/5eg/ D&D 5th Edition General

D&D 5th Edition General Discussion

>Download Unearthed Arcana: Starter Spells

>Official survey on Unearthed Arcana: A Trio of Subclasses

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>Previously, on 5th Edition General:

Thread Question:
What are some interesting encounters you've had with Gods or god-like creatures in your campaign?
How has your playstyle changed from when you first started playing DnD to now?

Other urls found in this thread:


I'm trying to create a statblock for a Nymph, for reasons. Should I just modify the Dryad, or try to convert the 3.5 Nymph? How should Blinding Beauty work?

What's your favorite cantrip or spell from the new UA?



I'd like some opinions on an idea I've been batting around in my head. The idea revolves around the Warlock invocation Voice of the Chain Master, particularly the part where it says "you can...perceive through your familiar's senses..."

I'm not really sure what to make of it except that it means, rather than using an action to sense through you familiar (and blinding yourself in the process), it's simply always on, you just get more eyes and ears and olfactory senses and whatever. The second part of the idea involved using it with a crab familiar inside a Fog Cloud. Since the crab has blindsight, I assume that it would mean you could use the crab's senses inside the Fog Cloud to keep yourself from suffering from the blind condition, but I'm not sure if it's legitimate. So I'd like other people's input on the issue.

Unless my copying goof'd, the whole thing is less than 6 GB in total

Yawning Portal has your back: 5egmegaanon.github.io/5etools/bestiary.html#Nereid

That actually helps a lot. Replace the acid with a modified medusa's gaze attack and it's damn near perfect.

Crawford said it only extends the range of the Find Familiar corresponding text. I'd allow it in my game.

What if wild magic sorcerers got this at first level?
>As an action on your turn, you can cast Chaos Bolt by spending 2 sorcery points.

There's always one faggot who says 'But you're blind regardless of your familiar because it says right here you're blind!'
That doesn't really make any sense, because that's like saying 'Okay, here's an invocation that makes you fucking blind.'

But, really, as long as you have an active, working sense (whether it's your own or your familiar's) you won't be blind.

How would you explain the difference between Investigation and Perception?

>giving Sorcerers F R E E spells

We can't allow Sorcerers to have FUN now can we?

Perception is general awareness, Investigation is being able to efficiently and effectively search a small area/room.

Perception is a scout, Investigation is a detective.

There's so many different interpretations at this point that however you call it in your game is fine as long as you're consistent.

One I like is the idea that Perception is what your senses tell you, Investigation is what you can tell from your senses.

>DM loses interest in DMing after two sessions

How do ensure they understand how fucking gay they are?

They make me jump through hoops to make a character tailored for their bullshit campaign and suddenly they are ready to bail.

>Using a very limited resource (especially for low levels)
Nah. That just discourages them from using good stuff like twinned spell.

The best dividing line I can think of is that investigation requires physical interaction while perception does not.

Kind of off topic, but what some good books about myths and legends? Preferencially greek mythology.
I'm going to GM for the first time soon and I'm looking for some inspiration.

Assuming a nation of (variant) humans (with Magic Initiate) and (high) elves, what kind of spells and cantrips would be common, following these rules?

>Magical diets aren't sustainable on a national scale: Goodberry is emergency rations and Plant Growth casters are common enough that they might not be needed
>Charm spells are probably outlawed/not taught to peasants
>Offensive spells are only taught to professional soldiers, can't have every peasant casting firebolts

I'm thinking Move Earth, Shape Water, etc would be very popular, Light/Dancing Lights would be huge, Druidcraft would have at least one caster per village.

Obviously, Cure Wounds, Purify Food/Drink, and Unseen Servant would be ubiquitous. Floating Disk and Longstrider would be big too. Animal Friendship/Speak with Animals would have a niche. Create/Destroy Water wouldn't really be needed if there were enough wells/rivers/aqueducts to keep people supplied.

Personally, I scrap perception entirely, passive perception becomes 10+INT+WIS and investigation is used in place of perception when applicable.

The difference is supposed to be that investigation requires you to work out things in your head what the information you have means, whereas perception is used to gather information about things that require your senses, but doesn't tell you what the information means.

Combining them gives 'Finding information and processing it'.

List of types of players in class form:

Observer Class: Someone who just sits there, watches and plays combat sometimes.
Berserker Class: Someone who, when they do poorly or can't accomplish their goals right away, gets angry. Complains to the DM, or gripes about it outside of the game.
Ruler Class: A Rules-Lawyer. Grinds the game to a halt with shit like "actually, you can't get drunk in the bar, Dwarf, you have poison resistance," or "A familiar can only be from the list of animals, you can't have a (small animal) with the same statblock, that isn't RAI!"
Usurper Class: Someone who always thinks they can run the game better than the DM. Says "In MY campaign, X does this instead of that," or "I think it would be cooler if this NPC was like that NPC instead, or if the town was named X instead of Y."
Meta Class: Someone who can't stop Metagaming. "I know X is going to happen, so I'll prepare a counter before it triggers."
Tyrant Class: Someone who is clearly attempting to be the leader of the group, whether or not they really are. Will always insist people do their plan instead of others, even if the other is more reasonable.
Avatar Class: These people never roleplay. Their characters are them exactly. They won't try anything outside of this comfort zone because they believe that they can't do anything but what they are.
Begger Class: Cries to the DM if they have bad rolls or fail an action. Like the Berserker, but get sad instead of angry.
Imported Class: People who only play characters copy-pasted from outside works. "My character is from X anime!"
Gestalt Class: A mix of some of these.

Yeah, they already have different names, like Rules Lawyer, That Guy, ect, but these are easier to understand and more fun to really say.

Sure. It doesn't fix Wild Magic's largest issue of reliance on DM fiat, but I too thought it odd that the wild magic spell had nothing to do with Wild Magic, so I give it an ehh/10 overall

It's just taking the "make a first level slot for two points" ability and giving them a free spell specifically for it.

>but these are easier to understand and more fun to really say.

No to both. What makes these "class form" besides tacking "class" onto the noun that applies?

Janitor class: this guy cleans things
fag class: this guy posts things like what you just did
door class: this object is a door
cartoonist class: this person makes moving pictures

I have become the soul of wit with this INCREDIBLE template!

Alright but where is the roleplayer class?
The munchkin class?
The helpful veteran class?
You just listed all the negative player classes, and experience has taught me that there are positives too.

Just read this.


You're free to add in "The retard" but the surge of Autism in babbies.

You mentioned Druidcraft, but the whole Prestidigitation family would be huge.
Illusionry should also probably be outlawed
Message, Mending. Spare the Dying could be really big if the populace gets death saves when the camera is off of them.

>player gets mad when hold person doesn't work on a giant
>refuses to accept that "humanoid" doesn't mean "anything with 2 arms 2 legs and a head"

Did you explain to him that it was referring to the creature type and not the body type?
If so, fuck that guy.
If not, it seems you're part of the problem

Was I a Ruler Class for getting mad at my DM's PC for being listed as a Large character, and all the advantages that entailed, despite only being human, just cus' he said so?

>fucking gay
only one clear solution
Steal their players, start your own, better campaign. Alternatively, talk to 'em, try to help maybe?

I showed him the literal MM definition (also explaining that even things like satyrs aren't humanoids) and he didn't believe me

Not acting like it's some huge new revelation, but I liked it.
It was meant for negative types only. Could do a positive list, though. Maybe later.
A little bit, but not too much, because that isn't trivial, really.
That's pretty good. I'll probably use those terms more often.

Not necessarily related to what you're saying, but you know what I just realized? A lot of Bad Player stories share common themes with Retail Horror stories. I bet they're the same kind of people.

if someone's trying to game the system they aren't playing a warlock, so I'd allow it

Then you should tell him that creature types don't equate to body types, and if he keeps sperging out, shut him down.

this actually got a laugh out of me

I had it worse these past two weeks
>brings up details about his char in early january
>had a huge bitch fit two sessions ago and brought his char details for the second time
>Won't talk about what he wants or expects, gets mad when said stuff doesn't happen
>got mad about certain NPCs taking meassures agaisnt magic
>accuses me of punishing creative use of magic
This nagged me the most since he made several encounters faaaaaar easier with creative use of spells yet he thinks I'm actively trying to punish casters since two places were warded agaisnt magical teleportation
>got mad about the way I handled divinity
>got mad about me never describing minor shit like objects laying around in the map for him to use animate objects on
>told him that he could just say "Do i see any objects in the room?" and surprise surprise he got mad.
He never gave me issues till two weeks ago since he had enough of my GMing and I pointed out, for the second or third time, that people should bring up their issues far earlier and not wait four months into the campaign to blow up at me/other players; and speaking about other players he shat on the way they roleplayed a couple sessions ago, he also laughed at them and called them pissbabies when they started arguments due to being upset...then went on to be a huge pissbaby himself.
I get the word gets thrown out a lot but the guy definetively sounds autistic

At my table, spells that only affect Humanoids work on Giants if you happen to be Giant-sized (or they happen to be normal-sized).

that's an interesting thought, I see it

Also, the "Powergamer" is sometimes called a Min-Maxer while the "Butt-Kicker" is more well known as the Murderhobo.

could make for some interesting combos

The line between Powergamer and Munchkin is a little blurry. But from my understanding, a powergamer is aiming for extreme optimization within the rules while a munchkin is just a fucking asshole.

>the kingdom enshrines corporate personhood in law
>cast Hold Person on the local coster
>over 217 fruit and vegetable stands under the same corporate umbrella are magically paralyzed

personally I think powergamers want to be as effective as possible but munchkins want to be more effective than everyone else, which are similar but different
like a powergamer would be glad if others have an equally powerful character because they will perform better as a whole but a munchkin would be jealous and see them as a rival or something

How viable would it be to run a Monk based on Strength instead of Dexterity or Wisdom?

>Avatar players
>necessarily a bad thing
Getting into in-person roleplaying is hard, especially for shy people.

Haah Woow

> Start stating NPCs for my 2 PCs in my campaign
> Realize their waifus and BBEGs are similar to them and their relationship to each other
> PCs are CG goliath barbarian and LN transmutation wizard that's gonna go muscle wizard route
> Team waifu is a CG Halfling fighter and a LN elf artificer who makes magical steroids
> BBEG features an Orc druid who punches things really hard via druid magic and an old wizard artificer who wears power armor a la Urza who punches things really hard via nerd rage
> Only realize this literally a minute ago

Why does my campaign unintentionally feature so much smart people who want to punch things really hard using technology, might, or magic?

A powergamer picks a Fighter, which isn't really optimal, then takes the statistically best standard race, uses the best weapons, takes the best feats, and optimizes from there.

A munchkin shows up with a half-fiend kobold and four multiclasses, all from UAs.

You'd be making your monk a whole lot more MAD than they have to be, but you can theoretically do it. STR and WIS, with a bit of DEX, just be ready to have your other stats take a noticeable hit.
Unless, of course, you're scum who rolls stats, in which case you can do whatever the fuck you feel like, you human garbage :^]

also a valid take IMO
halfling diviner wizard vs nuclear druid

You'd have to design a tradition for it, which would muck things up since you won't get access until level 3.

What sort of strength-based punchiness are you looking to get up to? Barbarian or Fighter are good as brawlers (with Tavern Brawler, of course), while Rogues and Bards can make effective grapplers.

Or you could make a monk tradition that does dex-based grappling I guess.

When I last tried to think up a str puncher I ended up settling with a two-weapon fighter where I refluffed weapons into gauntlets. DW feat definitely wanted, and maaaybe grappler too. So I'm going to assume making a str puncher with monk required changing the class rules slightly to not be shit.

I am playing a Strength-based Monk,
but I also took Fighter as my first level and wear armor and fight with a non-Monk weapon so maybe this isn't the best example. It fucking works, though.

You would take a sizable hit to AC and Initiative, though Grappling is now much easier. Overall, it is not too viable. Convincing a DM to let you play a Barbarian with Unarmed Strike would be better.

Replace the normal blocking projectiles ability with punching them mid air.

I'm set up to run Curse of Strahd soon.

However, I already ran a slightly modified Deaths House as a Halloween adventure last year.

With Yawning portal bringing one of my first modules I ever ran, Sunless Citadel out, I'm thinking of running Sunless Citadel into Curse of Strahd, obvious connections with the Gulthais Tree.

Any good ideas, or theorys on how to link the two?

Would having them emerge from the citadel immediately into the lands of Barovia be too cheap, or perhaps have a fog roll in on the town the night after as the entire village itself is spirited into the realm as punishment for the Gulthias tree being destroyed (Obviously being a sapling offshoot of the True Gulthias Tree).

If you're already content with gimping yourself just make a barbarian with tavern brawler. It's definitely not the best and you'll eventually need to have a magic weapon for emergencies, but you'll be a lean mean wrestling machine and your table will either love or hate you for it.

If you really want to kick it up a notch you can also do barb 5/rogue X for maximum athletics. You might need to use a shiv for sneak attack though unless you can convince your dm to let you do sneak punches. There's plenty of fun options available, but wizards doesn't like it when fun and viable are the same thing. Bottom line is do whatever you want, it's a co-operative game that's balanced by a person on the other end of the table. You won't ruin the game by being "less than optimal".

fog rolling in sounds thematic as well as (importantly) simple
might oversell the trees importance but YMMV


Just pushed out an update of some stuff I've been working on lately.
- Removed CR from init window, added sheet button
- Sheet type now auto-selected.
- Import lists are now sorted automatically.
- Psionics abilities are labeled in the import list.
- Import lists can now be searched by name.

Give me your characters, /5eg/! Give me your classes, your races, your backstory, your stories, your best and your worst! I want characters, people I can use as NPCs or legends!

You forgot Autistic Class: You

Well the Gulthias Tree in Strahd is a pretty big deal and the center of power for the Druids of Barovia and the origin of the blights.

Perhaps the players can be pulled into Barovia not by Strahds machinations, but the Druids fury of the destruction of one of the great trees kin.

And then Strahd takes an interest in them later?

Combo of Helpful Veteran and Ruler

When you're very experienced and will always correct other players when they'd actually do more damage than what they rolled or how they could pull of what they intend and never, EVER mentioning when they rolled too much due to their own miscalculation but then seething about how they just can't read the rules or their own fucking class and understand why they're wrong

For one of my BBEG, I used the aetherborn race and some stuff I rolled up on the villain charts in the DMG.

Now I have an artificial human that's a transmutation wizard/monk that is gonna take over fantasy china by kindnapping and holding hostage the loved ones of the various faction leaders currently in charge of fantasy china.

All to become Emperor for the rest of eternity.

Pic related, him.

New DM here want advice. My players started a small scale cult and through chance and theatrics they have managed to amass quite a few followers in this small backwoods town that pays taxes to a local small time warlord. They want to topple him. What should I do? I considered having a gang of goons come into the town and rough stuff up, break some things, to send a message but I almost want the party to have something more complicated than "you go to his fort and murder him" happen.

How would you integrate the Dragonborn into Eberron? I see that 4e added in some lore and had them in some corner of Khorvaire but I feel they are pretty meek for what 5e plants them out to be. All other races are pretty well known but it seems that the Dragonborn are just taking the eternal shitter cause no one ever thought they would ever be a thing when they made Eberron.

Incoming blog post:

>Our party is collecting 5 maguffins to seal the ancient evil (demon) away forever.
>Playing as LE goblin with plans to seal demons then conquer the world for monstrous races, pretty outspoken about this IC, only one PC has trouble mine
>This PC is self-described as "good", for example: he drinks demon blood, merges body and soul with a demon, and seeks to empower demons.

We found a deck of many things and he drew the void card. As such, he is currently the demon masquerading as the PC and our characters only get the sense that something is off.

Would it be over the line to smite him when we figure it out that he's a straight up demon? The GM will give us the chance to go get his soul but his PC won't let us exorcise the demon and eliminating his character is, unironically, what my character would do. It'd make my life so much easier in game.

I realize it's gonna be shitty to the other player but he made his choice and essentially betrayed the party. I feel like it's time his chickens came home to roost.

>I'M playing as a LE goblin with plans to seal demons then conquer the world for monstrous races, pretty outspoken about this IC, only one PC has trouble WITH mine. ***

Sorry if that was worded confusingly, phone posting.

for what it's worth I'd enjoy it as a player

>DMing a new campaign this weekend
>One of my players is playing as a 90 year old human, who until recently was completely oblivious to magic, until he found an ancient magical tome, and now he's a fledgling level 1 wizard.

Straight up smite his ass if you have to. PC killing might seem bad, but if it's good for and what the majority of the party would do, do it.

Whenever my group has enough of a certain player, I'm usually the one who offs the guy in the game, even if most of the time I'm a low level bard or wizard up against a min maxed rogue or a buffed up fighter.

asking for advice isn't blogposting ya goofball

But nobody sane uses the 'make a first level slot' or else they become literally a wizard but worse.

Chungus the barbarian was a simple man, in more ways than one. Although he couldn't speak a single word, he proved an asset to his team with his passion for smashing, maiming, murder and cooking. Sometimes he forgot that food needed to be cooked, but his stomach didn't seem to mind. Early on he found a basic phylactery born from a primitive attempt at lichdom. He decided to break it and wear it as a necklace in which he collects trophies of all his fallen enemies. A sane man would not consider idly wearing necromantic paraphernalia to be a good idea, but heroes are not sane men and Chungus is wholly convinced an idea is some sort of bird. He went on to save the wandering desert nomads by stealing their heirloom jewel, to unite goblins and men despite their age long feud and to eventually cure his homeland of the violent storms ravaging it once and for all. Truly a noble man with a just cause. Not much of a conversationalist though. Don't touch his axe either.

A basic farmer boy who rode his horse alot, very patriotic and joined the army as a low ranking cavalry soldier. After some lucky hits on enemies, he becomes a good leader, before losing his hand on the field. Getting one from an artificer, he retires becomes an alcoholic and then begins setting up mercenary squads. And that's how the party met their new boss.

Depending on the relationship of the town to the warlord it could go many ways. The straightforward answer is to weaken them until no one wants to be with the warlord. They still need to do supply runs and scavange for things. Not necessarily do Raiders/Warlords ALWAYS pillage. You could break their weapons, spoil their food, poison their dinner, burn their tents and many more involved things. If the things that keep the underlings in check stop coming in they'll probably separate and no longer be such a serious organized threat.

Another way could be to do a Infiltrate so you can get close to him and then backstab him. If they have a massive following they can just replace a lot of low ranking members and all try to go up the ladder until all of the Warlords subordinates are traitors.

The last idea I have is to try and lay seige. make them a bigger threat that they would probably need a army for. How do they gather this army? How do they organize it? Is it a mercenary army? A Lord's army? Their extended following?

Writing outlines for this would probably be the best way to start this.

Thank you so much

New DM trying to wrap my head around making challenging combats based on party's comp.
What kinds of encounters (Monsters, Setting, etc.) would be easy/hard for the following "unbalanced" groups?

>A - Team Spellcaster: Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard

>B - Team Tank: Barbarian, Cleric, Fighter (Str), Paladin

>C - Team Dexterity: Fighter (Dex), Monk, Ranger, Rogue

>D - Team Healer: Bard, Cleric, Druid, Paladin

Magic classes are almost always just going to be able to straight up murder martial classes.

lmao, my current character is a 74 year human, who also happens to be a lv1 wizard. he was a librarian for all of his life and the magic he has it's what was left on him from passing pages throughout the years.
he has 6 dex and 7 con so his age fits perfectly.

>rolling stats

1 foot deep water that is dirty and has blotches of green and white algae

Patch of green slime under it for a good 10 feet~ down a corridor

What passive perception would you need to detect it?

Can True Resurrection be used to get pseudo-immortality?
The only limit is that you use it within 200yrs of death, so could you use it repeatedly whenever you die because every death effectively just resets the timer?
Assuming you get killed by something other than age (perhaps poisioning yourself or something).

I fucked up, /5eg/.

I'm getting ready to run my first 5e campaign, and I had the idea to paint up minis for all of the PCs. I mentioned that idea, and everyone is really excited.

Unfortunately, two of the PCs will be a pain in the ass to get a good mini for. Dragonborn war cleric and Firbolg moon druid. I can find something for the cleric, but there aren't a lot of options. But a 5e Firbolg mini? No luck so far. And on top of that, there are going to be all of his damn wildshape forms. He mostly wants to shapeshift into a bear, which I thought would be fine until I looked for a good mini. How are there so few good bear miniatures?

(The rest of the party is Human ranger archer, Fire Genasi wizard, and Drow rogue, which all should be easy enough.)

I'd say it's a hard DC, whatever that is this edition. 20 or something.
How dirty are we talking?

The party doesn't have an issue with him as much as what he's doing is abhorrent to all of us IC. He is only problematic to my character in that he contradicts, opposes, interrupts, threatens, and challenges me at every single fucking opportunity.

I don't want to inhibit his fun, and I am far and away the closest to our group's "that guy" so I try not to judge him (he's edgy but chill, definitely not that guy) but it just seems fitting to take him out asap. Both IC and OOC.

Haha my bad. Just not used to posting walls of text.

A - A sorcerer with Counterspell and Subtle Spell metamagic.
B - A really strong dex-save attack or a single trap room that'll crush them (Since none of them can teleport)
C - Probably a good Wisdom Save or Suck would work well here.
D - A hardcore martial, provided they all specced 'healing'. Maybe a martial with the feat 'Resilient (WIS)'.

Please explain how killing yourself, then casting true resurrection might stave off aging?

4e lore is:
>Dragonborn are loyal to dragonkind and are natives to Argonnessen
>There is a few thousand in an enclave in Q'Barra among the other lizard people
That's about as integrated as you'll get them without rewriting a bunch of the setting, and that's still about as integrated as changelings, shifters, and kalashtar are.

Other race ideas:
- Integrate tabaxi as the equivalent of rakshasa tieflings, found in far western Khorvaire and the Demon Wastes, hated and feared by just about everyone
- Aasimar pop up in the family lines of people who deal with Siberys dragonshards a lot, and occasionally in those near or related to the Silver Flame
- Firbolgs can be found in the Eldeen Reaches and are far descendants of giants who opposed what the giants did that fucked up Xen'drik
- Tritons... live underwater? Just throw an underwater country off the coast of Sharn or some shit

Strength shadow monk is very powerful. At level 6 you get advantage on grapples any time you want, if they dont break out of it you can jump 20 feet into the air and drop their dumb ass off a cliff.

Make one mini per character.
If the druid wants a mini for each of his wildshape forms, he can first fuck off, and then do it his damn self.
Also I suggest using either some sort of flat-faced ogre mini for the firbolg, or use Heroforge.

That's part of my question really, does TR just bring you back at the exact age when you died?
It says it'll give you new organs and/or body which is what the problem with aging boils down to

Reaper has a couple decent dragonman minis (that's the actual term they use).
As for firbolg I have no idea but let me know if you find one because I want one

Try to compromise, or if you're like me, do stuff in the background to get your goals. Most of the time I join a campaign I'm usually passed over (Even though my group tries to include me, they usually drown me out so I've basically given up hope and faith in them even considering my plans or goals) in what the party does or chooses what next to do. I tend to do small things that add up to my main goal.

Buy some land here, make some contacts there.

Then boom, I'm all of suddenly the Gnome version of J.D. Rockefeller in the setting.

Oh, I'm definitely not doing a mini for every wildshape form. But he'll almost certainly want the bear as his mini. Until he hits level 6 and has access to better forms.

It's not cheap, but Hero Forge (heroforge.com/) has some decent options for humanoids. They have Dragonborn, and for the Firbolg you could probably just make a hairy Elf or something.

For team A I would say that it would be easiest for them to fight in few battles against bigger enemies, and extremely hard/frustrating to fight in multiple battles against less strong enemies, due to spell slot limitations.

B isn't a bad comp, imo. They could take on most challenges. Dex is their only downside, but high HP values kind of negate that

Team C's biggest fault is the lack of dedicated healer. Too many battles would probably lead them to just want to spam rests whenever possible.

Team D would lead to longer battles full of heal circlejerks, I think. So I think they'd mostly just get beaten by monsters that can outlast their stalling.

I've only DM'd one campaign, so take my observations with a grain of salt

Yeah, going to get the Dragonman Warrior, probably. I'd like to find more minis I want at Miniature Market before buying, though, because shipping costs more than the mini.

My policy is that you get one mini for your guy and anything else is up to you
I'll provide cardboard tokens though

Where do you live?
I'm in the UK and I get my reaper minis off of eBay, usually from game stores in the UK or nearby EU and just wait for the ones I want to be listed.
Doesn't tend to be so bad then.