ITT post one thing you wish could be improved about your group

I wish my group would have an interest in actual historic settings and games, instead of meme-history or GoT-style games with only a tangible connection to actual history.

I wish any of my friends would care about /x/-stuff enough to play Delta Green.



>GoT-style games with only a tangible connection to actual history
You are like little babby. Use GoT to ease them into Les Rois Maudits, which you use to ease them into a historical Hundred Years War campaign. Then do the same with the Rome tv series, which you use to ease them into I Claudius, which you use to ease them into a historical campaign about the late Roman Republic where they can side with either Milo or Clodius as they fuck the streets of Rome up to enforce their political agenda. Repeat this process often enough and before you know it they'll be toasting to their victory with (((them))).

If you don't know who (((they))) are I can give you a quick rundown

I have a pretty good idea.

They seem pretty powerful. What class are they?

They have no class
They're the DMs. They've been the DMs all along.

>boo hoo hoo my players don't want a history lesson.

It's always frustrating when people around you don't appreciate how fascinating real history actually is. But no one wants to play a game where it's just you going "Well actually knights behaved like this..." for four hours every week.

Missed the point entirely. Did I say I wanted to give them a history lesson? No, I said I'd love if they had an interest in history because then we would be able to play a historical game without needing to lecture anything.

I wish I didn't have to explain basic, basic interaction to them. If you need the GM to explain to you why someone might get offended if the party breaks off into a conversation in a language he doesn't understand, you're probably too stupid to be playing these kinds of games. And it just pisses me off to have to explain shit like this to these autists.

I wish the players would get more involved in their characters. Whenever I ask for stuff they'd want to see happen in the game they always say "I don't know" which makes it pretty hard to make any sort of story around them.

I wished i knew more about history
My highschool was really shitty and i barely know the history of my own country
I just want the basics but i wouldnt know where to start i mean i can probably get a foot down with my country
But not really with european history

I'm not sure who these are. Can I get a short explaination?

>I just want the basics but i wouldnt know where to start i mean i can probably get a foot down with my country
Wikipedia is a decent enough starting point. I used to read historical articles on wikipedia a lot back in high-school. There's also various history podcasts and youtube series like Crash Course, Extra History, Hardcore History etc. which are all pretty good starting points.

Is just a /pol/ meme
I dont get it either

>Crash course
Nah. Extra History is a pretty good babby starting point for some more obscure stuff.

The Great War is an excellent channel for... well, the Great War. Week by week updates as things unfolded 100 years ago.

Historia Civilis is a relatively recent channel that really does some in depth history about Rome (though he also has one video on the First Crusade, one on Agincourt and three on NATO). He even goes as far as to try and explain the horribly complex Republican political system. After watching his channel I went from "why does everyone think this Caesar guy is so great?" to "Woah, this Caesar guy is so great!".

My group is made up of a majority of ultra-liberal females.

They're not FULL ON Tumblr crazy (well, one or two might be, but they reign it in) but it's annoying to have to bite my lip about a lot of things they bring up.

Aztec shamans who are behind literally everything.

Mostly I wish we could all hang out and game more than once ever 10 or so days. We all got jobs and shit with conflicting hours.

Are you the DM? Make a campaign where you force them to commit a holocaust to another humanoid race
Make the race cute when they are young
And once they mature they become rapist and conquerors bc of their biology
Post results later

Nope. Player. Besides, as much as their politics annoy me, these people are my friends. I don't care to pointlessly antagonize them for petty shit.

>Biting your lip
There are more than enough pussies at the table, they don't need another one. Stand up for what you believe in, and if you're ostracized for that by a bunch of cunts on stilts then so be it.

Too bad
It would still be fun tho
But i hear ya
Religion, politics and woman are off topic for some friends of mine aswell

I don't go to game night to argue identity and world politics, man. I just want to play my elf princess in peace. I don't let everything slide by me without saying something, I just don't care enough to cause rl conflict. Besides, nor everybody that disagrees with you is wrong or an asshole.

You could always ask them about the movies they like and their favorite fictional characters, to get an idea of what they like.

You're a good person, user, and you made the right choice. If you can play with players whose beliefs are wildly different from yours, but who are smart enough to not go full autismo about politics mid-game, you have a better group than many of us out there.

Like seriously I don't understand why anyone would turn a fun game of pretend into "muh politics" bullshit ON PURPOSE, it's already hard enough to avoid naturally.

I mean yeah sure, it may look like a purposefully political campaign (heh) can work if everyone is up for it and promising they'll be chill. But even then shit almost always hits the fan anyway. Next thing you know those two guys are shouting at each other and calling each other ignorant cunts, then you need to stop the game and there is no next session.

If you want to risk your friendships over dice, just play Monopoly. It's just as painful, but it's over MUCH faster.

I wish my players would remember a little more about each others' characters.
They're constantly asking each others' names and they always refer to the bard as a girl even though it's a male character.

Effort, put in effort. That's it. I don't care if you want to play a simple minded barbarian, flesh out his tribe, his beliefs, his looks and mindset.

Just make it a fucking character, not a statblock you cunt-bag.

I wish my GM would stop pausing game whenever we do anything more complicated than "I attack" or "I cast X."

It becomes tedious when you want to do something like, say, tackle a dude or toss him like you're using Judo and the GM has to stop the game, crack open the rulebook, thumb through it for 3-5 minutes, and then either let me do the thing or say "fuck it" and come up with a ruling anyways.

what about hardcore history?

you just got fukken meme'd buddy

I just wish the constant """jokes""" would end. Seriously every single turn there has to be some obnoxious comment. I'm fine with humor, but all the time just detracts from the game and slows it down to a snail's pace

I wish my group would RP more. I am the DM and I try my best to get them to but to little avail or its going to take forever. They RP a little when interacting with NPCs but cummon guys please RP with each other instead of conversing with NPCs. Do any of you guys have any tips?

Play an intentionally silly one-shot. Either they'll get it out of their system or find they like it more, in which case your taste may not mesh with the rest of the group.

I wish my group would get rid of this one absolutely toxic member. The group is worse with them. There's even proof. They got a job that made it so they couldn't come to game anymore and the dynamic of the group actively improved. The other semi-toxic person even stopped being toxic. Then they came back and shit got shit again.

Whats with all of the Cat In The Hat stuff iv'e been seeing lately?

It'd be nice if one of our guys stopped going off on his own and then blaming the DM when bad stuff happens to him for going off on his own.

Like either accept that you run the risk of bad stuff happening by going off on your own, or stop going off on your own. Jesus.

Taking myself out of it and instead trying to hook up my group with one of the several good GMs I know instead of a shitty one like me. But I'm too lonely and selfish so I'll doom them to my shitty campaigns.

Have them gain 20+iq so they stop being BRAINLETS

How toxic are they?

They are passive aggressive. They will make entire characters to annoy the group and/or single players which frequently overlaps with them making lamprey characters (meaning a parasitic character attached to another character). I think they think making a character attached to another is the only way to make good group cohesion or something. They will also destroy games from the inside if they think they aren't the center of attention or they just aren't having fun. Not to mention they are the only vocal god-nutter in a group of secularist and at least one anti-theist, and they frequently remind us of that.

>fighter and warrior different classes

I wish my group would stop letting real life getting in the name of our make believe roleplaying we play maybe only one or two sessions a month.

I would jokingly suggest placing them in a room where they would have to finagle their way out together.


They look like what happens if that catlady from New York had a gangbang with Jay Leno, a Dick Tracy villain, and Buzz Lightyear and the dna somehow amalgamized.

I wish people would stop calling everything they don't like meme and believe that is an actual criticism instead of just "things I don't like"

>DM works
>I work
>2 people are in college
>One player doesn't have a job but just does farm work at his dad's
>DM's GF got kicked out of her parent's and is now living with DM, she just got a job to pay her own expenses for living there

Now there's no day of the week where everyone has off and our games are limited to like 2-3 hours where we used to be able to go for 6+. I just want more time to play with the group

I wish I didn't have to spend an hour traveling each way.
I wish we played more than once a week, or at least that nobody was ever sick or unavailable to attend.
I wish we played something other than pathfinder, because it's a disgusting jumble of shit the other fellas like mostly because of nostalgia.

I'd still rate the group an 8/10 all things considered. One more experienced player would easily pop it up to 9/10.

I wish my players wouldn't try to solve everything with brute force. I keep putting in one element or NPC they can't power through and since they beeline to it every time they are convinced I'm making everything too strong.