>fomo into IOTA at 5~ dollars
>Iota takes a dump
>/pol/ tells me IOTA is killing the white race and has no future because people care about white people
>Sell iota at 3~ dollars because /pol/ says so
>IOTA goes back to ATH
Where do I sign up for antifa now? I hate those assholes so much
/pol/tards made me sell iota at ATL
I sold half at 3.5, break even now.
go back
Why would you ever listen to /pol/? Or visit it?
Society considers people like that unlikeable losers for a reason
Implying most crypto investors aren't right wing white males...
>the big bad /pol/ made me do it booo
>cant take responsibility for my own actions because muh /pol/
Pol told me to see IOTA to save the white skin color
I sold everything at $5.1 when binance scam emails were sent “by one unruly employee.” Sold 4000 iota bought at 0.7 and left the with the profits. I regret it now. I would’ve held but there was no viable wallet yet. I will want to kys if it goes to 300
The mkt cap on iota is already very high. I think a lot of people dont realize it can pretty much maybe 3x before it really can't get any bigger. It will never be 300. Maybe 15.
Basically there's much much better things to hodl. Iota kiddies freak out over 10% "moons".
I’m talking if it makes it as the m2m currency with a $1T market cap. Then it will be $300
.>taking advice from any board on here but Veeky Forums on crypto
>selling instead of holding
You might be retarded, why would you go to a bakery asking about repairs on your car
I mean if you think it'll be 2x the current total market cap offal crypto, sure. But iota already has better alternatives available anyways so that's obviously doubtful.
I see what you mean. I was thinking more long term like 5-10 years. 2030. Obviously that wasn’t a short term goal. But yea if they don’t clean their act up and start losing what partnerships they do have, they are going to zero.
>Where do I sign up for antifa now?
local gay bar
So how's your race doing now
That's so wrong
I quit the alt right. They lost me money.
So you're just a jew?
>quit the alt right
lmaoing at this 16 year old
jesus christ, you even type like redditors.
either way, your denial will take you nowhere
You can get it back by selling maga umbrellas and awoo mufflers on redbubble
She lost, get over it. 7 years more of snowflake salt.
No one said to sell at a loss, just not to invest in it in the first place. You did this yourself. You never sell at a loss, always HODL even if it takes a year for that bag to go up.
I'm a nignig
be grateful you're learning now to think for yourself with only hundreds on the line.