>Your homeland has become a Veeky Forums setting
How is it?
Sounds pretty fun actually, but I have no idea how it would be, as a setting.
This is a good start for my country.
We are a humble people with a rich and complex social culture composed of not saying what you mean.
Laser mammoths. I don't care about Baba Yaga and stuff, give me laser mammoths.
I regret that Chicago does not, in fact, look like this.
it's dildos
"What setting? Isn't that part of that other one setting?"
Grand Duchy of Lithuania would make a fuckin' awesome setting, though. Political intrigue between fucking every possible flavor of christianity, Teutons on one side, Russians on the other, ongols on the third and Poland using every truth and lie to subjugate the land.
Is that City 17?
I will, bro, I will. We shall make tundra arable again.
Isn't Australia already dark sun, but replace psionics with poisonous animals?
So vanilla medieval fantasy then
Nah, it's just a mock-up.
>Grand Duchy of Lithuania
Belarus, pls. You know you want back. Mы c тoбoй oднo цeлoe.
I can't think of anything to do with Washington state, but a cold rainforest borded by high desert could work well for a pretty much anything
We can be vanilla medieval fantasy, the Early Modern version of the Imperium of Man, or the decadent remnant of an once glorious empire.
Personally, I prefer the last option.
Very similar to the old sagas and the eddas.
>Poland using every truth and lie to subjugate the land
That's bullshit though. GDL was assimilated so quickly because it was culturally dwarfed by Poland.
Corn. Everything is corn. The plants are all corn. The buildings are all made of corn. The people are corn. The dirt is tiny, brown corn. The air is corn. The sun, the moon, and the stars are all corn. Reality is corn. And some soy beans I guess.
I always thought Michigan would make a great setting for a post-apocalyptic game.
>I prefer the last option
Why would you ever choose reality?
Game of Thrones, but replace monarchy with democracy.
Because we've been the decadent remnant for over four hundred years. I can be a thief in 18th century Granada, Seville or Madrid, and a campaign in which the PCs are a bunch of criminals in the era's spanish underworld sounds pretty sweet to me.
> Louisiana
Probably lots of stereotyped swamps and alligators
It'd be okay I guess
>Western Washington
Dark flintlock-era fantasy/spoopy witches and ghosts
We are the American equivalent of vanilla. I really don't know where you can take it that a less specific American setting wouldn't also be able to go. the south end at least has the whole appalachia hill-folk thing going for it.
Absolutely horrifying.
Better know how to wield a ranged weapon and be self-sustainable. If you don't, the land will straight kill you. Either that or the grizzled sumbitch from whom you beg borrow or steal is gonna pump you fulla lead, pard.
Or you're in H-taaawn, which is swampshit and pollution with criminality as a subtext for everything done.
Or you're in Austin, where all the smart educated-ass pussies live. Faggots, the lot. Got-damn libruls. Make damn fine beer though. And their tacos ain't tbe scoffed at.
That's only one of many possibility.
Could also be:
> Harsh low fantasy, or not-GoT
> old contes and legends
> 20/30 glamorous noir detective, spies or political story
> WWI horror story
> Beginning of aviation
> Revolutionary setting
> The Mousquetaires !
> Are you a bad enough Gaul to stop not Caesar?
> Steampunk obliviously
That's not even going colonial.
Where you at Minnebro
What does the sun symbol mean?
>West Marches game with extremely high lethality
>Implying Detroit isn't already post-apocalyptic
I meant that one
>Tyrol, Austria
farms and mountains
and our folklore and history makes a great setting too
>Russian Far East / Manchuria (Vladivostok, to be precise)
Pretty good set for trading-oriented game or a wilderness campaign.
Three weird advanced races living nearby to smuggle from and into, one shitty Lawful Evil neighbour race to fight, deep seas with sharks and shit, mountains and forests with tigers, bears and leopards. Warm wet summers and cold as fuck dry-ish windy winters. Exactly one major city in the area - perfect for a home base.
iv been to vladivostok before. what do people do there? it looked like literally half the city was crumbling ruins
i think i saw a dairy queen there though which was pretty funny
Texas. I think has been basically an RP setting for most of its existantance
Absolutely perfect
I assume
>Remember Waco
is rolled in with
>Fuck the Feds
Otherwise, as a faggot moved south to texas, this is pretty spot on. Need some longhorns and blue bonnets on there as well.
The entire motherfucking planet is on a cob?
a texan created the entire fantasy genre
What about Lubbock and the Caprock region?
Well, I guess you were here in the 90's. Right now the area has a large influx of both federal budget investment and asian corporations looking around for profit. The city was really renovated around 2010-2012, you can look up fresh photos online, including two gigantic bridges locals grew to be proud of. Slums are still around (as much as anywhere, let's be honest), but the middle and high income neighborhoods are really nice by Russian standarts.
Local business is, as it has been since 1980's, mostly revolves around shipping (especially used Japanese cars), agriculture and fishing. There's a bunch of research institutions, including humongous new Federal University with an impressive campus on the island off the south coast. A few IT companies started here and grew to be successful in the internal market, as well as a couple of retail corporations. Salaries and the cost of living are getting up to Moscow and Saint-Petersburg levels lately. It's optimistic, let me put it this way, despite the whole thing about Russia being a shithole in general. Capitalism did us seafareres good.
And also I don't remember DQ being around back then, and it's definetely not here now. Burger King and KFC are though. Also pretty weird to still not have a Starbucks around, despite having about 1 mil people living in a greater city area.
El Paso:
Bastion of safety and stability separated from a sprawling cancerous tumor of corruption, violence and pestilence by a nearly dry river, a ditch, and a tin fence.
Because of proximity to said squalor the rest of the state assumes where you live must be just as bad. In reality one of the safer major cities in the state with fiercely patriotic native population and 1st generation immigrants. Great food and large volumes of national and international trade flows through here that is vital to rest of the state. Many other Texans believe we should be cast off and given to Mexico while idiot 3rd generation immigrants and illegals demand we be given back to Mexico ala La Raza/Azatlan. Native El Pasoans and 1st generation immigrants tend to hate them. A lot.
Looks like a Post apocalyptic hellscape. Murder rates hilariously through the roof, drugs everywhere, goes from urban to backwoods at the drop of a hat, and everything seems 30 years out of date.
And this is before anything weird happens
Gary, Indiana?
I believe this was based on the USA
I live in Maine so it'd probably just be like medieval Finland.
Probably any rust belt/mid-atlantic town
>Southern Arizona
Its Dark Sun, but with more booze and hookers.
i was only around the docks and it was more recent so i wasnt sure how much i saw really reflected on the city
pretty positive there was a DQ
oh and i always wanted to ask. are there any north koreans there? i saw korean looking people in the restaurants as waiters and got excited when i realized they could be best koreans since the border is so close
Not him, but I'm rocking it out in Minnetonka.
Yeah, we have North Korean restaurants around (pretty much the same as South Korean obes, but cheaper and shittier), and also these guys are doing construction and menial jobs of all sorts.
And that too.
Being independent is kinda comfy, though. No Roskomnadzor, no forced european values, just walkin' our way.
Basically a normal setting but for some reason everyone pretends they're in a super weird, wacky and dangerous setting the whole time and the adventure party keeps thinking they're gonna fight something super harass but it ends up just being a let down.
Don't believe the memes.
Oh well, looks like fighting a vastly superior enemy with little to no support it is.
Also political dickery
Vanilla? We have some old fantasy that feels half way between Celtic mystical myth and Germanic horror stories. Other than that not much. Could be a good strategy game. We have seven castles and our capital (with all our old Battlements) up on high hills and plateaus... I think there's something there, but it might not be worth exploring.
> Kentucky
The Horse Lords ride the rolling hills, and Impose the will of their lord: Dread Senatorial Necromancer Mitch McConnell The Undying. None dare venture west into the Savage Lands of the Kaintuck swamps, and vast swaths of hilled forest where tribes of Orcs and Packs of monsters rule.
Nigga a giant huntsman crawled out behind my speakers onto my monitor, scared the shit outta me.
Even living in a social shithole called Spain, I sometimes wonder why you australians keep living in Earth: Hard Mode.
>Carlsbad Caverns
>Carlsbad Caverns
Hearing shit like this really makes me appreciate living in Canuckistan.
>Long Beach, California
Shadowrun complete with mutants. To the East, though, past Riverside, you start to get into Deadlands territory... except the undead are on meth.
>Buffer country between generic fantasy land and scary fucked up morrowind style east
>ruled only by the most inbred of monarchs
>the mountains are full of terrifying half humans that want to eat you
>the rivers are full of mermen that want your shekels
>the cities are full of halfwit nobles that want DUMPLINGS
>Cities are all about pomp and culture, completley up their own arse disregarding the rest of the world
>Countryside are all xenophobic barbarians
>Armies are filled with Monster Races
>the entire country is always 100 years behind all of its neighbours
>Makes up for it by marrying off its inbred noble offspring like currency
Austria-Hungary would make a decent campaign setting.
>always that seperatism
you should work on removing italy instead.
Zamonien is based on all sorts of crap, its probably one of the most creative settings i know, its also extremley comfy
uranium mining
also platypuses are cute
Don't forget that you only exist by the graces of people to the north who you repeatedly stabbed in the back as thanks
Platypuses are adorable and probably have magic powers or something
Theres been what? 10 wars against the turks and 4 sieges of vienna?
Yeah the poles saved our ass once.
Nothing personell kid i guess.
partitioning off poland was a hip thing to do back then. No need to still be salty about that tho.
What isn't arid, flat desert is cotton fields. A whole lot of fuck all for the most part. Occasional sandstorms. People are coarse but hard workers.
t. Techfag
Dallas is just a typical big city without much going for it aside from a weird bridge. It has zero culture compared to Fort Worth, which is more stereotypical wild west and acts as a buffer between the (relatively) tamer east part and the arid western wasteland filled with all sorts of unpleasantness.
>New Zealand
Yeah, I can't think of anything...
Fairly 40k, in a toned down sense.
Huge industrial drive (the "beehive state") pushes construction and production through the roof.
Religious capital of the Mormons, which means a combination of traditional role religious society with an inflamed counter-culture, not to mention a handful of half-n-half types.
You know that we'd default to something renassiancey with vampire moping around, right?
We mermaids now!
Reconquista Spain would be a great setting. Don't even really need to make it a fantasy setting; just plop the players into
I think he meant the other Germans.
Innit that story Danish though?
And no, I meant poles
>Innit that story Danish though?
Yeah, but the joke is that half of the Netherlands is below sea level hence under the sea.
Forgive my autism
I got it but I was also being autsim
I am Polish, and I can tell you that Austria taking a chunk of Poland was probably the best scenario. Russia and Prussia were committed to eating Poland, and given how they both treated Poles, just the fact that the ones in the parts of Galacia and Lesser Poland Austria-Hungary took weren't thrown off their lands to make way for German settlers or ethnically cleansed is by far the best situation.
Poland being NOT a corrupt shithole of a feudal nation in the era of absolute monarchies would have been nice though.
i chocked laughing.
Nah, the Netherlands would basically be Spice and Wolf: the country
Ethnically Polish: I'm a burger.
Also the fact that the commonwealth, from what I understand, instituted the most retarded form of democracy ever didn't help much either.
Same. IL?
The Liberum Veto is the cause of most of the Commonwealth's problems. But ultimately, the fact that the King was not able to curb the power of the upper nobility and had to give into the nobility is really what killed Poland.
If the Jagiellons hadn't died out, Poland would have been MUCH better off simply by right of the lack of the Liberum Veto and not having to give up so much power to get elected. Just Władysław III being less of a fucking Leeroy Jenkins at Varna would have been a massive boon.
Huh. I'm a bit surprised, Illinois has a shitload of poles since Chicago was THE place to be when the Germans and Russians started getting REALLY bad, and pretty much every subsequent diaspora of poles has gravitated towards here since we already have a lot of poles.
It would be more like Talislanta - you walk for a couple of miles, and suddenly the culture, the language and the races are all completely different.
i have thought about this for a while
>the entire map is massive expanses of each biome
>megaflora and fauna run amok
>ruins of small cities and towns from before the war
>only a handful of capital cities remain
>each are heavily guarded, walled bastions (generally) only accessible by port
>why you may ask?
>the majority of the map is plagued by massive spider colonies and Emus (Tengu subtype)
>emus make up a bandit society not unlike the mongols, but choosing to use human wave tactics due to sheer numbers in combat. basically the new Orcs.
>macrospiders are now sapient, and have formed societies with larger-than-tarrasque-sized "mother-spiders" acting as their base of operations for different colonies.
>the "humans" (sentient humanoid races) are contained within their walls, kinda AoT style, with heavy guarding on the walls.
>each young individual of this society must exit the walls once as a traditional rite of passage.
>they are armed only with a bowie knife
>they cannot return until they have killed a large type spider or Emu clan
>its also like hunger games because wizards have set up a sort of public show using scrying to watch these kids try and survive in a harsh wilderness, usually alone.
>this is all to ensure the society maintains its strength (physically and mentally) for upcoming Emu Wars
>after kids return successfully, they are given a traditional dagger/knife to symbolize their victory.
>many times, richer families will pay large sums to see their kids avoid the right of passage process, or will bullshit the system so their beloved child isnt harmed.
How many Europeans here are actually just muh heritage fatburgers?
Found the PCs.
How does the platypus factor into this?
It's actually a tossup on Veeky Forums.
Explain your terminology.
"How many people who claim to be europeans on Veeky Forums are actually americans who like to talk about their heritage"
>without opening the video
It's New Kids, isn't it.
platypus is still a (venomous) native animal
however wombats and Dire kangaroos are the country's native mounts
>humans are constantly in small skirmishes with emus trying to make recovery operations on overrun villages and mines (land is rich with dungeons)
>occasionally, Emus and spiders will successfully manage to brerach teh walls, forcing every member oif society to take up arms.
>society is probably City state monarchies.
>except Melbourne, which is communist
>each city is different
>Adelaide is absurdly small, and has shitloads of blank space and moats between the walls and the cityscape (parklands)
>Melbourne is a slum metropolis that is potbound by its walls and cant expand or sprawl due to high concentration of spiders/emus.
>Sydney is the main port to the continent and the largest city known for its burgeoning culture due to being largely the only one visited by other (fantasy) nations. (seafaing port city, huge)
>brisbane is stock standard cityscape with two levels to separate rich and poor, has a well known beach line that is popular amond tourists desperate or rich enough to travel by land or boat respectively.
>Darwin is a ghost city, overrun by a mother spider and her horde, nobody knows this because nobody has come into contact for years and just assumes its okay
>Perth is a redneck town and due to recently changing its policies to anarcho capitalism, the populace has been decimated in company-wars.
>Hobart is now an isolated church city, but has no walls, as the island is now a high Mesa/archipelago, and all spiders and Emus were wiped off of it for ages. people don't move there due to the zealousness of the inhabitants being so unpredictable
>canberra used to be the royal city/capital before the first emu war, but was quickyl overrun, but is now ruins filled with loot. there is probably a lich or some other typical evil guy cliche hiding in the ruins as the emus and spiders wont touch the area