Horus heresy bundle

Is it worth it, Veeky Forums?

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I don't like it when they mix up audiobooks in there, but sure. You can't really get a cheaper entry point short of pirating. Handful of books won't give you an indication of HH's quality because there isn't any and series is all over the place. Can't go wrong for $1.


Yes faggot, even the 15 dollar one, now get it


yeah, that's gonna go well


Also, this scene never made any fucking sense. Motor reflex and intercepting an object in 3D space are, comparatively, computationally simple tasks especially at TNG-levels of technology.

It's cheap, but you are still buying utter garbage.

So you shouldn't do it in order?
The bundles are first five-10-15 with a couple of extra bonuses packed in

>Can't go wrong for $1
I'm not sure it's worth $1.

/v/irgin here, some guys are orkposting on my board and I've never played or read any 40K. Should I buy these books if I wanted to at least get into the universe, if not playing the tabletop?

$1 includes the first five books last I checked, which isn't bad. It's the rest of the bundle that's a waste of monry.

Get the Ciaphas Cain Hero of the Imperium Omnibus and then the Shira Calipurnia Enforcer omnibus

Go to the OP here: and download some books. Do not put cash on the table until the sweet sweet lady H of 40k gives you the shakes.

Welcome to The Hobby, enjoy your stay in the hell of your own creation.

Eisenhorn omnibus is, and the way BL is going, likely always will be the GOAT introduction.

These guys have better answers than I do: IIRC there's a Black Library folder in at least one of the MEGAs in the OP I linked.

Veeky Forums is such a nice board. I've always wanted to try out 40K but it's a big game and I've never been sure where to start. None of my friends are very into tabletops either.

The tabletop is due for a refresh in a matter of months. Even if you want to, don't buy anything yet.

Read Lexicanum: wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Main_Page and 1d4chan about your chosen faction.

Accept that Orks will never be good, but will always be welcome at every table.

Have a picture of Mr. Rogers.

Will that be a whole new edition or just a couple of updates to the rules?

Also, the Ciaphas Cain books are mostly about a mediocre soldier blundering his way into and out of terrible situations and being declared a hero for it, right?

That's an interesting question. CC portrays himself as a semi-competent lauded by everyone else but there's a very valid reading (which is mentioned in the framing device of the novels: the "Cain Archive") that it's all a bluff and CC must be a pretty fucking competent soldier/leader to survive all he's been through.

I prefer the second explanation.

You're welcome. But here's a real truth bomb if you get into 40k, several writers and editors over the years have said that there's no real 40k canon. Everything you read, past and present is equally canon, but none of it is necessarily true. It's a setting where history is so buried in hyperbole and legend they're not even sure what's true anymore afterall.

Our resident autist-troll Carnac will probably be quick to post a forum post from 2014 by Laurie Goulding saying that there's a solid canon, so I'll just head him off by saying Goulding contradicted himself in 2016,
>Yeah, absolutely. I mean, one of the things that’s been said lots of times is that all of the IP is created equal. All of the background of Warhammer, Warhammer 40,000, the Horus Heresy – everything is cool, and I think the only way that stuff appears not cool is if people either overthink it or if not enough detail of context is given.

Point is: It's a sandbox setting, that will be shaped by your own interpretation, so don't get dragged into the autistic screeching of badwrongfun concerning fluff.

Secondly: Never ask the 40k fandom about fluff. There's so much fanon and misinformation floating around pretending it's real fluff it's absurd. The most recent example is the idea that "Custodes are fighting a 10000 year war against daemons beneath the throne" with not only had 0 factual basis in any fluff past or present, but was explicitly stated to have been wrong in Rise of the Primarch.

the tl;dr on my second point being: do the reading yourself unless you don't mind being occasionally bombarded with fanon described as fluff. In fact, if you do ask Veeky Forums, always ask for a screencap from somewhere to support their fluff.

Enjoy your stay in the magic, autistic world of 40k and Veeky Forums.