Age of Sigmar General /aosg/

Death was a mistake edition


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>army builder

Old thread: Topic to start off with; What's your favorite centerpiece model?

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Do you think love could ever bloom between Warhammer Fantasy and Age of Sigmar?

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Aelves when?


Age of Smugmar.

hey friends, I play 40k and I am considering going into AoS cause of a couple GOOD tutorial games and the fact that the pirate dawi lookin ballin. However, I am open to more than just them since I play 3 armies in 40k after all. I was hoping for a good army where I could create a line that would essentially be a meat shield wall so I can pick people apart with ranged infantry and still be effective. What would you guys suggest for an army that plays that effectively? I am not trying to go cheese or WAAC. I just really enjoy playing that style win or lose even in video games

Hey guys. I am getting into age of sigmar and I am going to buy a start collecting seraphon set. With that I am going to get a box of skinks and a bastadon. Will this be an okay list for 1000 pts? How important is a slann in the lizard men army? Should I model my saurus warriors into saurus guard?

Should I get an engine of the gods instead of a bastadon?

Potential list
Getting into Age of sigmar. How would these two armies compare? Would they be fun battles or one sided bloodbaths? Would the lizard men kill enough skaven to summon their god or would the skaven drop a moon on the dinos?

Saurus Oldblood on Carnosaur (320)

5 x Saurus Knights (120)
- Blades
10 x Saurus Warriors (100)
- Clubs
20 x Skinks (160)
- Meteoric Javelins & Star Bucklers

Bastiladon (300)

Total: 1000

>Death was a mistake
Dont know if heresy...

Thanks bro, here's what I've got so far. The metal on the left one is done, I like the waywatcher glaze giving it a nice tint overall, now I just need to highlight the green bits better and it's all done. The one in the middle needs the tint on the metal now and to be based, and it'll be done as well. The one on the right just has it's base and wash

Damn son, these are nice!!! Gj user!

I think you should paint the base rims black, to me gold just looks like you've been lazy and not painted it after you basecoated

Oh yeah I'm gonna paint the base rims, I still haven't decided what color yet. I'm also trying to decide how to add more flare to the bases themselves, as they come from a kind of mire-y area that's got oily/chemically muddy ground. Maybe get some Nurgles Rot you think and make puddles?

Thanks user!

>Death was a mistake

In order words,




Wall of clanrats to tie up shit, then Skryre ranged weaponry to fire into shit.

As a death player, I think we shouldnt spam this kind of shit. I'm fine with all the shit falling on the head of the aelve players. We obviously need a revamp of 3/4 of our factions asap, but I'd rather not pester the community with it.

Just starting AoS and plan to build up to this army. How is it?

Allegiance: Seraphon

Saurus Oldblood on Carnosaur (320)
- Trait: Legendary Fighter
- Artefact: Relic Blade
Saurus Scar-Veteran on Carnosaur (260)
- Warblade
- Artefact: Hoarfrost
Saurus Scar-Veteran on Carnosaur (260)
- War Spear
- Artefact: Obstinate Blade

20 x Saurus Guard (400)
15 x Saurus Guard (300)
15 x Saurus Guard (300)
10 x Skinks (80)
- Meteoric Javelins & Star Bucklers
10 x Skinks (80)
- Meteoric Javelins & Star Bucklers

Total: 2000/2000

Im thinking about starting something death related after all my stormcast is painted and assembled. Is this a mistake/should i wait for a new release?

I'd wait for a new release unless FEC court is your thing. other factions are pretty lackluster, either in term of model quality (skeletons), warscrolls options (soulblights) or a meh feel (malignant).

I play soulblight just because I use to play them in WHFB and nostalgia, but waiting for a re-release in death would have been wiser.

Should I use the zandri dust base spray on my skeles?

Yeah I'm most interested in skelemen, so I guess I'll wait and see for Soon(tm)

Me too. Erryday, I wish for a Tomb King announcement. They are just so much cooler than rattle horde. Guess I'll go back to painting my edgy vampires. I'm still not sure if I'll sell the FEC on sprues I will have left after painting my 2000 pts of soulblights or just paint them and build FEC.

Battlelome wins games user and seraphon need to support their battle line in order to shine.

I'm no master to the army but the games I've played with mine have always been lost because my infantry (identical to what you have) break too easily under fire and the big baddies can't put out enough damage to make up for 300+ points of useless models.

If say drop the bastiladon on low points and pick up some more ingantry, either slonls, warriors or guard, to hold objectives and advance better

Totally replied to the wrong guy sorry

Meant for

Played the first two games of my Hinterlands narrative campaign.

Ogres ain't no joke.

Lots of armies do this but Stormcast are definitely the best at it now. Their screen of birds can move 2d6 in the enemy charge phase, which can totally deny enemy charges.
Then if you use the right battalion you get to fire with your ranged unit as soon as the birds die.

Aetherstrike Force is legit

No stegadons, no wizards, and no bastiladons

Youre running 3 carnosaurs but only 1 of them can use its command ability

You cant give every hero an artifact. You get 1 artifact, and an additional 1 artifact for each battalion you bring.

I'm not a fan of either the Stegadons or Bastiladon models so that's why I want to avoid using them. However I love the Carnosaur model so I want to use plenty of them.

But I'll make sure sure to remove the extra artefacts.

I actually didn't think about Wizards at all. Odd. But I'll be sure to add one in somewhere.

skaven and stormcasts interesting. Sounds like the stormcasts are the more effective of the 2 when using this strategy based off of that. Which is the cheaper option to jump into since it seems like skaven is just a TON of models and stormcast is a few but expensive models.

One day. 10-15 years from now. We will all be happy together. Or just end up like these faggots

If youre not using the shooting monsters then youre not playing Seraphon properly

Seraphon are lackluster at melee. Their biggest strengths are defensives and shooting.

That is... a bitter disappointment.

Defensive and shooting doesn't seem to fit with the aggressive primal savagery that seems to be what the fluff indictates. Which is why I want to play them.

Then play them that way! I also dont play my faction ''the right way'' but im happy about it. Follow your guts! Enjoy the ride.

Stormcast arent that expensive

The core of the stormcast shooting list calls for 2 squads of judicators ($62) Knight Azyros and Knight Venator ($40 each) and a bunch of Vanguard-Raptors ($35 for 3, also comes with 3 aetherwings per box). The competitive tournament lists use 15 raptors.

You can get the knights from the silver tower heroes expansion box ($55) and sell off the other models in the box to cover the cost.

Dont know enough about skaven shooting, but I assume it would use a lot of stormfiends and warp lightning cannons

>Death was a mistake edition


>Tfw you use other factions models, converted to look like Death as a way to get your hands on fancy new mini's
>Blood Warriors as Grave Guard
>Skinks as Ghouls
>Ogres as Crypt Horrors
>Chaos Knights as Blood Knights
>Freeguild Archers as Skeleton bowmen
>Dryads as Zombies
>Celestial Hurricanum as Black Coach
Its a Living!

>Its a Living!
good one.

>Chaos Knights as Blood Knights
I prefer the dragon blade princes from the elves for bloodknights.

The possibilities are endless, when you steal every ones shit!
>Bastilidon Mortis Engines
>Kharadron Coven Thrones
>Hellpit Abomination Terrorgheists
>Wildwood Ranger Grave Guard
>Chaos Warrior Grave Guard
>Marauder Zombies
>Chaos Direwolves
>Thundertusk Zombie Dragon
>Spider Fang Hex Wraiths
>Slaaneshi Tomb Banshees

I think those look a bit too poncy. I also enjoy the idea of Chaos Knights who decided that the whole "1 in 2000 chance of becoming a Daemon Prince" thing was a bit dicey, and took the easy way out to immortality via vampirism.

To be fair, I also wanted to use the chaos initially. But I preferred the aesthetic of the elvish cavalry. Guess we just enjoy different styles.

I also felt the elves would require a lot less conversion. The chaos dudes have so many sigils. Unless you really stick to your fluff of chaos followers who then turned to vampirism. Which is great IMO.

>meat shield wall supported by ranged infantry
Welcome to the glory of the Freeguild. You have your Freeguild Guard that exist more or less solely to tarpit while your handgunners vomit forth volleys of rending fire into your foes, supported by cannons. It's not hard at all to get Handgunners to hitting and wounding on 2+ which is as good as you can get in Matched Play, and they've got -1 rend as well.

If you'd like to pretend your Tarpits have souls, make 'em Greatswords and watch them actually perform fairly admirable. All the while, feel free to support your infantry with Demigryph Knights, Totally-Not-Dragoons, Tanks, and Siege Weapons.

You're gonna like the way you kill. I guarantee it.

Oh, and if you aren't forced to play at a GW, Freeguild are pretty commonly fielded using Perry Miniatures, just like Empire was back in the Fantasy days. So even if you field a ton of models, you're getting them at great prices.


Considering how much of a mish mash my Undead army is, I do like having a bit of my army showing off their origins. Of course, most of the sigils are covered by Shields, but there are still giveaways to their former nature.

The fluff behind my army is a down on her luck Necromancer stumbled upon the ruins of a Crashed Seraphon ship. Taking refuge there during the Age of Chaos, she used the mystical ruins and powers of the ship to revitalize some of the systems, including the Spawning pool. With a little bit of death magic injected, she was able to get it producing living, breathing, albeit malformed lizardmen that would obey her as they would obey a Slann.

With a solid force of mutant Lizardmen obeying her, she began ramping up her experiments, working on new and innovative ways to create deadlier Undead. The Blood knights were tempted over by a new and improved Vampiism elixir as extra muscle, and she is currently working on a myriad of new types of undead in her vile laboratory

My ghetto errant questor, now with 100% more cape

Also featured my new blitzer for blood bowl

So I have a gift card to FLGS that expires at the end of the month. I am planning to expand my Flesh-eater court but don't know what to buy. So far I have two start collecting box, old Warhammer metal ghoul that I use as Crypt Ghast Courtier and a necromancer.

My first option is to buy third start collecting box and go big with the big guys.

Allegiance: Death

Abhorrant Ghoul King (100)
- General
- Trait: Ruler of the Night
- Artefact: Cursed Book
Abhorrant Ghoul King on Zombie Dragon (400)
Crypt Ghast Courtier (80)

10 x Crypt Ghouls (100)
10 x Crypt Ghouls (100)
10 x Crypt Ghouls (100)
9 x Crypt Horrors (420)

Terrorgheist (320)
Terrorgheist (320)

Total: 1940/2000

My second option is to buy two boxes of ghouls to boost my numbers.

Allegiance: Death

Abhorrant Ghoul King (100)
- General
- Trait: Ruler of the Night
- Artefact: Cursed Book
Abhorrant Ghoul King on Zombie Dragon (400)
- Artefact: Tomb Blade
Crypt Ghast Courtier (80)
Necromancer (120)

20 x Crypt Ghouls (200)
20 x Crypt Ghouls (200)
20 x Crypt Ghouls (200)
6 x Crypt Horrors (280)

Terrorgheist (320)

Ghoul Patrol (100)

Total: 2000/2000

So which list looks more feasible?

That's not a Mary Sue at all. :^)

Ugh Ghouls. Why not be a proper vampire?

And the second one.

I'm sorry, I'll go back to playing my Stormcast Eternals

Go ahead, enjoy yourself. No way is a necromancer going to make a "better vampire elixer".

Your right, I mean, its not like there's a entire plane of death to poke around in. And its not like the lady who invented the first one is still around. And it's not like the guy who basically invented Necromancy is a god or anything.

What's funny is that Blood Knights are really lousy for what they do, and have trouble killing pretty much everything I throw them against. I've pretty much stopped taking them entirely, because they never do anything worthwhile when I do.

Yeah but a Necromancer, though. Vampire Queen, I could understand, but a necromancer?

And they're that bad? I was going to make some myself soon.

Because Flesh-eater courts fluff is one of the best pieces of new lore (and innovation) GW has done for ages.


Nah, user, you did a good job with that kitbash. Actually didn't think it was one, at first.

I like them, I was just acting a more civilised vampire, because that's what I play.

FEC are cool and I enjoy the new fluff. Models aren't something I like though.

>so the guy who likes free guild should shut up about them until they get a release?
Sort of yes, especially when he mostly whinning about how he love old elves models

Lemme put down the latest WIP lore I got for my dudes. So Hashut demands of his greatest warriors to create a grand new temple in his name, and so the Chaos Dwarf legions venture forward to honor their dark god. One group, ventured forth into the Realm of Life, having heard tale of a hidden kingdom of man in a valley. The only way to access this kingdom was to get past a cursed forest that would doom those who wander it to roam forever. The group kept pushing for centuries, driving them mad, and it also made Hashut impatient and displeased with them. Upon threatening to destroy them, a mutiny took place, and Baar'Tok, the second in command, slew the Daemonsmith in charge, sacrificing his life and using his ashes to forge a horrible gem. This pleased the dark god, and so he commanded the slaughter of all those loyal to the former leader of their warhost, and diamonds made from their ashes. Once the traitors were slain, Hashut then revealed the way out of the cursed forest, to the hidden kingdom in the green valley. The Chaos Dwarfs sacked the city, and burned it, and everyone within it to the ground, forging a great hoard of these awful gems. Where the Kingdom once stood, now a massive Vault-Temple stands. The chaos dwarfs there venturing out and claiming new trinkets and gems for their hoard.

How do I paint skeletons? And are grave guard worth my money?

At this point dude, I just roll with what ever lore I happen to come up with. Until we actually get some hard core lore, I just do what I like. And to be fair, I do use the rules for Kemmler for my Necromancer, so she isn't just your run of the mill Necromancer either.

But yeah, Blood Knights are pretty bad when it comes to their role as "Heavy" cavalry. Coming in at 260 points, or a little over a 30 man Skeleton Unit, or a 40 zombie man unit, they really don't have the punching power after their initial charge.

They start off 3 attacks on their main weapon, +3 to hit, +3 to wound, and 1 rend, 1 damage. That damage gets bumped up to d3 when they charge. Now, the problem comes from their durability as a unit. They are 3 wounds each, and have a 4+ save, 3+ against no rend. They will eat -1 rend shots like fucking chumps, as that leaves them at a embarrassing +5 save. Although they do get 1 Blood Knight back a turn, they simply don't do enough damage in combat, nor do they have the numbers to stay on the board long enough. Couple that with a basic 10" Move, and I will always take the cheaper, deadlier, and faster Vargheists every time.

Tried improving it by adding more magic and range. Thoughts?

Allegiance: Seraphon

Saurus Oldblood on Carnosaur (320)
- General
- Trait: Legendary Fighter
- Artefact: Relic Blade
Saurus Scar-Veteran on Carnosaur (260)
- Warblade
Skink Starseer (160)

20 x Saurus Guard (400)
15 x Saurus Guard (300)
15 x Saurus Guard (300)
10 x Skinks (80)
- Meteoric Javelins & Star Bucklers

3 x Salamanders (180)

Total: 2000/2000

The models are hit or miss I agree. I like horrors and big monsters. But I liked metal ghouls more, the current ones are... Odd...
And would it killed to have one or two new kits? Like clampack courtier so you don't have to sacrifice a horror box for them. Or a fresh new unit, It's not like there is a room for more demented chivalry. Like royal gamekeepers who in their mind think they use bow and arrows but in reality just throw sharpened bones and rocks at the enemies or Ghoul "Prince" Grail Knights.

Those are some cool ideas, user.

OR you could wait for the real spook-scare armies to get released.
Don't get me wrong, FEC look cool. I love their beasties, but there's not much else like good ol' rattle bones.

yo everyone !
is there any khornate fellow who get is hands on the new battletome ?
any interesting things from it ?

It just went up for pre-order, you won't see anyone with any info until wednesday at the earliest.

All we have are a few pages, check Atia's site.

Help me out, /aosg/. I can't decide!

Christ, you skelefags are vaguely annoying after the sixth thread.

i see
well, i'm going to buy it anyway, it looks fine

Zombies are better, anyway.

OC donut steel

>archaon killed him
>he didn't stay dead

Damn, he's really a Mary Sue.

They usually die when that happens.

>Space marines
>Marry Sue

No, my point is, that they aren't, but that image is lying about what they're like.

This piece looks good on my wall.

>they aren't,
>literally only one who manage to push back Chaos

That's not what a Mary Sue is.

>dat pose
They use some kind of liquid metal for their armor?

Words like mary sue, cuck, autist, etc all tend to lose their original meaning and become "something I don't like"

> idealized and seemingly perfect fictional character, a young or low-rank person who saves the day through unrealistic abilities. Often this character is recognized as an author insert or wish-fulfillment.
Seems pretty close except young low-rank

>unrealistic abilities

How is it unrealistic that magically empowered supermen can fight back chaos when others couldn't?

still not a mary-sue. but you keep believing that

How do I paint my skeles like the light ones on the box, as opposed to the tomb kings, beige shade ones?

Use white instead of cream colours.

How can I paint my skeles the beige color of the ones in the Tomb Kings 8th edition codex?

Spray white, sepia shade, highlight in lighter creams, like Ushabti Bone or Screaming Skull.

Use cream colors instead of white.

>How is it unrealistic
>magically empowered supermen
Gee I wonder
>still not a mary-sue.
How so?

>Space Marines
>Able to push back Chaos
What are you on mate? 40k's Grimdarkness stems for the fact that they even the superhuman Space Marines can't push back Chaos for long. Not to mention the Tyranid hivefleets. And the indestructible Orcs.

The fact that the good guys (and da best boyz) actually managed to beat back Chaos ties into WHFB's more HUMANITY FUCK YEAH approach. We just need more FAITH STEEL AND GUNPOWDER with no respawns and shit.
(And I don't even want to play Freeguild, but letting that whole Reneissance German aesthetic go would be a fucking waste).

Unrealistic in this case means unrealistic for the character.

Mary Sue, as a term, came about because of Star Trek fanfiction written in fanzines and stuff.

It's named for writers who would write themselves into stories, usually with positions like Ensign.

They would then write about a chracter named for themselves (Mary Sue, in this case, because it was the 60s) saving the entire ship and crew with knowledge and skills an ensign wouldn't have. There would also usually be some kind of romantic subplot.

This is unrealistic for the established character.

The Stormcast were established as powerful characters from the start and are not Mary Sues as it's realistic for them to do what they do.

looking to start a mainly dwarven army. what should I start with? warriors? maybe ironbreakers?

They are not stronger than a Chaos Warrior, and their big special ability is having some extra respawns and teleporting around. They still have human motives and souls (at least until a few reforgings) and despite their initial impression they are not out to save everyone and be nice. I really didn't like them at first, but after reading about their fluff I realized that they are actually fleshed out quite well and are refreshing after SPACE MUHREEENS. Still not my kind of army (green is best), but I won't feel as much contempt for a SC player like for an Ultramarines one.


Not to mention mary sue implies flawless and never failing

Stormcast eternals get their asses kicked all the time, and even lose major battles. The more times they die, the more flawed they become (in some cases). They are still mortal and still make mistakes.

There has only been just enough victories to edge out above chaos. Doing this does not automatically brand you a mary sue.

>There has only been just enough victories to edge out above chaos. Doing this does not automatically brand you a mary sue.
Especially with all the plot armor Chaos has/had in both Warhammer universes. It's actually refreshing to see them getting their demon-worshipping snownigger/steppenigger asses kicked by the good guys. It's even better to read about Achaons big fucking statue being constantly vandalized by Ironjawz though.

Comparing Sigmarines & Space Marines, I don't see that many Kaldor Draigos or others around. They also get their asses kicked quite a few times.

Longbeards are awesome. Arguably one of the better battleline choices for order. Then get thunderers if you want to go cheap. Effective and cheap.

Hammerers hit really fucking hard in melee and don't take battleshock with a dispossessed hero nearby.

Ironbreakers are tough, but don't do much other than being tough. You send them at something you don't want to have to worry about for the rest of the game.

Irondrakes are expensive, but hardy and hit really hard.

Good heroes are runelord and warden king.

In all honesty, that's what made me not immediately reject AoS the second I saw how it was once it came out with all those joke rules. Chaos actually has a chance of losing.

They aren't going to lose. All this really means is they can't run free unchecked in the mortal realms anymore like it's their fucking playground.

>implying the endgame won't be Gotrek returning to kill Chaos
Soon. Gotrek & Felix will return.