>have about $15k worth of Bitcoin.
>need this to be worth $30k in the next 30 days.
Wat do?
Looking for a 2x
Buy xrb.
god i fucking hate these threads
is that the Polish girl who committed suicide
Take half out, put it into verge.
Or just do nothing. BTC likely gonna be around $30k end of next month anyway
looks like it
it's not time yet, user. Let's just FUD it now and then when it hits exchanges make some crazy arbitrage, just like it happened now
BZC's platform is finished, it's like one of the only 20 crypto's that has a finished platform.
Go buy your "We promise it'll be done by 2025" coin.
Bitshares, Steem, Steem Dollar, POWR, Digibyte.
This is all just advice.
I'll play along because it'll make some user out there curious what it was
Is it worth the time trying to play the arbitrage game? How much did you make with the Kucoin listing?
buy STAR on hitbtc
10m mcap. not yet on CMC. below ICO price.
platform launches in February.
XLM snake is gonna wake up
POWR will be a soon TM coin for years
DGB lmao
Steem DYER
lmao I hope this isn't your portfolio
Buying BCH at ATH before the 500,000 dump it
wow thats sad
$200 in DGB
$300 in Steem - both just out of curiosity. Major holdings are BTC/LTC/Eth at the moment.
$28-32 price target for Steem Dollars. Do the TA, and get back to me. And don't forget B2X (aka futures, this will be shilled on Veeky Forums soon)
Sure, what happened to her?
She died
Listen to this dude
>how do I make money by selling the only real form of money ever into fake forms of money
I would also bully someone who doesn't wear a sports bra when playing soccer.
Buy VEN now! That's enough for a low level masternode and it sets tomorrow! It's lambo time!
it's rdd dude.
it's repeating pattern like last year.
you have xvg moon now, then rdd, then dgb, sc etc etc.
I would go with LEND
For those looking for a discord for free signals. Serious investors only, no PnD bullshit.
Who is she, what's her story and why is she so hot?
That's too much gains, he only asked for a 2x, not 20x lad
she's white and has a vagina so when you put those 2 together you usually get something mentally unstable known as a white woman.
not 100% if she is the one in the picture, but close enough. unless he was thinking of another polish girl.
RDD about to moon again in the coming months.
BCC, no joke if we could get our shit together and focus on one or two coins especially with the boom BCC cash is receiving from being on coinbase its going to moon well past it's value only to drop back later