Shadow Aelves will be the best
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Shadow Aelves will be the best
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>army builder
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First for Nurgle
>when removing dead models, do you have to keep 1" distance between models in a unit or is that just in movement
you can remove them from anywhere but during movement you have to return to coherency
Would this be correct, Lord Celestant general with consummate commander placed on a second lord celestant would allow +2 hit for units if you overlapped command ability bubbles. I'm imagining retributors with blessed weapons that mortal wound and generate an extra attack on 4+.
>5+ save
Why though.
its hard to understand how good this is without knowing how many points it will cost.
Frankly I have no idea how to cost it, maybe 240?
honestly I don't know either.
The main thing tripping me up is putting a value on the fact that its a troop transport.
Since Soulblight probably won't be getting an update anytime soon, I've gotten very tempted to make a list for them where I make use of the Darkling Coven units in addition to standard Soulblight units. Typical "count as" where I just replace their standard keywords with Death, Soulblight, Vampire, etc.
Vampire Lord plus Blood Knights plus vampire cultists or what have you sounds fun to me, just give them the von Carstein shields and paint them appropriately. I think it's work decently, especially since I only ever casual games with friends.
Its comparable to a steam tank, flying and transport I think will cause them to price it at 280-300. That also lines up with a loose extrapolation based on what was on the field assuming that the preview army they used vs fec was 2000.
>can you do the probability density graphs for the number of incoming damages at, various rend characteristics, to remove the blimp as a casualty?
You mean incoming damage before the blimp's save?
>bonus points for incorporating the baseline wound regeneration of the blimp.
I'll have to improve my calculator to account for that. This gives me a good reason to.
Profit Ain’t free. The frigates of the city-ports gotta be fueld with the aethergold of the Arkanauts. ancestor god GRIMNIR aka “incestor” is not my magnate. he is duardin superstition and probbaly dawi zharr as well :DD. AETHERGOLD and the Code not ur-gold and OATHS ok. praise Brokk.
Found elsewhere on the internet, if anyone was wondering exactly how big the arkanaught crew are: they're basically dwarf sized. A shocking revelation, I know.
We've got finally got some points lads
Let me cover that.
So these count as artillery for Matched play right?
So at 2k they only get like 3...
So why wouldn't you take solely the ironclad, whatever the points. Each boat gets engrinrigger unit to constantly repair... have a chemist dude WAY in the back (but in LOS) to give more movement, then a few mortar teams to bombard and slowly advance...
Rumor has it that Frigate and Ironclad count as both Behemoth and Warmachine.
These fuckers are fairly impressive. They cost a paltry 100pts for a super-solid selection of rules, gears and stats.
We really need the code pages...
If there are articles that give an increase to hit for range, I expect that to be the default everytime... one shot on a 4+ is not cool, even if the damage is D6.
Is the model on the left Forgeworld? Doesn't look like standard possessed bits.
some 30k set comes with them, they're pretty bad ass, but I wish they had a 40k armored option.
Shit the repair dudes are more fighty that the sky pike dudes! Good for close defense of the ship
He's...fairly boring, isn't he? I mean, a fearless-bubble is nice to have, but beyond that there's not much to him.
Shit crop is shit
Where are the battlefield roles nigga?
I don't know, the rapid-fire pistols are certainly nice, but the chainfists, as nice as they are, only make a single swing
Nothing wrong with Inspiring Presence + 1 for a command ability. The role to charge (if he gets in) for free is ok too. But he seems to just exist to support the gunline troops, when we are all about them ships son
Dunno, found them that way.
We know that Arcanaut Company are battleline.
Want to get into TGing lads,
I guess my query is if I should invest in legacy Empire models or should I hold off on the chance something is on the horizon
Free Guilders are the closest, so yeah.
I mean if you're already going legacy peasants, why not Brettonia?
It's like 1.98 wounds, same damage WORSE rend versus 1.65 wounds, same damage BETTER rend.
And the rigger pistols are way way better. They make up the combat difference and then some.
All the other guys get is mortal wounds on the retreat, which sucks, because then you are not shooting the awesome guns
What the heck? Is that all to the Kharadron range?
But they do have the higher POTENTIAL damage I guess... but the average is a better way to gauge. But, like I said, some yet unknown way to boast the hit rolls changes the game... which they probably don't have as a balancing factor, like the naked midgets, God Damn it
I have no idea but the airships seem overly expensive for what they can do
There's about 12 units total for them.
Four ranked units, 3 artillery/behemoths, 3 characters, and one special not enough for you? This is about par for the course for AoS factions... that aren't Storm cast or Khorne.
Why do we get these like fucking clockwork? Is there just one moron making these posts every thread or are people really that desperate for a type of army that has the least possible impact on the setting?
And don't say "but muh Freeguild", Freeguild are either badass volunteer warriors from Azyr with a mile-long hateboner for Chaos or hardened survivors from centuries of warfare against oppressive forces. They are as far removed from mudraking yokels as possible.
They get aether-khemist crack instead of hit bonuses. I'm assuming 20 thunderers with morters can get it and bomb you with 40 d3 shots from 36" for a whole 400 points.
4 characters, actually. It's a fairly substantial release.
Just have an Aether Khemist fart on them. Sadly won't work on ships, but still.
I agree with you. My faction got 3 units, 3 heros, a monster and a special... and that's it. Tree people got 4 units, 2 heros, 2 monster/hero, and one special. Naked dwarves similar. It's just how it goes if you don't get a starter box I guess
What does the endrinmaster do? Bonus ship weapons or just repair a little better...
The chemist and ten mortars seem like a fairly vile combo.
Christ... that's a unit neutered a turn. Savage.
It's also a 500pts investment, is rend-less and still only has a 4+/3+ profile.
It's good, but not *that* amazing.
Well, i just picked up a skeleton horde box
What should i get next?
If by 'vile' you mean auto include, then yes. Yes it is. So vile every list will have two chemists, and two units of ten to twenty midget mortars. Oh what's that Death players? Scary 40 man skeleton units? PICK 'EM UP. Nice mortarch. Now they are gone.
So on turn one, you have a good chance to "nope" a key unit from across the board. Extra cloud gold if it's a deathstar unit or key character/monster (and monsters can't get cover right? So only a 3+ at best)
That's worth 500. And it gets to keep doing that all game, because unless you box it in, it gets to retreat from combat for free to keep shooting
A keeper of secrets is 280 points and a daemon prince is 160
is it worth using the KoS if its not my general?
I can almost get 2 daemon princes for the same points cost, and I would be using the Lord of Slaanesh on mount as my general so ignore the KoS command ability.
But are they allegiance battleline or standard battleline?
Hmm, so you camp the back of the board with mortars and battleline tax then move a ship as screen up to the middle with 6 units of riggers.
I could see them even being battle line in overlords anyways
True enough, but you better hope your enemy has no teleports or super-high saves.
well do you plan on actually using the mortarch? and in which case which one?
Regardless Skeletons in general are a good starting investment BUT they sold out on the GW-page so a new kit or a AoS reboxing (20man box for 23 pound instead of 10 for 15 or smth like that) is inbound.
Unless you're going full deathrattle you want to build the Knights in the box as Hexwraiths instead too. additonally the Malignants SC is a good addition if you want a Coven Throne or Mortis engine in your army
Deaths strength is high leadership Hordes and counterdeployment via summoning so you're looking for Wizards and a high model count unit of skeletons/zombies, therefore Necromancers are an auto-include of sorts.
Unless you wanna go full elite With Mortarch and Morghasts or Vampire+Dragon and bloodknights
What armies are people in your LGS playing ?
wight king with black axe
The KoS ability your opponent can just choose to ignore and is only better in combat if it has more than 6 wounds damage but it is a wizard but then again you could get a chaos sorcerer with a much better spell and a demon prince for only 20 more points than the KoS
The keeper is only really good if you can use its ability
One thing that always bothered me about the dwarves was how they were supposedly really resistent to magic and also very defiant of wizardry, but had their own form of super-strong magic in the form of runes. I felt it was kind of awkward.
Now that they've clearly separated the duardin into fedora-tipping steampunks who don't need no gods on one side, and magic-infused rune-addicted Grimnir worshippers on the other, it makes more sense. The duardin resistance to magic (dunno if it's still part of the fluff though) can explain both why the former can resist to spells without wizardry, and why the latter need to hammer magic runes into themselves to make them fully work.
Now, if ONLY the fyreslayers didn't look like complete shit and hadn't normalized the slayer oath, it'd be great.
Hopefully the chaos duardin and the Dispossessed will get significant updates.
Or, maybe ancestor-worshippers from the realm of Death. That'd be pretty cool.
>Now, if ONLY the fyreslayers didn't look like complete shit and hadn't normalized the slayer oath, it'd be great.
They look great and he Oath thing is great too.
If we get ANOTHER dwarf release anytime soon I will charlie hebdo GW headquarters
GW shill pls go
their retard-helmets look dumb, their beards look like vomit, and they don't look like crazy adventurers. They look like fat pygmies with a gay hat
That's your opinion. Mine is they're good.
Kinda disappointed by this. 280 points for something that struggles to out damage and out tank 80 points of SCE javelin prosecutors at the same movement with less range on some of its guns.
Shit meant 220.
Again, treat this like fast food. It's bad to eat nothing but it, but it'll fill you up. Expected damage against a 4+ save. Now it's time to make this tool better so I get exact stats instead of relying on expected stats.
100 pts for this seems really good
Since each wound does d3 damage, you expect most cases to end up close to the red graph
How much do you theme and story your armies?
Theme and story are the primary focus of any army I make.
Hell, I've actually been kinda struggling lately on the motivations of my vampire house beyond just farming bodies for their army.
I'm pretty sure the shooting for 1000 points of mortars beats or is comparable to 1000 points of Aetherstrike force until you start getting into low save with a reroll. It requires no setup is easily scalable.
In my view they look like characters from all-midget gay porn
I agree, Fyreslayers look stupid. Who thought it was a good idea to have a faction consisting of nothing but naked muscle-bound midgets with mohawks and the occasional lizard mounts? All their dwarfs look the same to me.
I can't see anyone taking them unless the battalions are amazing. I don't see a lot of reason to even take the transports when half the army will be balloon dudes.
Do you have to retain coherence when pilling in? I thought you had to pile in towards the closest model.
Even the ironclad outguns them point for point while being tougher, easier to repair and being able to transport dudes.
"A unit must be set up and finish any sort of move as a single group of models, with all models within 1" of at least one other model from their unit. If anything causes a unit to become split up during a battle, it must reform the next time that it moves."
So yes you have to maintain coherency while piling in, AND you have to end the move closer to the closest unit than you started. If you can't do one or the other of those, you have to sit still. That'd be my take on it.
I plan to make it neferata
Most people in my GW run stormcast, ironjawz or sylvaneth
Whats more MoonMan?
Tzeentch or grots?
>I want to play a 9th edition cool army with old lore
>My GW runs AoS marines, AoS orks, AoS wood elves
Faggots, all of them.
Goblins only have moon drawings. Tzeentch has multiple models with an actual moon head.
>Complaining about GW store running a GW supported game instead of an unsupported game
Thoughts on this? For points I was thinking somewhere closer to 200, maybe 220? (for 10).
Gal Vorbak Dark Brethren.
>gw actually named their fucking skeleton subfaction "bonerattle"
And yet people keep saying AoS's lore is "getting there".
I have two questions from a game I played earlier.
When setting up models in the beginning of the game, how close/far away do my units have to be from each other?
And second, what happens when models pile in and are now very close to a model not locked in combat. For example, my Brutes were a few inches away from my Gargant, but when my friend's Clanrats piled-in, they were extremely close to him, like within 1-2 inches.
I think he's complaining more about nobody at his GW having armies that could be used in 9th. All three of those are new factions (assuming he means Ironjawz and Sylvaneth by AoS Orcs and Wood Elves).
>When setting up models in the beginning of the game, how close/far away do my units have to be from each other?
I don't believe there's any restriction. They could be in model to model contact, giving each other battle brother hugs before running off to die.
"Locked in combat" isn't really a thing anymore. If your Gargant was within 3" of the enemy unit, he'd be in combat, but otherwise he'd just be there like normal.
So if they pile-in on the Brutes, the Gargant is now a part of the combat, and thus can't move away? Cause that's how we played it.
Question 1: Within 1" of at lest one other model from their own unit.
Question 2: I'm not sure I understand what you're asking. If a model is within 3" of an enemy at any point it's locked in combat? So if the Gargant was out of range of clanrats, clanrats piled in (to a different unit) and that then put them within 3" of the Gargant, the Gargant is now in combat. (is that the situation you're trying to describe?)
Yes, that's what I meant by question two. Thanks!
That's how I would do it, yes.
If the Gargant is within 3" of an enemy unit, he's in combat.
>300 point special character
Hmmm seems undercosted
His damage output is comparable to Settra and Celestant Prime
Guess we'll see how he fares on the table