>Current Modern Metagame
>Current Modern Metagame
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Modern sucks.
>4x back to nature
well fuck you too
Are you the legacy shill who is not content with shitting up your own thread or some standard fag who is choking on a 14 inch double ended blue pill?
So how'd everyone do at their last modern night? Went 2-2 last night, lost against eldrazi tron and abzan playing burn. Got 2nd place tho
Hypothetically, if there was a nonbasic in Amonkhet that said:
>tap: produce one colorless mana
>tap and exert: produce one mana of any color
Would that be garbage?
Yes. They already printed similar in Kamigawa.
You should do 3 scooze and 3 avatars
Pic for Standard babbies.
Scooze usually isn't that great, I don't often have spare mana. I keep one mainboarded and two in the sideboard for tarmogoyf decks, avatar is overall a much better performer with it's trample reach and buffing for free. Avatar also pumps a 2/2 experiment one to 3/3, it's also pretty nifty to pull avatar from the graveyard with pulse of murasa when you have 3 dudes with counters on field, making it come in as a 6/5 trample reach for no extra cost.
It was already printed identical ones under different names all the way back in tempest
I have a question regarding the new green beaters in amonkhet that give -1/-1 counters to another creature. If i give the counters to young wolf or strangleroot geist when they have a +1/+1 counter does undying trigger?
Legacy sucks even more than modern. I'd tell those faggots how pointless their coin-flip format is but the thread is as dead as legacy. You losers like to shit post. Don't mind me as I piss into an ocean of piss.
Plus counters and minus counters cancel each other out
So they did.
If Young Wolf comes back with a +1/+1 counter and then later recieves a -1/-1 counter then yes when he dies again Undying will trigger again since the two counters cancel each other out
it should be noted this only works if it's a single -1/-1 at a time. Put 2 on at once and it doesn't come back
uh it still comes back
No it doesn't. +1/+1 and -1/-1 canceling out are done when state based actions are checked, the same time creatures die. It dies while the +1/+1 counter is still on it.
ruling for this?
right there
Literally read the fucking thread
Modern players, everybody.
despite being a magic longtime player i've to admit that sometime still miss some obscure long time forgotten rule, but after this and the As Foretold ordeal I can say that this thread have truly reached the rock bottom.
Soul sister curve topper? Pumps pride mates by a ridiculous amount
Nah man
Actual cat tribal.
Run it with brimaz and leonin arbiter
I went 3-1 with G/B Tron. My only loss was to Bant Eldrazi. Which I lent to the guy. He 4-0'd with it.
This new deck I've been working with is really good. After playtesting all night with no sideboards, I can conclusively say the matchup with Death's Shadow Jund is almost dead even, if not slightly in our favor, I think, maybe more playtesting would prove me wrong but I don't think it would stray more than 52-48 either way.
Land (18)
4x Arid Mesa
3x Blood Crypt
4x Bloodstained Mire
3x Marsh Flats
1x Mountain
2x Sacred Foundry
1x Swamp
Instant (14)
2x Kolaghan's Command
3x Lightning Bolt
4x Manamorphose
2x Path to Exile
3x Terminate
Creature (12)
4x Bedlam Reveler
4x Death's Shadow
4x Street Wraith
Sorcery (16)
2x Collective Brutality
4x Faithless Looting
2x Inquisition of Kozilek
4x Lingering Souls
4x Thoughtseize
That's the deck, I really like it and I think it works very well. If anyone wants to proxy it and test it out and make reccomendations, or tell me some other matchups I'd really like to hear it. I think the problem with Bedlam Reveler, was people were trying to play him in burn, and let's be honest, burn doesn't really need a big card in their hand they can't cast yet. Burn just wants another bolt. And then he just draws a burn spell, which is what you wanted anyways. Drawing kill spells, and flashback stuff, and other fat creatures is the way to go. Reveler into 2 kill spells into another Reveler is insane, just can't be beat. Love this deck, highly reccomend it, and it's only like a couple hundred if you already have the lands, great deck really enjoying it.
Veeky Forums lets brew Gideon Control! Firstly, lets decide on what colors we should be in - I'm thinking W/U. Also, alongside Of the Trials, what other Gideons should we run? Any other Planeswalkers?
Which one should I put in my midrange Bant shell?
We're in spoilers season, there hasn't been a Standard thread in days, and the closest thing to a Spoilers General is the "MTG Story Thread," which is just a renamed lore circlejerk.
>make on yourself
I did. Yesterday when some clueless faggot was convinced that Jund wanted Hazoret because it was a "great lategame finisher" or some such.
Gids is better, but you can't waifu him. Take your pick.
why would we attempt to run this awful standard trash when we can just cast Mapcap Experiment and dig out Platinum Emperion or Platinum Angel?
fuck off
They are competing for the same slot and Ajani can be much more aggressive.
This deck is slow and clunky. Reveler doesn't get turned on fast enough and he's not big enough even with prowess. I've played this deck all night and it's actually absolute garbage
Hey, so, I'm sitting on four of these. How do I go about building it into a deck? I had it in Naya burn for a while, but was having trouble with the double red. Infernal Plunge fixed that, but then I was killing my own Nacatls for it, and I wasn't a fan of that. Lingering Souls was great, but slowed me down too much.
Where can I put this sexy bitch to make her work?
I don't think you understand how powerful draw 3 is.
>4 cost planeswalker
>I had it in Naya burn for awhile
this is good
Is this likely to see any play? Drawing a card from a Remand is great and all but this gets around 'can't be countered' and stops the opponent from casting any copies of their goyf/ deaths shadow right?
Aftermath is sorcery speed, yeah?
If so, that kills the card because it has the same problem as Remand, where your opponent just recasts it after it returns to his hand.
Love it. It's going to be somewhere between $2 and $5 because of it. Thanks Wizards.
It's not slow, it plays a midrange game. And define clunky, because it seems to me that the deck functions very well at stripping the opponents hand. There's really nothing clunky, it's all 1 drops and 2 drops. And I'm able to turn Reveler on pretty consistenly. What decks did you play it against?
Seems okay.
>Where can I put this sexy bitch to make her work?
I think she slots into Jund as a one-of, occasionally. Pretty sure she also sees play in W/R Prison.
in early game is still a good tempo
This should be a new meme
Between this and Spell Queller, why are they treating spells like permanents in the way they're interacted with?
All I can guess is that WotC is rewording to avoid using "counter spell" because it triggers Timmies, same way MaRo mentioned that they burned the name Megamorph out, and if it ever came back, they'd just call it Morph, but it gets a +1/+1 counter on flipping.
Are magic players really so easily fooled, that they care more about specific words than the effect of those words?
Maybe, but it's still questionable against Remand. Dual color and all that.
It will probably see play in Bant Spirits though.
I rate it below Kithkin but above ban 8th and 9th edition.
Aftermath doesn't have a speed. It depends on the card type.
No kidding?
So for three mana, it's a Reflector Mage against spells.
Oh wait, Comply is Sorcery.
The only deck the Torch of Defiance goes into in any number beyond 1-of is Free Win Red
Unfortunately FWR is a complete meme deck
RW Prison lists play her. However I don't like her in that deck personally
The blue Egyptian god card is gonna make monou Tron a very cool thing.
desu I love the spoiler tards who think that these cards are modern playable it's funny as fuck.
does anyone think the new sphinx will make it into living end? 4/4 flyer seems way better than the carabid, thing is you need blue to cycle it
That sphinx alone doesn't come close to being enough incentive to adding a fourth color to a deck that already has a pretty janky mana-base
Pls respond and tell me what is clunky, the only card that could be considered clunky is reveler and I've really never had a problem casting him when I want to
So does anyone know of any nice card shops in the PNW area? I got a new job and moved across the country to just outside Seattle in the Redmond/Kirkland area, I had been going to the same card shop in my home state for years bc there's a healthy modern group with not too many spergy tryhards, wondering if anyone has any suggestions for card shops up here where I can have some enjoyable modern games
Use mana confluence and as foretold/expertise, get rid of cascaders in favor of reunions and looting. That lets you run bolts and push. Even day's undoing feels memey enough.
You should stop.
You're not being serious, right?
You're both niggers who are scared to try new things
You're a retard who has no idea how to brew
Yeah? Show us how then. Show us something you've brewed in the last year.
I remember people saying the exact same thing about Deaths Shadow Jund and Eldrazi Tron
Nobody was saying that about DSJ before the probe ban when online lists started to switch and Eldrazi Tron has been around for a while.
You literally have no idea how living end works if you think those cards would be good in it.
You cycle a lot of creatures until you cast living end for free.
Cascade is the preferred method of doing this because it is consistent.
So why the fuck would you run looting effects you?
>nobody was saying that about DSJ
Lmao yeah right faggot, I remember literally every cuck on here screaming about how it's too weak to burn and other Aggro, clearly you've only been on here for a day
To run removal.
>day's undoing
Yea, let's let our opponent reanimate all his creatures too :^)
So you can have their creatures come back to life?
Pls stop
I was here when that user posted DSJ after the probe ban you faggot and aside from one or two people sperging you're fucking wrong.
Not to mention when the lists where switching before probe ban and the discussion about DSZ vs DSJ.
>only 2 people were sperging
Nah you're full of shit, I literally went in every single thread and went in depth about how DSJ didn't need probe and literally everyone called me a tard and to kill myself. The fact that suddenly now you want to be a little revisionist faggot means nothing to me, kill yourself.
>I was right and everyone was wrong!
>Y..you w.wwe...weren't even here!!
I was in those threads too you fucking retard and people were telling you that DSZ (not the same thing as DSJ) was dead without probe you fucking retard. Literally kill yourself
Not to mention the fact that DSZ is in fact dead without probe.
No, for enchantment/artifact/planeswalker/land removal
Modern players are the reason that every other format hates modern players
>tfw I was in those threads too, only shitposting about how DSZ wasn't dead because it just became a better deck
Needs leyline of anticipation. so you can flash in another gideon. I would say WUG for doubling seasons fogs and such
Oh wow you remember me, this one particular user and what I said, from that exact thread 2 months ago? Just shut the fuck up
I don't remember anybody saying it got better but whatever you say :^)
They already run beast within. Your idea is bad
You remember every post made on Veeky Forums? Woah, you must be like, a genius or something hey?
>I literally was in the thread arguing how probe didn't kill the deck
>i was in the threads too
>only 1 or 2 people arguing that probe didn't kill the deck
just kys
>the absolutely disgusting state of your reading comprehension
What is it like living life as a mouth breathing fucking subhuman?
Fuck off you fat smelly autist. I am certain you have no irl friends and everyone hates you just based on how insufferable you are right now
1 mana 1/2, prowess, even steve argyle art
>I remember every single thread and discussion on Veeky Forums and I know exactly who you are cause I have read every single post on the modern general from 2 months ago
Where do you find yourself on the autism spectrum?
And this garbage
Wow. Who called this? I feel like someone called this exact card.
Alright Veeky Forums, let's see if you're as bad at MTG as you look like
What happens with that fucker and anger of the gods
Never said that I did you stupid faggot learn to read. I do remember the threads post git probe banning and I remember one or two retards arguing that git probe banning didn't kill DSZ ( which it did) and conisidering that this user said he was in those threads too, it's not unreasonable to assume that it's one of the same people. Nice argument though
Nice argument you stupid cunt
Are you asking if it exiles?
Because it places counter instead of dealing damage the creatures go to graveyard rather than exile.
Are you done throwing a tantrum? We're trying to discuss magic