Why are the mods deleting Etheremon related posts? They are crypto/finance related. Is it because they think it is a pyramid scheme or because they don't know that it is crypto/finance related?
Why are the mods deleting Etheremon related posts? They are crypto/finance related...
Other urls found in this thread:
Is this the new Etheremon thread then?
this board has mods???
Grow up.
Mods can't deal with not getting mons at .1 eth anymore.
Huh? I just want shilling to continue so my Etheremons get more expensive and I make more money. Is it childish to like money?
The devs are still really active, anyone starting to think it's not a scam and they're just dumb?
>he doesn't have MissingNo.
Did all the mons from last night go off the sale page? At work and can't see if my existing Mon was renamed or what
Did I get justed
They just changed the names.
no they just changed all the names to retarded bullshit like LaFiery and Earto.
They need to bring this shit on android and ios
guys I was just looking on nakasatoshi's reddit profile and he was part of the team for a crypto called ByTether (BTH) before, anybody know anything about it and whether or not it was a scam?
I want a moderator to at least give a reason why.
Thanks boys
Because no one needs idiotic threads every 2sec where some desperate soul tries to shill his pokemon
The new names fucking suck balls
C'mon the old names were just fine. Was it because those were the names used by the artist's artwork they used before?
Capitalism in action
this NEEDS MOBILE integration.
Also the battle functionality needs to be finished, normies with iphones will eat this up.
Bet the dude's loving his new found crypto wealth.
Some people spent 800$ for a LaFiery
anyone having probs withdrawing their ETH?
Correct. Also the descriptions all changed to broken english because they were also ripped from the deviantart pages.
>Tanky loves to punch. They punch hundreds of times every day, to whoever they meet. Until one day their punches become steel and can destroy a large area.
>That rich lore
Is "Return Price" the earn rate?
Is my shitty fakemon gonna make it, Veeky Forums?
Working just fine for me. And to my surprise people are still buying even without the Veeky Forums shilling. Not as fast of course, but I'm still gaining ETH.
Make it cuter with a nice small scrotum
No man that's now how it works! You can't just upload official assets from Pokémon! You have to draw something!
Because it's a scam and the owner can withdraw all deposited eth.
Wait, holy shit I just looked a little closer and that really is an original work. It's fucking perfect, user. Send it in!
Oh great, can I ask what gas/gwei you are using to withdraw? I keep getting an error on mine "Although one or more errors occured [Out of gas] contract execution completed"
I have 0.1 eth in meta mask to pay the gas.. so not sure whats happening.
But this is pretty much /biz irl
The issue is the default gas limit is too low. Your gas price is fine. I always just add a 1 to the left side of the limit so I know it goes through. Unused gas is refunded anyway.
MFW devs are making updates
etheremon is a straight up ponzi
would you let some1 advertise for his ponzi 24/7 if you had a board full of retards to take care after?
Good point user. You retards will get robbed in this ponzi
Whole crypto is ponzi at this point
Also this shit will moon when trading, evolutions and battles are open.
Basically there isnt much now except to buy random eggs.
How? In any strategy game, e.g. Starcraft you pay minerals to build an SCV. The SCV gathers more minerals. Whats the problem?
i have this piece of garbage.
one it was called blockid
this project is dead. they need to fix the fucking names and descriptions. or make it full on ching chong ping pong.
we get it you're salty that you didn't get in last night. go back to r*ddit so you can talk with all the other people that missed out.
pls no bully I was never good at art
i see your point
if mods allow those random shills for random shitcoins...
which arent better than straight up ponzis...
then why not allow everything
i guess i changed my mind
fuck u guys
Worked! Thanks alot!
If this is a ponzi then so is ChainLink, yet nobody's deleting linkie threads.
LINK does literally nothing. It's a token that is not used by anything or anyone for any purpose. The only reason to buy LINK is because you want more people to buy LINK so you can dump on them. What gives LINK potential value is that SmartContracts.com has promised to use the token as the medium of exchange for the ChainLink decentralized oracle.
Same thing here. These mons do literally nothing. People buy them because they want more people to buy them so they can get a portion of the sale. What gives them potential value is that Etheremon has promised to use them as the primary actors in their battling, leveling up, evolving, merging, and trading gameplay mechanics so that they become an actual collectible you can play with.
been longer on this board than u bitchass
Fag detected
they can now, prices dropped
The mons have changed though. Are they rotating or something? Mons last night were worth like .16 now the cheapest is at like .42
They should have paid the original artist so much he would be comfortable. It was his artwork and writing that attracted so much attention. Instead they are seriously retarded amoral shortsighted morons.
no i think these threads got removed because some fags were scaming people about some hidden pokemon
Its real and you can actually buy it
However, while those fags told people how to get it, they placed their own eth wallet to send the eth to. Instead of the real adress for the etheremon
they changed the names because original art was used without permission
Punched to death by Tanky
>Look @ me I'm le oldfag whale
>I her a gud moral n me u no effurrymonss is an ponnjji
>Is scem luuk da code!
>print(teeka ur moni sirs)
Eekape? Eekape? I haven't heard of any Eekape... Hey but check out O-Top! "He just wants to be friend, afterall."
when can we sell these fucken things, i made mad gains off this eekape
Cheapest one is like 300 bucks. Fuck that shit.
managed to fomo myself into selling my hst and spending 2.6 eth on this shit
I'm not going to make this back am I?
how do I get on with my life and deal with the regret of being a greedy mongoloid?
Just woke up and haven't checked my gains from 3 original priced mons. What's gonna be my turnover?
It's a cesstoid, berrball, and that eel one
You bought them last night? You've already made back your initial investment, probably 2x that then.
Should have bought Missingno.
Oh, original price. More like 4x actually.
the fuck
Should have bought more MissingNos.
Whta should I call my shitty drawing?