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How awooooo do your characters get? How do you properly play a doggo or a woofy wolf?
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Pathfinder General /pfg/
How awooooo do your characters get? How do you properly play a doggo or a woofy wolf?
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What the actual fuck is wrong with you.
Aw come on bitch this has literally NOTHING to do with Pathfinder.
I prefer my wolfgirls to be adorable
In my last game we came up against man-eating smurfs, when they turned to run at the end I couldn't resist, snatched one up and ate it, as any good catboy ninja would.
Turns out smurfs are poisonous.
You aren't even trying anymore user. At least make your question relevant to pathfinder.
>its the middle of the fucking night
>I better make a new /pfg/ with a fucking anime op
>I better ask a completely irrelevant question too
Can you at least fucking try. I hate you.
Good news is I just obtained a bunch of poison for my ninja, at DC19, 1d3 STR damage, its pretty good poison too.
They don't have to try since you bite anyway.
On Str and Dex: the 4e save choices would bring the two closer in line. High Dex is oversold as AC defense compared to having heavier armor, which disincentivizes using Dex by not granting an AC bonus from Dex. There's also potentially implementing strength minimums for wearing certain armors.
With that, you have Str as:
Melee to hit
Melee damage
Ranged damage (bows mandatory composite)
Fort save
Armor Class (armor enabler)
And Dex has:
Ranged to hit
Finesse to hit
Finesse damage
Reflex saves
Armor Class (enabled by armor)
Even split. You let maneuvers go Str or Dex and either kill Con completely or keep it around so Wizards can feel right dumping Str.
I hate everything
I'm not the OP, but it happens to be 4:48 here, in Australia.
Fuck you aussies are all shitposters the day of the fucking emu WHEN
Can this class concievably be anything but Evil?
Actually when /a/ merged with /sp/ and got flags, it turned out that leafs shitposted more than literally every other flag combined, excluding burgers.
Well yes, day of the rake fucking when, but even though there's less aussies, they are all shitposters and do deserve to die.
Would you allow double swords to be refluffed as sword chucks?
No, because "swordchucks" would simply do twice as much damage to yourself as the enemy. Bladed chains don't actually work that well for the specific reason that they are chains - even though flexible weapons move faster, they also apply less force because they bounce. In other words, Red Mage is right, that's the dumbest fucking idea anyone's ever had.
You have to impale seven people though.
you wound me good sir, just because we all have dynamic IPs and give no fuck about bans, doesn't mean we would ever use that power.
That incredibly convenient, exploitable POWER... excuse me for a moment.
That's evidently why they work SO WELL. Have you not been paying attention?
Poor plans are the best plans because something going wrong can't affect their course!
>7 Sentient Creatures
They can just be animals, it didn't specify sapient. Just sentient, meaning anything not mindless. Impaling 7 chickens under the full moon would allow you to qualify. Then you can just fry em up afterword.
Also they can just be evil people.
Fuck you ya wanker!
... as I was saying, you wound me good sir.
>Poor plans are the best plans because something going wrong can't affect their course!
Well yeah going tits up 100% of the time as opposed to 20% of the time is not really better.
You'll never get to your plan B without failing plan A first user.
You could just have your plan A NOT cause the death of half the party?
Just like how you can't get to your B-hole without going through your A-hole!
... I don't follow.
This thread started terribly, but between the one genuine catboy post, and all the semi-sarcastic shitposting.
I am feeling quite amused
They're the same weight!
Its not sarcastic, the day of the emu is coming
>How awooooo do your characters get? How do you properly play a doggo or a woofy wolf?
/pfg/ was a mistake.
I am intrigued by the idea voiced by aside from the stupid alliteration. Thoughts?
Don't worry we agree
we're just waiting for death
/pfg/ is for containment.
Haha I knew it, all you homos are Trump loving weeabo faggots. This was all the proof we needed.
Lets review some apps /pfg/ who wants a review?
Are you retarded?
So how do YOU use Reptilefolk in your setting?
WWW could use some review-love
Finally a pf thread and you do this
Pick one user
I second this
Some Shardwalkers apps still need reviewing, roll for one?
Do me!
I keep asking my friends for reviews but they aren't saying much in depth. I'd appreciate build tips mostly, but I mostly wanted to keep it simple (and I don't really like PoW/Psi) Bio is kind of long but I can't really figure out anything else to change/add. Only problem is that I feel like i shoehorned the familiar in.
Nah, just choose one.
Don't choose the grumpc@cause he isn't able to play.
How shitty would a bloodrager/brawler gestalt be?
Do DHB's Nugget Man
for future reference dear shitposter, the emu is not that Iconic over here (despite being on our money), you just don't see them very much in populated areas.
try Koala or Roo. The koala is lazy and sleeps 14 hours a day, the Roo can be quite ornery and likes to punch people.
Both are much better comparisons for ridicule.
Fairly honestly. You're better off as a Bloodrager/Scaled Fist UC Monk
I wouldn't mind a review. Thanks in advance if you end up doing it.
Still sore about your defeat in the emu war I see
I see, I wanna try making a bloodrager gestalt for a friends game, but im not sure what to pair it with, he's allowing core paizo stuff only.
your fun
but we happen to have won all our wars.
Bloodrager is in no way core. What books is he actually allowing?
Core to him just means official paizo shit only
Then yeah the Scaled Fist monk is fine, it's from Legacy of Dragons, one of the paizo published setting companions.
Use it with UC monk version. Have a good time.
Don't pick a bloodrager bloodline that gives you claws because you can't flurry with them.
Destined is probably the best for you.
>We won all our wars
Except for the one agains the emus
Arcane Bloodline is best, faggot
Oh, look at me, I don't like having the best saving throws.
Be a Primalist Bloodrager with destined and exchange your 8th level bloodline power for Superstitious. Trade out for first level one for a bloodline familiar.
I think i'll just go with this, it sounds like a lot of fun and something different. Never built one before, so this'll be fun.
>tfw shardwalkers still has a week left
>it would've been in session by now
why is that wolf in a pumpkin
Thank you. someone sane
there's no hope for us
no. we must believe, we must remain strong!
You know what
I'm not even going to give a proper response, so have a hot chinese girl.
Where do you actually go to get UC Monk archetypes though? Didn't they change so much with the UC that none of the archetypes actually worked?
Read the archetype, it tells you what it replaces for both monk and UC monk, depending on which you are.
I just don't get it user, why would that wolf be inside a pumpkin
I'll make my biases clear first and say on principal I like shorter apps.
>Vigilante Identity Bit
Seems okay, a PC so young might be at odds with the rest of the party, hard to know how fetishy the DM wants the game.
The descriptions of hair and clothes strike me as a bit odd since they're specific but not really telling of anything. "He wears a thick, yet very light set of Mithral chains" describing mithral chain as thick seems odd to me, just call it mithral chain, unless you added vital guard to it or something.
I'd consider just letting your pictures do the talking unless you can sum up some very descriptive passages, when I read this it feels like you were just trying to come up with as much as you could without really having great ideas.
"She tends to have a very timid look on her face that fails to show the otherwise overly-ambitious nature of hers" This is MMO RP tier, what does a timid look, look like? Why are you explaining her personality behind half a sentence about looks? If you're being brief I'll accept "timid" as a description but you've written a paragraph and half of it is her personality.
wew this is long! I would try to cut it in half and it'd still be long. When you're talking about other people not caring about her, it makes me not care.
I get the basic ideas here but the age really bothers me personally, fifteen year olds are basically garbage at everything, Magical Child I understand is meant to ape sailor moon or whatever, but I'd consider hiding the age, and aging up the vigilante identity. It's sort of hard to think that a padded up 15 year old girl cuts anymore an imposing figure than one in a dress, especially when she'll be standing next to bara husbandos.
All in all there is a lot going on here, but assuming the DM doesn't hate long apps like I do, I don't think the extra detail hurts you, a concept this extravagant does need lots of explaining.
When you're done senpai I wouldn't mind a quick look on mine if you can, I cranked it out a few hours ago and wouldn't mind some feedback
Wis and Cha are both VERY loaded down with skills. Merging them would make that a god stat out of combat.
"though she is hardly wise and would likely make for an ill-ruler at first, until she properly accustoms herself to the world of politics"
You need to go through your app and find every single sentence like this and remove it, don't speculate on her behalf, this kind of stuff adds nothing other than telling us your personal feelings about how she should arc. Personally there's nothing more that bothers me than people who decide their characters arcs ahead of time and then try to force it into whatever they're doing.
For the rulership roles I would look at the ones her stats fit, pick the one she'd most like to do, and pick that one. Why half these apps list off every single role the character guide matches their stats for I have no idea, the DM can look at your stats and match it to a chart.
"(*cough*herself*cough)" Please remove this!
I skipped personality so I'm doubling back,
with Vigilante it's tough since you're going to have so much shit going on. I'd remove parts that talk about what she's like in private, and instead focus on the traits that will be apparent to others right away. How she opens up to people should probably depend on the person in question as much as anything else, and I have bad experiences with itching powder in PF so I don't talk about being a prankster.
My overall feelings would be to avoid trying to be a bit of everything, and to keep your details to what would be more strictly relevant to the campaign. Overall I think you have a lot of detail which is better than too little, and of course it shows enthusiasm.
Really I think your app probably just hinges entirely on how much the DM likes reverse traps, because if he loves them you're basically in no matter what.
And thank you for this as well!
I'll be honest I did sort of rush through appearance and detailing the self (since i usually just tend to let people fill in blanks rather than being too specific) though I think i'm going to go ahead and rewrite both of those. Everything else you says truly rings and i'll probably be making a lot of adjustments to fix things around.
although to be honest i'm quite anti-lewd and i don't fetishize a single thing about this character, i'm pretty story-focused. I'll likely be aging her up to 18 under suggestion of the DM for now too.
I may have bought itching powder.
Again, though, thanks.
I'm not sure what you're saying here:
"Her clothing is suited to the cold northern city from which she hails adorns her and it's obvious that the only extravagance it bears is in her formal uniform as of now"
You have two pictures so I think you should probably just drop the appearance section unless you're going to describe distinguishing scars or how she shaves her pubic hair.
"Her sharp features make for an attractive face"
Same as last app, this is MMO RP, don't tell me she's attractive, describe her features and I'll decide what to think.
"despite her being just over thirty. Franze is a woman of tired eyes and usually bleak expression"
You then go on to describe her as being unattractive in the next sentence. Guys, if your paragraph isn't great, just leave it out. Especially stuff like appearance if you have a picture, at least for me I look at the picture and think okay, got it, bit older looking, dresses formal, still attractive. Then I have to read your contradictory descriptions.
NEVER DO TOUGH BUT CUTE. It is seriously the hallmark of ALL bad RP. Stop it! She can be tough but cute, but don't say it!
Okay, Backstory, lets look at your first three sentences, because you have like six paragraphs.
>Franze never knew her parents,
>being raised instead by the man she knew as Aleksandr.
>He was her Uncle, and he was a good man, who provided for her with all he could as a dock worker.
>A charitable man, Aleksandr gave his all to the young girl, even taking more shifts than his body could handle just to put food on the table.
You could've said all of this in one sentence, again I don't like long apps but try to cut down details that don't matter.
>For a time she was happy, and when she turned sixteen, and met Rocque Valance, she was still happy
Like what is this, you've just said the same thing twice?
user go back and re-read this out loud to yourself, and if you're repeating yourself, cut it down
I just visit rarely, and at bad times
Well let me enlighten you good friend
1. We always have a /pfg/ up
2. Its always garbage.
>Having been betrayed once in her youth, Franze is naturally suspicious of others. It's come to the point of neurosis in some instances, but she would never open the inner workings of her mind to anyone other than her closest companions.
Again, same as last app you're telling me stuff about her that should be private. Tell us what she's like interacting with people, the DM doesn't give a shit if your character is secretly a sociopath, if deep down she's a huge piece of shit it doesn't matter because she has to adventure and do stuff.
So tell us how we can expect her to get along in a party,
"She's invested most of her life to the law, and she's proud of this, and what she does"
An entire sentence to say she's proud.
"Diplomacy, and intimidation, are both tools to be used by her to achieve results, as the situation dictates, as long as it draws closer to her desired outcome."
Whole sentence to say she uses her brain at a functional level.
"Along the same line of thinking, Franze is, of course, willing to step on whoever gets in her way, so long as they can't benefit her. Whether she's whispering into a man's ear about a woman she finds particularly suitable for him, or having a watch member kept at their current, lowly rank because their ideals aren't in line with her own."
Now I don't know if the DM loves all this useless fluff, but here's what I got,
"She's slow to trust, if at all, proud, pragmatic and manipulative."
So again my personal length biases are showing, but consider how much you're actually saying here and how much it's taking you to say it.
Overall I think this is an okay app, lots of details is better than too few even if they're fluffed up, and I like older PC's.
My main concern is the ability for a PC to work with a group, especially if they're anti-social so I might consider how the lawful aspect would be useful to tier her into a party, that is something I'd like expanded on.
>"(Stats wise Spymaster and Royal Assassin work. Thematically Warden or Marshall is more fitting, though.)"
Again, the DM can read the fucking chart, tell us what role you want, look at what the DM posted:
> Please also include a which leadership role in a kingdom the PC would desire.
Desire, not "please match your PC's stats to the chart because I am too fucking stupid to look at a chart"
If I'm picking apps and I see like, basic reading comprehension stuff like this it makes me very sad! The good news it's an easy fix.
I wanted to add some more to my overall impressions which would be that I like older PC's and I like LE.
But again, if you had read some of the other blingmaker DM posts you'd see he says "Don't worry about how you're chosen"
>The Charter she received came under the influence of Rocque and his compatriots. They'd been using their connections to the less that savory individuals of the nobility to have it sent to her, and much to their surprise, she accepted. With Franze out of the city, no matter how long she was truly gone for, they had secured their continued survival as an organization.
But you added that in yourself, so I don't know if this scores you points or removes them, I'd probably get a hold of the DM to see how well that jives with what he's got.
So, cut down the repetition, and make sure you're formatting correctly will be the biggest parts to make this app better for me.
Ravioli ravioli give me the reviewioli
i have never gotten the awoo but i want it
Jesus, surely there was a better way you could have formatted this.
not sure if this reviewanon is the best but i'm sure they're just doing it from boredom. It's pretty clear they have their own biases and pretty narrow views of characterization.
I mean, it's something.
Ah, a much sought review review user user
This review user gets a 4/10. They're too subjective and nitpicky on otherwise irrelevant things. Some of their criticism is good although they seem to entirely focus on the negative. Formatting is horrible and they are filled with biases they acknowledge, but acknowledgement doesn't make it any better. Who's next?
We need to go DEEPER.
I don't give a shit about formatting, I type from the heart.
I personally really dislike first person story apps, in fact I dislike backstory in general because in play it hardly ever matters.
All I know from reading this is that accents can be cringy to read, and that he refers to himself as "only being a kid" at 13 or 14 but then his listed age is 16. Is being that young very important to the concept? This is better for a level one concept, I would consider adding some things to level him up as it were.
And something to explain his alignment a bit, I would never have guessed LG from reading this as ultimately all that happens is he murders some people and "takes jobs", which could be anything. IIRC the DM for WWW wants the memento to have some value to you? May be worth checking in to make sure the courier angle works well.
Stuff I don't mention is generally fine/good, the thing is that so much of this stuff just does not fucking matter. You're going to get so much characterization in the first few sessions just based on the party and how you co-operate to tackle challenges that it can totally throw out the ideas you had. The number one thing these apps do is kill themselves, and that stuff is easy to fix.
Is this going to result in someone getting sued? That happened last time I saw a reviewer getting reviewed.
>in fact I dislike backstory in general because in play it hardly ever matters.
That's how you know you're in a shit campaign honestly.
Hey /pfg/. If your character had a theme song, what would it be?
Bonus points: link your app.
As a DM I make it a very important goal of mine to not only play out the campaign, but integrate each character bio in some meaningful way. Craft their stories into the general story. It's much more exciting for everyone this way, and it feels lame if your bio is unimportant in the grand scheme of things.
Someone told me to review "Varico Dyras" from Ironfang,
>Appearance: The flames of the burning orphanage licked his skin, the smell of burnt flesh is on his body.
I'm out! If you're gonna do this, hide it so that by the time I get to the over the top edge I've already committed to the app.
I thought maybe I was being too harsh so I read a bit more:
>Backstory: Escaping a life on the streets wasn't easy, he lived a life as a drug addict, he murdered for drugs, but after betraying his wife to kill another Varico was tired of this life and sought an escape.
Don't do drug addiction stuff, if you don't know what you're talking about it just makes you seem dumb. You didn't mention what he was addicted to, or how killing his wife got him drugs? For once I actually am left wondering stuff instead of thinking there's too much.
Unimportant is maybe the wrong word, what I'm getting at is the important parts of your story are easy to suss out, you don't need to pad it out with tons and tons of details, there will be some key things that inform your characters personality coming to the table. So if you bury that is needless stuff the parts that are interesting and/or important just get lost.
So this Varico Dyras is like the complete opposite, there's so much stuff going on but it's barely explained at all, and even if it was it wouldn't make sense.
For this one I would just try to make him less horrible sounding, you can be an anti hero without totally over doing it. If this app takes a 180 turn in quality halfway through someone else let me know because I couldn't even finish
You're not going to be able to fix future creative writing through direct editing of apps, and it's spurious to the GM if they choose a character based on the player's well thought out writings, and then the player in game turns out to meander and produce poor results because you went through their apps line by line to fix all the errors.
They asked for reviews, not for an editor. For the sake of other players and the GMs, I'd suggest you not go for full on line by line dissection and just say "your writing skills need to be improved because I noticed inconsistencies in the plot/poor characterisation/descriptions not matching pictures/meandering uninteresting backstory/no actual information of what the character is like/basic spelling and grammar errors. Go back through the app and review what you've written with this in mind."
>implying she only has one theme song
pleb tier
fuck my backstory is still so bad
Can someone review Rio's app from Shardwalkers?