How would you a BBEG based on a highschool queen bee and her goons?
How would you a BBEG based on a highschool queen bee and her goons?
I actually did do this. I once ran a monsters and other childish things game in which random kids were manifesting the powers of mythological figures, ancient gods, demons, pop culture classics like dracula and such
The queen bee was manifesting as the fae queen of winter and had the whole "unreasonably powerful school council" thing going because she was in a pact with the school's founder, who was a demon trying to be brought back into the world
Why have I been listening to this for an hour and why do I have a boner?
Wherever there is society, there are popular people.
Wherever there are popular people there is the Queen Bee.
Just make a wealthy socialite and her acquaintances. Their actions across the scope of the explored setting make trouble for the party, and they're secretly a coven of witches/necronomic cult/whatever you call a group of vampires.
Because you're male and male bees fuck queen bees.
Similar to how you have an evil queen subduing a country with her army, except you know it's in highschool. The teachers are bought with her parents money, the bullies are paid to beat the shit out of anyone who disagrees with her, and I wouldn't be surprised if she could have something happen to you (be it expulsion or breaking your neck "accidentally" while walking done the stairs) or you're parents (fired or the same "accidentally" death). Personally though, the real BBEG should be the quiet guy in the back that no one really knows,because he's packing a MAC-11 in his backpack and no one's the wiser.
And my spoiler didn't work. God dammit.
It's hard to play straight because the queen bitch relies on a very low stakes environment to function, the kind of environment you rarely run an rpg in (unless you do, in which case it should be easy, just follow the normal conventions). She normally uses seemingly feminine actions and manner (or very neutral assets, like wealth) to escalate the stakes of this environment way beyond what anyone in that situation is prepared to deal with, while keeping up appearances that prevent people that could do something about it from noticing.
Problem with this is, PCs are always ready to deal with any obstacle, they are emotionless, calculating terminator's who only pretend to be people in short bursts here and there, or whenever it doesn't negatively effect them. Furthermore, even realistic characters will topple such a bbeg quickly in a high-stakes environment, where there are people highly motivated to do so armed with the real ambition and purposiveness the alpha bitch lacks.
So you have two options if you want her to hold a position of real power.
1. Ramp up the sociopathy so she can rule motivated adults through fear. However, I feel that after doing this you will find yourself with a rather standard bbeg that happens to be female and enjoy annoyingly feminine posturing.
2. Ramp up the charisma so she can rule emotionally mature adults through real admiration.
I'd go with the second.
Have her be her people's beloved icon. Beautiful in appearance, manner, and speech. Have her be gracious and thoughtful to her people, always mindful of their emotions and quick to defend or nurture. Of course, have her be feminine and bubbly, but also make sure she is also cunning and aware, she knows how to make it charming and disarming without seeming undignified nor empty.
Then have her hate everyone else. "Her people" are cultured, and wise, everyone else is barbarians who need to either prostrate themselves and hope for assimilation after a time, or be subjugated.
Want more?
>saw this spammed on /co/ a while back
>looks cool
>decide watch the movie it's based on
>literally no sympathetic characters in the whole story
>the main characters are an incredibly stupid cunt and her edgy psychopath boyfriend
>everyone else is an asshole and/or a loser
>even the three "evil" bitches are just asshole losers
>stupid cunt gets a happy end simply because everyone else ends up fucking dead
Not what I expected.
I would be really pissed off if the GM made this our BBEG. My trauma still feels like it's fresh.
High School Call of Cthulhu.
The PCs are geeks, freaks, and associated weirdos, who discover that the popular girls are actually servants of Shub-Niggurath, the all-mother.
They discovered the ancient secrets, and turned to witchcraft to become beautiful and popular.
The PCs have to figure out a way to stop them turning homecoming into a mass ritual sacrifice to the Black Goat.
She's literally a queen, and literally a bee if you're into that, but what matters most of all is her personality. She's pretty, everyone acknowledges that, but that's not enough for her: she needs to be the fairest in the land. She's wealthy, but not as wealthy as those Jews over there and that pisses her off to no end. Her flagship is 400m long, but that Bourbon slut three kingdoms over has a flagship that's 430m long so she's willing to bankrupt the kingdom to build a bigger, better flagship that's 500m long. She already has the most beautiful palace in the known world, but it's not enough. She needs to burn down that village to the south so she can expand her already extravagantly large palace gardens.
And most of all, she hates the PCs. She tried to bang the party paladin once, but then he rejected her, mumbling something about "muh celibacy" or some stupid shit. Clearly he and his entire family deserve to suffer. And then there's the bard, who once commented that she has a nice ass. Ugh, he's like... a peasant. His mom was an innkeeper and his father a farmer, so he might as well be a serf. How dare he even look at her ass, let alone think about it, let alone comment about it? Burning down his hometown should learn him to keep his big mouth shut. And don't even get her started on that disgusting healslut with her naturally smooth and sily hair. Her dad was a count, she might as well have been a peasant. Meanwhile the queen herself, heiress to the kings of kings, has to spend all morning brushing her naturally frizzy hair straight. That healbitch should endure the longest, most painful torture imaginable for her insolence.
And if that isn't enough, those disgusting peasants are always revolting -both literally and figuratively. "Hurr durr I can't feed my family", "hurr durr orcish raiders keep setting my farm on fire" "Hurr durr we don't want to move our entire village 10 km south, you should build your summer residence 10 km north". Gross.
Catchy song and cute art style.
fuck off frogposter.
The musical is legit a lot better. Also, did you REALLY watch the movie? Because the "Edgy psychopath" is clearly the real villain, and the "Evil" bitches, are SUPPOSED to just be asshole losers.
Isn't this the plot of Danganronpa?
Obviously orcs are all high school girls at heart.
>"Get in loser, we're going to raid elves!"
Dan is love.
He's also one sick puppy, but we like him that way.
>and the "Evil" bitches, are SUPPOSED to just be asshole losers
I kind of get why this is a recurring theme, it makes us feel warm and fuzzy inside, but let's be honest: the biggest douchebags in high school end up being the most succesful. Chad McHorsecock probably became some low level pro athlete who dies at age 35 covered in hookers and cocaine, Snobbson du Richesse probably inherited his father's semi-succesfull multimillion dollar company and is now being blown by interns under his desk, the edgy psychopath who was somehow not socially ostracized because he happens to be handsome is now a Machiavellian politician who preaches "wholesome Christian family values" despite cheating on his hot-ass wife with his even hotter secretary, and that nerdy guy who kept shouting about becoming a "top lawyer" who would show all bullies who the real loser is? He applied at Richesse & Sons, was rejected for "lacking extracurricular activities", spent his early 20s unemployed, spent his late 20s fucking stickering boxes, finally got an unpaid internship in his 30s at Richesse & Sons and is now overweight, balding and depressed. Oh, and Snobbson is now fucking his wife.
There's no reason why the ones who are succesful early in life would suddenly crash and burn later in life, especially when who you know will always be more important than who you are.
Is this a copy pasta? It feels like one, especially since it totally misses the point of the post it replied to.
The girls won't be successful because they're dead.
Not because of any sense of justice.
>The girls won't be successful because they're dead.
Well, that's one way to deal with bullying.
Sort of true, but missing an even bigger point.
People who were mean to you in highschool are not the devil.
They were fucking kids. They were just as dumb, vulnerable, and misguided as you were. Those that continue to be assholes are victims of their own circumstances and upbringing OR are sociopaths.
>People who were mean to you in highschool are not the devil.
>They were fucking kids.
Nah, the teacher was a mean bitch but never went THAT far. Not with me anyway.
>tfw no forbidden romance with your hot teacher
It sucks being too old to even fantasize about this anymore.
She looked back then kind of like Thatcher does now.
I can imagine
what is the source?
Don't be sad, user.
It was an 80s comedy about bullying, murder, suicide, and other high school stuff.
It got turned into a musical apparently.
Mediocre 80's teen drama film that got turned into a Broadway musical for some reason.
Dropped it at 40 seconds in.
>He unironically thinks there's such a thing as "easy pussy" outside of a brothel
>Skipping the joke because you're autistic.
But you're the kind of guy he's trying to help user.
but there is
monsterhearts baka desu senpai
What kind of dorks would be playable? What kind of skills would they have
thanks bros
I guess you're the guy he was talking about at the end of the video
I imagine that, in a world where magic is relatively weak, wizards would be dorks and knights would be jocks.
>What're you up to, nerd?
>Aww, he thinks his gay magic rainbow scares us!
>Let's go save a princess from a tower and then leave this little twerp in there instead
>And then we take her to poundtown?
>You know it, my knigga
>Wicked chivalrous, bro!
>Wicked chivalrous!
>Paladin: Jock
>Wizard: Nerds
>Cleric: Band Geek
>Sorcereress: Cheerleader
>Barbarian: Fat Kid
>Rogue: Dweeb
>Fighter: Normal Unpopular Kid
>Ranger: Goth
>Monk: Weeb
Nah mate, barbarains are just as much jocks as knights. Paladin on the other hand are those wicked buff quarterback dudes who for some reason really get along with the nerds and try to get them to lift so they can tear pussy.
>old enough to fantasize about BEING the hot teacher
I was thinking more along the lines of what kinds of magic the different nerds would have. Like engineering clubs memebers being artificers or something
Praise to the Great God Broski
Crusher of Puss
Defender of Dorks and Nerds
Scourge of the Skull, god of Generic Bullies
"Do you even lift bro? It's cool, lemme show you how."
What did Stacy do to you?
Mean Girls the game?
Watched this movie recently. Kids can be cruel as fuck
>How would you a BBEG based on a highschool queen bee and her goons?
How about taking the literal route?
Not entirely similar, but possibly relevant.
Still haven't had an opportunity to use this fucker, but it'll come up eventually.
Fighters are 'regular' jocks.
Paladins are the kind of jocks who just want to be cool dudes to everyone.
Barbarians are dickass roid rage jocks.
OP, get you fucking shit together.
The popular middle school bully I know, along with his friends, didn't get very far in life. Nowadays they're fat rubes working at their dad's, playing pétanque, getting into motorcycle accidents and dating drop-outs.
Also, let's be real, to become a mildly to seriously successful politician, CEO or athlete, you need some very specific high-end education. Those people, they don't go to regular high school with you.
Finally "it's all unfair because society stacks the deck against us and in favor of The Jerks" is an excuse unsuccessful nerds use to feel better about being unsuccessful, regardless of what actually happened to the high school assholes or of how much decency successful people have.
This shit has already worn out it's welcome with me.
>There was a time when it was believable for Lindsay Lohan to NOT be the drunkest, shallowest, sluttiest girl in the room
The past is truly a foreign country.
so stop watching it
>an actual teacher that knows just how terrible of an idea it is
Actual teacher here.
Ask me anything.
Are you a hot teacher?
Why did you pursue this particular career?
Do girls really bully each other?
I was raised in a family of teachers. I didn't originally want to be one - I pursued an editing career first before that job dried up. Teaching was my only other option.
To suicide, yes.
>Teaching was my only other option.
Just about every friend/acquaintance I've known that ended up in education was for that very reason. You have my condolences. You people put up with way more shit than you deserve.
We don't, actually. It just feels that way because there's very little direction from up top. Your average teacher doesn't work any longer or any harder than your average 9-to-5 sales jock. Grading, lesson planning, and answering emails is a pain in the ass but it's manageable.
That and the fact that very few people want to be teachers just compounds the image of an unprepared, demotivated teaching community. I don't like that education is a last resort vocation. Teaching shouldn't be in the same category as coal mining, but that's the reality.
A corpse?
Alright, well they sure bitch enough to make it seem that way.
>Teaching was my only other option.
Some people are happy to pick up on what their parents did, but you really should reconsider whether you are one of those people. I was assistant teacher for a while and bailed on the first opportunity.
Not really. Go to any bar on Friday night. Tons of bitching and moaning from all kinds of people. Teachers get more news coverage because we're popular chaff for political purposes. No one really cares about a bunch of coal miners whining in a bar, but a teacher crying in a classroom and bellyaching about budget cuts? Instant views.
I got through my first year. I'm learning to love the job. Quitting now would feel wasteful to me.
You know what would be wasteful? Couple years down the line realizing you're stuck with a job you hate, and that hates you. Don't fool yourself with >muh sunken costs
Have you seen bullying personally? or within your school?
To make this Veeky Forums related, do you have a tabletop club in your school? Have you considered making one if no?
Like I said, I'm learning to like the job. I'm getting better at being a teacher and it's starting to feel like a good investment.
Your dream job is just that. Best to stick with what you can tolerate. Plus the time off is amazing.
I have attempted to found a tabletop club at my school. There were no takers. I dissolved that effort into a general "creative writing club" and that sputtered out too. If it doesn't involve a sport or some form of digital media the kids aren't that interested.
Bullying is much less of a public affair than you might envision. The bane of my existence is Instagram and Snapchat. 90% of the time, shit starts online and then gets fought over at school. The tell-tale warning signs are gone - there are no tattletales or bathroom escapades or mean notes written in the classroom. By the time I or any other teacher or administrator gets wind of an issue it's likely already been solved by the students out on the courtyard or in the street.
In other words, prevention is almost impossible. All I can do is teach coping strategies and encourage students to talk with me about their problems.
Thats when you gather as much money as humanly possible and pay the football star players to fuck them up real real good. Or have them convinced the popular girls are lesbians sleeping with their GF.
fug ;_;
Its even more sad when you consider that that never happened. She either died in that bathroom or had that fantasy as she was locked in there all weekend
no, pretty sure she just summoned a knight from another world.
>He's so chivalrous he was summoned there by her negative thoughts
>He fades away in the last panel because another fragile soul summons him in its greatest hour of need
Kniggin' ain't easy
>Tfw, she may even be questioned and put on trial for the murder of the three girls and if there are any survivors, the whereabouts of the knight.
>She'll have no answer.
God, thats depressing.
I know table tops aren't dying, but playing table tops in high school is probably the best memory I have.
>Just as the judge is about to give the verdict, the courtroom doors slam open to reveal the knight
>He glares at the judge
>The judge knows what must be done
>"Not guilty!"
>The knight fades away, to help some Polish girl look for the doll she lost
I'd imagine that even if the kid gets a "not guilty" verdict they'll still at least 'try' to arrest the knight.
>He thinks mere mortals can overcome his aura of righteousness
As a Veeky Forums teacher everyday was an absolute nightmare of paranoia. This is why I moved to an all boys school
Bitch please if you behave like a victim you will be one. I was bullied thoughout school and once I manned up people were litterally scared of me for no reasons.
nah, when knights slay demons the bodies disappear, so there's pretty much no evidence against the girl.
Doesn't mean their sure as shit not going to try.
That is the true evil here, everyone will see the knight as a monster, or at worse even the devil himself when in reality he is more of a angel sent from who knows to slay some demons. Sadly, the demons took the form of young girls. So now even the righteous of this world will see him as a beast rather than a knight.
How forbidden are we talking here?
>In Teacher's College had a classmate smash one of his students during work experience
>She was 17, he was 20
Anyway, he went to jail for a bit.
>Teaching was my only other option.
As a Teacher from a long line of teachers, fuck you.
No seriously, if you don't want to be here, fuck off.
You are the reason children fail at life.
t. English, History, Drama and PE dude.