez
>mfw scout troopers stationed on byss were bunked with regular stormtroopers >mfw the scout troopers had most of the night to themselves off-duty because of their later training while the regular troopers had normal wake up at dawn army hours >mfw the scout troopers would often ride their fucking speederbikes through army base hallways in the dead of night to fuck with them >mfw soldiers in pajamas would come out of their rooms and yell and swear and complaint about not getting sleep at the scout troopers while the scouts laughed >mfw the scouts were given lashes for it but said it was worth it because it a hell of a lot of fun for them
We need more EU Imperial humanization moments in nucanon for sure.
James Johnson
forgot pic
Cooper Lee
Any newer x-wing players who would be interested in a masterclass in the game via TTS? Just wondering if this is a thing that there's any demand for.
Andrew Gutierrez
>Same goes for regular Rebel grunts and fighter pilots once you get to the Rebellion's official frontline units. Not really. Rebels always have more individuality and ways to customize, from appearance to player roles. Even Clonetroopers can do this.
>Dress codes are irrelevant unless it's for comedy value, Imperial armor comes in a wide variety of styles, and unit organization does not necessarily have any bearing on player independence. The Empire is built on dress codes. But it's not a real problem if you like how the Empire looks.
The rest of what you're saying doesn't match up with Imperial training.
Caleb Cox
>doesn't match up
No, it kinda does.
Jason Wood
The Rogue One visual guide has something like that with the Tank troopers, though the specialized troopers usually rank higher than the regular stormtroopers.
Elijah Martin
>The rest of what you're saying doesn't match up with Imperial training. >Empire heavily inspired by Axis Powers >Literally employs guys called Stormtroopers >Not expecting someone to use Wehrmacht infantry doctrine as an example Stormtroopers aren't mindless droids. They're still meatbags with the ability to think critically when not held back by writers. And seeing as FFG just offers a generically named armor instead of breaking things down into individual, unique stormtrooper uniforms, then dress codes are irrelevant. The players are automatically dressed according to the needs of the job. Tabletop RPGs aren't even a medium where fashion sense is easily communicated. This isn't Fashion Souls.
>customize Look at the grunts on Hoth, Endor, and the Tantive IV. They all still have a very distinct uniform. Same goes for OT starfighter pilots--each starfighter is connected to a distinct flight suit and helmet type. Helmets might see unique paint jobs, but other than that, the flight suits are relatively uniform in style and equipment.
Luke Mitchell
>Stormtroopers aren't mindless droids. They're still meatbags with the ability to think critically when not held back by writers. They're not, but the training they go through largely strips them of their individuality.
>And seeing as FFG just offers a generically named armor instead of breaking things down into individual, unique stormtrooper uniforms, then dress codes are irrelevant. The players are automatically dressed according to the needs of the job. Tabletop RPGs aren't even a medium where fashion sense is easily communicated. This isn't Fashion Souls. I agree here. I was arguing against players who think they can suddenly customize their armor like Clonetroopers. Though fashion sense is important in many trpgs.
>Look at the grunts on Hoth, Endor, and the Tantive IV. They all still have a very distinct uniform. There's still a wide range of looks to achieve. You can also play as any species, and the group can also be made of players who are in different fields. They're a ragtag group with very limited resources and can afford to do that.
>Same goes for OT starfighter pilots--each starfighter is connected to a distinct flight suit and helmet type. Helmets might see unique paint jobs, but other than that, the flight suits are relatively uniform in style and equipment. Not really. The looks of the pilots largely based on the squadron they're in. They're also able to customize their ship and form an identity there as well.
Jayden Sullivan
>They're not, but the training they go through largely strips them of their individuality.
For the very highest ranks, otherwise all evidence to the contrary exists.
Isaiah Baker
if you're not an officer or in the ISB you're poop tho
Brody Barnes
>what are stormtroopers >what are scout troopers >what are specialized stormtroopers >what are stormcommandos
Michael Hughes
>They're not, but the training they go through largely strips them of their individuality. Maybe, but it doesn't strip them of decision-making skills. Training and experience would augment those decision-making skills rather than detract from them.You don't forge veterans by killing the ability to think. The officer who argues with Vader on the Tantive IV was 501st, IIRC, indicating that the Corps and Vader still value critical thinking.
>wide range of looks Not as wide as the range of looks available to the Stormtrooper Corps. As we see in classic Battlefront, Galactic Battlegrounds, and various other Stormtrooper-heavy media, Imps are still capable of employing units with a variety of talents and gear. Every unit needs its combat engineers, snipers, medics, NCOs, riflemen, and heavies. The faction-neutral class system of the FFG RPGs still allows for a diverse array of talents.
>looks of the pilots >customize their ship Most of the time, no. Most X-wing pilots still wear the same general type of flight suit and the iconic helmets. Most starfighters are not described as being customized on an individual basis. The vast majority adhere to a single stock configuration for logistical ease. The only notable large-scale exception is early A-wings in Legends, but that was due to crews working with whatever parts they could scrounge. When Incom started making mass-produced Mk II A-wings, things were mass-produced and standardized.
Christopher Roberts
they're poop
Jeremiah Diaz
What happens to members of the Imperial military who fuck up and aren't a part of Vader's command? Do the still get killed, or just reassigned? Do they have dishonorable discharges?
Daniel Torres
If you make a pun you get killed
Cooper Ramirez
If you're lucky and a pilot, you get sent to the pre-Fel 181st to live a life of hedonism and debauchery. If you're not one of the two, it's off to Twenty-Nine Space Palms.
Brayden Martinez
What's the fastest non-tie fighter ship I can fly so my rebel can show imperials how to zoom-zoom?
Brayden Long
/swg/, i have a question for you-
I want to repaint a pair of TIE/SF fighters for my X-wing fleet, as those 2 ships are the only ones that I have that aren't repainted (Royal Guard Gozanti was a pain)
Besides the Captain Phasma chrome scheme and Bloodstripes, what type of paint scheme modifications would a 'veteran' or ace TIE/SF pilot have on their ship?
Alternatively, what's a cool repaint to do to a TIE/SF?
Ethan Phillips
Legends A-wing. Not many starfighters can beat those Event Horizons.
Anthony Cruz
nice bait
Jaxson Wright
Interceptors are still faster.
Luis Hughes
Negative, Ghostrider. Legends As have higher acceleration and max atmospheric speed than squints.
Jeremiah Powell
they get "promoted" to scarif.
Luis Ortiz
Killed Rebel Scum today.
Whisper: VI, Tactician, Sensor Jammer, ACD Kath Scarlet: Calculation, Flechette Cannon, Rebel Captive, Academy Pilot
This list gives out a mind-numbing amount of stress. It's always glorious to see your opponent have 4 stress tokens on their ships.
Also the Academy Pilot gets all the glory when I win. Kath is a bounty hunter, and there is no such ship as a TIE Phantom. Repeating rumors is a serious offense.
John Hernandez
Sup Chumbalaya, i put some thought into it, and here's what I have to say-
Since all of these lists will be at least 3 ships (post draft) and will feature a PS 2-4 generic, (jousting) efficiency is going to be king.
For Scum, 2 TLT Y-wings (choice of Unhinged or R4) with N'dru (Chips, Homing or Cluster, choice of VI, Deadeye, or LW, Choice of Scav Crane or Glitter) is buildable to 77, and has an answer to pretty much everything.
For Empire, since you know you will oppose a generic each game, RAC is out. Howlrunner swarm is 1 point off from being able to afford 4 black cracks as well, and 1 point from being able to take Howl and 3 Crack FO/s with Weapons Guidance. 3 black crack, howl, and academy is an option.
Lastly, i can't really put up things for rebels besides something like Miranda (51) and Biggs(26). I don't play rebels, so IDK.
Cameron Cooper
Henry Mitchell
Painting dazzle camo would make me want to die. I don't have an airbrush either.
Isaac Wright
Derp and I was just scolded someone for calling a bomber and Adv. And I go and do the opposite... Anyway yeah I figured the text didn't seem complete when I tried. Could it be Caravan Runner?
I don't *think* so, there's definitely another squiggle between the "Aurek" and the "Resh" symbols and I think there's more than that many letters. You are right, I think, in that the last letter is "N". The texture and coloration is making it really hard for me to pick out details though.
Brody Sullivan
Also, maybe an Upsilon shuttle and an ace, or possibly Yorr and Whisper for empire. You could run PTL ryad (she will out PS each drafted ship) and Swarm Leader Vessery with 5 points left over for his mod and initiative bids.
Or Swarm Leader Kylo for the big dice, paired with a defender.
Daniel Long
I might do pic relatef if nothing else shows up, with the blue swapped to royal guard red.-
Do you think that this will look good, as some of the panels will still be white? Or should I make the panels entirely red? Or just borrow an airbrush and do bloodstripes?
Connor Rodriguez
I'm apparently a retard who can't attach images.
Joseph Sanders
Perhaps but only on the one side? To match the stripe?
Elijah Kelly
Alternatively paint the whole panel red to match the red side of the cockpit.
Jackson Gray
I am still in need of a Brawl build that will compete with people that have guns.
Nothing is off limits. Force powers, cross game specs, etc. I have thought Martial Artist plus Doctor for pressure point but fuck knows if I can make it better than that.