>tfw a cheap knockoff of pokemon with stolen art has made you ~ $22,600 over a 12 hour period and all you had to do was click a couple buttons
Thank you Veeky Forums
Tfw a cheap knockoff of pokemon with stolen art has made you ~ $22...
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Sadly it's too late to start this ponzi scheme.
new ponzimons when?? Im all in next round
As soon as trading, evolutions and battle are open you will probably do a lot more
I missed the moon but im in too lately. Wont miss the second moon
Fuck off bro show us your goon squad.
>tfw only got two low ethers
How do I play?
we need a guide
How do I cash out? Says I have an insufficient balance?
Bit late to get in, but go to www.myetheremon.com
>tfw a scammy dev posts on biz to sucker in all the desperate faggots
Is it gambling?
So you buy an etheremon right? Whenever someone buys that same one you get a certain amount of ETH. It takes about 100 guys catching one in order to make even
Tripled my ETH stack in a few hours. Stay poor kek.
When the fuck can you resell the fake pokemon?
Do you have the missingno?
I bought thousands of ETH at 6-8 dollars. You'll never be more wealthy than me
Lets goooooo
How much did you put in as initial?
url is invalid
shit i meant to do www.etheremon.com
that IS a ponzi scheme
I *only* made $1100 on my initial $800 investment and I joined late. I could have been in the under 20 club, but I was still at work and baulked at the price.
100% it is
Shoulda got in early.
I think it would've been a lot more successful if the mons weren't so ridiculously priced.
The cash out function takes a lot of gas. If you can't cover the gas cost (which is crazy high now because this and cryptokitties are joining forces to fuck the ETH network) then you can't withdraw.
Have the dividends pretty much stopped for everyone else? I've barely gotten anything in the last hour. Hopefully there's some kind of update so more normies buy in but even if not I already made 2.5x so I'm good.
And when did you get in?
still getting money
Got camolumn
Still trickling in at a good rate, with the occasional big bump when someone buys a missingno. What mon(s) are you in? My main money makers are Mianari and Dynamouse
I have #23 camel, #55 or something Keradon, and #245ish Geenee. I made a bundle on the first two and didn't quite break even on the last by about .03 ether but w.e no biggie.
Yea i think its dead. Only hope is that we will be able to sell our mons
shills got lazy, and everyone who already has one is waiting for battle functionality to actually see how the game plays before buying more.
HackerNews, plebbit, voat, etc...
only just bought one 2 hours ago.
this is ACTUALLY working...
why is this so easy??? feel like I'm getting scammed but it all checks out?
what the fuck did you buy
probably missingno, i don't think any of the other ones would be able to make any profit still.
some thing called a EEKAPE?
Not even a missingno gives that kind of return in 2 hours. Either your time is off by a couple hours at least or you've bought multiple mons.
bullshit you bought one 2 hours ago and earned 2.48
be gone
How much did you put in?
Is it a ponzi scheme or a pyramid scheme? Seeing as the people that buy in are also the ones that push to get new people to join?
I kind of knew I could profit from the FOMO but I really hate these cryptokitties games and wanted to keep my money in Ethereum projects I actually care about. Nice work though, user, won't shit on you for being ballsy enough to get in at the top of the pyramid.
Wait fuck I get what you're doing.
I mean YES HOLY SHIT I can't believe it works! I bought a Mianari 30 minutes ago and am already making a profit! Wow!
Let's hope the devs don't get lazy and actually develop the project with battles, trading and everything. If that happens even people who bought in now are still good. I already made more than my investment back so everything is fine for me but it would be nice to see it actually develop into a real game.
same, i bought 3 camels! get in while you still can suckers!
What is a Ponzi scheme
I contest that it's actually more pyramid then ponzi.
how high is it then
how has this not taken over the normiesphere yet?
lol i dont think im making my money back. i got in ~7 hrs ago and things have dried up half way through.
How were u able to cash out?
MEW or metamask?
Ponzi scheme, everyone who opt in this is about to get fucked up big.
I can see it now.
>fast forward two years
>Vector Marketing execs see these stupid games
>Vector Marketing ends up being one of the first companies to adopt blockchain technology
>tfw normies from high school start trying to contact me to shill their crypto Cutco Knives
The future is going to suck.
i already cashed out over 2x user, waiting for battles, what do I care
>fucked up big
what a cringy attempt at viralling
fuck off back to your discord
I sent them 0.39 eth last night for a keradon through my quadriga wallet and did not make a wallet on MEW, am I fucked?
why do they say you DONT have to use MEW but i just lost literally all ov my money
I got fucking jebaited into it at lunch, spent 2.2ETH and only got 0.8ETH back.
I will get my initial investment back if I'm lucky though. Project looks sweet, will most likely reinvest my profits into it.
Bought 4 of the palytide fuckers and made 1.9eth which isn't bad yesterday. Only spent .07eth
How much did you reinvest into this Ponzi?
There's no way you're already making money. I bought one exactly 7h ago and I have barely refunded my Keradon.
Mianari / Keradon / Cesstoi or whatever it was called here.
I'm joking man... did your pokie show up? If not the transaction probably didn't go through and you should talk to quadriga about it showing up back in your account.
I think your trainer address is where you check out to later on, so you should be able to set it back to the quadriga deposit? or your public address in mew
>I have lots of internet money
Everyone is wealthier than you until you cash out, user.
welp, I've made like .002 ether with my 3 mons over the past hour. i think this gravy train is over guys.
Because the devs fucked up by setting the initial prices and scaling factor too high. They can't even run a competent ponzi.
Copy this but relaunch it with all the prices and earn rates divded by 100. The first people in will have to buy 100s of Etheremon instead of a handful to make the same volume of return, but the low marginal cost to join the ponzi will keep the entry cost low enough to ensnare normies when it reaches them.
The obviously fucking stupid thing about this was extrapolating last night how no normie will jump in when the cheapest mon is over $1k.
Also the decay function on the earn should be tweaked so there are always 2 mon that are the best buy at any given time.
You guys could have gotten really rich if the devs were actually a little smarter, especially if they knew how to obfuscate their exit strategy a little better.
A minor embellishment. 10% and 100% are only one 0 apart you know. And numbers that are 0 apart are necessarily the same number! You got me on a technicality.
damn, someone just withdrew 24 ether. was it one of you guys?
You don't know what that word means. This is a pyramid scheme, not a ponzi.
Who /Smorple/ here?
Im a poorfag and jelly as fuck lad
Only 1 etheremon
At least bonefoil seems to be best for poorfags
Wasn't me. I try to withdraw in the 4-6 range at a time for good balance of fees vs. risk of dev exit scamming.
WTF happened to Cesstoid, and all the other Mons?? they are gone, does this mean my earnings stop?? AHH REEEEEE
I know the difference and prefer to use ponzi as a shorthand for "this is a dishonest zero-sum scam that requires lots of people to lose money for a few to take it".
It would be a purer pyramid scheme if people just bought in once and sat on it, but since nearly everyone on last night's thread was continuously reinvesting their profits it actually is closer to a Ponzi.
All cryptos are ponzis but that doesn't mean you cannot profit from them.
they just changed the names
they need an artist to do new artwork
Cesstoid = Prisma now
Just bought a Prisma few hours ago, already brake even and now making steady income.
Prisma will be good for battle, it has 2 types and is still cheap
>risking 3.2k-4.8k over a $2 withdraw fee
67.4 fucking eth. gg user.
I'm waiting with bated breath and lots of ETH to scoop up some Smorples.
But the people that join know they need to get other people to join and are pushing for new investors. Seems more like a pyramid then a ponzi. Not to mention how fast this has collapsed is more pyramid scheme levels.
I'm fairly confident that the dev won't exit scam, so that's my level of risk. It fills up every couple hours thanks to the missingnos. Getting a little slower now though it seems.
I got Prisma too, printing money now
oh thank christ, better name too imo
who /lostmoney/ here
how much do they pay for design? I looked at the form, but it doesnt say anything.
Why don't cash out every now and then?
Holy shit, I am a member of that club
OG Eekape checking in
Do you think the old names will increase the rarity?
Not sure. Not my screenshot either, I saved it from an earlier thread.
WIll this evening be too late? I have 7 ETH i wanted to dump into but i had reports due and im stuck in my office till 6
>If your Etheremon passes the requirements, we will credit you an amount of 0.3 ETH for the existing Etheremons and an amount of ETH equals to the original price of this Etheremon for the new ones;
What did he mean by this
(there's no hyperlinks)
welp i guess i'll jump on the next ponzi scheme
you got a mystic and neutral one with a fairly good CP, when battle starts you get 2-3 lvl quickly and sell it. BAM PROFIT
I last cashed out 47 minutes ago according to etherscan. I don't really have a schedule but I've been glued to the screen for the past 20 hours doing this shit, so I can just cash out whenever I feel like it if it's moving too slow.
Still trickling in slowly but noticeable slowdown. I'm 0.12 ether from breakeven, pretty sure I am gonna make that. If they add pictures and implement trading and battles this will blow up.
if you create artwork they use in the game you get paid in ether.
I got one with Neutral / Mystic too, 62bp, is that really good ? :thinking:
>I know the difference
No you don't.
oke, good for you.