>The dragon's "priceless treasure" is actually his infant daughter
The dragon's "priceless treasure" is actually his infant daughter
>A fight breaks out among the victorious dragon slayers over who gets to adopt the child
>Not murdering the demon-spawn before it has a chance to grow into the monster it will surely become
Poor form desu.
>PCs think that the hoard of gold coins could be described as priceless.
>sell to monstrologists for ingridients.
Sounds ugly desu.
I'll see you after the full workshift of digging thorugh monsters' innards. She cleans up nicely though.
I mean the name. It should be something like teratologist, from Terastos than means monster.
A truly Good deed would be to help this Dragon use her powers to better the world.
And also make her wear pretty dresses and give her delicious food and go "aww" when she has a nightmare and wants to sleep with you.
Least you can stuff them and stick them in the adventurers man-cave.
Maybe a stand holding a plate of biscuits or an ashtray or something
What's she gonna do when she learns you murdered her dad and fucked the corpse?
>The dragon's "priceless treasure" is actually his daughter (male)
when she is teenager
If you are who I think you are, he's only half-dragon and she's adopted.
She is adorable, though.
Evil is inherent in its nature. Best I can do is a merciful death.
/a/ this shit needs to stop, it's not healthy.
Kill them both
I'm not autistic enough to care, so monstrologist stays.
>his infant daughter is actually a gigantic sized gold coin golem
I'm sure that people who post like this are obsessed far-righters.
Threaten to have the Kingdom's Child Welfare Services take her away unless he turns his life around and gets a respectable, well-paying job instead of eating virgins and burning down villages.
He might be a dragon, but that doesn't mean he's above the law!
>People roleplaying on a roleplaying board RIDICULOUS!!
Raise them to be good, and then kill them before their evil nature takes over.
>he doesn't realized the far-righters are the ones posting the anime pictures
Have you been under a rock for years now?
>The kingdom's child welfare services slowly amass a small army of maltreated, abandoned, and orphaned children and raise them into proper citizens, eventually making the kingdom's armies invincible due to how much PC material ends up within their ranks.
FUCK I need to run this now.
[x] Fuck Lucoa instead
Jokes on you, I'm a radical leftist. I just like to roleplay uncompromising crusaders! :^)
>e might be a dragon, but that doesn't mean he's above the law!
That is exactly what that means you fruitcake.
9 out of 10 Gods of Law disagree. And that last one, from what I understand, is a dragon, so, you know, a bit biased.
Better idea, sell the dragon to the highest bidder in some black market.
I'm sure someone would want a pet dragon.
...fuck it, I'm joining the dragon.
>"FUCK!!!!" Said the fighter's player
>"THIS IS BULLSHIT" Said the wizard's player
>"AYY I AIN'T NO KIDDIE FUCKER" cried the bard's player
>"I'm already babysitting you guys." Shrugged the cleric
"I will raise at as my own" Said the Evil Rogue's player
>"U w0t" The group and the DM looked at the rogue as if he had just kicked a puppy, which he did five sessions ago.
>"Look you're not the most-"
"Look you guys definitely don't want it, So I guess I will take the loot and besides I get to have my own fucking dragon! how cool is that?" said the rogue and slid his character to the dragon loli's side
>"Correction, infant dragon" Said the idea stealing DM
>"Details, now Time to raise me a fire breathing dragon"
BAM, New BBEG or Rogue redemption arc. Eitherway works
>implying rogue redemption isnt the only option
>He might be a dragon, but that doesn't mean he's above the law!
... Are you... actually retarded?
>Implying dragons are above the law
>Implying Gods are above The Law
Do You Even JUSTICE?
Noone is above the law.
Is this one of those intentionally ironic posts?
Maybe it evens out. The dragon gets a bit of the rogues "quirks" and in turn the rogue goes from CE to a more TN stanpoint though he will still be a bit greedy
> Invade the dragon's lair
> Discover the 'treasure'
> Dragon gets mad, kicks butt
> Nobody's actually dead after the right
> Party gets lined up against a very charred wall, and is given an offer.
> Take the daughter and show her the ways of humans, then return her in a decade.
> He says he'll be watching.
> Now indebted to a dragon
> Every peasant, every barwench, every innkeeper, every guardsman might be the dragon in disguise or a spy for him.
> Or Mommy Dragon.
If she's priceless, can we trade her for a nice set of magical armour?
A dragon frying that judge in his fancy armor is.
Dude, you just KILLED HER FATHER.
What do you think she's going to do when she grows up? I'm not going to have that 'last of his kind' bullshit going around.
Sounds like a fun setup to me.
>Have multiple recurring antagonists.
>Greedy noble who wants to pawn off young dragon for money
>Crazy warlock who wants to use young dragon's soul for powerful ritual
>Some other dragon (or mommy dragon) that refuses to believe the party and keeps trying to "rescue" the young dragon from them.
>Basically play the whole campaign like a light-hearted Saturday morning cartoon.
I'm pretty sure Lawgiver has some anti-dragon rounds.
Dragon gets rekt.
Maybe I'm autistic, but ths image always makes me tear up.
The man just wanted to fulfill his dream man. Just wanted to *be* something. But no. The man stops him. The bounds of society keep us all from achieving our dreams.
Don't let anyone stop your dreams brave Knight.
You kill those dragons.
Because I know you're doing it for everyone who's ever dared to dream.
You're doing it for us.
>The dragon was a fag this whole time
>A fight breaks out among the victorious dragon slayers over who gets to rape the child
We can have a very dramatic episode, then we end up crying and hugging together.
>infant daughter
>she's actually a few hundred yeas old and already seeking a mate
>it's le funny becuase le serious face, but it's not really a serious situation xD
It's a type of moe you stupid faggot
Are you implying Commander Samuel Vimes is retarded, good sir?
That running gag was so fucking obnoxious.
Also kind of disgusting even for me,
What about the god of law?
>implying law and justice are the same thing
so... law would be what is imposed upon the world by the gods, and justice would be the retribution exacted upon one not following the law, correct?
>by the gods
>implying there are no injust laws
This is going to become a paladin falls, what do? thread, isn't it?
> The dragon doesn't want his child to live the same kind of life as himself, always hunting and being hunt.
> Accept the offer because he realised he would be a bad influence for her.
> Still watch from afar because muh child.
It's a fantasy game you mongoloid.
There are man made laws, and all that. Have enough money, contacts, whatever? You're above the law. Essentially, everyone/thing is above the law, while on the other hand, nothing is above justice. It's like a force of existence, like gravity, or death, unlike law.
Or they're just people who have played D&D and use its alignment system as reference for their actions... Nah, that isn't possible. It's not like this board is dedicated to the discussion of Traditional Games or anything.
objective morality, mongoloid. there are no unjust laws in D&D
Justice is the ideal, laws are the practical compromises.
Are there no unjust laws in fantasy games?
Depends on the DM and the character's alignment. If RPGs are your grounds for shitty philosophy debates you may need a new hobby.
You need to ask yourself some questions about the law first.
1. Who set the law
2. What was its intended purpose
3. Do you feel you are in a station above whoever set the law?
Weigh up your options, then act accordingly.
>knock knock
Well, we can- wait, what? Which of you fuckers fucked that dragon corpse?!
>justice is a real force like gravity/death
Are you literally retarded?
We can observe and measure gravity, we know death is a fact. Justice is not equivocal to a natural law. Justice is a human concept.
>"Is there a problem officers?"
>"You're under arrest for fucking a baby
>"Actually she's 300 years old and a dragon"
>"Our apologies sir, please, continue"
>act accordingly
I really don't see how those questions answer mine though.
I wonder who could be behind this post.
Well, seeing as you want to play the subjective morality game, you'd first need to define your version of justice. And the law. and society as a whole. Which is complicated so i'm going to keep with the already agreed upon objective answer of "No"
Either the bard or the necromancer. Or both.
So all laws are just, no exceptions?
These dumbasses can't get anything done.
Here I could've sworn it was gonna be the barbarian
Let's see the corpse isn't undead. It must have been the bard.
The barbarian is a furry, they're not into dragons.
I suppose he forced the dragon to give him head but only if you stretched the definition.
But its like an animal right? I thought he was into fucking animals?
Jesus christ what's wrong with her arms
Not all animals, just mammals, and definitely not dead ones.
>it's dragons all the way down
>fuck the corpse
>tell me about Veeky Forums, why does he want to fuck the dragonlolis
>a lot of loyalty for a jerked off dick
No /a/, you aren't allowed to fuck the Dragon Loli.
Forcing politics into unrelated discussions. You're as bad as any of them faggot.
Now you went full on retard mode, dragons don't have "infants" the lay eggs and the unhatched dragons are already intelligent and know how superior they are to mortals. Upon hatching the dragon hatchling is already capable of killing your average human and will do so and eat it without hesitation. Plus dragons don't have "single offsprings" they lay multitudes of eggs because dragons are fierce rival and most dragon hatchlings will get preyed upon by other older dragons or the hatcling prey upon each other because they are a potential threat to them.
For dragons there is no love for your young, they are only a necessity to propagate their species and grow their power base.
go back to /d/, all of your kind.
Yep. Well, there is a difference between divine law and mortal law, so yes, you're right in terms of mortal law. If it was set by a god it's just, if it was set by a man it can be unjust.
>watches moe
>Calls me a stupid faggot
If you said that to my face m8 you'd be mince meat.
Maybe for chromatic dragons. I like to think metallic dragons are a bit nicer than that.
I think you're confusing Dragons with Drow user.
I don't watch moe
But I know what it is