Ever had someone want to play a blind, deaf, or otherwise crippled character?
Blind and deaf PCs
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Certain disabilities have a proud pedigree in the world of fiction.
>not pictured: Professor X, Barbara Gordon, %50 of all Kung Fu sifus ever
Not directly but a player of mine chose an option at character creation that ended-up causing their PC to only have one arm. It has been interesting to see how they handle it.
OP why is your image censored?
Tiny magic horsies.
Why are bits of that text censored? There's something that would derail the thread under there isn't there?
I've been meaning to have a look at it, but I kinda of forgot it existed. How is it?
How do you have it already?! I pre-ordered mine but it's not coming until the 21st of April.
>How do you have it already?! I pre-ordered mine but it's not coming until the 21st of April
Scan was posted on Sunday
Waaaaaait a fucking second
That's a motherfucking MLP thing
neigh, i say
One of my players once played a bard who couldn't speak.
Very basic, but quite functional as a result. Basically you have three Traits: Body, Mind, and Charm. Charm starts at d6, then you give a d4 to either Body or Mind, and the other one gets a d6 (except Earth Ponies, who use one die better for their starting Body - so either a d6 (instead of a d4) or a d8 (instead of a d6)).
You also have Stamina (hit points), which is equal to the sum of your starting Body and Mind (so 10 for Unicorns and Pegasi, but 12 for Earth Ponies). Stamina can be decreased by taking damage, long treks, eating bad food, etc.
You have two starting talents, one determined by your Cutie Mark, and one determined by your Tribe. These have d6s as well.
Whenever you want to try something, you either Body, Mind, Charm, or one of your Talents, as determined by what would be most appropriate (by the GM).
Each time you gain a level, your Stamina increases by 1 and you can increase one of your Talents or Traits by one die, or gain a new Talent. There is an optional (but encouraged) rule that no Talent or Trait can be more than two steps better than the rest on a character (so, for example, you can't increase something to d12 if everything else you have is d6), so as to encourage players to make well-rounded characters rather than super-specialized ones. Dice types go up to d20.
There's a Fate/Action/Whatever Point system in play, but with a neat twist in that you can't spend them in yourself, you have to spend them on other players. Friendship and all that.
Combat ("Scuffles") is actually surprisingly "deadly" (you just get knocked out at 0 Stamina), but given both the target audience's age range and the fact that the themes of the source material are more about solving problems through non-violent means, this can be seen as an encouragement to look for alternate solutions.
I played a deaf/mute Pokémon trainer once as a telepath. Got the inmate soundproof ability (immune to all sonic moves like sing, disarming voice, uproar, etc.) and took a -20 to perception checks based on sound cues.
Was kind of fun. Ish.
>Descending lines at beginning from "ponies"
>Second to last looks to end in a "v" but it a "y" and the censor bar is angled
>Obvious "Equestria" in final censor line
Yep it's pone, also don't post batman unless you're worked it out.
Isn't there someone relatively famous working on the mlp system and playtesting it with his daughter and her friends?
Here's a little something.
Not from the beggining anyway, youtu.be
Hay, thanks!
Rule of Cool's "Legend" had this rad feat designed to let player characters channel their inner Daredevil.
One of my players for an upcoming superhero game made a blind psychic. He sees through the eyes of those around him. So rather than take a "blind" disadvantage, he gets to act normally most of the time. If he's ever alone, he's fucked though.
I wanted to play a mute one.
Mouth sewn shut with magic thread.
Mute characters are nowhere near as fun as you think. At least not for the other players who have to suffer your murder mime's antics.
This. I tried it once, ended up working with the DM to gain my voice back during the next session.
Nah, but I'm considering allowing it in the RPG I'm making. If you roll especially low on your awareness stat, you can instead give up your sense of sight, hearing, or touch, and set your general awareness to average. Though now that I think about it blindness may make it too hard to do positioning on a grid.
Mute with nonverbal telepathy could be interesting. So the rest of the party knows what the character is trying to tell them, but there's always that bit of distance.
Mind you, it'd be hell on staying in-character, since you'd be describing what you want to convey, rather than saying things.
I played a druid that got blinded a few sessions in, and we were on the outs with the church, so no Restoration. As I recall I spent a lot of time in wild shape, where my eyes weren't busted, and a level or two later I picked up a spell or feat that gave me tremorsense.
In germany you can order it already.
Mine arrived yesterday.
I once played a half-elf rogue who was mute from childhood due to bandits trying to rob her parents and the bandits escaping the city guard by taking her hostage - she later escaped them, but not before suffering a throat wound from a cursed dagger.
She communicated by hand signals, pantomime gesturing, and assorted groans and grunts (think of how a deaf person sounds when trying to speak).
In a 2e game back in the day I played a blind archer. It started off as a min/max thought experiment between me and the GM. We wanted to see how low we could get the penalties for someone fighting in total darkness. There was a splatbook that had an ability called 'blind sight' or something, and with that and some min/maxing we got the penalty down to 0. Then we saw that blind sight could be taken multiple times and improved the 'range' of your sense. By taking it multiple times, the character could fire a bow and arrow in complete darkness with no penalties. And so was born my character Johan the blind archer.
i only played him for a little bit, but he was fun.
>There's a Fate/Action/Whatever Point system in play, but with a neat twist in that you can't spend them in yourself, you have to spend them on other players. Friendship and all that.
I actually dig this so far. What can you use the Points for exactly?
Had someone play a blind assassin in Savage Worlds. It was the stupidest and worst thing ever.
I've been long wanting to play a blind bard/poet type. Kinda somewhere between the Homer-inspired and Jacob the Pathfinder from Ink.
>What can you use the Points for exactly?
One point to reroll a failed check, two points to reroll with a higher die type, and three points to automatically pass.
Multiple characters can pool their points too, so every character can kick in one point and have it count as three or more. The GM has near-total control over how quickly they gain more, because it's totally story-dependent.
I played a wheelchair kid in an All Flesh Must Be Eaten one shot.
I wanted to make a pc whoes nerves are damaged to the point where he cant feel pain. My way to make it work mechanically is I wont know what my current hp is and let the dm keep track of it.
That's a neat idea.
>Had someone play a blind assassin in Savage Worlds. It was the stupidest and worst thing ever.
Done both blind and one-armed. It can make for interesting scenarios; the blind one could ninja like hell but couldn't read, which factored into a few puzzles.
>No legs
>No arms
>Ponies that are blind, deaf and/or unable to walk
Welp, rev up dat munstah daddeh because I sure love fluffy abuse!
>Kill this fucker for me, okay?
>*gives assassin a photo of target*
>fluffy abuse
I think there was an entire booru for these little shits being tortured
Thanks for unearthing my repressed memories, by the way.
my first character was a blind monk in PF, was fun, if a little annoying sometimes