Green Ronin might as well have condensed this posting into "Men need not apply".
What are Veeky Forums's thoughts on this? isn't this illegal?
Green Ronin might as well have condensed this posting into "Men need not apply".
What are Veeky Forums's thoughts on this? isn't this illegal?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Not to worry, fellas, we have some other opportunities for you coming up later in the year, as well, but this talent search is just for the ladies.
Are you falseflagging or something?
If they find people good enough to be hired, then we get more good stuff. If it's shit, then you don't need to buy it. If they don't good people, then we know that women aren't too actively interested in creating content/don't meet the standard, and we can cite it as some sort of evidence whenever an argument about women comes up.
Win-win really.
I'm 99% sure it's going to be shit anyway.
>If you identify as female
I don't want to live in this world anymore.
So if I'm genderfluid can I still apply as long as I'm identifying as female when I do it? What if I'm genderfluid-fluid and when I put in the application I was identifying as a genderfluid female but now I'm both identifying and biologically male and have also stopped being genderfluid?
I want someone to do that. I want a guy, who obviously looks, talks, and acts male. And identifies as female.
Then they obviously wont hire him because he's a man, but they won't tell him that. They will just go after an obvious woman.
Then he sues the fuck out of them for discriminating against his genderfluidity. Then they claim they believed he was just claiming to be female to get the job. Then he retorts with accusations of not fitting social norms and how that shouldn't matter.
It will be hilarious. It will be a battle of politically correct idiots battling with those they are pandering to.
Let them eat crow.
>What are Veeky Forums's thoughts on this?
My thoughts are you should fuck off back to facebook to shill your manufactured controversy and pointless internet slacktivism. If you actually cared about traditional games you'd post this on the political or business boards.
But no, you're a politician or a businessman at heart, not a gamer, and thats why you can't help but spew your unending bullshit where it doesn't belong in the hopes that shitposting on a mongolian shadowpuppet discussion forum will give you a sense of purpose, as any purpose of your own has been consumed by the mental cancer of ideology that made you a puppet to external forces.
Saged reported hidden called the cops
>isn't this illegal
I'm almost positive it is. There are a few cases where an employer can discriminate based on gender, and "we only want to hire women to pander to the left" isn't one of them.
Someone should look into this, the posting itself may be actionable.
Failing that, I'm strongly considering doing this.
>tfw I got a $3k "women in engineering" travel scholarship last year by identifying as a "masculine-presenting transwoman''\
>Also receiving Jewish, LGBT and disadvantaged background scholarships for the length of my degree (one of which I am actually qualified for by the RAI)
I love this social constructs bullshit
I guess our hobby is due to be hit with SJW nonsense, huh?
What I fear is that maybe this next "opportunity" will be open for both genders.
it already is. The infection has taken root and spreads to all companies. Let's hope that they learn the lesson from Marvel.
Have you looked at World of Darkness lately? We're already knee deep in that shit.
or Monte Cook, Shadowrun and any other big name
If you were to swap the genders in this listing, there would be an outrage. Not only that, but it would be illegal.
>WoD as it has always been
It's one stupid box in DnD, the game where they also have to tell you that you can pick age and height by yourself, and what is it with Shadowrun?
On one hand, hiring for gender over skill drags down quality and morale.
On the other hand, GR produces only shit, so who cares.
>kike games the system
What else is new
>Then he sues the fuck out of them for discriminating against his genderfluidity. Then they claim they just hired someone else because they were a better fit and the case is thrown out
The point is not to win the case. The point is to stir up a media frenzy, and have people going "You misogynists! If you don't hire that proud womyn, I'll never buy anything from you again! Tumblrites, ASSEMBLE!"
Seriously, it'd be easy. And hilarious!
Fuck off. Kill yourself.
>what is it with Shadowrun
Idiots losing their shit because getting gender reassignment surgery doesn't cost Essence like every other type of cyberware/bioware. Which personally I think is dumb, but who gives a fuck it's never going to come up in a game about societal rejects being used as cannon fodder in hypercapitalist war.
Pretty shitty of Green Ronin to discriminate like this.
They're insulting 90% of their customer base and eventually they'll realize it.
Aren't private companies allowed to do whatever the hell they want?
Where did you get a daft idea like that? There's been laws controlling companies for decades/centuries
I mean, of course there are. But they aren't government contractors and don't have to do subscribe to the quotas, which means they can hire whoever they want, and do whatever (is legal) with them.
I mean, you can't sue Hollywood for choosing only women for their lead female roles, right?
No, they're explicitly not. That's why we have things like laws, so you can't say, "My company beats up black people, but only if we're hired to do so, so the free market can decide whether or not our work is just."
In this case, there are specific laws about hiring practises preventing discrimination. The sole exception comes from what is called 'bona fide occupational qualifications'. In essence, any position must be open to any applicant, regardless or race, gender, orientation, religion, etc., unless the position has necessary and justifiable qualifications that restrict access. For example, Hooters has the BFOQ that the servers are all women, because that's the image of the company, but they do need to have positions open to men (those are all back of house jobs). It's also how casting agencies can pick only women or only Asians for certain roles. There's also cases where abuse of BFOQs is punished, like forcing airlines to hire men as flight attendants (and breaking rules like the 5'9" height limit that effectively discriminated against them).
'Writing an RPG' is not something that has a woman-only qualification, so they can't hide behind Title VII. This is in fact exactly the kind of thing anti-discriminatory hiring laws are supposed to target, taking a job that could be worked by anyone with the skillset and limiting it based on non-essential factors.
Golly. Well. I still suspect it doesn't and won't matter. But people who want to get mad about it will do so.
Don't you realize by now? Laws and evidence are tools of oppression. Everything is decided by FEELINGS now, since that validates personal experience.
>'Writing an RPG' is not something that has a woman-only qualification
Well, it could potentially be argued if they were writing out a particular topic. Sorta the inversion of how RPGs are quite often hilariously wrong about how various things like tech work.
I forget, what do we call those people who spend their free time searching the Internet for "problematic" things to complain about within their social circle
I suspect that's what they'd argue if a case was brought against them; they're trying to hire a woman because they need a female voice to make this dark fantasy work as intended, and they're hiring a guy later so it all evens out.
>Don't you realize by now? Laws and evidence are tools of oppression.
Oh fuck off Nozick, the government is not infringing your Locklean rights by forcing you to obey the law.
>When you sexually identify as a main battle tank
>People don't want to hire you :(
Wouldn't that be more of a balance issue?
Changing genders gets you Jack all, while a cyber dick and tits gets you spots to add hidden blades and hidden compartment chances.
I'm not sure how hiring practices work from state to state, but I'd imagines that, yes, refusing to hire from a specific gender is discrimination and therefore of questionable legality.
Its ok though, just claim to be a transexual and they'll have no choice but to put your resume on the top of the pile :^)
>SJWs put dumb bullshit in game
>Minmaxers exploit the fuck out of it
I love it!
>identify as female
>get a job 'cause you still got your bro-bonus
I don't see the issue here?
It's inconsistent with the way Essence works. It's supposed to be that Essence Loss happens when you force a body into an unnatural pattern, no matter how small - you don't lose Essence for losing a limb, or for very minor stuff like liposuction that could be achieved with regular activity, but anything else chips away at your Essence. Even things that don't do anything mechanically, like luminescent hair/LED tattoos or radically dyed skin, cost Essence (and at worst those are negatives to you, because the GM could assign the Distinctive Style negative quality).
The surgery used to have an Essence cost even one edition ago, but they waved it in this one with weak explanation that 'your Essence can recover from the disruption of foreign elements in the body because you're now closer to your own self-image' which doesn't flow at all with the rest of the Essence rules and fluff for 30 years of game.
Again, dumb, but I don't care about it beyond it being dumb.
>hi, green ronin
I dunno, I could see being outside what your body feels it should be being bad for your essence. I'd sorta go with you having lower than normal essence WITHOUT something to make you closer to your 'true' pattern.
K, if we meet I'm gonna strangle you to death. Don't judge me, I'll just be acting on the feelings you evoke in me and are therefore ultimately responsible for them :^)
The thing is that SR has never cared in the past about what you want. Sometimes your body isn't what you want. Sometimes you're born without an arm, or a degenerative motor condition, or you get sudden heart cancer at 25. You still start with 6 Essence. If you get a cyberarm, or a move-by-wire system, or a replacement heart (even a cloned one from your own cells) it's not the flesh that you were born with, and your Essence will diminish.
The problem is really that for a lot of traditions in the game, Essence is analogous to your spirit/soul, and the writers didn't want to say that fixing being trans is something soul-destroying (despite a truism of SR being that everything you do has a negative consequence, even if you can derive some good from it). Similar sort of thing if you say that trans people are born wrong, with less soul than everyone else (in addition to the fact that Essence is a pseudo-meta law, not something that is graded in-universe on every baby and measured with percentages).
It also opens up the question of what happens if you identify as an attack helicopter. There's a quality called Cyber-Singularity Seeker that is for characters that believe that most cyber is best life, and all it does is add some Willpower the more 'ware you get. There's nothing that messes with the Essence calculations, because those are supposed to be inviolable rules of the universe. The best you can do is get better quality 'ware and surgeons to make it less disruptive to your Essence, or a hugely expensive and limited treatment to try and force tiny amounts of Essence to come back.
>There's nothing that messes with the Essence calculations, because those are supposed to be inviolable rules of the universe.
I recall an edge that actually massively reduces the essence cost of 'wares.
>The thing is that SR has never cared in the past about what you want. Sometimes your body isn't what you want. Sometimes you're born without an arm, or a degenerative motor condition, or you get sudden heart cancer at 25. You still start with 6 Essence.
But those things count as drawbacks and give you more to work with during character creation.
I don't think an IRL trannie should be using Shadowrun to work through their issues unless the rest of the group is on-board with it, but then I also think that if someone is using Shadowrun to work through their personal issues, crunch and game balance might not be very important.
I'm obviously not a trannie, but I don't see the point in creating a trannie PC and then declaring that the PC had an operation to become the correct gender.
I also think that gender reassignment surgery should cost essence, because that's how the setting seems to work otherwise (what you said about your cloned cells counting against your essence), and because if someone wanted to flip their gender to help them infiltrate an arcology or something, it would be a dumb waste of time to get into an argument over whether or not the PC should face Essence loss because they do or don't see themselves as that gender. Obviously in this situation all powergaming munchkins would identify as transwhatever.
Or Green Ronin could just hire an investigator to see if the person has been to counseling for trans people or if they presented themselves as trans before this job opportunity came up, because unlike how your manchild ass thinks the real world works, it's not too hard to figure out if someone's just bullshitting.
Also lol at OP getting mad for something he's not gonna be hired for in any scenario
You're right, I should have mentioned Biocompatibility (which has been called various things throughout the years). Though I don't know how huge it was in previous editions, in SR5 it's a 10% essence discount to either cyberware or bioware.
However, I don't see that as changing up the essence costs, so much as reflecting a bit of personal genetics that follows the same rules as different grades of cyberware. You don't get to ignore the cost of having implants made, you're just better than average at integrating them.
For the sake of completeness I'll also mention Prototype Transhuman, the most abused power by every munchkin in every online game. It's supposed to represent a prototype (duh), one of a kind being that was genetically altered and grown from birth to have some small bioware in them, with a significant negative quality attached to you (either you're broken in some way, or your creators have put a bounty worht hundreds of thousands of nuyen on your head). Assholes use it to make adepts even more broken, despite that flying in the face of how magic studies and genetic modification work.
>But those things count as drawbacks and give you more to work with during character creation.
I don't know what you mean by that. There's no systems in SR for accounting for those things. It's just justification for why your character might have military-grade initiative boosters or some other cyberware that otherwise doesn't fit in their backstory.
>I don't see the point in creating a trannie PC and then declaring that the PC had an operation to become the correct gender.
Neither do I. It doesn't matter, so if someone wanted to do it there's no reason they shouldn't, but it has no real impact on a game when you can change your race over your lunch break at the local clinic, or get a compound eye grafted to the back of your head next Tuesday. Appearance is variable.
It's still totally illegal.
This pretty much. Don't suppose you know who to call to place a complaint?
call me a SJW/WhiteKnight/whatever, but I don't see there any kind of problem for that, cause after all, the hobby is still run by men after all.