Just transferred my BCH from GDAX to Binance after nearly 5 hours. Lot of people trying to do the same thing (read threads on twatter) so they can dump the shit out of it.
The only reason price rose on Binance is because:
1. Fewer people selling because they tried to arbitrage to GDAX (like me, and failed) 2. Coinbase/GDAX sucks at transferring so people weren't able to dump
i was able to sell this shit just in the nick of time thank god, will buy back in the next dip
Easton Thompson
>corecuck coping
Nolan Gomez
what the fuck are you talking about idiot?
Adrian Lewis
Your completely wrong. Im sending to gdax. Will pump real high when open. Lol
Juan Allen
Me too, luckily made some btc and didn't get just'd
I'm holding off until there are fucking yuuuge red candles and then i'll buy some
Jordan Walker
I think it's obvious that Ver's pajeets are running amuck on this board.
Also, he's appearing on cnbc tomorrow, how convenient...
These fuckers all deserve jail time
Kayden Anderson
Best of luck, I fucking hate that exchange
Andrew Jackson
I see, so then when the markets actually open on Coinbase there won't be a mass dump because anyone who wanted to sell has already done so correct?
Chase Ross
this should be the final nail in the coffin for bcash
Coinbase will be embarrassed about this. Look they can add whatever coin they want, but this was just a dumb move. The bonehead part is adding a $2000 coin. You've already priced out regular people. Add something under a dollar like Ripple, it would sucker normies into it thinking its gonna be the next bitcoin... the market cap and supply is prime for a slower growth. They would make the same in fees... Just a dumb move, especially when they said 'we will distribute it Jan 1 and then decide if we will sell it"
John Lopez
Henry Howard
what the target buy back? got my 120% profit, bought at 0.0935
Matthew Thomas
No. The truth is no one knows, but, There are whales out there, original bitcoin guys, that could clear out gdax with one click if they wanted, crash the price of it to $0, selling into the entire order book. And these guys don't like Roger Ver as it is. Sure some of them sold off but there are others out there but stacks of bcash.
Joshua Butler
>especially when they said 'we will distribute it Jan 1 and then decide if we will sell it"
That's what it was insider trading and they're gonna get fucked
Ryder Lee
Nope, there will be a huge dump. The vast majority of coinbase/gdax users just stick to that platform. They can't sell until 12PM EST (if you believe what CONbase says)
Isaac Gonzalez
They didn't have a choice. They were threatened with a lawsuit. The insider trading they also couldn't help because they can't watch their employees 24/7.
Elijah Cruz
corecuck denial.
this is what a decentralized movement looks like. you can write us off any way you please. you can't stop this. this is bitcoin.
Landon Brooks
Adam Morgan
Austin Reed
Carter Collins
I think the coinbase users are upset that it was withheld for so long and want to get in on the "free money" meme
Robert Reyes
Bcash is like showing up for the first day of school in a pair of knock off Jordans that you got at walmart because your family was too poor... Its the Zune of coins. No normie is gonna blow $3000 on some shit knock off. They would much rather buy 3 Ether or a bunch of Litecoin.
Imagine showing up to work or at the family BBQ and having to say you own Bitcoin Cash.
Jonathan Brown
Tyler Morales
LOL your narrative falls apart when you realize that they never said that. They said the coins would be available by Jan 1st, 2018, and that IN THE MEANTIME they would watch and evaluate whether they could/would safely support it.
They never said they would or wouldn't, and they NEVER said when they would tell you their decision.
Brayden Rodriguez
They should thank god that coinbase did that, because otherwise they would have dumped at $400
Asher Martinez
and not saying don't buy it, i'm saying buy the hard dip
Nolan Jenkins
Ya lol
Cashies don't realize that Bcash will never ever be able to replace the legacy of bitcoin.
Zachary Hughes
you need to suck big brother govs dick some more. fucking idiot. I know your type of personality. you think that by telling on mommy & daddy they are going to fix it!!!! my BTC bags. YOU HAD SO LONG TO BUY BCH FAG
Jaxson Nelson
lol this.
we all hate BCH, okay but the Mortys of this world will eat this shit up. you know it. it has the word “cash” in it
Parker Harris
lol fucking retard
Caleb Wright
dispute the image. I'll be waiting.
Samuel Roberts
They were clever with their timing - the whole thing is rigged.
Even the events that happened today: it was a set up. How convenient that the price was stalled at $9,500? Fucking kidding me?
Leo Ortiz
>literally everybody but me and some SJW neckbeards like something I don't like >they must be literally imprisoned for not agreeing with me
wew lad
Christian Lee
corecucks don't even realize they were cucked. Bcash IS the legacy of bitcoin. And its proving itself right now by doing exactly what everybody least expected.
Tyler Adams
werent gdax users the ones who already had their BCH on the platform, didnt have to wait on transfer times and had their sell wall completely obliterated raising the price to 9.5k?
Leo Scott
No, i don't think the government should be involved at all. No one should complain to them, that would ruin all of this.
I think its a bonehead move on coinbases part. If they added something like Ripple or whatever, everyone would have loved it. Now they have angered their own user base. This leaves room open for a competitor to come in.
This is the wild west, I don't care what happens... But coinbase is brining heat to this entire thing now.... People ARE gonna bitch to the government about this. That could have been avoided by adding a non contentious coin. They might have fucked us all here.
Ryder Rogers
lol after what coinbase did, theres no turning back
government intervention is coming weather you like it or not.
Ethan King
So I bought at the top and it's about damage limitation now. Do I sell half at a loss and see what happens when its trading tomorrow? If it moons I can probably break even with the half stack. If it dumps I only lose half. Sounds good anons?
Nolan Green
So is it just me or wasnt it a little bit weird how this shit got so much ++++ right before the coinbase announcement?
I hope this shit drops dead in the next 6 months
Josiah Wilson
Keep it until tomorrow. You'll regret it if you don't.
Daniel Cox
>this could have been avoided if core would have updated to 8mb blocks
Christopher Lopez
Bcash was $900 and dropped to high $300 for months.... then it came back and went to $2400
then it dipped to $1000 and came back to what it is now for a month
you'll be fine in a few months, hell you could be fine tomorrow... just sit on it... unless you think you can take the loss and make it up somewhere else
Thomas Evans
>had their sell wall completely obliterated raising the price to 9.5
For a very brief time yes - but the sell wall was gone because there was a total lack of liquidity.
I was on GDAX watching it unfold. Once people got wind that they could dump it, the number of sell orders climbed from 500 to over 15,000 within 5 minutes. The number of buy orders topped out at a whopping ~100 orders before gdax pulled the plug.
Parker Garcia
I dunno, I was a GDAX user with my bch on the BCH/BTC market. I wasn't thinking that normies don't have bitcoin (duhhhhh) but USD.
but yes, coinbase is a simplified front end for the GDAX market. So retards that get scared by all the flashing numbers can buy and sell coins without going into catalepsy. Coin base can't buy until GDAX users offer stuff up for sale.
Since GDAX/coinbase have no control over the orders we set, people are free to fuck with each other. Well, some fucking hero listed a buy order at 3 BTC per BCH (as in he was offering to trade 3 btc for 1 bch), and wouldn't take it down. I"m asuming that's what helped cause people to place so many high orders on the USD market.
IF anybody was doing any actual insider trading, thats on them.
Mason Ward
do you realize that there are hundreds of coins that are better and faster at transferring coins than bitcoin or bcash? that isn't the issue here... its a quick fix, its not gonna matter one fuck in 2 years
have fun with your 8meg blocks being spammed to shit soon
Bentley Brooks
BCH transacts faster and cheaper because the tech is better. People are going to realize that after a while.
Michael Thompson
> have fun with your 1meg blocks being spammed with shit soon
Cooper Foster
>BCH transacts faster and cheaper because the tech is better.
And there are a bunch of alts better than BCH. How about we use them instead?
Jordan Evans
and Neo is better at it them both...
bcash is actually behind in tech to regular bcash outside the blocks, AND they have no devs what you are suggesting isn't the issue here
Charles Price
how much does it cost to spam the Btrash blocks?
Isaiah Ortiz
.... and its dumping! Who would've guessed this was another pump and dump - fucking deserved if you're holding BCH bags right now
Jordan Turner
it'll PnD for the next 24 hours... people will flood GDAX with arbitrage ... no doubt gdax will go offline at some point tomorrow
Adam Jackson
You call that a dump? Pathetic. Thanks for the cheap bcash.
Christian Peterson
citation needed
Connor Flores
uh no, it hit the fib resistance on low volume, normal pullback. Still in bullish pennant. This is nothing like previous "pnds'.
Daniel Wilson
I'll just hold this beauty and be rich in one year. All the fucking Gen-Z kids are going to want the Dash Evo wallet with Instant Send for buying stupid shit. Network will never be slow. 2FA built into the node network so hackers can't steal your crypto savings if they get your key. Its all on the roadmap. Bitcoin will never have that shit.
Andrew Wilson
Exhibit A: XRB
Camden Evans
you found the solution to stopping spam: absurd tx fees.
Wyatt Hernandez
>not understanding that you can buy a fraction of a coin >unironically shilling ripple
Wew lad. You got a lot of work to do
Zachary Smith
heh, I actually have to agree with you here.
This is an easy 5x over the next 3 months
Austin Miller
I'm pulling more for the 'eco-friendly' cryptos. I think they're gonna be big over the next few years
Xavier Parker
Im holding my bcash in case its worth 20k next year
Lucas Miller
Don't think so.
Hard to arbitrage when transfer times are hours and hours long. You're either sending BCH or BTC to and from GDAX - both take forever to transfer. Waaaay too much spread exposure
Jace Williams
I think its an easy 5x if it get listed on Coinbase. Could be next week for all we know.
Lincoln Flores
BCH on exchanges has dropped 30% already and you're calling a dump lmao. Enjoy buying back half your stack
Joseph Nelson
during the peak times last week, gdax BTC wallets were fucked but still managed to move some in/out in 6 hours.
There is plenty of time, that is of course if gdax doesn't magically shut down the wallets again.
Cameron Parker
you were just given a golden opportunity to buy bitcoin at 3k before it buys & sells on coinbase tomorrow & you are smugging so hard instead ffs
Lucas Nguyen
Dominic Price
And now for the pump.
Anthony Rivera
I saw this coming right after I woke up and found out coin base added bch. Stupid motherfuckers should have given people advanced warning. Because you don't crash the altmarket when it's in the Bull Run.
Asher James
You idiots, normies will drive the price through the roof just like they did with every other coin on GDAX/Coinbase
How have you not learned this yet, look at LTC ffs
Alexander Williams
Maybe if retardbase gave a months warning with a date but they crashed everything and nature hates a vacuum.
Brandon Flores
normies hate knockoffs and nobody is buying a coin at 3k when ETH and LTC are miles cheaper & do the same thing kek enjoy your bags
Lincoln Peterson
You'll see tomorrow once the flood gates open at 9am, today was just a practice run
Ethan Foster
Here's what's gonna happen tomorrow: Step 1: Normies see that there is a new updated bitcoin on coinbase. Step 2: They google it and find that it is indeed the latest and fastest version. Step 3: They update their bitcoins.
John Ward
I audibly laughed at your post. You are one dumb mother fucker you think anybody's Googling Bitcoin cash and doing their own research.
If we flip to BCH, we fuck over wall street who just orchestrated laws and plans to get into bitcoin. Haha. Lets do it.
Joshua Rivera
Tfw it is still going up despite you saying "incoming dump" 1hr20 minutes ago. Corecuck detected shilling.
Isaiah Martin
>The only reason price rose on Binance is because no it was literally a single whale just going insane in a 5 minute timespan buying all the way up to 0.348 and then logically, people noticed the price was out of sync with other exchanges and they dumped until it got more or less in sync.
Anyone who doubt this, go and look at the binance graph with 5 minute candles. It's clear as day that this is what happened.
OP is either a brainlet or an intentionally fudding liar.
Aiden Peterson
you shure about that user or just shilling?
Mason Jones
lol he dumped his 0.01 BCH, cashies eternally BTFO
Blake Clark
Lol. Emil Oldenburg was right when he called you people "Bitcoin Taliban".
Joseph Anderson
TY for the warning, user, imma dump my counterfeit printed (digital) gold now. Have camel toe as tip for warning me.
Justin Sullivan
I was referring to the price rising gradually on Binance after the PnD. Lot of people were trying to dump on GDAX when they saw a $9,500 price tag per coin.
Grayson Stewart
you can bet tomorrow morning this is going to be front page news. JP Morgan and others will use this to cause FUD in crypto, spiking the price down, causing ppl to lose money, and those boomers cash out with a loss.
Nolan Gomez
>For a very brief time yes - but the sell wall was gone because there was a total lack of liquidity.
Finally, someone understands things here.
Kevin Price
Price is clearly consolidating. I'm talking about a big dump in the next 12-24 hours.
You think normies that bought in at $5K or less in the summer aren't going to go nuts for a "free" ~$3,500 per coin? They don't give a shit about the politics, they like money and that's it. That's why they bought bitcoin.
I'm holding from before the PnD because I'll still be in the green regardless of what happens. I don't give a fuck about the politics, core and cash can both suck my balls Mr Garrison.
Blake Ward
i hope your shilling isnt paid in bcash
Jackson Ortiz
it will pump and then dump as always, but we ain't done pumping yet
Landon Cox
No I'm going to stick to what I said. I'm looking at my portfolio and everything is red everything but Bitcoin cash. This is going to cause of massive backlash. The alt Market is going to shiv this piece of shit and leave it bleeding in the alley to be picked up with the morning garbage.
Isaac Gray
Does anyone think ETH will rise in % faster than BTC from this price point? Trying to decide which wave to ride for the next few days
Jacob Mitchell
bcash already had a bad rep in the coin market (lots of ppl already have been burned in the previous 5 'flipping's lol). Seems every few years someone gets fucked over by bcash and starts a new cycle of people with hate.
I got some free bcash bags from the fork, i'm planning on dumping them tomorrow, as i think most people holding in coinbase are going to be pissed.
Cooper Mitchell
IMO ETH has been very strong. Even during all that shit today it only had a small dip.
Plus better overall tech, stong core team with a good vision. ETH is quickly becoming my main coin
Jason Perez
Measuring BCH's value against BTC is stupid. BCH/USD chart is better. Anyone who invested in BCH early haven't lost anything.
Hunter Fisher
That's a good point and etherium is on its own bull run right now it's best not to fuck with the second biggest crime family in town. Not to mention half the market runs on it. Which has also taken a hit. And I don't think anything's going to detract etherium from making its steady gains. Bitcoin cash could see a spike but no matter what it's going to crash into Oblivion by the end of the week.
Mason Rodriguez
I agree, it's just hard for me to take out of btc to go into ETH, emotionally speaking. ETH also had a. Ice bullrun yesterday and I don't know if it's its turn to grow after btc shrunk from today's drama and the day before.
I feel either could grow. I'm sorta feeling btc though,like. I might move my LTC holdings all into ETH too... I really am bad at knowing what to do
Hudson Kelly
Because everyone with a preexisting investment in Bitcoin doesn't have the same preexisting investment in alts.
So we collectively decided to fix the fees problem, and forked the chain.
Elijah Hughes
When bch crashes, where do you think that money will go?eth, ltc, BTC or alts?