Pick a coin based on this 3 conditions

A- Not a Scam
B- Active Development Team
C- Listed on Binance/Bittrex where price is similar to the Ico one.

REQ. But as we all know only coins with no product, work path, or fuck really anything will succeed instead.




XRB probably, but its not listed yet on both exchanges sadly

4. Did coin X not respond dramatically and/or recovered quickly after this market shakeup? Dump your money into it.

bump, good talk OP

req I knew. CND shill on biz sounded scammy

yeah that's good one, although most responded.

that's an interesting one. didn't really went crazy in the last few days.

I will shill this coin 1 time. You can take it or not I don't give a fuck you're nobody with no currency

1. Privacy coin, 3 years old.
2. Strong team. Under the radar country. Team is all on Linkdn with actual qualifications, 2018 will be big but not stupid, tight community and great messaging.
3. Its on Bittrex


5- Market cap lower than 100 million

I had Nav a 99 cents (and sold it at lost lol). It's a great project. But i can't invest on something where I was already stupid in the past.

cryptos best wallet is coming soon

Will go huge very soon. Big news and more exchanges.

ico was 60 cents though...


FUN. Just fill your bags with FUN I don't know how long it's gonna take you user's to realise this

Very active team
Binance Q1 2018

just bought an ETH's worth.. fuck it.. starfox baby!
