Board Game General /bgg/

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We're a full quarter into 2017 /bgg/ what's hit your table the most so far this year? What game you love hasn't hit it at all? Been able to get in as much gaming as you wanted so far? How bout keeping your purchases within budget?

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Anyone ever played Pixel Tactics?

Is it Fun?

>Hit your table the most?
Kemet so far, which is really surprising me, it was shelved for most of last year.
>Game you love that hasn't?
Been 13 months without TI3.
>As much gaming as you wanted?
Hell no.
Actually spent almost nothing this year so far. Backed Tortuga 1667 on a whim and a couple awesome plays of a mocked up version just to verify hype.

Got a big game night coming up Friday with some friends in Utah but no idea what I want to take. This is a new and uncomfortable feel.

>some friends in Utah
LDS or no?

First SW Rebellion game with my wife, went kinda well. She was the Rebels and she was feeling exactly as in the movies, frustrated at the Empire and feeling powerless against my Star Destroyers.
I told her that the Rebels can't win with brute force against the Empire but she said that she also wanted to destroy my shit. All in all this game is good.

>what's hit your table the most so far this year?
Kingdom Death
>What game you love hasn't hit it at all?
Archipelago and it sucks donkey dick that my friend don't like it.
>Been able to get in as much gaming as you wanted so far?
Just about.
>How bout keeping your purchases within budget?
I backed KDM for the full monty so fuck that noise. Also picked up sekigahara because fuck yea samurai and high frontier cause fuck yea space.

>Hit your table the most?
>Game you love that hasn't?
>As much gaming as you wanted?
Definitely not. My main gaming partner moved and I haven't found another person or group that I can tolerate yet.
Definitely being good about budget so far. Bought Hanamikoji and Mottainai, as well as backed Crossroad of Heroes on kickstarter. So only spent about 100$ this year so far.

Speaking of those games, what other asian art style or themed games are out there? I've got the ones mentioned so far as well as Tokaido, Senji, Shogun, Wasabi!, and Samurai Spirit.

My wife whips my ass at SW:R. She's a shark, though. She used to have loads a fun being underestimated as the "ditsy blond" in our MTG group, and then destroying everyone in sight. I can't seem to beat her at Fury of Dracula, either, but then she has yet to come close to beating me in Concordia (which is what I've played by far the most so far this year).

>Never get to play, like everyone else:
TI3. I want to play it so bad.

Never play as much as I want.

I blew away my budget several times over at the beginning of the year, but I've slowed down in the last couple of months. I bought every expansion to Eldritch Horror because I was building a custom case to hold all of it in one box.

>asian art style
Tanto Cuore is anime maids dominion type deck building.

>Hit the table

>Needing love
Clash of Cultures, Kemet

>Gaming frequency
For the most part of this year it's been pretty shit due to work but with a friend currently bumming at my place I've been going through a lot of my games that I can play 2P, feels good man

I haven't even shown him BattleCON, Thunderstone Advance or the above games needing love yet he's been exposed to Titan, Shadows of Malice and Cave Evil: Warcults, what a time to be alive

lol, though on the plus side I finished paying off an eight grand debt to my mum last month so I can finally focus on filling up my shelf

and also getting rid of stuff I don't touch like Mysterium, maybe 7 Wonders and maybe Tales of the Arabian Nights

Tsuro and Onitama maybe?

I take that you don't mean light games like Onitama, Hanabi, Takenoko, or Machi Koro. There's Rising Sun, obviously, but I think that that's ironically pretty Western-style art in a Japanese setting. How about the painting game whose name I can't remember right now?

Kanagawa! Thought of it

> hit your table the most so far this year?
I have practically no one to play with but I got to play the Attack on Titan deckbuilding game with a friend a couple weeks ago. It was a pretty neat game but that's probably the only game I've played this year

>What game you love hasn't hit it at all?
I love Carcassonne but I have so many games that I've bought but haven't gotten a chance to play yet: Doom, Flashpoint, Bang! the Dice game, Jaipur, Hive, Kemet, and Epic I have a problem

>Been able to get in as much gaming as you wanted so far?
Not by a long shot, see the first question

>How bout keeping your purchases within budget?
Not by a long shot, see the second question. That said, I've been putting the brakes on buying more games so things are looking up for my wallet.

In other news, anyone have the list of good games to play with a non-gaming partner?

>What game you love hasn't hit it at all?

Catacombs. It's the best dexterity game I've played but I seem to be the only one with any enthusiasm for play it.

>Been able to get in as much gaming as you wanted so far?

Not even close.

>How bout keeping your purchases within budget?

My budget is zero and so's my bank account, so that problem solves itself really.

>custom case for all of Eldritch Horror

Please post pics when you are done, thinking of doing the same so I'd be interested to see what you come up with.

Thanks. Will check it out.

Forgot that I do already have Onitama and Machi Koro. I have played Tsuro and may pick it up sometime. Will check out the other ones the second poster mentioned, though I do prefer heavier games I can always grab more light stuff to play with the family. Thanks.

I'd look into Tragedy Looper if you're after something heavier

Also maybe look at Takenoko. It's a lighter game but definitely asian themed. More china to japan though.

Interested in hearing from other anons with kids. At what age could you enjoy playing boardgames with your kids?
When we only had one I still got to play games but now we have 2 I feel like I never get a chance anymore.

What are everyone 's thoughts on Food Chain Magnate?

I'm looking for a heavy euro with plenty of interaction.

Recommendations? Preferably 1-4 hrs but not a deal breaker

Oh, It's done

All just foam core and glue.

It just takes a square, a ruler, and a little patience and spatial reasoning.

I just had a look at the attack on titan game. Never heard of it before, thanks! I read that it takes longer than you would want. Did you find that?

Oh, and a sharp blade, of course.

HABA my very first series starts at 2+, but be aware it's more about teaching your kid colors/shapes, how to take turns, dexterity, etc. 4-5ish seemed to be the age for kids amongst my friends where they'd get it and you could pull out some lighter stuff. Pic related was a 1st/2nd pass attempt at doing a rec chart for it

Around 6 depending on your child. At that point you can start teaching them chess or other basic games because they can count the number of spaces and stuff.
Most kids count before they read so it's better to avoid games like scrabble or anything with text on cards unless it's very basic stuff or keywords.
Dexterity games are also extremely popular in all age groups.
Around 7-8 you could probably teach them something more complex. Xwing or anything "basic" like Hive, or Desert, orrr Sushi Go or something I suppose because it'll be relatively easy on them language wise.
Also depends what they show interest in. Most kids I find don't like economics at all and are into 'clashes' and confrontations or solo/semi/coop style games like engine builders or something like forbidden desert where they work together to solve the problem.

>'clashes' and confrontations
And now I'm kicking myself for not having Cube Quest on that chart instead of Ice Cool.

>list of good games to play with a non-gaming partner

You've already got Jaipur. That would be my recommendation, aside from Ticket to Ride or something like that.

I'm not a fan of it, but most people I show it to enjoy it.

>what's hit your table the most so far this year?
Nothing substantial. Trying to get my friends to try Argent, but they've stated that spending more than 2 hours on a single game is too much for them. This invalidates roughly 90% of all the games I actually want to play.

>What game you love hasn't hit it at all?
Haven't played a proper game of Tragedy Looper in 6 months.

>Been able to get in as much gaming as you wanted so far?
Nope, but I don't mind after the double-header of Zelda and Persona 5.

>How bout keeping your purchases within budget?
Haven't spent much this year. Nothing on the horizon except for some interest in Aeon's End, Spacecorp, and Pericles.

>In other news, anyone have the list of good games to play with a non-gaming partner?

>My budget is zero and so's my bank account, so that problem solves itself really.
Been there brother, just make sure each purchase when you do have a chance is one you'll enjoy. I spent $200 in the first 5 years back in the hobby and that got me 20 or so games because I waited for sales, and worked math trades to my favor.

Thanks guys. 6 is doable, I can survive until then.
I used to play simple games (like go away monster) with my son but when my daughter came we pretty much just ran out of free time to do that sort of stuff. She's 1.5 now so maybe I should try playing with both of them. (Son is 4).

Glad Rhino hero is on the list, I ordered it last week.

Can you get those cheap little plastic jumping frogs anywhere? Or anything similar?

You can make a simple dexterity game using those or anything similar. Set up some pots or an upright toilet roll and make everything worth various amounts of points, or just make the object of the game to get a frog in each one.

You could easily do something like that with a 4 year old.

Do you paint your minis /bgg/ ? Currently doing this bug.

Some of them are, but they're all pretty chill about it.

Some of my friends were really impressed with it, and they can't stand solitaire euros. I trust their opinions.

We ended up playing it twice. The first game took two hours because we were getting used to the game and I had to refer to rules a lot because I didn't have time to refresh myself on them beforehand. We got our ass kicked and then played it again, that time we won and it took about an hour and a half.

The first part of the game is really slow and boring because all you're doing is buying cards for upgrades so you can have some chance of surviving the oncoming onslaught. That part I'm not too found if but one the first of four archenemy Titans (these are the bosses you have to kill, they're some of the more memorable titans) appears, shit gets real fast. From then on you're in a mad race to do damage control and that's about it. You're on your heels for most of the game trying to react to everything the Titans are doing, so that really hit the theme on the head for me. So the first part is hard to get through but once the pace picked up we were so involved that it didn't seem like a long time at all.

My fondest memory so far is we were down to our last wall (you lose if all the walls fall) and we had the second archenemy Titan along with like five general Titans swarming us. I was playing as Connie and drew enough cards to take out four of the five regulars. Not gonna lie, that felt amazing.

I'm also not too keen on how they handle taking wounds and dying, I'm wanting to try something more similar to how mage knight does sounds but that'll probably need a little more homebrewing to get worked out.

That said, I've really liked the game so far. Once the floodgates open the pacing picks up immensely and any control you thought you had constantly gets thrown out the window. When you attempt to kill an archenemy Titan, you have to draw a card from the "Titans on Attack" deck that destroys equipment you have or makes it really hard to kill them. We nicknamed it the "Fuck you deck" in response.


Overall, I think it's a really exciting and tense game that I'm glad I bought. If you're a fan of the series, then it really does capture the feeling of helplessness and the struggle of staying alive. It's not my favorite game but it's a damn good one.

Also, Connie, Levi, and Hange (she's only in the first printing box) are god tier. I've also heard Mikasa is great but I haven't gotten a chance to play her yet


My daughter is turning 5 soon and I'm testing the waters with simple dice games and a dumbed down version of catacombs. Minifig had a kids recommended list in the works some time ago, dunno if he finished it.

I like The Gallerist for my heavy Euro, but it may not meet your interaction requirement (although it is there).

If you don't have strong feelings against Dice Tower, their Board Game Breakfast show has a segment every week towards the end reviewing games for 5-year age range. It's a British guy with a completely adorable, whip-smart 5-year-old daughter.

I dunno if I should feel bad for someone confusing me for him because we both post oc charts, or start a trip so it stops happening. Chart's posted above. Also no its not finished yet I've been working on taxes and still recovering from con crud from WYC. I'll see about looking at it on Friday

His recs are pretty solid, can confirm.

>/bgg/ what's hit your table the most so far this year?

Citadels & 7 Wonders so far.

>What game you love hasn't hit it at all?

Archipelago - just haven't had time to prep it and teach everyone. Also looking forward to Robinson Crusoe.

>Been able to get in as much gaming as you wanted so far?

Are you kidding? Hell no.

>How bout keeping your purchases within budget?

OK so far - I wanted to put in another order, but it looks like my car is in need of some unexpected repairs. Joy!

Is the new version of Citadels good? I always hear people talk about the game but it's not amazingly rated on BGG so I thought there was a reason I should be wary

The newest printing doesn't have any new rules afaik, but it has new artwork that I'm not personally a fan of.

Thanks for that indepth reply. I love the series but it sounds like it isn't for me. Unless there is someway to skip the starting phase to decrease the time a bit?

>teaching others to play Archipelago
Oh god, that was a nightmare for me. Thank god everyone else was smart enough to pick it up despite my bumbling explanation and ended up liking it a lot.

>friends don't like Archipelago
I'm so sorry user, are you aware of the solo mode expansion?

Anyone play fireteam zero yet? I need this game in my life something fierce.

>Table hitter
>What game you love hasn't hit at all
My boy Star Realms, I should get back into it but outside of playing online I know no one at the same skill level
>Been able to get in as much gaming as you wanted so far?
>Within budget
Quite well so far

>What's hit your table the most so far this year?
Unusual suspects, usually every player wants to give the clues at least twice. I'm love it but I'm already getting a bit sick of it.
Oh, and I've introduced kids I work with to pirates of the spanish main (I have lots of extras lying around) and they fucking love it so I've been playing a lot of that lately. Probably more so than any other game.
>What game you love hasn't hit it at all?
Shogun(Wallenstein). Hasnt hit the table in over two years I guess. I love this game but I need to have the right crowd for it. Hasnt happened in a while.
>Been able to get in as much gaming as you wanted so far?
Nah. Never.
>How bout keeping your purchases within budget?
Nope. I'm a bit kickstarter crazy.

Speaking of Kickstarter, I got excited when I saw this :

Unfortunately, it looks like fucking garbage. Too bad, I'm a big fan of the old game. I used to love the shit out of these "puzzley adventurey" vidyagaems back in the day.

Looks really good user, I'm jelly.

what are you going to do when they release more expansions?

Dominant Species. Worker placement-type Euro that I'd say most definately isn't a "multiplayer solitaire" game.

I've just got Millennium Blades and Set Rotation. Is it just me or is the insert useless without dividers, and unlikely to fit sleeved cards?

Battlecon's is also useless.

Got a local store selling Eldritch horror at a price of 50 euros (53 dollars). Is it a good price? In most stores, that shit is like 10 dollars more expensive.

Not worth it, to be honest. 40$ tops.

What's a good game for 5-6 players with 30-90 minutes playtime, high amounts of interaction and simple enough for inexperienced players to understand but complex enough that experienced players aren't bored?
Think Cosmic Encounter but less complicated or the Resistance but with some game added.

>group started as 4
>guy invited his brother
>who invited a friend
>who brought a wife
>who brought a friend
8 is many people. We get stuck playing party games all the time since no one other than me wants to split and do two games of 4.

I'm in your exact boat dude. I have two, 4
3 yr and 5mth old. I have logged my plays from the start of the year and it appears I have played hoot owl hoot, count your chicks, and iello tales and games at a 15:1 play ratio to my more adult games. Honestly sucks but also iello and peaceable kingdom games are great family coop. The latter being for a younger audience. Def check them out.

Where the fuck do you find this game at such a price ?

It used to be on Amazon for slightly over $40. I guess that was before Asmodee forced online retailers to raise prices, though.

You would have to homebrew a way to speed that part up. I may have played up how boring the first part is. Yeah, all you're doing for the first 10-15 minutes is getting new cards and there's no challenge to it but I'd much rather do that than play monopoly or CAH any day


Hey! I'm looking for recs on Print and Play games. Getting games in the third world is expensive and hard so I'm guessing making my own should be the best option.

Chicago Express
Survive: Escape from Atlantis if you get the 5-6 player expansion

An user did a pnp of the Duke a couple months back. Also, check out Deep Space D-6

Really top job job bro. That's awesome.

L99 makes some truly awful inserts

Start making a game night specific to a certain game instead of a general show up and play whatever. Let people know ahead of time you want to do a 6 player or four player or whatever game, and ask who wants in.

>Hit your table the most?
Game of Thrones Boardgame, with Betrayal at House on the Hill comming in second.
>What game you love hasn't hit it at all?
I wanted to play The Resistance, but not a lot of my friends are into it.
>Been able to get in as much gaming as you wanted so far?
Not at all.

I've decided to abandon the insert and bought 1100 cards' worth of storage boxes and dividers.

Then I just need 800 odd sleeves...

That duke game looks pretty great!
Do you happen to have it, or know where I could get it?

You should be able to download it still from the publisher's web site.

I'm going on a picnic date with my gf this weekend and I'm thinking about bringing out a small game that we can play together. The ones I have that fit that description are:
Blokus Duo
Hive Pocket
Welcome to the Dungeon
Rory's Story Cubes-base set

>inb4 we don't know what her tastes are
Of course not but if you were in my shoes, what game would you bring (if any)? And to follow up, what are some games that you all have that would be good to play during a picnic? Always looking to expand my collection.

Hive is pretty top tier for picnics, and welcome to the dungeon is pretty darn tense for 2p but might be weird if she's not into it.

>what's hit your table the most so far this year?
That's actually a three-way tie between Core Worlds, Dice City, and Ares Project. Been buying so many games lately that they each got sessions. Though for sheer number of games played (multiple per session), it's probably Dice Masters yugioh. We usually get about 4-6 games per session.

>What game you love hasn't hit it at all?
Kemet. I keep meaning to bust it out but like I said, so many new games.

>Been able to get in as much gaming as you wanted so far?
Too much gaming. I have to play some lighter games because my brain is overloading from the daily affair of deep strategy games.

>How bout keeping your purchases within budget?
lol no.
Any other games like pic related? I have Mint Works, Star Realms, Epic Card Game and Valley of the Kings.

What I'm looking for are small games with a decent amount of depth. No garbage party or kid's games. I just need something I can put in my purse and take with me to play at restaurants or whenever, but I'm going to be buying a lot of variety so it won't get stale. Thanks.

I have a $50 gift card to Amazon what are some games you think are great but wouldn't purchase due to price?

Village plus expansion immediately comes to mind.

Any other "overpriced" but still great games


>What I'm looking for are small games with a decent amount of depth. No garbage party or kid's games. I just need something I can put in my purse and take with me to play at restaurants or whenever, but I'm going to be buying a lot of variety so it won't get stale. Thanks.
Race for the Galaxy.

>What I'm looking for are small games with a decent amount of depth. No garbage party or kid's games. I just need something I can put in my purse and take with me to play at restaurants or whenever, but I'm going to be buying a lot of variety so it won't get stale. Thanks.

Citadels. (I like the previous edition's artwork better, but the current version rules are the same as the last edition's.)

Have it. Haven't gotten to play yet and I haven't considered it since the box is so big.

Are you sure? I've heard it's kind of lame.

>I just need something I can put in my purse and take with me to play at restaurants
>at restaurants
Look, I love board games, but if I'm eating at a restaurant I'd rather just chat up the people I'm with. Plus, any game of decent entertainment is probably going to take up too much table space.
That said, Pixel Tactics.

citadels is fucking boss with 4 players

I don't think Pixel Tactics would work too well in a restaurant if only due to the table space it takes up. Two 3x4 grids of cards plus a deck and discard per player... that adds up fast. Small package size, but large table footprint.

Alright, thanks I'll check it out.

Ay man, all my friends are huge board game players and love to use it as an excuse to enjoy each other's company.

Race for the Galaxy is just a deck of 100 cards and some VP chips. (That can be replaced with a scrip of paper and a pencil.)

Work, work, work. I have a plan.

The next small box can go in with little effort. Big box with a board will take some doin'.

Anyone have recommendations for good abstract games? Looking to expand from just playing Chess all the time.

I've been having lotsa success with Tak. I initially started playing it with a handmade set made out of little wood blocks, coz its really that simple, but the level of strategy is really good. I'd say on par with chess, or just a little below it.

tigris & euphrates
mage knight
commands and colors ancient


Bear in mind that it's much better to have at least the first expansion (Forsaken Lore), too. Focus tokens should have been in the base game, and it's difficult to play without them.

FL doesn't have focus tokens but FL is still necessary for doubling encounter variations. Focus can be added in with just some beads, coins, anything, to be fair. I just have FL and Carcossa and still throw in Focus using Arkham Horror LCG clue tokens.

Go has had about 3000 years of staying power, so it's pretty good.
In addition to the very fine recommendations of the other anons, I'd say Blokus and Patchwork.

Right you are! And fine points, too.

God damn. That's pretty good. You'll even be able to fit the next small box.

What are widely considered the best wargames of medium to high complexity?

I'm familiar with a lot of GMT stuff but god damn is it hard to find most of their stuff. Snagged a copy of Sekigahara just a few days ago.

Well, thanks user, now I have the urge to make myself a nice wooden box with inlays for Millennium Blade.

Reprint fucking when?

Thanks for the advice pal