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>How to Jumpchain
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>Jumpchain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
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So is it a bad idea to use orphans as a power source?
Yes. You ever seen Venture Brothers?
Nope. I mean nobody is using them so why not use them for energy? I can work them to death on giant hamster wheels then use their organs as magic ingredients or sell them for parts.
If I do good I can even use them to make more orphans!
Yes, orphans are sub optimal. It is entirely preferable to create a new power source from the ground up.
so kill people's parents then?
Never use orphans, it is easier to enslave entire families and use the children as incentive.
Delet This.
It worked just fine in flapjack.
Hey, Kirei did just fine with his orphan battery.
whats there to do in fate?
Yes, because then either one of them will escape or one of their family members will end up coming after you. And then you're fighting against narrative causality as the underdog hero struggles to defeat the evil orphan enslaver. You've practically ensured your own horrible defeat.
Well, there's Tiamat.
Kirei is that you?
I kinda want to, but I'm currently planing on Arc/Arche and Gaia, so I kinda dun wanna. It would be like inviting a third cousin twice removed to you mom/daughter threesome.
What have you accomplished today jumper?
Real life or in character? Out of character I made a build for Exalted Dragonblooded, in character I made a design for a matrioska brain the size of a galaxy and have started development. Right now it's about the size of the solar system.
>matrioska brain
I finished the samurai perk line for ffxi I think
Hybrid Demons in SMT only use the best stats of each race, right? Non-unique things don't stack?
A matrioshka brain (I misspelled it, god damn) is a superstructure like a dyson sphere, it surrounds a star and uses that energy to perform computations. My design isn't really that, but rather based on it. I have a different energy source at the center and am using a combination of technology from places like Supreme Commander to continuously make it bigger, and therefore making it capable of performing more calculations.
I suggest hitting up Blame then and getting some info on how they made their dyson solar system.
Think of a giant computer that's wrapped around a star for power needs.
I've technically already been there, but I haven't gotten into Blame yet and every time it gets mentioned I'm reminded of how much of a gold mine it is for science jumpers. I'll go take a look.
Personally I've been looking up some stuff on Old Walkers because of a conversation we had last Thread. Getting a hold on some of the books would have been difficult but my sister had most of them so I got to read through the some pre-Mending books without having to shell out any cash. As far as I can tell there's no evidence to upport the guy who was saying that pre-Mending Walker Sparks were weaksauce/the same as post-Mending.
So quick update on the Stellaris Jump, I've decided to remove the Empire Starting Tech sections and replace them with a generic gear and items section, both due to the almost impossible to scale nature of Stellaris technology, and the fact that I may not have the time to finish it.
That being said however the Jump should be finished by May if not sooner.
What innate abilities do they have?
Actually, does the Spark itself generate mana? Because otherwise don't people have to draw mana from mana bonds that are time consuming? Why do they get an immediate power boost?
Nice, thanks stella. Any hint on wether we will be getting some of that sweet dysin ring tech or wandering ball of AI tech? The ai one was neat, do some favors and he rewarded you with a research upgrade.
I believe this is (or we've passed) my one year anniversary with /jc/. May our mutual autism last for a thousand more threads.
I'm dedicating today and tomorrow to work on FF1 and drafting other jump ideas. And I'm going to see about finally updating Heaven's Lost Property and add more stuff to DxD if I can get the time.
Oh yeah, totally in an undiscounted section. Playing a game with the spear was amazing so there's no way I'd leave it out.
>every time it gets mentioned I'm reminded of how much of a gold mine it is for science jumpers
It isn't. it's just part of the meme.
>I believe this is (or we've passed) my one year anniversary with /jc/. May our mutual autism last for a thousand more threads.
Congratulations bro!, And time sure flies doesn't it?
I'm pretty sure we don't have a mega man star force jump, but doesn't it take place 100 or so years after one of the others? Are there any 'stay for 100 years' drawbacks I can keep in order to go there the long way?
It really isn't; all the stuff that is worth studying by a tech jumper is heavily decayed, extremely dangerous to mess with, in the hands of the Silicone creatures, and/or spawns SuddenlySafeguard.gif if you go near it.
Not everyone's lazy user
So it requires you to either fight powerful foes or take stupid risks in order to acquire it. Yeah, that's definitely not something jumpers do in pursuit of power. How silly of us to propose that.
Pre-Mending, those with an activated planeswalker's spark had additional innate powers; they were almost immortal (Ageless/immune to illness/etc), invulnerable (Could only be killed by another Planeswalker), granted vast magical power, and could shapeshift. This is in addition to the ability to just 'feel' other Planes, really helpful in the Blind Eternities, and Planeswalking in general, though I did find a passage about some Planeswalkers not being able to Walk further than the local area because they lacked the power to do so, because the Blind Eternities require constant output far outside the range of a normal wizard or witches' abilities to keep up or something along those lines. Post-Mending Sparks could get all of the above through other means but they didn't innately start out with it, which annoyed Nico Bolas something awful.
Pre-Mending Sparks seem to have able to produce their own Mana, which is awesome and terrifying if Gaunlet's whole one Mana is tapping out an entire land for days thing is for real. Drawing Mana from Mana Bonds seems to be a more efficent way of drawing Mana, because it doesn't effect your innate reserve at all to throw around the lands Mana, but until recently the Planeswalkers had trouble keeping bonds across multiple planes working, no idea why just that it was a thing.
I don't know the whys for the Pre-Mending power boost but I do know that the Mending itself changed the Spark in a number of ways, it was their explanation for Revisionist retcons which nerfed the Spark pretty hard in some places.
If you're looking for tech, Halo has stronger tech on all fronts, from superstructure construction to AI to weapons. The perk from Halo for science will stomp the entire setting of Blame flat into the ground.
Which perk was it?
>The perk from Halo for science will stomp the entire setting of Blame flat into the ground.
I don't remember Master Chief shooting through miles of a structure too dense to exist in normal gravity conditions, killing a being that can teleport chunks of a sun as an attack and surviving long enough buried in lava for it to have hardened.
>invulnerable (Could only be killed by another Planeswalker)
Bolas getting shanked by Tetsuo Umezawa begs to differ.
Also, Halo AIs go crazy naturally rather than because of weird gene cults ruining everything, and are nowhere near as good at interfacing with the physical world. As in, they can't turn people into clarktech robots seemingly with a touch.
None of that is a problem, really. The most dangerous things in setting (as far as I'm aware) are the Safeguard, but they won't attack me since I've got the Net Terminal Gene.
Are you sure? As far as I can tell Halo has nothing on par with the megastructure nor anything close to the capabilities of the GBE unless we include stuff on par with Halo array, which are super weapons that behave in a completely different manner
Oh, if you get FF1 finished, I'd love to start a chain using that. (Oh, please include a 'generic' companion option. Keep in mind we need three other companions unless taking the disad to 'solo' the game.)
Oh, right. I should probably give the head's up on my plans for the Heaven's Lost Property update. Ye who enjoy waifu robots, listen closely.
A few things is that this was made a bit before I began to actively contribute to the power creep (I am so, so sorry), and there's a few weird design decisions I made at the time due to my inexperience. So here are my plans:
>1. Give Angelroids a proper perk tree, and change their current perks into a subsection.
>2. Include an option/booster that makes you akin to Ikaros or Chaos. Probably an expensive subsection item
>3. Remove the weird caps on Pandora, but balance it a bit so it's not just a spontaneous altform generator for MK1. MK2 will work the same way it does it canon.
>4. Expand the perk trees for civilians, since they're a bit random and lacking in themes. Considering a 1/1/2/2/4/4/6/6 format, though I might not bother adding another capstone.
>5. Synapse Residents will get more tech options.
>6. Cheaper canon companion options with less conditions attached. I went a bit ham on the mandatory drawbacks on things that would otherwise be a given.
Any thoughts or input on what to do for the update will be welcome.
That's cute, user. You're cute. Pretty much everything you said there is a lie. And I know you won't back down from the lie, because you really just want to start an argument. Maybe because it's a Dirge jump and you want to make arguments be associated with hi, maybe just because you like to argue on the internet. I don't know. Either way, you're a sad little person.
The only thing in HALO that comes near the City is the Rings, and considering the City's mass actually FILLS UP the solar system-sized space it's commonly cited to take up I wouldn't be surprised if it's actually much denser.
I have no idea what he's talking about either. At no point does HALO access alternate universe, unlike Blame@
Have netgenes and you can just order the ai to give you info.
Oh and I'd love to know how to get special dispensation for SDA to make a Stardust jump.
-1/10, there was no effort this time.
It's no perk, because the tech perk in Halo just gives you mastery of human science, which is incredibly far behind Forerunner tech, which is itself far behind Blame tech. The only way you can say it's better is if you supremely wank and say "well, the ancient species that the Forerunner were at war with were actual humans before they blasted us back to the stone age and wiped out any trace of our star empire, so mastering human tech means you have a mastery of that". Which is dumb.
And even that's debatable, because if ancient humans had anything on par to what the City could do when properly operational-they would've won. Because they could've just drowned the Forerunners in Safeguard-level drones or something
Halo Wars 2 confirms extremely large Forerunner Megastructures. And Halo Arrays do trump GBE handsdown but the Composer is probably a better comparison.
Rampancy has been solved by the Forerunner cosmic network. The second problem you brought up was solved by Cortana being given a body by the Forerunner enlightenment. The third issue is also solved by Forerunner tech with instant replication.
Halo Ring Activation > your GBE.
I think it should either be the Reclaimer jump in the Covenant jump or the USMC science perk in one of the originals, since all of the important tech is Forerunner.
Also, and I just checked to make sure, it says you have a mastery of modern human technology, specifically. So yeah, no, it's impossible.
The Meteor Hammer spell was used by Tetsuo Umezawa to destroy the Imperial Shrine and thus rob Nicol Bolas of the mana base he needed to manifest in Dominaria whilst the dragon was in the Meditation Plane, trapping the dragon in a spirit world in question.
Bolas didn't die he was forced out of Dominaria by putting all his eggs in one basket. He was kinda pissy about that too and left to go beat the tar out of Night's Reach because she's the reason that Tetsuo existed on Dominaria in the first place.
You sound like a dipshit wanting to bring up your Dirge for no good reason. If you want to bring him up that badly you should go over to SB where you can rave about him all you want.
That's not true, I'm not sure if you're up to date on Installation 00, but the ending scene of Halo Wars 2 confirms it making a Ring, and the Ring being about 2 - 3 % of the Ark in size.
Do you know what the forerunner megastructures are called? I'd like to take a look.
You just seem like a rabid fanboy for all things HALO, because absolutely none of this sounds terribly better than what's in Blame! other than the rings (which are far, far less practical than the GBE) and possibly the Megastructures, which you haven't convinced me are anywhere close to filling up an entire solar system's worth of space while branching into alternate universes, and having the potential to spread out even further.
Also, assume I know nothing about the Ark. Why is 2-3% of it impressive compared to the City?
Reclaimer-800 CP: The holy relics that the divine forerunners left behind do not yield easily. They seem to lack any and all respect for the noble scions of the covenant. Only when many prying, inquisitive eyes have been laid upon them do they finally yield portions of their holy wisdom. Not for you, jumper. For the great god machines recognize you as a "Reclaimer"- and not only yield to your touch, but invite you further, to share in their knowledge and delve into their structures. Post-jump, all structures left behind by ancient, long-dead alien races shall recognize you as heir in much the same manner.
Yo /jc.
What android game would you want a jump of?
I think people were under the impression you were recommending a how-to-build-tech perk rather than just seizing existing tech.
Not here to take a side, just saying.
Fruit Ninja.
Gonna have to be a tie between Plants vs Zombies and Burrito Bison
I just want to go fast and bounce hard
>Halo Wars 2 confirms extremely large Forerunner Megastructures. And Halo Arrays do trump GBE handsdown but the Composer is probably a better comparison.
Still smaller than the City. Installation 00 is the size of a planet, the City is the size of a solar system. Many orders of magnitude larger than the largest Forerunner megastructure. There are empty spaces in the City larger than it. And yeah, the Halo Arrays and Composer might trump the GBE, but the GBE is a personal weapon. Not even a main gun, it's a sidearm. Scale it up to the same size as those Forerunner super-weapons, and it will be more powerful.
Oh, I see. I thought you were talking about perks that give you knowledge of Forerunner tech inherently, which we don't have any of. If you just want to examine and learn from their tech, maybe, but it's still worse overall than the City's.
Most of them are referred to as installations by the humans.
>A few things is that this was made a bit before I began to actively contribute to the power creep (I am so, so sorry), and there's a few weird design decisions I made at the time due to my inexperience. So here are my plans:
You did nothing wrong bro, Power creep was always a thing in jumpchain long before you were here. Also will those angelroids that the jumper can create still count as followers?
The ark is one, its bigger than earth but its a flat earth kinda deal, I think thats the biggest thing the forerunners made.
But if you have good enough computer skills then you could just download all the info in the archive.
Looking into that again, it appears that's true, and Planeswalker need enormous amounts of mana to manifest on a plane.
...That's actually worse than before.
Additionally, the wiki says he was then lain by Tetsuo in the Meditation Plane, without the access to stupid amounts of mana from Dominaria.
>Using the Meteor Hammer spell, Tetsuo destroyed Bolas's Imperial Shrine, while Bolas's body was inside, severing the elder dragon's anchor to Dominaria completely. The dragon had abandoned his body, unaware of the trap, and followed Tetsuo to the Meditation Plane, where he was killed by Umezawa in this weakened state.
They...never did, to my knowledge? At least, I never really made a ruling on that, since everyone handles 'beings I created/my progeny' differently. If that's how folks wanted to do it, I wouldn't make a fuss about it.
tl;dr It's one of those universal rules I don't think much about, so that's up to you.
Hey there. Bought the update? How is it?
Its not as impressive. The city is the size of a solar system. The ark is the size of a planet.
And you come across as a rabid Blame fanboy trying to wank your setting equally hard, so what's your point? If you want to get down to the details there are plenty of advantages, most of which you don't seem to want to acknowledge over wanking about your structure's solar system size.
>and considering the City's mass actually FILLS UP the solar system-sized space
>The solar system is 1.4×10^43km^3 (to Terminal Shock)
>The amount of atoms in the observable universe is estimated to be 10^83
>Dividing by Avogadro's constant and you get 1.66*10^58 moles
>Being generous with the density of material we'll say its an average of .03m^3/mol
>this comes to a total volume of 4.98*10^53km^3
Well... I guess.
>stomp the entire setting
You seem to be unaware or absurdly optimistic about the difficulty of taking HALO rings to another jump, positioning and activating them.
Also I can't help but notice according to the wiki, the Rings operate by "harmonising all neurological frequencies" which, while impressive for the scale it operates on, is an apples and oranges kind of thing compared to the raw firepower Blame! tech is most sought after for.
Knew it.
I think Blame might be a better deal for megastructures, then, considering both the size as well as the near indestructible nature of the material. Halo is probably better for hardlight, though, which I plan to incorporate in the Brain.
so what I'm seeing is I need to include a City and a GBE for CP to replace the Blame jump, or just a science perk that gives them both.
You want "Hard Light" Go to star trek.
>which you haven't convinced me are anywhere close to filling up an entire solar system's worth of space while branching into alternate universes, and having the potential to spread out even further.
They're objectively not. The largest Forerunner constructs are the Shield Worlds, which have a diameter of around three hundred million kilometers. Pretty big, sure. But the City has a diameter of thirty AU. That's over four BILLION kilometers. And the Shield Worlds are hollow, they're "Micro Dyson Spheres" to use the franchise's term. The City is a continuous structure throughout. It has hollow spaces, sure, but even if only a tenth of its volume was solid that would still make it three orders of magnitude more massive than the Shield Worlds.
It's not that it takes a lot of Mana to manifest but by splitting his spirit and body apart the only way he could manage the transfer back from the Meditation Plane would have been to create an entirely new body out of pure Aether, which takes power by the gallon because even way back when Bolas was a Dragon you could summon he cost a pretty penny to summon. See pic related.
Lets say Yandere Simulator jump exists. Would you rather be The Yan, or The Senpai?
Gacha World. Cuz imma weeb, and i wanna waifu the fairy.
Another think the city has going is the builder bots, they just kind of extrude beams of that semi unbreakable stuff to make the place bigger.
>if you want to get down to the details there are plenty of advantages
Get this through your thick skull: I totally believe you. I'm more than happy to accept HALO tech likely has greater versatility in other areas (the high end biotech seems more impressive, if nothing else, since the Silicon Life really aren't doing so hot).
But YOU'RE the one who threw down the gauntlet by declaring HALO would stomp Blame! Which is wank without a very, very good justification for a setting which has not demonstrated the ability to travel to alternate universes.
I would pay CP to be an NPC and stay out of that un-romance.
This is tough as Yan is my fav dere, but I would probably go full Yan and lock my senpai up and make them mine.
I'd rather be Infochan. I mean being a yandere would be fun, but Yanchan is fucked in the head in a not fun way.
That's odd, because the description of the Imperial Shrine says he needs a ton of mana to stay on a plane.
>The Imperial Shrine was the place where the highest ranking officers in the Madaran Empire had their audiences with emperor Nicol Bolas. The elder dragon needed tremendous amounts of mana to stay on a plane for long, so he usually only manifested partially in the shrine, which was located in the middle of three strong mana lines: blue from the Suido River, black from Madara’s various swamps and red from the Gitte-Yatay Mountains.
I don't actually know that much about HALO construction stuff but to be fair-don't they mainly make superstructures out of hardlight? So logically they wouldn't need as many drones in theory; I'm not the HALO advocate though
Infochan is pure evil
I can see the appeal
How does it compare to, what was it, Red Dwarf? The hard light there is nearly indestructible, IIRC, it just had the issue of being easily short circuited.
The tech is holographic projectors with micro force fields. They get to the point of being able to recreate ships that can actually deal damage while their only weakness is their projector.
It was just a bit of information about some changes. I'll probably get another Doc update in a week or so.
Midori is my spirit animal
Thing is the City would have to be at least 600 CP or even higher and bringing it around is troublesome unless you're going to make it a warehouse extension. Cheaper or free GBEs will probably be pretty popular though. Best of luck user.
Well the blame bots have some really awesome stuff going on, but halo has much better hardlight.
On the other hand the ai in blame can physically create matter at will.
On the other other hand halo has much better ways of getting around, you can hop in a teleporter on any spot and just zip to another area, mc in blame has to walk. Halo also has a better setup for if shit goes wrong. If something screws up you can usually push a big red button or blow it up, the city requires super specific key genes to change a lightbulb.
Pure firepower, too. However salty the other guy acts about GBEs, as I found out earlier the Halo array is just a radiation burst weapon. So if you need a door knocked down in a hurry, GBE's your uncle.
Heck, I'd still say Blame! has an edge when it comes to drone deployment. From what I saw of the hardlight AIs in the latest game, they weren't moving anywhere near as fast as the higher level Safeguards, nor spawning as fast as a significant breach, nor were they deploying similar levels of ordinance
Please don't actually replace the Blame! jump. I like my build for it as is. Keep your City by all means.
Pretty sure that guy's just making a joke and isn't going to actually replace it.
Thanks bro and I can't wait for the update
Yeah, that sounds about right. Blame!'s only answer to teleportation is sorta ambiguous and seems to look like stepping into the Net Sphere, and popping out somewhere else it's connected. I'm sure HALO teleporters are more reliable than it too. But on the flip side, again-transuniversal transit.
That's a relief
>Please don't actually replace the Blame! jump. I like my build for it as is
The replacement jump should be offering everything the original had at a cheaper price or through alternative means. If anything it'll help your build.
It shouldn't, and I'm saying my build doesn't need to be helped. It's a joke and you're blatantly fishing for (you)s though, so it's a moot point.