Penal Regiment Veeky Forums

Spider War Part 2 Edition

>the situation on Rachnis has hardly changed since the regiment has arrived
>the xenos have successfully pushed back all attempts to invade their territory
>Perhaps the recently arrived Ark Mechanicus is enough to turn the tables

1d4Chan: Forums

Steam Group:

>What the fuck is this?
Somewhat a campaign of crack-infused free-form roleplay in the grim darkness of the far future.

>When do you guys make these threads?
Usually mondays at 4PM GMT, but they sometimes extend to Tuesdays if we got caught in the middle of something when the thread died and it was too late to make another one the same day.

>Can I join in?
Sure, just think of a character and have fun, you can find most info in 1d4chan albeit it's ussually a little bit out of date in comparison to where the threads are.

>Is there any requirement in character creation.
Not really, we've had Xeno infiltrators, Chaos infiltrators, Villains, Heroes, Normal Guardsmen, Crazed Guardsmen, Assassins, Psykers, Space Marines, Inquisitors, Squats... just think whathever and join the fun.

>Is it allowed to have more than a single character?
Yes as long as you don't use it to powerplay.

>So how you guys do the playan'?
We tend to use spoilers for OOC chat, but nothing is set in stone.
We tend to use greentexts for describing a character's actions, but again nothing is set in stone.
Use d20s for combat checks and d100s for other things you want to roll, higher Is better.
It's important to know that the regiment is now no longer in the employ of a dozen+ radical Inquistors, and have instead been folded back into guard ranks of Ultima Segmentum. Yes we've been through a lot of shit.

>Why don't you people move to quest?
Quests have a single QM and a group of people collectively controlling a character or a group. Penal Regiment Veeky Forums has neither of those things.

Other urls found in this thread:

>The colonel would be attending to his personal pet project.
>He had all intent to lead a mobile attack against the xenos scum.
>And for this purpose he had brought out a "souvenir" of sorts
>Said "Souvenir" happened to be a Tauros rapid assault vehicle, or RAV for short.
>Almost all of it was present, the colonel had not gotten a whole tauros but he intended to customize it to fit his personal quirks anyway, so a Tauros with some parts missing was an optimal project.
>He was waiting on some crates which he had taken with him, since he had pre-planned this project, but he had never actually gotten to the work.
>Since the regiment wasn't in dire need of their colonel at the moment he'd give his full attention to his Taurox.
>But alas, he was merely the man with the specifications on how to assemble and customize said vehicle. The adeptus Mechanicus were responsible of actual assembly.
>It was at times like this that the Colonel wished that he would have a suitable cogboy as a lapdog to cater to the good Colonel's wildest requests.

>a tired, sultry figure enters the cafeteria
>One with the look of a man who was dead until five minutes ago
>he sits down at the bar, ordering something, anything, preferably toxic
>he pulls back his fiery-red hair and fixes the glasses, pushing them against the bridge of his nose
>he lights a lho and takes a deep pull, holding it in as he takes a swig of the 'alcoholic' 'beverage', grunting audibly
>he slams the glass down with a choking cough and a chuckle

>Seated on a fold out chair outside of the barracks, would be Malak. Various tools, unguents, and sticks of lit incense surround him, as he goes about the task of cleaning, and maintaining, his equipment.
>As he goes about his work, he would be quietly mumbling the necessary litinies and rites of maintenance.

Rolled 28 (1d100)

>Luciena was seated in her Reclamation vehicle
>she was working on something on a small work station

>Sternbridge finds her
The shuttle is waiting, Magos.

>The Colonel's Bone'ead body guard, would be for once, quietly assisting him.
>More specifically, he would be quietly Assisi ng him by dragging anything that was needed for the project. Be in tires and treads, an entire engine, or some other heavy object. Thunda would be happy to just be doing something.

>she throws the failed project into a pile of others
Oh... he wants me now? C-can I bring my aid?

>Is fiddling with his lasgun
>Seemingly tries to remove the power pack
>By hitting it repeatedly with his clenched fist, hard
>Small chunks of rust fall off from every nook and cranny they can escape the confines of the weapon from

I don't know, Avrianos merely requested your presence. I'm not his subordinate, you know.

Well if he needs me than he'll put up with my requests... Hopefully...
>she sends a ping to Malak
Is the shuttle on pad 1?

>is behind her
Ooh can I come too?

>she is standing inside her chimera hull He requested me. besides. I fear he's after the pod so stay here and guard it.

Well fine then but at least take 01000011 01101000 01100101 01110010 01111001 01101100 then I can see what's going on wait have you met her yet?

>The oddly colour green Ogryn/human, who was definitely, 100%, unbelievable positively, assuredly, NOT an Ork who had been mistaken for a human/Ogryn by the regiment's medics the last time they had faced orks, and as such, was now forced to live with them. No sirie!, Would walk towards the old man, and his rusty equipment, and would forcefully remove his lasgun from his hands.


>He'd begin bashing the lasgun against the ground, and then punching it repeatedly.


>Out of nowhere. The stock of the gun would fly up, and hit him in the face.

Oh!? Wise grot ain't ya! I'll show YOU. A gud Krumping!
>At this point. The Or- HUMAN! TOTALLY A human here!-- would somehow be in an actually fist fight with the old man's lasgun. And losing it rather badly from the look of things.
>Show how, the lasgun would be kicking this green skinned man's ass. And by the twenty second mark. The trooper would be half unconscious, and thr gun would have flung itself into the old man's hands. Albeit with far less rust on it.

We'z.... We'z call it a drawz...

>Having just finished up with his standard maintenance. He would answer the ping.

Tempestor Ordenius, here.

>Vadim would have thunda moving crates back and forth, some crates out of the way, and others into his makeshift garage where the project took place.

Careful with crates blyet. Cannot afford mistakes da?

Yes. You had her talking to me when you were trapped.

>He gets a message saying
We're going to met the other Magos. Pad 1

>Epsilon is sitting on top of a pile of crates, focusing very intently at the gap in between is upheld hands. Occasionally a small stone will rise up into the air, and join the small ring system Epsilon now has around his head.

Oh yeah so will you take her?

>A single word would come in through her comm before his end of the line seperates.


>With that, he would grab his remaining gear, and would head off to pad 1. Unsure of what awaits him, or why he would be allowed to go.

Sternbridge waits by the shuttle

>The Bone 'ead would give a sloppy salute. Causing him to almost drop a crate, before catching it at the last second.

Okie dokie Cur'ah'nul!

I guess... just give me operating control over her so she doesn't wander off. I gotta go now.
>she grabs her axe and blaster
Keep the pod safe

>Malak would give a quick nod to the Admiral instead of a salute. Weary that snipers might be watching for an officer to shoot.

Tempestor Ordenius, reporting for duty, Admiral!

>Vadim would grunt audibly
Just..Do not drop crates okay? Is important matters!

Ha you think I have control of her
Don't worry she understands secrecy and I've given her your personal sphere code

But Thunda can shake, right?

>He'd shake the crate slightly, as he does an Ogryn version of the "Chunga'. Spanish Chunga' music playing as he does so.

She better stay close. and get out of my vehicle.
>It's pretty much her room
>she heads out and rushes to pad 1

Malak! You ready?
>she steps onto the ramp and turns to him, going high enough up on it to be at his eye level.

>Hidden behind the safety of his helmet's rebreather mask, would be a soft smile.

Yes Ma'am! A Scion always stands ready for his assignment!

NYET! NO SHAKING! DO NOT SHAKE...DO NOT DROP...just bring crates I of showed you to, very carefully.
>The colonel would stare at the ogryn unsure if he should be angry about the fact that the ogryn would shake the valuable crates, or terrified as to what happened to the contents of the crate.

Captcha: goods private

>Epsilon raises his head, and brushes the stones off his shoulders as they loose their levitation.

Has anyone seen my shoes?
>Epsilon is indeed barefoot, and without his boots.

>in the background a servoskull waves

>when the three board, the shuttle's servitor pilot bids the shuttle to take off and rise through the atmosphere

>Thunda would frown at this for a moment. But his smile would quickly return not a moment later.

Un'duh'stud Cur'ah'nel! Thunda bring boxes d'er.

>And so he would do do, occasionally doing the Ogryn Chunga along the way.

>PFC. Rads Gorr'fling'ah, still laying on the ground after getting his handed to him in a fist fight, by a fucking rusty lasgun. Would point towards the barracks.

Oy... Oy t'inks onnah dem' d'er furry feet Boyz wit da scopey shoo- flashy gunz... took 'em last noight whilz you'z was sleepin'... Ugggghhh...

>Epsilon narrows his eyes at the slumped figure lying defeated on the ground
A ratling? I had no idea any were here. Maybe they have my recaf stash and toothbrush as well!

>Radz would struggle to stand up at this point. The beating that the rusty lasgun had given him is pretty bad for a human.

Oy dun'no wotcha callz 'em! D'eys just funny lookin' 'umi--- OY MEANZ! Funny lookin' FELLOW 'Umies! DAT is also shortah d'en three snotlings in a trench coat.
>"Nailed it Radz! Dis 'upid 'umie ain't none da wis'ah!"

I'll 'elp ya'z KRUMP 'em if ya wants! But only for a fair share ah da pile o' teef and Bitz 'e be hidin'!

>Luciena remains standing as her boots magnetize to the floor

>Malak would wait patiently for the shuttle ride to end. Taking a few moments to run a few diagnostic checks on his suit, and gear, before going back to waiting.

Deal! Now letz go do sum Krumpin'!

>The (totally not an Ork) trooper, would follow after him. Ready for a fight that he can actually win this time around.

Fair enough. you get anything that isn't mine, or standard issue.
>Epsilon pulls up his hood and marches towards the Barracks
just fixing green text sorry

Rolled 41 (1d100)

>Epsilon knocks on the door of the barracks once, then pushes it open without touching it.

>The door swings open, revealing an annoyed Psyker.

>Rad isn't really surprised by this act. He's seen weird bo- I MEAN! --- other PSYKERS do similar thing before. But that had always ended up with their heads exploding into a shower of gore, and assorted visera.
>As he enters behind him. Radz would pull out his Chopp--- HUGE BAYONET!!! ---, Ready to Krump some skulls!

>While he waits for the shuttle to finally land at the orbiting Mechanicus vessel. Malak would use his helmet comm suite to message Luciena.
>"I've got to admit. You're quite the comfortable pillow. I don't think I've slept that well in months."

>Luciena blushes and turns on her power axe before glaring at Malak

>He doesn't move at all from the sight of this. Merely chuckling through the comm.

>"I wouldn't do that when we get to the Ship. They might get a little worried."

>the shuttle arrives in the Ark Mechanicus' hangar
>several tech-priests meet the three when the shuttle hatch opens to run diagnostic scans and such to make sure none of them are compromised by scrapcode or other tech-heresy

>Once the scans have been finished, and he's free to leave. Malak would walk down the exit ramp, and wait for the others. Keeping an eye open for any sign of possible trouble.

>hides behind Luciena and attempts to be inconspicuous

>Luciena turns to him and shows him the Volkite
I'll be fine. They wouldn't dare touch me with this

>Luciena waits for them to finish their scans

>a tech-priest approaches the three and offers to show them to Avrianos' audience chamber

>Luciena nods and exchanges greetings through a burst transmission of information
Lead the way

>He'd follow after her and the Admiral.

>the tech-adept leads the way through winding corridors lined with cables and consoles whose purpose is unknown
>they pass servitors performing their monotonous tasks and likely have been for thousands of years
>at last they arrive at a grand doorway emblazoned with a skull set in a gear - the symbol of the adeptus mechanicus
>a voice booms over an unseen vox-caster
Magos-Dominus Luciena. You are permitted to enter. Your companions will wait outside.

Servoskulls are usually subservient and assist their owner in menial task so I think I can get in by posing as both more than wargear thoughts?

Well shit...
>Luciena gulps and keeps the skull under her robes and enters the room, looking around

Something came up, can you give me a half hour?

Sure. I got time

>He'd do as he'd been told, and would stay put outside the room, while Luciena goes and does her thing.

>Has returned to smoking his pipe

>the Magos-Explorator is an imposing figure
>his face is obscured by a hood cut from the same crimson cloth that Luciena wears
>he wears a mantle of steel, a custom suit of powered armor that enhances his height and strength to that greater than a normal man
>most wouldn't know, but Luciena is informed enough to deduce that he has two shoulder-mounted plasma culverins stowed in his chassis
>he speaks in binaric cant
Greetings, Luciena of Hollowell.

>She replies in binary as she gives a light bow
Greetings, Lencath of... I'm sorry, I do not know the forge you hail from

>As he continues to wait for Luciena's meeting to end. He would be singing a rather popular war cant of Mars.

Mind receptors witness glory from the burning of the flame
The fires of the forge are like the trumpets which proclaim
Our engines at full power, your destruction is our aim
Our Truth has come online~
Engage the linkage, Omnissiah~. Engage~ the linkage, Omnissiah~ Engage~ the linkage, Omnissiah~!
Our Truth has come online~

>Lencath indicates to his chestpiece, where a green circle ringed by silver resides
My home is Mystra, but I seldom return as an explorator.
But I digress. I have a request to make from you. The regiment to which you are attached frequently comes across archaeotech, yes?

They seem to, yes. Just recently I came into possession of this Volkite blaster and was able to create detailed plans of it after I had fixed its battle damage.
>She pulled the blaster out of her robes and let it hum to life
I can give you a copy if you would like

That is not necessary. I have a greater task in mind for you.

Yes? How may I aid you in your mission?
>Luciena pulled it back into her robes

>servoskull started singing along at a very low volume
With heat and iron and industry we'll purge you from this world
You will sunder, melt, and shatter from the bolts of wrath we've hurled
And upon your ruined end, our blood red banners stand unfurled
Our Might has come online
Engage the linkage, Omnissiah
Engage the linkage, Omnissiah
Engage the linkage, Omnissiah
Our Might has come online

You will continue to accompany penal regiment Theta Gamma as their tech-adept, but you will keep watch for any and all technological artifacts that they may come across. These will be cataloged and stored in your chambers aboard the Judgement's Teeth until such time as they can be retrieved. To ensure your acquisition of these objects, I will lend you a contingent of kill-servitors and an onager dunecrawler.

>her mechanical eye lights up
Can I have access to several STC plans along with some choice weapons?

>He'd sing along with the servo skull.
Traitor, Xeno, Heritech, they are as one to us
We will scorch them from existence with our engines devious~
Our hate for them encoded into every bolt and truss
Our Wrath has come online~
Engage~ the linkage, Omnissiah~
Engage~ the linkage, Omnissiah~
Engage~ the linkage, Omnissiah~
Our Wrath has come online~

I am entrusting you with a unit of the Omnissiah's finest. Is this not enough?

Well my friend recently lost his power sword and I was hoping I could get him a replacement. As for the STC's... I need to see the proper way to fix baneblade superheavy tanks since one is in my regiment. I would hate to repair it improperly So, I was hoping to get a copy to learn each bolt o properly venerate the machine

Titans striding forward, Ordinatii by the score
They are drowning out blasphemers 'neath their great mechanic roar
Tradition is our bulwark, it endures forever more
Our Victory comes online
Engage the linkage, Omnissiah
Engage the linkage, Omnissiah
Engage the linkage, Omnissiah
Our Victory comes online

>At this point, he would begin singing the verses alongside the servoskull

Engage~ the linkage, Omnissiah~
Engage~ the linkage, Omnissiah~
Engage~ the linkage, Omnissiah~

>after a brief moment of consideration
Very well. I will share with you the schematics for a baneblade as well as a power sword. You will wear my personal seal as a symbol of your servitude.

>would continue to sing with Malak while doing backing
~Deus est machina~
~Deus est machina~
~Deus est machina~

Good. And do I have a way to contact you over long distances?
>Luciena produced a small information drive and held it out
This has the Volkite blaster schematics. It is from the heresy era and is a Solar Auxiliary pattern. Take it back to your forge with you. It will serve you better than to me

Here is a noospheric pulser. Activate it and I will be on my way to your location.
>he takes the volkite schematics
You have my thanks. Your servitor contingent is waiting in the same hangar in which you arrived.
>before she leaves
One more thing, Magos-Dominus

Engage~ the linkage, Omnissiah~
Engage~ the linkage, Omnissiah~
Engage~ the linkage, Omnissiah~
Our victory comes online~

Yes? Is there something else I can help you with?
>She smiles at him

Keep an eye on Xenonom.
You are dismissed. Send Sternbridge in after you.

>She nods before exiting
Sternbridge, he requests you in his chambers

Malak. Come with me.
>She starts heading down the hall

Man...your alright Malak I'm glad your here but I must ask where did you hear that cant?

>As soon as the door had opened, he would stop singing.
>His brow would be raised questioningly at this, but hidden behind his helmet.
>He'd quickly grab his gear, and would follow after her.

>as she passes him, she seems to smirk at him
This way. Quickly now. We need to stop at the armory

>Before going g after Luciena. He would answer it.

At my Scholia. Along withthe everything j know about repair and maintenance of equipment. Scions are expected to know how to repair everything we're assigned.

It doesn't hurt when you've spent time fighting wars alongside the ad mech and their various skittarii units.

>Knowing better than to question his orders. He would simply nod, before following along with her.

Understood Ma'am.

Malak. I have a question for you. Do you know I can speak to machines, more so than most other techpriests?
>she walks quickly down the tight corridors, feeling at home on the ship

>He'd stick close to her, as they wander through the corridors of the ship.

I had a feeling when a Leman Russ cannon started aiming at me when I went to go check on you after that fight you had with my sister... But I wasn't exactly sure.

OH. That's Penitents Rage. He's over protective. But Starships are no different. Do you understand what I'm saying, Malak?
>a set of blast doors open as she arrives at them, stepping through them

Not exactly. But let's assume that I do. Why are you telling me this? And where the hell are we going?

Well I'm telling you this because...
>the doors open to a large armory
Go tell that requisitions servitor what kind of power sword you'd like.
>she smirks

>He'd title his head towards her. If it wasn't for the fact that he was wearing a helmet, she'd be able to see the confused on ok upon his face.


I was able to get you a new sword... Not b-because I wanted to but because he offered it!
>she crossed her arms
Unless you don't want it. HMPH

>He'd would remain silent for a moment. When he finally speaks, it would be with a teasing tone.

This is such a nice two day anniversary present! But I thought we agreed to a fifteen throne limit sweetie.

>Luciena would glare at him before she reaches out and snaps her fingers as the ships speakers would play Malak's singing back to them
>she stares at him and smirks

>He'd simply stare at her. Neither fazed, nor caring about it being played.
>He'd simply lean against a nearby wall, and would cross his arms over his chest. The smirk on his face hidden by his helmet. But that teasing tone still there.

You know, you've got pretty good taste in music Luciena. Who's the artist? I feel like I've heard him before.

>her smirk fades
Get your sword before I decide you don't deserve it anymore
>She huffs that her plan didn't play out