Played Strakhov for the first time today!
It went... kind of bad. My opponent's list was obnoxious (Gaspy1, 2x Satyxis boats, birds, 2 arc nodes, worm, deathjack, gunslingers) for my 5 jacks+supports to deal with.
Turn 1, my opponent ran forward and managed to snipe my Widowmaker marksman with a lucky 6" deviation going forward. My turn 1 was walking forward, getting some damage onto Deathjack and trying to jam with the Kayazy.
Turn 2, all but one Kayazy died (nice die rolls, yo) and Kell Bailoch got charged too. My turn 2 was actually solid; A Juggernaut and Torch killed some Satyxis, the Kayazy killed a Satyxis blocking a charge lane and sidestepped away, Behemoth did some damage against Deathjack and killed my own Kayazy with a scatter, Strakhov charged another Satyxis and sprinted back into safety. Lastly, Ruin smacked Deathjack dead and overran out of Cancerworms threat range.
Turn 3, Gaspy did some Parasite and teleported, the remaining 15 Satyxis charged my jacks and combined with the Gunslingers, did 10 feedback damage to Strakhov.
Almost all of my army was jammed up, so I went for the assasination. Torch got two focus, Ruin got 2 focus. Strakhov then shot some birds,cast overrun on a Juggernaut and feated. Torch went next and burned 3 Satyxis out of the charge lane with aimed and boosted fire. Behemoth had to squat a satyxis, Juggernaut2 killed another and then Juggernaut1 got the Overrun off.
The moment of truth, Ruin charges Gaspy, who was sitting on 2, taking 4 free-strikes all of which did no damage. I hit the charge, doing 15 damage, proccing a focus. Attack 2 did 7 damage, proccing another. The two next attacks missed and I hate to concede.
Overall, I don't think I made a mistake and I can rest in peace with the knowledge that missing two swings on 5s was just the universe conspiring against me.