>people said I was the biggest blunder of the year
Look who’s laughing now hahaha
People said I was the biggest blunder of the year
fuck off larping faggot
Good luck finding the liquidity to sell it all
You missed a lot better options, other people here could have done way better with the money than you did
you wish
well done user. jelly. holding my bags of req, rcn and icx...
OP, I know you are real and all but you seriously need to sell some this time. It's almost like God keeps giving you an out but you keep ignoring it. I guess it doesn't matter because your family is rich and all but there's no reason to fuck this up again.
>not using the currency in which you reside in
I am impressed
I'll be fine. I said I would only sell in around 3-6 years. That hasn't changed.
I know, I said your family is rich. Otherwise you would be completely insane to hold something like Sia.
so.. at what price CAD or USD did you buy in?
It was 600 sats some weeks ago and you are happy because its 120 sats?
I never stopped believing in you you absolute madman.
>survivor bias
I'm a citizen of the world, I use bitcoin :)
>canadian dollars
more worthless portfolio than 100% LINK
Absolute madman. Some of us were already rumoring that you have killed yourself back in November
I might actually remember you, have you been bagholding for years?
You still would've made more if you put it in bitcoin, but congrats, you got unjusted. Are you selling now?
I've seen you post all year Siabro, congrats on the hold