Well, the Normal 3x3 Allingment Chart is on itself complicated enough to interprete it in many ways, which the most of contains paradoxes when it comes to certain extremes. Now, be it to classify characters from fiction or your Groups PCs how would you use this thing?
How would you use that?
I wouldn't. Alignments were a mistake.
>"improving" alignment by adding more goddamn alignments that don't even represent anything
Okay, so there's a Social Rebel axis, and a Moral Impure axis.
...what does this add, exactly? I LIKE alignments, and I don't see the point of this. What is made better by adding a Z axis and...Q?...axis? What do Social, Rebel, Moral, and Impure even mean without overlapping on Good, Evil, Law, and Chaos?
Im not sure myself, that is why I am so confused about it. I think, the Idea is, that for Example a Rebel Moral is to diffeneratitate between the "jerk with a heart of gold" and the "As long as I get a slice of the cake, I side with everyone and to evertything" Chaotic Neutral.
Alignment is fucking stupid.
The problem with the alignment square is that it's not a cube
>cube is better then square
>therefore, an alignment tesseract is better then an alignment cube
I like the way you think
Just stick to MTG's color pie
Is social good just virtue signalling?
The biggest problem with the alignment system is trying to fit something as complex as a human mind into a box. You don't fix anything by making the box bigger.
Is this the same as the regular alignment chart except with greater precision? Seems fundamentally the same. Also I highly doubt that all but the most eccentric of individuals would fit into any category other than the center 9. Which is actually pretty cool, you can use it to denote fervor, peculiarity or insanity.
What's the third axis?
And the fourth?
Coaster Use and Sentiments Regarding Elves
You'd be better off using behavioral models like the Big 5 to describe your character's outlook rather than the near meaningless law-chaos/good-evil axis
*personality model not behavioral
>add five more alignments called REBEL
>five alignments called IMPURE
That shit sounds too edgy, people will be drawn to it too much.
Perfect, thanks. I guess I should handle that to my DM so we can use it in the Future.
I get more than enough people going:
>Well, a character can't truly be intelligent without having blue...
>Wait, that character's meant to be an artist right? Why isn't she UR? UR is the color pair of creativity.
>Your character cares about people but isn't white? Uh, you've pretty much got no understanding of how this works, buddy.
>I'm sorry but you literally can't be a good guy if you're monoblack. In fact, being black in any shape or form pretty much makes you at least a little evil.
The color pie is just as easy to misunderstand.
Jesus Christ, do people have such a problem with the alignment system?
>Good against Evil: How much the character respects the morality that the law is founded upon.
>Lawful against Chaotic: How much the character respects the word of the law.
After that, all you need to do is have a basic description of what the morals and law of each region are, so you can write down which set of morals and laws the characters operate according to. This way, you don't get anything stupid like a paladin no longer being lawful because he's punishing a slaver for slavery in a nation where slavery is legal.
>During character creation hand your players a blank square
>Tell them nothing but that it represents their alignment, and to mark an appropriate point on it
>No matter what they do with it, take it, look it over, nod, then crumple it up and throw it in the trash before getting on with actual character gen
topkek must do
>le edgy alignment chart
The fuck is this even trying to accomplish? As others have said before me, all the alignment charts are saying is a comment on your morals and your respect to the establishment of laws. It isn't a personality chart.
Lawful: Adhering to laws, or a code.
Chaotic: Refusing authority, value individualism
Evil: Selfishness
Good: Benevolence
Social: Focus on society rather than an institution or individual?
Rebel: Principled Anti-authoritarian?
So like the Star Wars Rebel Alliance is Rebel Moral?
Would Social Evil be a Homeowners Association?
And I thought the original nine were shit, and you added more.
>Using Alignments
Even WotC is doing everything they can do make alignment less and less important with every edition. There's no excuse for you to be worse than WotC
That's not what it tries to do.
To be honest, I don't know what the hell the person that had made this, whoever it was, has intented. The only way I can explain this to myself is, that the new axis are something between the categories. Rebel Good for example would be a stronger tendecy to ignore rules and laws to reach a greater good but don't disagreeing with the basic concept of authority and law.