This is a legitimate detachment right? Using the supplement.
William Watson
Mason Wilson
By picking what you want to build and paint.
Jayden Morris
Well you can't go wrong with start collecting box or those troop+transport boxes. I'd suggest you try out kill team or like 500p game first and start working up from there.
David Ramirez
yeah but no one will play you
Dylan Rivera
It isn't going to be the whole army lol Just my Tau cool suits squad to be allied with something yet to be determined. Not using it for 500 pt games
Jeremiah Wright
>his list can't deal with 3 t4 models and 4 drones Step up senpai!
Leo Gonzalez
>3 t4 models and 4 drones ignores the riptide nice reading skills there friendo some people will still be annoyed at you bringing in a tau allied detachment with a riptide
Chase Rivera
Now that has been a month, what's the veredict on GS?
Thomas Diaz
Eh, it is just the one. Someone will always grumble about your units, unless you play ork, but lets not
Evan Butler
Ynnari fags can go fuck themselves for trying to play cancer.
Xavier Peterson
So, if GW does reboot sisters of battle, you guys think they'll advance their storyline by having the missing Abbess show up? Or maybe they find her body and confirm her death so that a new abbess can finally be appointed.
David Hernandez
well you shouldn't be running it below 1250 points and if you ally with aeldari daemons expect salt from your opponent
Michael Perez
>Eh, it is just the one.
Look at the total points cost of his list you stupid faglord.
Nathan Sullivan
>if you are wearing a commissar's hat, you may execute one of your models and remove it from play to pass any leadership checks you take this turn
Grayson Price
famalam he said it was just a detachment
Lincoln Torres
What I don't get about that quote is: isn't that exactly what formations do already?
Justin Foster
>armies can't be a single detachment
Aiden Russell
Ynnari fuck up the turn economy just as much as everyone expected Yncarne, Cawl, and Celestine are undercosted as fug Greyfax is middle of this pack Yvraine and Visarch aren't busted
Haven't kept up on the space marine trio t b h but I think the grey knight guy isn't too impressive
Elijah Ross
It's funny how you both got the point and totally missed the point.
Henry Bennett
Literally what is wrong with sigmarization? The rules are just more streamlined than 40k, and allow for greater narrative play.
Asher Allen
>if gw reboot sisters
putting that aside it's weird how... generic SoB are in 40k. super religious gun nuts empowered by a god is a favorite trope of mine though
Ryan White
Depends whether your opponent has psychic shriek. But, generally... Yes, you cunt.
Andrew Perez
>putting that aside it's weird it's happening
Jeremiah Jenkins
>mfw people actually thinks this means they're going to bring back SoB >it's literally an explicit, unambiguous slap to the face saying "We're going to bring armor save modifiers back...UNLIKE Sisters of Battle"
Benjamin Baker
if it happens cool, if it doesn't cool. not my army and been a bit since SoB were even mentionable. if/when they get an update i'd be tempted to grab a character and make a black sister with afro
Dylan Gray
I just want the stuntie fags to come out so we can move onto death guard
Lucas Hughes
As an IF player, I want heavy bolters to be awesome pretty badly.
Also, is it as common for dudes to want to play SoB as it is for chicks to want to play nids?
Luke Fisher
>Alicia and crew will never have a model and rules
Blake Cooper
What do you think?
Eli Perry
Allies is great for when you can't pick one army
Carson Anderson
>I'm looking to get into playing SM and wanted to pick blood angels as my chapter. say blood angels, when you say SM people will usually assume you mean codex space marines > How would you guys start building a BA list? Death company seem quite good i'd try to get this metal scriptor while available since he's far cheaper than the plastic one. Furthermore you cant really go wrong with this gauntlet tactical squad box (rhino + tactical squad) I'd skimp on the start collecting as i am not a fan of the baal pred, but ymmv.
Lastly there is a new edition around the corner(rumors: June) so some things might change especially the rulebook and codex might be obsolete by then. I.e. you might want to use the ones in the OP until then.
dont buy too much at once, or a horde of grey will haunt you
John Butler
I've been been wanting to put together a Catachan army with Straken at the helm. What units would benefit from his army buffs?
Austin Watson
pffft. allies have been a thing since 2nd edition.
Camden Barnes
They used to sell everything as a separate upgrade option or as a single pack.
Only in the last year did they remove the option
Nicholas Stewart
Voldus is mediocre. Cypher is godawful. Rob by goes without saying.
Jonathan Moore
I want that as a model so bad.
Benjamin Myers
I think your Termi assault squad would be better off in a drop pod. I'm not really sure why you're taking scouts, unless you just like them. Then, y'know, more power to ye.
Alexander Sullivan
So, chaos assault terminator are a laughably bad idea, right?
Jackson Wilson
What should I build out of an old style Leman Russ that is missing the turret and the front heavy bolter has been gnawed off?
How's this for a BA list? My meta doesn't really include fliers but the guard players do have armor, which is always a problem
I figure that on the charge my death company squads can pull apart most vehicles because rear armor and the dreads can moo up av14
Ryan Cruz
I actually have two, one has sponsons and I was going to transform that into a terrain piece, the other one is without sponsons which I wanted to salvage. If only I played Orks, I'd love a looted wagon.
Landon Parker
>I figure that on the charge my death company squads can pull apart most vehicles because rear armor and the dreads can moo up av14 you might want to read up on bubblewrap, i.e. put cheap guardsmen infront the armor preventing your death company from charging the tanks.
because the only answer you have is to shoot the guardsmen before you charge the tanks with heavy flamers and the few missiles you have.
Matthew Martinez
What Legion? Chosen are a 25pts+ tax over Havocs for the privilege of buying a fifth special weapon, which you're not even using.
Jason Morris
>If only I played Orks, I'd love a looted wagon. it's never too late to start. join the the green tide, its the fun side
Benjamin Morales
unfortunately I just spent 330 euros on Steel Legion miniatures, I can't quite justify it.
Alexander Gutierrez
>raptor talon >combi-plasma chosen, with only 4 weapons >no legion stated 4/10, apply your self
Kevin Jackson
I hear you, thus the large amounts of flamers. I debated bringing assault marines over devastators to charge the chaff and hopefully free up space for the death company. But I decided missiles were all around more useful
What would you recommend against bubblewrapping?
Ayden Richardson
What's the verdict on prepainted models? I have a seller who's put a bunch of fairly well painted miniatures in my chapter up for auction at a low price WITH free shipping... but something about it feels wrong. The idea that they wouldn't match the rest of my army, not completely, being higher quality and different style... the fact that I didn't assemble them or go through the process of painting them, and that I couldn't take credit for the nice work. It feels weird. But they're such a good value.
Aiden Hill
>Only in the last year did they remove the option
No, I bought the Mk IIb many years ago, like between 5E and 6E, and there was never any option for getting just the Mk IIb parts, it was always the whole model.
Who the fuck has a spare LR lying around anyway. The kit replaces the entire top hull so you can't just slap it on a completed raider.
Caleb Torres
worst case scenario you can strip the paintjob and do it yourself. If they're a good price you might aswell atleast see if they'll match
Nathan Jenkins
I will never, ever buy prepainted models again. Stripping them properly is an impossibility.
Justin Cook
Did you just play a guard player recently?
Jason Phillips
>. I debated bringing assault marines over devastators to charge the chaff does not work, you have to remove them before you charge. a baal pred/vindicator could work, *if* he survives assault marines/tacticals with flamers and droppods but then stuff needs to come down simultaneously and not too late. maybe a whirlwind? cheap, has S4Ap5 ignore cover large blast and can hide and shoot
Aiden Peterson
yeah but I'm torn - I want to have painted them myself but the paintjob doesn't feel worth stripping. Pic related, one of the units in question.
Alexander Nelson
Primaris Psykers, Techpriests and Commisars cannot be your mandatory HQ (Lord commisars can be)
Jonathan Robinson
Anyone have the Core Rules for Shadow War? Still haven't decided if its convoluted and complex or just an attempt to make Kill team interesting.
Nolan Green
It's Necromunda you dumb faggot.
Gavin Davis
Thanks for the feedback, I think I managed to fix it. Barring cutting the scouts, how can I improve this list?
Nolan Howard
can't be bothered to give a damn about if it's painted by someone else or not, i care about a decent paint job. it's really hit or miss at times. as for different paint styles or schemes, it depends on the army. it works for chaos
i remember i once bought some old metal chaos models off a guy. his GUO was painted decently but the screamers were done so badly i had to doubt he did any of the work himself
John Hernandez
About a week ago with my tau, I don't own any BA units yet
Hmm a whirlwind isn't a bad idea, and I would have the Baal pred from the SC box.
Is the flamestorm cannon worth it or just aurocannon all day?
Evan Collins
Yeah sure... Necromunda without any underhive gangs... Even the fucking GW PDF is called SWA_KillTeams_ENG.pdf
Asher Harris
How difficult is it to pass off a crisis suit from a crisis suit box as a commander? I'd rather buy a 3 man crisis team and use one as a commander. I got some extra bits lying around to jam on
Parker Carter
>He says literally >Yet adds a word that wasn't there and changes the meaning of the sentence entirely Wow you are actually retarded aren't you? May I suggest to GTFO and kys
Dylan Carter
Play Blood Ravens and just do a pro "hasty" paint scheme in their colours over the top of the previous
Christopher Harris
that's way too cool to strip.
Blake Cooper
Bet you were one of the retards who thought there would be more plastic SoB after Celestine. Dumbasses always talk too much shit. t. Dunning-Kruger.
Tyler Kelly
Are there any other forms of 40k gameplay that could possibly be more chill or maybe even cooperative to have laid back fun, or would I have to look at some of those AoS boxed sets for those?
Mason Moore
Just successors that both participated in the Third War for Armageddon.
Brody Ross
I bought two 2 years ago and purchased JUST the conversion packs.
Not sure what happened with you.
Brody Baker
>chosen troops and free vets on every unit that can take it Gee I wonder what fucking legion
Samuel Williams
Shadow war killed 40k gen
Owen Roberts
when do you think we will hear more about the death guard
Alexander Perry
Just paint the head a different color to set it out as a commander. For most of the Tau life span their was only one crisis suit model, so HQ's were literally the same model as any other suit.
Tyler Smith
I seem to remember they got a different head at least.
Xavier Morales
How's this for a fun list?
Liam Sanders
after the gay memepunk dorfs
Eli Smith
not fun/10
Oliver Diaz
I spent like ten minutes researching this myself in the middle of a game but I feel the need to ask here to be sure.
Is there any rule that prevents you from tank shocking monstrous/gargantuan creatures? And they can death or glory too, right?
Mason Adams
as thousand sons with daemon allies, what is a good way to deal with vehicles? which psychic abilities would be useful?
Joshua Cruz
Citadel Thunderhawk when?
Jacob Rivera
no and yes, but i'd give the odds to the monstrous creature wrecking your tank for the attempt
Jason Bennett
>Is there any rule that prevents you from tank shocking monstrous/gargantuan creatures?
No. This is why only idiots anchor their Stormsurge. "Tank shock deaths get reduced to D3 wounds" is only said by idiots, because tank shocks aren't attacks and that special ability only works on attacks as per th erules.
>And they can death or glory too, right?
Matthew Butler
His list is more expensive GK.
Aaron Gray
it has no variety
Connor Brooks
soon probably
the FW one is gone now
Matthew Edwards
BA player here. I find that going HAM on your death company tends to be a waste of points because they dont really last much longer than normal assault marines against anything with good shooting. Especially with the characters on them. 1 Squad can be good if you can keep them alive. Also death company dreads in drop pods are not as good as they seem because they only have front armour 12 and can't charge straight away. If you want to go with a melee type dread then Furiosos are much better. If you want to try bashing tanks to death try the orbital intervention strike force with thunder hammer termies. They will end up costing less than the death company and get more done.