Arms Merchants in Japan

Where smiths in Japan allowed to have their own business, or were they merely paid a salary by their lord?

What would they do to you if they found that the equipment you were selling them in ancient Japan was shoddy?

In the the middle east they might cut off you're arm, but that doesn't sound very sophisticated or appropriate.

Fucking Japan should just declare war on the management Lockheed Martin, they are just NOT getting it.

Imagine what 24/7 survailance could do for Israel, or Palestien? Imagine what a live sattelite feed could do for hot spots like the Korean and India/Pakistan border? Or kurdish oil wells?

Maybe if you submited some of our classified sattelite feeds to the general public, you might show how the Americans were provoked into supporting American companies doing business overbroad in the interest of national security, (i.e. securing sufficient oil reserves before time ran out on peak oil)

Why can't we discuss politics at the Game Table? Aren't politics and ideologies relavant to telling a story? Isn't a morality tale for a fundamentally different audience than a nihilistic odysee through space?

Its like we are being forced to listen to other rejects ramble on about their inane ideologies while they push sensible people to the side! The game is ALWAYS ruined by one guy who doesn't understand the thematic element of the game, keeps trying to push HIS ideological narrative, instead of conforming to the general tone and scope of the setting.

I mean, putting aside the fascist narrative, doesn't 40k have a distinct flavor of byzantynian politics and decadant corruption? Doesn't the Imperium remind you of Russian Orthodox Christianity as much as Nazi fascists?

I mean, it is clearly not 1940's period architecture they had in mind for their empire.

ALL of 40k can be summed up in:

What if Hitler got elected as pope?

Thats it. Thats its central tenet. The idea that at some point in time their was an immortal god emperor who conquered the world, the succession of the preisthood, i.e., the Echesiarchy, having more power than temporal officials, the unity of church and state...

See, Hitler would never settle for anything other than Pope AND the ruler of Germany. He would think himself greater than a king, like a pharoe, a god-king, a vessel for the divine...

All if he hadn't gone on a bender and not stopped at France. The war was salvagable at that point. He could have stopped at anytime. But he didn't. He couldn't see past his own lifetime, into the future, what might happen if he had succeeded and plyed his power softly.

Of course, he could have never applied to the Western Papal State, that would be ludicrous, after the pope had denounced his state. But the through the Russian Orthodox Church and their Council, he could have been made some form of potentate, which would have caught fire much the same way social media does today, with propaganda broadcasts and sermans being held simultaneously...

But then you get these assholes, who come in here and think, "That would be pretty great actually," and you're like... who invited THIS nazi shithead?

The whole fucking point of the game is that its GRIMDARK, grim and dark. Its fucking horrorifying, not a nice place to live, not something to aspire to or admire, who the hell are these idiots?

But yet somehow, some idiots actually find this INSPIRING, like how its humanities last stand and all our flaws are coming back to end us.

I mean, they are alright I guess, but they give you all these (wink)(nod) I'd gas the jews, if know what i mean...(wink wink)

And your like, "Did no one ever tell you the story of the holocaust..? How are people supposed to take that? I may be an autist, but I know not to say that shit in front of other people.."

Its adult content, but we are selling it to kids cause, "Why not?!"

40k is something that intelligent, functional ADULTS should play, not kids.

Because kids are the only ones who aren't going to pick up on the double entandre' of the narrative, their the ones who are going to get suckered in with the "Wouldn't it be awful if hitler were in charge!" (wink wink)

Its only offensive when you are unable to perceive the irony of the narrative, which applies only to the games fans, creators and online gaming community.

Oops, did I let the cat out of the bag? Did somebody trigger your "I'm not racist I just love free speech" nerve?

Even in appreciating the irony of the hidden narrative, it still makes you more sympathetic to it. Its the constant delusion of ones own granduer. Its already there, the game just adds more fire to the flames.

Its a pretty good gauge for meglomania. And its a fair bit more dignified than dressing up as Napolean.

Of course, it won't scan for sociopaths. They are too clever.

Sociopaths aren't going to tip their hand with such an obvious trap. Its in their best interest to have others perceive them as being moral. Why would they risk associating themselves with people who even the neo-nazi's didn't want in their armies?

So you see, its not really about faux fascism, its about artistic expression. I have half a notion that all this art and background was all drawn by a mentally ill pollock in a mental institution. You can't deny that the artists' drawings have artistic merit.

Art isn't meant to be remembered, its meant to be experienced.

Wow, some serious autism in this thread, holy shit.

Anyways, as I recall, smiths in Japan were effectively their own businesses, but could only make swords for religious or state purposes. Outside that, they could make other assorted metal goods for anybody who could pay for them.

As for the other bit, never come across any instances of that in my research on the subject, so I got no idea, but smiths were generally held in high regard, so I doubt that kind of punishment would happen.

Ok good, I thought Veeky Forums was bugged or something after April fools and we got merged with /pol/

Notice the IP count. Before you posted, it was 1. With this post, it will be 4.

Yeah, it was obviously the work of a single dedicated autist, for whatever reason.

>21 replies
>4 posters
really makes you think

I take a different approach to it. To me, it's a checklist for fascism.

That is, fascism would be justified in a world like 40k but not ours, you fuckheads..

...what the fuck is happening in this thread.

No shit 40k is tongue in cheek. It's a direct homage to 2000AD, for fucks sake.

Pretty sure OP just popped a cock covered in molly down his throat and is now tripping balls and posting drug induced insanity based philosophy in this thread.

They would need to have a Feudal Firearms License.