>working with SWIFT confirmed >groundbreaking technology which will be easy to use and implement (ChainLink Adapter, APIs) >huge interest of many projects, companies and node operators confirmed. Tons of adoption and an active node network in 2018 >main net Q1 2018 confirmed >marketing manager confirmed. Communication will be improved dramatically and ChainLink will reach mainstream
2018 will be our year. Hodl. Don't let the FUD manipulate you. Salutations to all of the brave Veeky Forumsnessmen who made it through the tought times in the past.
Sergay is dead, hu? This is professional business, not your skateboard sticker hype bullshit.
>ejdolivares asks: "Do you anticipate more announcements from the "others" you're working with soon? Do they coordinate that with you guys or do you have solely a technical relationship with corps that show interest and utilize your technology?"
>Sergey answers: "They do coordinate with us, though I can't put a real working relationship at risk for the sake of announcements. It's usually the last thing that happens, and even then it happens a few months after the succesfull completion of the work. I expect announcements from smaller teams to happen faster, but we really just prefer to have a good working relationship and announce on the timeline end-users prefer."
Elijah Taylor
anyone who sold their link to make other moon missions the time to get back in is now, ChainLink hired a director of marketing and normies will be adopting shortly.
>"I think focus is generally important for getting good work done, and I think people should really do what they're good at and hire for everything else. We're doing our very best to do what we're good at; building production ready smart contract systems, and we're in the process of actively hiring for everything else."
Oliver Miller
Mainnet is not coming Q1 fucking scammer
Julian Green
I'm 70% in LINK but why do people upsell the news? Is it just poor reading comprehension
Main net Q1 is not confirmed, but porting to GO is. They're still hiring one and are open for applications, it hasn't happened yet
Gabriel Clark
>“Our plan is to have an initial simplified implementation of Go ChainLink released in Q1 of 2018, at which point we plan to actively work with the larger open source community on improving and securing it to the point where it’s ready for active us on mainnet . We have hired, and are continuing to hire both Go developers, and active detail oriented developers who want to solve complex problems in the smart contract space, are open to learning a new language like Go, or know solidity, and are interested in working on ChainLink Core’s open source code (MIT License). If you are interested in the problem we’re solving, we are actively meeting with developers familiar with our Github, and via our Gitter.”
What else?
Austin Diaz
The price has remained pretty stable despite no "huge" blatant announcement. Sergeys post made me feel pretty Damn good about the future. Things are looking pretty good.
Is it looking like there is any merit to riddler guys posts? I did see him delete a few posts within 5 minutes or so lately
Jeremiah Lee
only reason why it hasn't dumped is cause BCH being added to Coinbase
Joshua Sanders
I'm a Lieutenant Colonel now with over 50k stack. Happy to be called a Linky now and join the best meme team. Shit gonna be so cash.
Easton Lewis
Can you fucking read my man? Let me rephrase what you're quoting: We want to do a beta of our product with the new GO language by Q1 and when we successfuly do that we'll be able to work towards releasing the MAINNET
Isaiah Evans
yes, in other words: sergey has written a hello world in go, and is now ready to so what else he can come up with it. Really fucking amazing. Pajeet will be so happy.
Caleb Baker
3 months is a long time in crypto, rather quick in normal time. They’ve been working all day every day and they say they’ll hopefully have the GO stuff done by Q1. I imagine he’s being conservative because he doesn’t want to over promise, and not to mention they’ll be 100% focused on it with the hired marketing dev. Look for this to be completed hopefully February and then they’ll prepare for a mainnet launch March - April if everything goes well.
Just my .02 linkie cents which hopefully be worth a lot more by end of 2018.
Jackson Stewart
Lincoln Bailey
If you're so sure about chainlinks future success why do you have to insult OMG?
Henry Peterson
>everyone on Veeky Forums is the same person
Daniel Rodriguez
I'm more bullish than ever too. Your post is a healthy and logical speculation, what I don't like is people being trigger happy with the fomo buzzwords
Christopher Bailey
I don't know why people do that. OMG will also have a great year. I hold both for a reason
Joseph Reed
Thanks you user, this is all I need. Fuck you have made me feel good inside, may I please have the source to this
Chase Foster
>source it's a transcript from a slack conversation (linktrader on reddet). what do you expect?
Ayden Brown
I think it's more of a tactics criticism. It seems one of the main points of fud toward link is that they aren't constantly "releasing news" and generating hype, it's even clear that from the fact that this blog post is mostly just a reitaration of stuff we know but an idea of how it's moving, because the product itself is so massive and game-changing in scope that the idea of any news before it's even done is silly. But it seems people aren't understanding that and want mcdonalds and skateboards because many of the people in this sphere seem to have short attention spans or whatever. It's not that OMG is a bad product it's just pointing out that wanting mcds and skateboards seems kind of childish for game-changing infrastructure. It's just a symptom of impatience and misunderstanding of what Chainlink is to want that
Julian Edwards
I remember when a bunch of know it all programmers FUD this thing by saying go implementation would take years and still not work out. Guess they were larpers and idiots.
This thing is going to moon very hard. shilling chainlink on biz isn't going to move the price but if there are anons out there that want to get rich in less than 1 year this is it imo.
Isaac Richardson
>Guess they were larpers and idiots. youre the fucking idiot
Jason Bennett
Calm the FUCK down RIGHT NOW or I'll smash your fuckin face into the ground motherfucker. I'm fuckin warnin you if you ever take that tone with me again boy ill fukin kill you.
Michael Reed
Christopher Walker
hahaha laughed out loud
Sebastian Wright
/nubiz/ doesn't deserve this coin. I say no more shilling.
Julian Williams
Oh and complete software rewrites are risk free? Have you ever written a single line of code you fucking idiot? Let me tell you, if someone told me to rewrite our current codebase and I couldn't talk them out of it, I'd quit. It's that bad. Edge cases everywhere.
Adam Collins
Lel, code translations are done all the time.
Matthew Torres
I don't know anything about the difficulty of it, but Sergey is on record saying they were porting to Go as far back as February 2017 so who knows how long before that they were planning. This sub acts like this was announced two weeks ago, but it's obviously been planned for some time and we have no real idea how much progress they have actually made
Ethan Lee
How many to buy to get rich? I was gonna do $300 for lulz
Evan Lee
not everyone is a codecademy soyboy like you m8, translating to a new language isn't uncommon at all
Jackson Baker
no problemo - as long as the specs are good and complete.
Logan Myers
Then your codebase is either dependant on the language you're using (because of some distinct features it has), it is very close to the hardware you're using (drivers etc...) or your codebase is just crap as it is.
Carson Gray
i sincerely hope all you linkies get rich in 2018. the green wojacks will be legendary
Cooper Ortiz
40k links enough? I'm done wage slaving
Luis Fisher
So was sergey saying they're in the process of hiring or have already hired a marketing director? That will be huge. I'm beginning to realize how superficial the crypto market is right now. Chainlink is closer to a working product than so many coins that are bigger and more well known with dubious potential and actual token usage. Even regular tweets will be a huge boon.
Jonathan Perry
im a poorboi, only got 1.4k linkies. will i make it?
what are peoples conservative price estimates for
> Q1 go launch > mainnet launch > Q4 2018
Grayson Howard
>Q1 $50 >main net $100 >Q4 $1000 WE BIG MOON BOI
Parker Turner
Also they say they've hired developers but I hope he's not just talking about Thomas. That's good but I really hope they have more.
>We have hired, and are continuing to hire both Go developers, and active detail oriented developers who want to solve complex problems in the smart contract space, are open to learning a new language like Go, or know solidity, and are interested in working on ChainLink Core’s open source code (MIT License).
what do you all think?
Carson Lee
I don't think Thomas is a Go dev to begin with
Easton Hernandez
Oh he's not? God so that means they have more. He seems focused on the nodes. Excuse my ignorance, but are the nodes coded in Go?
I wonder why they can't say who they are or update the website.
Nathaniel Sullivan
I too am pretty much all in on link and omg
Jackson Ross
Is swift actually confirmed? Reading the medium article between the lines I kind of got that vibe, but it wasn't like actually directly clearly stated? Or did I miss something.
Grayson Jackson
in the slack he said he would never announce partnerships and risk the working relationship until everything is ready. He is obviously under NDA's with the big banks and SWIFT. But he has confirmed multiple times they are working with SWIFT on their projects
>BTC again in serious doubt vs BCH >partnership with Zeppelin will result in a steady stream of good news for CL >solid update and prospects just provided by Sergey himself
There is no better coin to hold for going into holiday season and transitioning into the new year.
Jackson Allen
maybe there is. I say: good for them!
Gavin Carter
But is that just because the guy knows his shit so swift is contracting him to do unrelated work, or is this specifically link related?
I want to believe but the volume died yesterday around 3. It's down to less than half of what it was yesterday.
Xavier Gomez
>but the volume died yesterday around 3 It went up a little around the announcement. It's now at the same level as yesterday.
Colton Bell
I don't know anything about reading charts. it looks lower to me? Does this not mean what I think it does?
Christian Sanders
Daniel Russell
Volume goes up and down all the time. We're at about the average for yesterday.
Wyatt White
-Initial excitement at launch -Realisation that news wasn't due soon -Huge BTC bull run -Broad FUD campaign combined with lack of direct marketing.
Says literally nothing about the project. But hey, if you want to base your investment decisions on past trends, feel free to stick to coins that are already mooning. You'll do great!
David Young
Well the announcement was a load of shit because nothing was actually announced however surprisingly the price hasn't actually dumped as severely as I expected so maybe this is the beginning of a gradual uptrend as we get closer to mainnet being launched, etc.
Ian King
Looks like cup will form soon
Andrew Rogers
Nigga you blind. Q1 release, Dev hires, partnership talks
Andrew Baker
That, and measuring in sats is retarded.
Angel Cruz
nigga we've been on an uptrend
Jaxson Moore
>nothing was actually announced
Sell your LINK and never buy back in, you cretin.
Adrian Allen
>$1 >$2 >$3 Wouldn't be unreasonable if the current bull market in crypto continues
Jeremiah Harris
I will chart it one sec
Joseph Moore
Scam projects like Link are bad for Crypto. When is the last update from them?
Liam Gomez
t-0 days motherfucker. If anything having vaporware with billion dollar marketcapts is bad. LINK is right where it should be.
William Ward
Brayden Hill
Why are people so concerned about LINK's performance in the short term? It's a long-term hold. That doesn't mean that you take the pressure off Sergey and Rory but who cares about trading at this point unless you're day trading?
Daniel Mitchell
he's a deluded arkie, isn't he? GET HIM!!!
Mason Gray
Here ya go boys, this is on 1hr chart
Xavier Cooper
Nigga: Q1 release of simulation, Q1 release of mainnet not confirmed Dev hires - not new information at all, niggas been talking about this for months, including my main nigga Rory Partnership talks: no partnerships announced whatsoever
Jordan Howard
sergey did, however, write hello world in go, so that's a start.
Samuel Anderson
Jacob Gray
It was said and repeated many times that this announcement wouldn't have anything to do with partnerships. However, Swift is mentioned in the announcement, and in the Slack responses by Sergey he does directly say that he cannot comment on partnerships while development is underway. In the case of Zeppelin, they're the ones who decided to announce the partnership, which came completely out of the blue. Other than that, he gave solid updates dispelling a metric fuckton of fud outright, with relatively short-term objectives.
Leo Ross
>sold link at yesterday's bottom to buy BCH when it was announced on coinbase >bought it at .258 >binance promptly froze for the next half an hour >when it unfroze it was already at 0.19 >now stuck bagholding BCH >link gone up so even if I break even I lost p-please tell me Roger appearing on TV today will pump BCH up
Robert Bailey
don't worry, user. Roger appearing on TV today will pump BCH up :)
Gabriel Moore
Was a nice update and Im still hodling but don't really see how it could be described as an "announcement"