I've noticed that there's a stigma associated with 40K, and warhammer in general.
Hero clicks, and Magic players cringe, and have autistic spasms when the game is even brought up.
Why is that?
I've noticed that there's a stigma associated with 40K, and warhammer in general.
Hero clicks, and Magic players cringe, and have autistic spasms when the game is even brought up.
Why is that?
Other urls found in this thread:
It's all the fault of Imperial Space Marine Fags.
It's a triangle.
Ask Magic and 40K players about Heroclicks or 40K and Heroclicks players about Magic.
Nerds hate plebs that don't enjoy what they enjoy in the way they do it.
Mini gamers are sort of like the jocks of the gaming world. Sense of camaraderie, more expensive gear, etc.
Card players are like the dorks who watch whatever anime is on cartoon network and don't seem to have any substantial hobbies. On some level the MtG players know they're smelly neckbeards and get kinda catty about it.
RPG players are like the snobby theatre kids. You'll sometimes find some in the game store but they prefer to hang out in secret cliques.
I've never noticed it.
But I don't know anybody who actually has hero clicks.
What the fuck. Is that at all comprable to 40k and Magic where you are.
I thought that died 10 years ago.
The stigmatised players in the UK are Magic players. Always fat, smelly nerds who've bought their overpowered decks.
I think he's using Heroclix as a stand in for all the retarded pre-paint games that sort onto the scene, sell like hotcakes, and then take a nosedive after a few years because there's no hobby elements or real sense of community.
Mage Knight, Heroclix, Monsterpocalypse, X-Wing, et al.
Ah right OK. Yea X Wing definitely stands toe to toe with MCG and GW right now.
Because 40k fans are idiots.
this is a lie, if you ask anyone about Heroclicks they will ask you what the fuck you're talking about
Cuz all they see in stores is WAACfags and tourneyfags, who are pretty much the worst of the worst for 40k
Only time I ever saw hero clix was with Halo. That was like 7 years ago. I don't know any hobbyist who has them.
I'm a 40k player myself and just don't get card games. At least with models you can personalize it and even if you run a netlist it's still your painted army.
Running cards just seems ridiculous. You build your list and that's it. No skills involved other than statistics or probability.
Naw Heroclix keeps getting a surge. They got a huge surge when they did Yugioh Clix and Dota 2. But they fucked the pooch AGAIN by not allowing those two sets to be legal in a majority of tournaments. For people who don't know Heroclix has MTG's Legacy/Modern/Standard but its Gold/Silver/Modern ages. Official/Big tournys are almost always modern. Silver isn't supported by Wizkids and Yugioh/Dota were designated to Gold age for not being DC/Marvel. Not only that but for Silver age players Yugioh/Dota clicks are either OP or hot garbage. In Dota's case if you don't build a team for a support from dota and cheese it up, they are all garbage. Witch Doctor is the strongest member of the Dota clicks, and the best I could do was have him possesed by Paralax/Ion and then slap on a bunch of yellow lanterns and use the yellow battery so after Perplexing down everyones defence and his attack up he could attack people non stop till they drop dead. Of course if the opponents aren't all just chilling in his range he could only kill 1-2 max a turn, and has no innate defence aside from AOE regen.
And now Yugioh/Dota clicks aren't even getting the sets we were promised. Dota's actual packs are indefinately delayed. :/
>Sense of camaraderie, more expensive gear, etc.
Having played both Magic, and 40k I deffinantly agree that mini-wargamers have a sense of brotherhood, and comaraderi that I just dont have with magic players.
Like a when a game of mtg ends, I shake hands and move on, with very little being said. Where as 40K I usually end up spending 10-15 mins talking about the game, what mistakes I made, and complementing my opponents army.
I guess im a fusion of all three. I like to talk about the games I play and settings, cause I love TTRPGS and love when Miniatures/cards/RPGS cross over like L5R and Malifaux but I have noticed most MTG/Yugioh players are kind of off put by you discussing the game or just wanting to joke around. Where as with TTRPGS and Malifaux I end bullshitting with the other players for like 30-1hour before playing.
As if WAAC 40k players ever even bother to paint their models..
People dislike 40k players because there is a very vocal minority of autistic cunts who spaz out about 40k 24/7 and drive everyone around them insane.
It's the fat greasy guy scream WHAAAGGHHHH in a crowded store and then chasing a 12 year old around trying to "dakka his metal box" until the police get called.
>It's the fat greasy guy scream WHAAAGGHHHH in a crowded store and then chasing a 12 year old around trying to "dakka his metal box" until the police get called.
Every ork player ever
Orlando players never disappoint
Because Magic players are autistic.
>magic players have autistic spasms about things
>news at 11
Meant ork players.
Wait, is that a real story?
Isn't x-wing more popular than warhammer right now?
>Hero clicks, and Magic players cringe
now that's rich
however, among the RPG crowd 40K has the best reputation of the three, imho
a nuanced critique if I ever saw any
>tfw my closest store is a major Heroclix hub
They straight up treat you like a second class customer if you don't play Heroclix or MTG. More than glad to take my business elsewhere even if it's less convenient.
Never had a single 40k mini stolen from me. When i go to toruneys i dont think twice about leaving my $1,000 army and case full of shit at the table to go out for lunch.
On the other hand when i tried playing magic i had a small box of extras i brought with me to see if the store would buy them and they got stolen.
I quit playing magic because the player base was fucking toxic.
I agree. Too much assholes in the community. I can't get a game at my local store because I play Tau and they don't like Tau players. The store owners are cool though. It's the retarded 40k players. The worst fanbas in all of nerdom. I would rather read and watch everything twilight and talk to a convention room floor of fanfic writers than the degenerate 40k player base. I only collect now and even then swapping to AoS since space marine fans are too spergy.
It all comes down to the local communities. 40K, MtG, Flames of war ect. generally get along around where I live and play. We have our tables, they have theirs. Practice basic hygen and social skills and we're all good. Generally though the people to autistic/socially inept or to interact with the bulk of the community in a socially acceptable manner are ostracized or out right banned from shops. The only people I've ever seen any real conflict with are Yugioh players and I think that's just because they're all crazy.
>On the other hand when i tried playing magic i had a small box of extras i brought with me to see if the store would buy them and they got stolen.
Dont tell that to /pol/ because white people are incapable of stealing lul.
>I play Tau and they don't like Tau players
They may have had bad experiences with Tau players bringing max riptides and tabling you turn 2.
I'm hesitant playing Eldar players because they are broke as fug. But if my opponent brings a chill list then I'll play them.
There is a big overlap between warhammer and mtg here. They dont like heroclicks and yugioh people.
It just depends on your meta.
Where I play at now, the warmahordes players are a LOT older on average, and aren't as obnoxious in terms of BO or autism. Most of the card players are just smelly high schoolers blowing tons of money, and the 40k players are super-loud, obnoxious autists. I actually stopped playing briefly because the dudes who played in my area were annoying mutants.
I always kind of wanted to run a nerd store (maybe when I retire or something), but I still don't know how I would handle wanting to throw a kid out because they're annoying/smelly/etc. Do you just have to hope the community you collect is presentable? Ugh.
Excuse me as an ork play this offends me. Only about half of us are creepy pedophiles, the better half of us like to refer to ourselves as "lolicons"
Why not just have a nerd store aimed at a certain clientel? If people then are being obnoxious autists that refuse to adapt to the rules you should be well within your rights to throw them the fuck out.
It's entirely self-inflicted and well-deserved
the fuck is Heroclicks
I play orks
Number 1 selling Minatures game in the world.
I've noticed that irl 40k players are pretty friendly. I've seen some forgivable spergs but almost never straight up rude people, like the sort of MtG dude who plays the most expensive netdeck and has earbuds in all night so he doesn't have to talk to any of his opponents. Or the dude who hovers around kids opening packs so he can rip them off.
Although I stopped hanging with 40k players because holy shit there isn't a single chair in the entire fucking Games Workshop store here and my back can't take standing in one spot for three hours straight to play a "short" kill team match. Is that a normal GW thing?
Are you inplying there couldn't be niggers in a game store? What are you, racist?
Bull fucking shit. I was talking to this group of players and hitting it off and complimenting their painting ect. As soon as I mention I play Tau they say they don't want to talk to me anymore. They didn't ask dick shit about my list despite the fact that I only ever run one Riptide when I did have a small community near me. Hell sometimes I wouldn't run that either.
They're just being discimintaory faggots.
Then there was the lying sociopath Armada player who at minimum was a dirty stinking cheater and liar to his deathbed and had to have five + people shouting him down before he would agree his rules "interpretations" were wrong.
At maximum the creeper was basically stalking me around the store watching everything I did and even came up to me when we just met and tried to hug me from behind and ask what I was buying like some creepy pedo. He kept offering people rides home too and was twitching and doing other weird almost comically stereotypical crazy shit.
FUCK miniature wargames fans. Fuck 40k fans in particular.
Sorry about your experience. Those guys are dicks. If i was there I wouldnt play either! Hell there's a gamestore near me I refuse to go to because of that grognoggery.
Tiny superheroes with seemingly random sculpt and paint qualities.
haven't experienced it
Heroclix player here, don't necessarily cringe at any games players. desu only started heroclix as stepping stones to other stuff like x wing and 40k, but I still enjoy it.
The problem is you, Taufag. If they aren't sperging out about anything but you and Tau, guess who the real issue is?
Have you considered that maybe it's not their irrational hatred of Tau players that's the problem, and rather that perhaps you yourself may be unpleasant ?
So much this,
40k used to be cool af, like a Heavy Metal magazine cover made into a game that we could play. and then those SPEESH MUHARIANE faggots ruined everything.
pic incredibly related.
ITT: whiny false-flagging Taufags and that one Taufag who calls everyone who calls him out a marinefag
>whining about modern 40k being too marine-centric after we got Knights, GSC, shadow war, 30k segregation, and RT was basically Beaky Beaker: The Beakening
> Hero Clicks
> Magic the Gathering
Literally the worst of the worst.
And they fucked up the Orks, released the stupid-ass Thunderwolf cavalry, entirely fagging up the only non-faggy marine Chapter, and then fag fag fag fag fag.
Don't fucking give Games Workshop any more money. They sold out.
Oh, Thunderwolf cavalry. Way to make space wolves even more obnoxious. Even before it was an army only the worst dumbasses, 15-year old metalheads and WAACfags played..
Wolf wolves were never cool. Too much wolf.
On the other hand, pretty much every other chapter is cool. I'm especially partial to the Black Templar.
I play necrons tho. Don't want to be like everyone else.
I don't even play the game bad just collect the models, but everyone I talk to about 40k, even within the traditional games community (like board games and historical war gamers and stuff) just gets this disgusted look on their eyes whenever they and what I collect/paint and I tell them 40k
>I'm especially partial to the Black Templar
My battle-brother
Because 40k is the MLP of Veeky Forums
Heroclix is very popular in the US. It has weekly nights at all the stores nearby save one (They exclusively do MTG).
My store has like 4 hard ass bench chairs, that are great for sitting for like 5 mins.
I'd say that it is slightly autistic, but you are on target. It just attracts all the kids and fundies.
Battle brothers!
I'm glad I've never got into 40k and play skirmish systems instead, like Infinity or Frostgrave. Starting a new army does not cost you $500+ and the community is way nicer.
MtG is cashgrabbing. It lacks the hobby aspect of painting and building terrain.
Blame Imperium and Space Marine fags
Exactly this. With MtG, card thievery is endemic and tacitly approved by many gamers. With 40k, you just get blacklisted from playing at shops forever. When I was first getting into 40k, there was a teenager that was part of a gaggle of friends that stole someone's DE wyches (probs. to jerk off to) and got busted. Instantly banned from the shop, no appeal. It was dumb of him as well because he'd recently gotten his mum to drop about $150 to get him a starter SM set.
Also, this is sort of a strange thing, but I like 40k because you have to stand up to play. With MtG, you have these tremendously fat guys sitting in chairs with their asscracks on display, and it's disgusting. I always felt less of my opponents simply because they were incapable of covering up their cavernous asscracks.
But with 40k, everyone is standing up, so it's never a bother.
Card stealing? That really happens?
Its part of the MtG culture, has been for a long time.
My main problem with 40k players is even though they freely admit the game is broken as fuck, they sperg hard out if anyone even hints at changing them.
Orks players are a bit more chill about it though. They'll completely rewrite their own codex making the army a bit less of a joke, but then refuse to play that way even if they do find an opponent willing to give it a go.
On the other hand, pen and paper gamers get off on coming up with new shit. Tweaking systems to fit their needs, even writing new ones (or trying to anyway) is the bread and butter of PNP players.
They are supposed to discourage a game club atmosphere. The people running the retail department would rather customers spent money and then fucked off home.
Because of the three, 40k is the only one with a setting worth a damn (Magic sometimes gets one, but rarely fleshes it out).
GW is doing its best to fix this, however...
This is what the church told Newton.
People play HeroClicks?
Newton was a sperging Taufag?
It is written.
1. Magic players are autistic
2. Nobody plays heroclicks, stop lying
3. Veeky Forums is an echo chamber for 40k players, mostly. you wont hear a non-ironic/non-shitposting/non-troll/sencere response here.
>2. Nobody plays heroclicks, stop lying
Facts say otherwise.
How retarded do you have to be from a business standpoint to get a partnership with dota and then dump it like that.
Same level of retarded as people who tripfag desu senpai
40k is for autistic retards.
Infinity, Malifaux, Guild Ball and Armada are much better ttwgs.
Yep, 40k and magic players are equally disgusting.
>I'm a 40k player myself
>Thinks his piece of shit game requires skill
At my store there are many games more popular than warhammer.
I think it varies slightly with the format. Legacy players are pretty chill and just happy to get a game in.
Modern attracts obnoxious tryhard mongoloids. EDH players have far and away the highest autism percentage out of any group.
>Don't fucking give Games Workshop any more money. They sold out.
GW is up there with Comcast, Bank of America and United.
>shit nobody plays
I will stop giving them money when they stop making stuff I like, BL loses its ability to come out with half-decent stuff, or they raise the prices to the point that I can no longer buy the tiny amount of stuff I purchase from them.
Eh. I give it a month.
Card thievery and shoplifting are huge problems with a lot of card games but MTG especially. MTG players are the reason you have to ask the cashier to get you a pack behind the counter now instead of them just being on display in LGSs. Hell, I'm even starting to see normie stores that stock card games like Walmart and Barnes & Noble put their packs behind glass. Every time I talk to friends who go to the LGS for tourneys or FNM they bring up a theft happening at least once every couple months. It's gotten to the point where no one is shocked anymore - it's just what happens when you play card games now.
>Exactly this. With MtG, card thievery is endemic and tacitly approved by many gamers.
what the fuck
It really depends on the store
If there's a medium amount of people around who sort of know each other from events and the LGS doesnt have an insane amount of foot traffic or KIDS (most important factor) usually nothing gets stolen. We have people just letting their binders with guru lands and shit lying open just to let other people flip through it so people can offer them a trade.
That being said if your store has a disproportionate amount of kids or carry unsavory games like yugioh or force of will then yeah your shit is gonna get swiped
Yeah, you're definitely right. Kids are a cancer to any good store but they bring in their parents' money so they're unfortunately welcome.
It's because 40k attracts guys who never mentally progressed past the age of ten. They developed an obsession with 40k that's nothing if not monolithic; they relate EVERYTHING they can to Warhammer 40k's setting and seem incapable of acknowledging any other fictional setting unless they can somehow mangle the two together. They'll force 40k into anything they can.
the real reason it's called 40k is because that's how much it costs to get a good army
fuck miniatures wargaming
>starting a new army is $500+
Not nowadays. Two start collecting boxes and you're good for a while, and the highest you should ever pay for that is about $170
If you are talking about a fully painted 2,000 point army...
2 Start Collecting Boxes is $85x2=$170
Miscellaneous units/bundles is another $150 let's say
If you get a games workshop webstore paint bundles and overspend as much as possible you're looking at $75 in paints
Glue and sprue clippers are maybe $20-$30
So the maximum cost you could possibly spend on a new army is roughly $425, and that's buying everything through GW for the maximum price. Find a FLGS with a 20% off membership option and you're saving $85 so that'd be $340 for a massive army, STILL BUYING A SHIT TON OF GAMES WORKSHOP PAINTS.
Clickshit kids are jealous, and MTG fags feel threatened by the slightly more socially savvy and mentally stable nature of the average 40k or Warhammer player.
guessing from the filename that's a symbol for fascism, but how? What does it represent? Literally the only thing i can think of is that it's a bundle of sticks and an axe, which to me looks like a quick way to get your entire movement called a faggot.
>Clickshit kids are jealous
>MTG fags feel threatened by the slightly more socially savvy and mentally stable nature
Psychological projection, or "Freudian projection," a defense mechanism in which one attributes to others one’s own unacceptable or unwanted attributes, thoughts, or emotions
There are also smaller skirmish variants to 40k now like Kill Team and Shadow War where a 20-40$ ten man squad box can be your entire army.
From wiki
"The Italian term fascismo is derived from fascio meaning a bundle of rods, ultimately from the Latin word fasces.[14] This was the name given to political organizations in Italy known as fasci, groups similar to guilds or syndicates. According to Mussolini's own account, the Fascist Revolutionary Party (Partito Fascista Rivoluzionario or PFR) was founded in Italy in 1915.[15] In 1919, Mussolini founded the Fasci Italiani di Combattimento in Milan, which became the Partito Nazionale Fascista (National Fascist Party) two years later. The Fascists came to associate the term with the ancient Roman fasces or fascio littorio[16]—a bundle of rods tied around an axe,[17] an ancient Roman symbol of the authority of the civic magistrate[18] carried by his lictors, which could be used for corporal and capital punishment at his command.[19][20]
The symbolism of the fasces suggested strength through unity: a single rod is easily broken, while the bundle is difficult to break.[21] Similar symbols were developed by different fascist movements; for example, the Falange symbol is five arrows joined together by a yoke.[22]"
I tried 40k once. Started collecting and shit, my OCD was very pleased with having my army. But the community was fucking creepy, always leering at me or insinuating that they would like to fuck me. It was pretty disgusting.
MtG, I use to play as a kid. When I tried to get back into it, I was automatically acused of trying to win game by being "a slut". Fucking bullshit.
Heroclix are for 12yo kids imo.
So I stay with pens and paper where I can run my CoC in peace with peoples who don't mind that I happen to have a vagina.
Seems like your local community. We've got a few girls who play 40k at our local stores with no trouble.