A chaotic good thief would be like Robin Hood: lack of care about laws in order to help the weak

A chaotic good thief would be like Robin Hood: lack of care about laws in order to help the weak.

So how would a lawful good thief act? Only steals from criminals?

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A thief who supports Law and Good.

A character example?

Stealing from others, while not inherently immoral, is inherently unlawful.

Thieves can't be Lawful Good in D&D.

Then what other games use D&D alignment, smart guy?

Probably one of the following:
Hired to steal things back and return them to their owner
Serves the state or their religion for espionage purposes.
Medieval version of a white hat hacker, breaking into places because they were hired to find holes in their defence and show how they can be plugged.

Basically a sneaky servant of order

Criminal organizations such as the Mafia or Yakuza have a lot of structure and guidelines. Don't snitch. Respect your superiors. Don't fuck with Made Men. Etc.

But those are criminals. That would be Lawful Evil, or Lawful Neutral at the very best.

So, technically, if I steal only from criminals and then give the money to the poor would I be a lawful good thief? They did take this gold from innocents.

No, you would have to give it back to the specific people they stole it from.

I like the idea of the spy as a lawful good thief.

I suppose so, but you could also make the argument that that is a chaotic action since you took the law into your own hands.

Robin Hood's also a criminal, so that's hardly the point. You just have your fantasy Triads target bad people.

I'm not sure they would keep a ledger with the names those they pillaged.

I could ask at the guard however who has been recently robbed. I just hope they don't lie the quantity that was pilfered.

What if the lawmakers themselves were evil, setting up evil laws, and the "criminal" organization was set up to protect the subjects from the sovereign and ensure that justice is served?

>So how would a lawful good thief act?

He only steals stuff that will make its owners unhappy, turn evil or otherwise eventually cause their downfall and death?

He's raiding dungeons for powerful evil artifacts, which he then chucks into a volcano.

Then it's chaotic good.

But I thought it was under the law that criminals can be killed at spot?

At least I don't remember PCs ever asking permission to attack a bandit fort.


A LG rogue would be a slightly more idealized version of Indiana Jones.

Indiana Jones? Thanks user, that's a name I can inspire it on.

By that same reasoning I could say the host of angels from Mount Celestia marching on Dis are "chaotic" because they're not respecting the laws of Hell.

>A chaotic good thief would be like Robin Hood
"Robbin" "Hoodlum" is nothing more than a filthy communist: the rich are rich and that's wrong, so it's utterly fine to violate their right to property to redistribute it among the proletariat. Da tovarich Hoodlum, da. Because that's much easier than overthrowing the corrupt political class and establishing one that gives fair opportunities, we just need arbitrary equality of outcome.

>Royal Spy
Works for the crown, sneaks around and steals maps, plans, records, stolen goods and reports back. Also serves as the guard force/standing army's intelligence agency.
What better way to catch thieves is there than knowing every trick of the trade? Perhaps he felt guilty and instead uses his skillset to track down others and turn them in to the Lawmen.
A Sherlock Holmes, someone who uses his skillset to help solve various crimes, or find missing people.

A lawful good thief is someone with a specific skillset, who does not use that skillset to break laws or hurt people, but rather to right wrongs and help his friends.

It just happens that the skillset in question would make him very effective as a criminal.

But you're not killing them. You're stealing from them, which is as against the law as them stealing from the locals.
I suppose a lawful act would be to try to apprehend them. Should they die while resisting well, that's on the criminals for resisting arresting I guess.

Chilchak (at least in the early chapters) is all business though. Also, just helping your friends doesn't make you good, evil people have friends too. I'd say Chilchak is probably more LN. He likes his friends and they sometimes convince him to do things he otherwise wouldn't do, but in the end he mostly cares about saving his own hide.

Perhaps a spy, performing espionage (and possibly assassinations) against Evil in service to a Lawful Good government, church, or secret society.

Why would they respect the laws of hell while in heaven? They're obeying laws so they're inherently not chaotic.

I don't actually believe this, I'm just playing devil's advocate. The alignment system is insanely retarded and people should just roll with what they think those two words on their character sheet mean. So long as they just try to be consistent.

Tool user/item master. Think of the thief as a Nethack player. Thieves have quick hands, a set of ball bearings or cockatrice corpse goes a long way. In other words, a mundane tool for each job and more importantly, the ability to make the tool fit the job when there's no exact match.

A secretive "Guardian angel," bodyguard might be usable, but turns you into a walking escort quest. Depending on who you're protecting, you may not be either good or lawful.

A locksmith if you're going the fully legal civilian route. Something to be said for the mechanical genius archetype.

A king or government servant can work too, assuming the king is good. Someone has to do the wetwork when the higher-up can't; "Evil," vizier or mean sergeant can work here. Depending on the setting, i.e. the King's word is the law, you're technically lawful.

I thought that by law criminals didn't have rights?

Otherwise why would a random adventurer, someone with no authority altogether, be allowed to set them on fire at will?

Like Carmen Sandiego before she went evil?

>I thought that by law criminals didn't have rights?
no wonder your country commits so many fucking war crimes, jesus

First I'm not american.

Second this is a medieval society. Like in Skryim, the usual idea is that nobody gives a fuck what happens with outlaws.

Of course criminals have rights! Maybe in the barbarian wilds its okay to lop a man's head of for slighting you but in civilized lands they have a right to have their case heard before the local lawgiver, be that a lord or a magister, and be given a proper sentence.

>Like in Skryim, the usual idea is that nobody gives a fuck what happens with outlaws.
The thing about outlaws is that you have to be declared one, isn't it? Like, a formal order/"trial" that the law no longer applies to you? I also think that not every criminal was automatically an outlaw, only those who actively made themselves enemies of the established order. Or pissed the king off by shooting one of his deer, whatever.

Presumably, thieves end up with strange or dangerous items often. They probably know ways to get rid of them without the setting's clergy equivalent knowing. The clergy group might even outsource the "Thief."

Run them as a garbage disposal service.

>"Hi! Thank you for calling Cursed Pickpockets! I'm Barry, what can I get rid of for you today?"
>"Sure, I can get rid of that ring of quick digestion, just 50sp! "Thank you, come again!"

>Thieves for hire
Could I hire one to steal my virginity?

>So how would a lawful good thief act?
Locksmith, escape artist, former thief trying to go straight.

I'm saying they're in Hell, attacking Hell. I'm really just using the most extreme example I can of "countries at war don't respect each other's laws, does that make them chaotic?"

What do you do if they run away instead of showing up to court? I understand in medieval English law you were declared an outlaw.

wat animu?

I'd argue that its less about where they are and more about who has authority over you and where your loyalties/allegiances lie I guess.
A soldier in an invading army isn't automatically chaotic because he's breaking that land's laws by killing its citizens. Likewise a deserter isn't lawful because he flipped sides.

I already went over this. If they resist arrest they're risking death and by resisting arrest they are signaling that they understand this risk. Its basically the same thing that happens now but with a 3rd party enforcing the law rather than the state directly.


Grimgar of Ash and Fantasy
Alternate title: Grimgar of GOBLINS and GOBLINS

It's like Goblin Slayer if everyone was incompetent. I liked it though

Don't watch it for based Barbara though. She only shows up for like two minutes in episode 1, two minutes in episode 7 or so and like 15 seconds in the finale.


So sort of like a Jedi that specialises in stealth?

Huh, actually the jedi do seem to spend like half their time on screen sneaking around and spying. So maybe you don't even need to add "that specializes in stealth"

If he is lawful why does Carmelita want to arrest him?

They would use their holy *LOCKPICK* of justice and flaming *DAGGER* of righteousness to *STEAL* the *TREASURE* of any evil doers that crossed their path!

>So how would a lawful good thief act?

Robin Hood.

Seriously, his main goal was dethroning a userper and reinstating the legitimate king. His targets were all corrupt noblemen who got their jobs through nepotism and backstabbing, and he used the money he stole to further his agenda. Opposing an Evil authority doesn't automatically make you Chaotic.

People often forget this part of the myth.

>Second this is a medieval society. Like in Skryim, the usual idea is that nobody gives a fuck what happens with outlaws.

FYI, back then people who won in court and got a death sentence for their opponent were asked to do the dirty deed themselves.


He is mostly considered Chaotic through.

Because she's Lawful Stupid.

I'm sorry but Robin hood is NG.
He only targeted the sherif cause his own presumably noble family was destroyed by said sherif.

>Thieves can't be Lawful Good in D&D.
Only if you are playing a wrong edition

Leonardo DiCaprio at the end of Catch Me If You Can

Many of his actions can still make him Lawful Good.

I came on a little strong with that first post but my point still stands. A Lawful Good thief is totally acceptable and has narrative precedent.

A Lot like Pic. Related.
Technically acting against enforcers of the law in his actions, but in the name of defending the literal bedrock of the Capital L Law.

Only in the shitty Kevin Costner movie. He was always for kicking Prince John off the Throne because he stole it from King Richard the Buttslammer.

He'd be one who hides behind the shield of technical legality.

>Stole a vase?
Nope, he reclaimed property rightfully belonging to someone else, as demonstrated by this proof of sale

>Picked a lock?
Nope, he used a copy of the key that he had lawfully acquired through a licensed locksmith

>Cold-blooded murder?
Nope, he had a reasonable expectation that human (and possibly non-human) life was in jeopardy, and acted to minimize the loss of life.

>Only steals from criminals?
Get a letter of marque from the King. Become a pirate. Have free reign to pilfer from enemies of the kingdom under the authority of the law. You don't even have to take lives. Most ships don't think it's worth the trouble to fight.

That is until you pick the wrong one, and it blows off the main trunk with a cannonball, which smashes your captain to pieces, crushes your legs, and you end up spending six years trying to get home with stubs.

>Get a letter of marque from the King. Become a pirate.

Letters of marquee mainly put into writings the size of the cut the king or your sponsor would recieve from your booty and guaranteed that you could sell your shit in-country, but if you got caught out at sea, they'd put your head on a spike all the same.

>Get a letter of marque from the King.

Does it still count if I steal the letter of marque from the king?

>Get a letter of marque
>Become Pirate
>Get into insurance fraud

haha time for piracy!

>not get mad pussy

You had one job

A very aggressive tax collector.

Extreme tax collector.


I haven't played it yet, but the game and characters give off a more Chaos vibe rather than Law.

I'd love her as a wingman though. Doesn't she basically tell the MC at one point to start a harem?

God I get so much use out of this. I think this was the best thing I ever wrote on Veeky Forums.

>implying most people in her Space Yacht club wouldn't let her go down on them if she asked.

>So how would a lawful good thief act? Only steals from criminals?
Two way you can go around it - one is Indiana Jones "it belongs in the museum". The other is large scale "revolutionary" wealth redistribution, the likes of Lenin or Castro.

I miss that show, had some nice worldbuilding and I liked the MC. Made me want to play a game of Rogue Trader again.

A lawful good thief would be a White Collar criminal, using the same loopholes in the law that corrupt businesses use in order to take them apart quasi legally and distribute the earnings to those the corp wronged.

Wait, so a thief that is just oddly meticulous in his planning and performance of crimes is lawful good?

No, a thief that is oddly meticulous in his planning and performance of crimes is, probably, lawful (depending on other aspects of his life, of course). Whether he's good, neutral, or evil depends upon other factors.

"Lawful" has nothing to do with the actual law of the land, except that Lawful people are likely to be the sort who create and enforce such laws due to natural inclination and preference for structure. It would be better if it was called "Ordered".

Indiana Jones.

You could play them using the letter of the law to come next in the line of succession, or make them like a sue-happy neighbor getting rich within the system.

Sounds like breaking the dumb or inconvenient (if only situationally so) to serve the greater rule of law and society? Also sounds like a VERY fine line.

I don't know, he has a lot of, "Fuck the native peoples, their cultural heritage belongs in a museum!" I don't just mean Temple of Doom, even after he leaned that lesson he was still happy enough to risk deadly natives just to raid their ancient tombs.

"Outlaw" literally means "outside the law," as in the law doesn't apply to them. This means that they can be killed on the spot by anyone, robbed from, tortured, etc, and it's OK, legally. They don't get a trial, because again, they are outside the law. Same thing with pirates. If you are familiar with your bible, this is what separates "thieves" and "robbers" - thieves are people who steal stuff, and are dealt with according to the law; whereas robbers are outlaws, and are basically enemies to civilization; in Veeky Forums terms you might call them bandits.

Yeah, I think that during one of their sessions she tells him to have seduced at least one girl from his party by the time they next meet. Women make for notoriously bad wingmen though.

The Odette II is a pure maiden and not lewd.

> Steals from the corrupt and the evil to give back to organised good-aligned structures, like the church.
> Steals from the corrupt church that's serving an evil god, and deposits the takings in collection boxes of good churches
> Steals from criminals and thieves to take dangerous items out of their hands, and hoards/destroys them so they can't be re-used, or uses it themselves.
> I'm bad/chaotic so others don't have to be; the law can't protect everyone. I do that I do to protect those the law cannot.

Robin hood was not good.

Lawful thief: He works as a locksmith or pickpocket-preventor etc.

This. Thriving being inherently unlawful would mean the only way to be lawful is to be working within the law in some capacity.

Unless you were to take lawful to mean acting in accordance with a code of ethics but that seems like it's blurring the lines.

God damnit.

That's actually pretty good. What's the best way to catch or protect from a thief, than being a thief himself?