When will it breakout?
Whales are keeping the price down from the start, no idea what their end game is.
When will it breakout?
Whales are keeping the price down from the start, no idea what their end game is.
Let them cash out profit, it went x20 in fiat value since ICO. Who can blame them? New whales and new believers are stepping and accumulate more and more. If you don't right now, you will miss out.
See you at the moon, end of january
>20x ICO
>whales are keeping the price down
20 fucking times ICO price on day 1 you fooking idiot
And in 1month people will say
>80x ICO
>80 fucking times ICO price after 1month
their endgame is to accumulate while it's cheap when there's less risk. when whales are finished accumulating there is no stopping this thing
I see ur pajeet shilling threads the whole day.
fuck off pajeet
That was in November, just becouse a coin went x20 doesn't mean there is no space for growth.
Just wait for this to get to Korean exchanges. Will explode.
If whales are so sure it's going to like 5k sats, why are they not buying all those cheap coins at 1300 sats ?
There are 40 btc worth to buy.
Because you accumulate? Why would you buy the whole order book out? Fucking idiot, go buy some VERGE PnD shitcoins
Mad pajeet is mad
Don't buy the whole order book then ?
Just get 20btc now and the price won't even move 3% and there's another 20btc wall to keep the price low.
Why risk another whale to get them ?
If there are hundreds of whales that will push the price why are they risking to miss the pump ?
I love how 99% on this board accuse each other as a pajeet, fucking ranjeet.
Or accumulate at the current price, volume is shit anyway so nothing to fear right now.
I'm not saying it'll not moon, just that the "whales are accumulating" is a really boring meme and false in 90% of the times.
You sound like you're convincing yourself more than other people.
I'm all in btw but people like you are making others scared of investing. You really sound like a pajeet.
mad pajeet biz is not falling for his scam coin.
fuck off pajeet
There is really no point in shilling ICX to biz. It's got solid fundamentals, solid team and solid partnerships. It will moon so if people are gonna get in they're probably already in.
You might be right. Trying to hard. Peace out and good luck, sage btw
I was rude, you write way better than bad shills.
Let's keep our energy to create fomo when there's the actual pump.
There was a list of all the important upcoming updates regarding ICX in the coming weeks. Like mainnet etc.
Does anyone have this?
should i dump my ltc to get all in? i dont have the time to read the whitepaper and do the research
Shill me this coin if you want