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>How to Jumpchain
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>How to Jumpchain
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Posting for myrmidont.
Where can I get a treehouse that follows me or a nice crystal tower that follow me around? Or a high place to live in?
Tower seed from Ar Tonelico and the new MCU part two
Adventure Time gets you a seed for a Tree Fort. Like one as big as what Finn & Jake live in.
>a treehouse that follows me
Tree Fort Seed, from Adventure Time
Hollow In Ga'Hoole (though it's owl-sized), from Guardians of Ga'Hoole
>a nice crystal tower that follow me around
The Crystal Palace, from Exalted: Infernals
>Or a high place to live in?
Armored Sky Fortress, from Mushoku Tensei.
It's a flying island with a large, lavish castle.
I would suggest adding replenishing ammo supplies, the bullets in this world are quite different from normal ones and it would be nice to have a reliable stock of the various ammo types for both the gun and crossbow available.
Also having the equipment retain upgrades would be really good if they don't start out fully upgraded.
A perk that lets us grant other people Outsider Marks would also be amazing.
I believe both living accommodations (or at least the crystal castle) are available from the horsefucker jump.
There's the Deku Treehouse in LoZ: Wind Waker
what is there to do in the dark souls 3 jump?
I have to ask what is the official name of that jump.
How would one go about getting the magic to do what's described in the post below?
Asking for a friend.
Troll various powerful beings. Mess with the Cycle. Waifus or Husbandos. Indulge your pyromania with pyromancies, or pick up some woofs.
Usurp the Flame. Eat the Dark Soul. You know you want to.
Hero BBS
The firekeeper.
>Usurp the Flame. Eat the Dark Soul.
What does that do? How do you do it?
Mind control and precog will usually do it.
Or Fiendish Doctor You from Black Dynamite combined with Crimson Saint and a way to increase the range to planetary.
What non euclidean building perks do we have?
Heylin Magic could do it. A decade or so of training lets you lock an orbital body in place, and if you train long enough (probably several thousand years), you could reach Wuya's level AKA planetary scale reality warping. Turning every flat chest busty would be simple.
It uses the abbreviation instead of the full name. You'll find it in the Banned folder under Banned & Lewd. The only thing there, interestingly enough.
Malfean Architecture from Exalted: Infernals.
I need a Hero! /cue music
>opinion on writefagging pic-related
Hero BBS?
>a way to increase the range to planetary.
Perks required for this?
Hero BBS lets you design a magic system, just make a system that fits you.
Touch the darkness within her.
Still reading my way through it, but I have to say I absolutely love the flavor text here. That's the Outsider alright.
There's one in Creepypasta?
Am I the only one who is sad Assassins creed doesn't let you stay for more then 10 years? I wanted to be the guardian of the assassins and awakening Aura in them all to give them a boost.
Or you could just companion Wuya. She'd probably do it if you asked her.
Then house rule it or make your own Assassins Creed jump.
Why not both?
>probably several thousand years
Eh, why do you say that? A few hundred seems closer, if even.
DC Occult has some stuff for that.
Ok adding to my list. Huh I wonder if I could use devil tiger to make similar charms...
Isn't there a drawback to let you timeskip now?
Just do it carefully and you should be able to stick around for way longer relative to other people.
Well, we actually have a canonical example of someone who's trained for at least several centuries in Chase Young. Not only that, but he was already trained as a Xiaolin Monk, and was considered a prodigy, plus he was mutated by Hannibal Roy Bean's magic soup, and yet he's nowhere near Wuya's level of power. I suppose if you had a bunch of enhanced learning perks it might go faster, but it would still take a lot of time.
Do you already have more of them on that list? I'd be interested in those too.
The first... dunno. It makes you Lord of Hollows, mildly unfucks the world by finally letting the Age of Fire end and the Age of Dark begin, and if you start building an universe in your soul (which seems to be all the rage nowadays) anything in there will probably benefit from Dark Souls metaphysics. You need to have enough Dark Sigils that Linking the Flame (which is absorbing it and letting it burn your soul as fuel to keep the Age of Fire going) just causes it to sort of stew in you impotently. There's a perk for that in DS3, and you can have Yoel awaken your hidden potential or have a weird marriage-murder ritual to take the Hollowness from another Unkindled to get some more.
No hard info about the Dark Soul, but you should feed off the Humanity of other humans anyway.
>anything in there will probably benefit from Dark Souls metaphysics.
That actually sounds like a pretty terrible thing, to be honest.
Except Chase Young focused most of his training in areas other than Heylin Magic - he was more of a warrior than a mage, and he held pride in that fact. Wuya probably gained most of her power in life (which was when she was seen as a threat enough for the first Xiaolin Showdown), and we know most of her "life" was spent as a ghost, so 1500 years is a somewhat high estimate when you consider that she couldn't use magic in that form and was thus relegated to theoretical work at best. And her resurrection isn't treated as if she'd been powering up for all that time as much as it's treated as her regaining her former power. It's heavily implied that she spent much, much longer as a ghost than a flesh and blood person, too. Maybe a couple hundred years at most.
So long as your soul isn't a scrub and breaks from running one itty bitty universal cycle I bet it'll be fine.
Watch everything you thought mattered in dark souls 1 and dark souls 2 go to complete shit. No seriously, that's the entire premise of the game.
>Usurp the Flame
As an Unkindled, you do this by acquiring the Darksign from a Londor pilgrim, and then strengthening it by murdering other Hollows and absorbing their Humanity to empower your own Darkwraith-style; this is something everything vaguely humanoid in DS can just sort of do naturally by touching or standing near something that's been slain.
You then ritualistically murder worst girl ANOTHER Unkindled with an abnormally strong Darksign, and absorb HER Humanity. She may or may not have murdered for it. It would be extremely out of character for her to, but at this point an ancient conspiracy founded by Kaathe is manipulating both of you.
Finally, after you kill all the Lords of Cinder and return their ashes to the Firekeeper, she bestows them on you. The world then transforms into an even more wrecked wasteland, implied by the Ringed City DLC to be because the loss of their strong souls accelerated entropy. Light is time, and you just absorbed the greatest sources of it. You must then defeat the Soul of Cinder at the Kiln of the First Flame, and ignite yourself with said flame. It will probably hurt, or at least make you faint.
You wake up to a world with a sun indistinguishable from a darksign, thus implicitly burning with the fires of Humanity. Hollows kneel to you. You are expected to make Londor great whole again.
Exactly what it does has not been unambiguously explained. But the Profaned Flame's nature implies you probably ended the cycle of fire and darkness at the cost of creating a world where humans can do whatever they want. And the immortal Patches seems to be Miyzaki's mouthpiece for saying humans are naturally greedy, fickle bastards
In SMT Chaos terms, you created a paradise.
A jump Perk, not a charm. Though you might be able to wing it as one, too?
Well it's the nature of all things and especially Flames to wind down and die in Dark Souls, regardless of the Cycle.
Except for the Profaned Flame, apparently. So it'd probably be a good idea to see about shoving that in there, too.
So far
demons of astlan non euclidean building
Exalted infernals Malfean building
Generic creepypasta noneuclidean mind
>worst girl
what makes you say that?
Wuya is a top-tier waifu anyway.
I still kinda want it to be split into separate jumps for each era.
You still only have 10 years, you can just pop out of one era and appear in the next during your 10 years total, and you can't go backwards.
Jumpers, if you have a soundtrack, what style of music is it? Does it have a set style that you favor, does it just match up with whatever setting it's from, or is it more of a mixtape type of thing?
Not true, actually. While Chase did take pride as being a warrior, he used Heylin Magic quite a lot, and in fact used it almost exclusively in his take over of the world in the Season 2 finale/Season 3 premier. He only really looked down upon the Shen Gong Wu because he felt that relying on such tools instead of using your own power was pathetic. Not only that, but we actually have no idea how long Wuya was around before she was turned into a ghost. And the 1500 years where she was a ghost had her imprisoned in the puzzle box, unable to do anything at all. Not only could she not use magic, she couldn't even train it. In the episode where Omi travels back in time to prevent Chase Young's fall, we see Wuya commanding the same golems she did when she was at full power in the Season 2 premier, implying she had her power even back then. We also see that Chase's fall was before she was sealed away, meaning that he had 1500 years to train.
Dark Souls metaphysics isn't half bad. Just make sure to balance your souls, keep roughly equal levels of light, dark, life, and death. Otherwise you might accidentally demons, abyss, or skeleton wheels. Still not sure what the hell happens if you overdo Gwyn's light soul.
Mixtape easily. Got some SoL music in there, some 'humor' music like you might hear in a VN, music for mad science, full on Justice Mode music, and of course Music for when I just get pissed the fuck off.
Mixtape. Usually fitting to the situation, but sometimes it plays something hilariously mismatched for comedic effect.
>Eat the Dark Soul
This is much simpler. You just have to cross unimagineable distances possibly due to the city-wide time-space stasis field maintained by a sleeping Lord to find the Pygmey Lords, who share the Dark Soul of Man. And, well, eat them.
Or if you defeated Manus in Dark Souls 1-congratulations, you potentially have what Gael lost his sanity and hope for!
As for what it does, that depends on how buff you are. Gael knows at the end of the day he's a pissant scrub with a shitton of determination. By the time you meet him the curse is visibly eating a gory whole in his chest. Presumably someone more powerful like the Chosen Undead of the first two games would be able to control it better.
The SIMPLEST things it does is simply make you bigger, stronger, buffer-and able to fling around dark energy attacks. You may even mutate to the point your armor and clothing fuses with you. More powerful versions of the hexes in DS2, basically. Well, Gael flings around pinkish flames that behave like hexes but this is implied to have something to do with his frailty and his status as an unkindled considering Elfriede can fling around black flames
The more /interesting/ effects seem to be in the current time period, the fact that the Dark Soul's bearer accelerates the entire world slipping into darkness. Right after Gael bleeds and starts drawing on it much more, the sky darkens and storms whip up
Dark is a force that absorbs and corrupts other energies with unpredictable effects. It's a metaphysical constant that paradoxically fuels the flames that rebirth the world by eroding matter and energy, and can apparently even corrupt archdragons into frenzied, instinct-driven beasts. Things mutated by it start to resemble primordial beings, like dragons or trees.
You would now be the host of one of the biggest concentrations of it in the series.
Cabin in the Woods ancient ones, a ragna blade or dozen should kill them yes? If not, then perhaps a giga slave a piece?
She's just kind of by-the-numbers and exists solely to drive the plot forward. Well, two plots. At least the other girls had something interesting going on.
A mix of electronica, rock and operatic classical. Something like if Akira Yamaoka and whoever did the Yakuza 0 soundtrack did a collab.
So is Dark confirmed bad as of the last DLC then or is that stuff more corrupted and like the Abyss? Haven't actually played the DLC yet.
No idea, user. They're a plot device, not something with concrete capabilities. Our only glimpse of them is the very last scene of the movie where one of them reaches its hand out from the earth as it begins the process of freeing itself. We know the people in charge of the facility believe they can destroy the world, but that's it.
So Jumpers, how do you Christmas?
I'd like it if we could pay to get an upgraded version of the crossbow. I know it's not really all that major a thing, you could probably make better with the Natural Philosopher perks, but I really love some of the Masterwork weapons in the game.
Question about power level. Where would you rank The Ovelord jump and Yusha Gojo Kumiai Koryugata Keijiban jump?
I just figure, if they are corporeal(which they clearly are) then they are likely vulnerable to being unmade by the Lord of Nightmares.
The latter above the former.
Take it late enough in your chain that you can toss the world's metaphysics into the cosmic Recycle Bin and replace it with something decent?
At about three fiddy.
Maybe. Maybe they've got some form of protection against that. We have no idea. Make whatever assumption you think makes for an interesting story.
Overcharging heylin magic via overlord can probably do it.
what are the best servant companions? Ones that have built in loyalty and stuff
Any building perk, plenty of mundane architecture is non-Euclidean.
I dont need to fight them really, I dont even know what I would choose to do with the points if I took their drawback. That said, I do like putting worlds back better than I found them.
Overlord has a MMO NPC that's completely loyal and can be pretty OP in it's setting.
eating the pygmies isn't any different than eating the humans because they're the same race.
The DLC paints Gwyn as a monster. Pygmies are humans, with all kinds of extra powers and complete immortality that will just grow as the Dark grows. They live peacefully and happily in a great kingdom in the darkest places until Gwyn found them, and asked for their help in fighting the dragons. They did help, forging weapons and using hexes to fell the dragons. But Gwyn saw how their powers were derived form Dark, and how they grew stronger and stronger and he was afraid that they'd usurp him and the gods. So he presented them with a 'gift' for their service, presenting it as giving them a godly (pretty) appearance and holy powers. What it actually did is inscribe them with the Dark Sign, which is just a seal that binds their powers and makes them mortal, so they'll be the slaves of the gods. He even forced them to worship him and his kin as gods, and tore the pygmies out of the darkness and forced them to live in the light, and taught them that the Dark is evil and that they should preserve the Flame.
He is a complete fucking jackass, he did all this to his allies because he was afraid they might eclipse the gods someday.
Apparently I never posted my latest build and writing, despite already having moved on. Posting now for anyone who cares.
Jump 24: Steven Universe
Drawback: They're Coming (+300, 1300)
Identity: Drop-In (Free)
+ He Was Incredible! (Free)
+ Now Your Voice Is Crystal-Clear! (Free)
+ Gem Science and You (600, 700)
Raven: I'm surprised you didn't go Gem.
Yorokonde: There's a lot of downsides to being a Gem, despite the powers that come with it. Besides, depending on what I picked it could come with tens of thousands of years of memories.
Marceline: Can I be a Half-Gem?
Y: Absolutely.
Companions: (300 + 200 to gift extra CP, 200)
= Raven: Drop-in - Van, Crystal Voice, HwI!, Confounded Warps How Do They Work?, Gem Destabilizer, Fridge Full of Cookie Cats, Wacky Sack Novelty Backpack (Grilled Cheese)
= Frisk: Drop-in - Van, Crystal Voice, HwI!, Monster Buddies!
= Marceline: Half-Gem (Onyx, Quartz, Crystal Gem) - Crystal Voice, Hybrid Physiology, Bubbler Technique, Gem Weapon (Axe Guitar with Sonic Projection), Peace and Love on the Planet Earth, Emotional Flux (Trust), Gemstone Lore (Shield Projection)
Story Time!
Things don't have to be corporeal to be affected by the Ragna Blade or Giga Slave. Seriously in it's first use Lina actually uses the Ragna Blade against someone who is incorporeal.
Oh also Gwyn has another daughter he didn't care about. He sacrificed her life and erased her from history and used her as a seal on the ringed city and the pygmy lords.
Basically, the only difference between pygmies and humans is that humans were born bound by the Dark Sign, and so have no immortality or powers, whereas the pygmies were sealed while adults, and so still have immortality and their powers are only vastly reduced. He didn't want humans to learn what he did to them. If the Dark Sign is broken, then humans will be pygmies again.
So is their natural appearance corpselike or is that a side effect of the Darksign?
Oh well. After all this time it was ambiguous whether Gwyn was actually trying to save the world by linking the Flame or if he was just a bastard with dumbass kids.
Guess Vendrick and Aldia were right after all.
Oh, I know that, but corporeal makes for a lot easier targeting(as does being frakking huge).
How do you break the Dark Sign?
The pygmies we see are corpselike. I'm not 100% if that's from the Dark Sign as everyone is bound by it, because we never see a non-bound pygmy. They're not hollows though, hollowing is more a product of the Dark Sign and its decay.
With the Age of Dark, the Dark Sign, which is powered by the Flame, will die and no longer exist. Humans will thus be Pygmies again.
Highlight Reel!
>My Companions and I set ourselves up in Beach City as world wandering scientists bent on studying and reverse engineering the various Gem Technologies.
>Steven and the Crystal Gems initially mistake The Four Amigos and The Wolf Pack as Gem Monsters and break into our house to take care of the "infestation".
>Breakfast solves a lot of problems.
>Rip Van Winkle demands a Gem-powered Kamen Rider device in the shape of a long glove. I make two. Shenanigans ensue as I am literally throwing both science and magic at the wall to see what sticks.
>Mainly let the story run its course, but interfere in a number of episodes just by being there.
>Interfere in a bunch of episodes because I'm NOT letting Pearl teach suicide battle tactics to a teenager instead of teaching her how to work together.
>Interfere in a bunch more episodes because fuck letting Lapis battle Jasper alone at the bottom of the ocean.
>Have a startlingly large number of introspective moments where I discover bits to my personality I wasn't entirely willing to confront.
>Everybody sings a WHOLE LOT and I love it because now I don't sound like a beached whale.
>End up Companioning Lapis Lazuli for a number of reasons
>Probably a ton of interesting stuff I forgot to mention.
Also, I apologize for apparently writing 34 pages of bad Steven Universe fan fiction.
Next Time on Restarted Chain!
So, would you kindly...?
+Everything humanoid and equipped with free will is likely to have immortality contingent on determination
+Everything humanoid and
"Bad" is an...oversimplification. It's a necessary part of the world, and even the Usurpation is a victory for it in a sense.
Much more so for anything non-human. Even for humans, it's basically their element but it still kind of sucks more than living in an age of fire.
See, humans aren't the only things living in there. Apart from the Children of the Dark, there's a race of locusts supposed to lure people back-but really, really want to just eat everything. The giant flies in Ariandel are also implied to be a kind of Dark-based lifeform considering insects with mushrooms growing out of their backs and smaller locust-things are swarming on the plains of the Dreg Heap (the literal end of the world) and the caverns below the Ringed City
Things born of the Dark aren't FUNDAMENTALLY evil, just hungry, envious and...difficult to coexist with things not also affiliated with the Dark because it's a fundamentally corrosive, entropic force. But at the same time, it's symbiotic to the propagation of flame. DS2 has Alsanna protecting the world from the Profaned Flame, and the Ringed City has knights who fought dragons alongside Gwyn with weapons forged in the abyss, but were branded with a seal of fire because he was afraid of the Dark spreading from them to end his age.
So it's necessary and even beneficial in limited degrees, but succumbing fully to it reduces you to an animalistic horror. The shambling smoke-headed skeletons that launch "Deep" sprites are human dregs (spine pieces) given physical form. Sinking into the Abyss caused the Harald Legion to become fat cocoons of roots controlled by a black Humanity sprite
But then why does the sun seem to turn into a Dark Sign in the Age of Hollows?
Even in your post your bias is plain, because you refuse to accept the corruption of the Abyss and of the Dark Sign as unnatural, ignoring the lore about how the pygmies lived before Gwyn.
muh symbolism
Also we never do see a complete age of dark except in the ending where you work with the firekeeper, everything else is letting it live in some form.
>ran out of space trying to list pros and cons
+Everything humanoid and equipped with free will is likely to have immortality contingent on determination
+Anything that develops an affinity to light can also control time to a degree
+Anything that develops an affinity to dark can mutate to become more powerful and dampen other out of control elements
+/- Everything is souls.
+/- Anyone you know might be someone else's reincarnation
+/- The ideal way to stay immortal and sane throughout the cycles appears to be being a sociopath with no ambition aka Unbreakable Patches
-If a flame goes out of control because of a stronk fuel it's likely to ruin everything for everyone
-Things fall apart, the center cannot hold
-These conditions naturally predispose everyone to be jerks
I could say the same for you, ignoring the very existence of the Primordial Serpents and the Locusts themselves doesn't exactly paint the Dark as a good place to live in. I'm not saying Gwyn isn't essentially a thrallherd, but an age of dark isn't even all good for humans/hollows/pygmies
The Locusts are Abyssal corruption and the Serpents are cunts no matter whose side they're on. Remember that there are Serpents working to preserve the Flame too. They're evil manipulative cunts who are playing EVERYONE, not just the 'Undead', not just the Gods.
Whether a Dark Dick or a Fire Fucker, remember, the Primordial Serpents are your enemy. Everyone can agree on this.
They're honestly probably mutant dragons who are butthurt about the Dark and the Flame both.
One possible explaination for this ties into the Profaned Flame. See, it turns out a number of Alsanna's relative were the cause of it. Coal lifted from the general area has a Darkish taint upon it It's what happens when a flame gets corrupted by darkness-it becomes perpetual, and burns up Humanity for fuel.
It's basically symbolism for human/pymy dominance over the world. In Friede's pyromancy it's explained the motif of black fire edged with white is humanity's. Since you do allow the flame to contact you in that ending, it could be by immersing it in the immense Humanity you're carrying at that point you turn all the fire-or at least, the greatest quantity that sustains the cycle, into Humanity-based fires to eliminate the cycle by deepening its' symbiosis
Granted, but that just goes to prove Dark DOES have great potential for corrosion and mutation. It's all well and good to talk about a theoretical ideal environment for humanity, but statistically things that inhabit/are associated with it strive to distort it; the natural force itself may not be malevolent, but those empowered by it are incentivised to be so. Patches helpfully spells it out for you: EVERY age has been defined by the greed of men, and he is the way he is because he enjoys taking advantage of it
We just need a new Fire, one unrelated to the First Flame.
Short Version:Non-Euclidean does not, technically, mean what people think it means.
Longer Version:Common Use trumps Technicalities when it comes to language, but some people are too autistic to realize or accept this.
This is 100% true, though. Even dragons probably don't like them much considering the serpent-shaped Pus of Men spew right out of some of their descendents, and other objects associatd with them refer to their greed and hunger
That's essentially the point of the Usurpation, actually. You're altering the Flame to the point it no longer behaves as it used to.
Is there any way to make it all better?
It's usually some kind of orchestral rock that tends to fit whatever theme the jump has. Different instruments and all that, but it's usually orchestral rock.
I look at the Abyss and the Deep the same way I do Chaos. Remember, Chaos is a profound and evil taint that produces monsters and abominations, yet is born of Flame. Another example could be seen in the Dark Sign, which is born of Flame, and how it warps the Pygmies. Hollows and Undead, with only a few of the positives and with tons of negatives pygmies don't have, are a product of this.
Both elements have the potential to be corrupted and drive people to insanity and mutation. It's just that the Abyss and Deep are emphasized by those that wish to preserve the Flame, and they have the advantage of Chaos dying out with the Flame and thus being at a weak point and of no one knowing what causes Undeath, and thus being able to cover for how their element can be twisted.
The former is end-game MMORPG, the latter is end-game JRPG.
Overlord lets you buy greater initial power, however.
"Non-Euclidean" doesn't mean what you think it does. It just refers to geometry that can't be made using Euclid's principles. Anything that has a hyperbola or elliptic or any other curved surface is non-Euclidean. Non-Euclidean geometry is everywhere, even in your own body. Especially in your own body, actually, your blood vessels are full of it.
It's a meaningful word that has actual significance to many fields of engineering. Arguments about how linguistic drift and the evolution of language trumps pedantry don't apply to science and technology, because having clear terms matters there.
Shame that we're never getting an explanation for why some Hollows mutate into dragon-like forms. A Pygmy-Dragon connection isn't entirely ruled out, but if it exists it's not so direct as people assumed. It's a mystery we'll never solve.
>tfw you just want to give humanity a second chance and Usurp the First Flame anyway
>tfw you've got Chaos Flame within you and Dark Sigils, and will likely end up drinking Gael's blood to bolster both sides of yourself.
I have no idea if this is going to be good or bad, but at this point it's not like I could make things worse in that world by taking everyone's toys and leaving with it.
The mathematical understanding of what is non-euclidean is much more expansive than what your layman perception of non-euclidean is, such that the subset is so expansive that there are many different paths to reach that desired non-euclidean architecture conclusion, even if the perks don't exclusively say non-euclidean within the wording.