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So... can I get the All-Black the Necrosword in the Marvel Jump? You know, to stop the large amount of genocide before it starts.
What jumps offer perks can I use to power up mundane followers that aren't companions? Also, what perks give power from having a lot of followers?
I try and stop in The Avengers every Chain for uru power armor. Any other jumps where I can get comparable power armor? Uru seems like it'd be top tier if you're a good enough enchanter.
>Thor: God of Thunder was such a good comic,
That it was. The art was fuckin' A and it had a very Gaiman-y feel to it.
>How's Marvel Magic going? That All-Father perk looked so nice...
Haven't made much more progress and probably won't for a little while since my hardest exam is next week. After that it's pretty much a drift downhill and I'll be completed done by the first week of April.
So it /shouldn't/ be more than a month at the absolute most.
Atli is pretty cool.
Space elevators, dyson spheres, and other technological wonders on a massive scale. What have you created, and for what purpose?
>After that it's pretty much a drift downhill and I'll be completed done by the first week of April.
Wasn't that last week?
I mean May. Fuck.
In Sins of a Solar Empire, I converted planets into spaceships using nano-matter-conversion technology.
... well, it's really less that I converted planets into spaceships, and more like, "I transformed a large segment of the planet into thrusters, and then built a shit ton of ridiculous power generators to fuel it, and then stuck a sortof basic steering system on it, and I let the rest of the planet just be, like, a planet."
Like, have you ever seen that one episode of Invader Zim? With the Face of Mars? Or the Butt of Mercury?
It was kinda like that.
Anyway, after that we'd just fly the planets into stuff like a battering ram, and nobody else... really knew how to deal with that.
Ver 0.6
Elaborated on some perks and drawbacks, and added this nifty thing. I'm not too sure of the price, but it's undiscounted.
Candy World Door (300 CP)
This strange door appears in your warehouse upon purchase. It’s a chocolate bar-like door (Any attempts to eat it are impossible, the door is too hard to bite into or melt no matter what). But behind it is the door to the Candy World. A whole world made of candy, with all that entails. Yes. Everything is literally made out of sweets in it. It’s delicious. In-jump, it will function as a portal to the Candy World, however after the jump, a small chunk of the Candy World will follow you from world to world. It can be accessed through the chocolate door. It’s a small town sized chunk, but it’s got all the necessary geographical features to access the Candy World. Somehow.
What MTG setting do you want a jump for?
>Alara (Either before or after Conflux.)
>Homelands (Who am I kidding it's basically Ravenloft.)
>Mirrodin (Glistening-Oil-Free)
>New Phyrexia (Now with 100% more Compleation!)
>Ice Age (Dominaria, but really fucking cold.)
>Fiora (Conspiracy)
>Ravnica (Back when guilds were still cool.)
>Zendikar (Before the Eldrazi and the Jacewatch fucked things up.)
>Theros (Did something with gods happen here, story wise? Just kidding, idgaf.)
>Lorwyn/Shadowmoor (Either before or after the cycle ended.)
Am I missing any interesting periods of MTG lore that we dont' have jumps for?
>>Ice Age (Dominaria, but really fucking cold.)
My brother of African descent.
old phyrexia
>Uru seems like it'd be top tier if you're a good enough enchanter.
If you're a good enough enchanter any suit of armour can become power armour.
I made a network of cellphone supercomputers with psychic AIs and gave them out to random people, and I basically did it just to spite a bunch of teenagers.
Don't we already have Age of Ice? Complete with Eldrazi and everything?
Needs must
1. A means of Time Travel. (Suggest something that actually goes back in time but nothing closed loop as that stuff won't work.)
2. A means of locating All-Black before Gorr kills the unnamed god who has it. (There are tons of scry spells throughout the Jumps)
3. Kill unnamed god and soak the sword in it's blood. (Gorr managed it as a human but I'd err on the side of coution and say he was at least at the Avenger's Power range.)
4. Profit.
Kamigawa. Not enough Jumps I can get decent (aka not skaven) rat people in.
Cracker_Jack obviously can travel through time.
That's something else. It's from a mod of Civlization called Fall From Heaven. Eldrazi just got added for some reason.
Looking forward to Ravnica, Tarkir, and Kamigawa. Theros would be nice, too. Was anyone working in it?
And I may take a swing at Amonkhet eventually.
Mending endjump?
That's a completely unrelated thing, totally-not-Eldrazi's aside.
I made a Celestial-sizer roller coaster.
Just to show that I could.
Besides "not getting hit", is there any way to defend yourself against the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception?
If you've done the Sburb jump yet, what was your title/Classpect did you have?
Having very convoluted symbolism to your death to make your lines fucking weird and difficult to properly cut. Being long lived (or truly ageless) in order to make your lines and point of death smaller. Being immune to Death.
Last chain it was Sylph of Breathe.
I'm thinking Knight of Heart for this one.
How many companions do you have? Do you all fill different roles?
Immunity to instant death is solid start. FFTA Ribbion might cover that, but there are others.
As the Eyes are Magical (Psychic but in nasuverse both of them are manifestations of magic oddly enough) being utterly immune to magic would make it so the dude can't see your lines.
As says you can symbolically tie your life to things and that apparently does weird shit to your lines. Whenever we get a reliable source of Dark Steel from MtG get a suit of that stuff, it literally can't be broken from what I understand.
>A means of Time Travel. (Suggest something that actually goes back in time but nothing closed loop as that stuff won't work.)
Time-travel in Marvel doesn't change anything. It creates a braching timeline, Dragonball style.
Yeah, there are plenty of perks and items that defend against instant death effects.
Unless it doesn't, because comics are often inconsistent.
I think Final Fantasy Tactics Advanced and Death Note have things that grant instant death immunity, which I think should work.
The Mystic Eyes of Life Perception from Kara No Kyoukai would let you see where it's safe to get hit since the lines of life and the lines of death are in the same place.
Also while it negates healing type regeneration you can still regenerate by recreating the damaged body parts.
The antagonist of Kara No Kyoukai also gained a high level of resistance to it do to a combination of origin nonsense and adding one of the Buddha's bones to their body.
There are a few other beings in the setting with better resistance to the eyes (and even immunity), but I'm not sure how you would replicate their capabilities.
I'm fond of Ringworld rockets. You make a Ringworld, right? Classic Larry Niven stuff. Then you string it up with superconducting cables along the whole length. It spins around the star, the cables move through the star's magnetosphere, and they pick up charge. You use that to pinch the star's plasma, focus it like a rocket thruster. Then you can fly the star around as a single giant ship.
>and adding one of the Buddha's bones to their body.
On a related note, is Jesus a thing in the Nasuverse? Does he have some weird metaphysical stuff?
Heir of Void. Being protected by nothingness and possibility makes for some weird effects, very useful for my build.
Knight of Time, because it's my actual Classpect.
I'd like the Otari cycle stories. Those were cool, had some neat ideas in them. Also, it would give me the chance to cleanse the Mirari before it gets all glistening oiled up, prevent New Phyrexia.
So can we get a Dark Horse Jump to go with our DC and Marvel Jumps?
Haven't done the Jump, but I did coincidentally just get done figuring out what I would pick, and that's Maid of Blood. I'm still not completely clear on Sburb stuff, but it seems neat and this Classpect in particular greatly appealed to me.
>New Phyrexia (Now with 100% more Compleation!)
>Zendikar (Before the Eldrazi and the Jacewatch fucked things up.)
Coming very soon, but still cause for excitement.
>Ice Age (Dominaria, but really fucking cold.)
Plz, yes.
>Lorwyn/Shadowmoor (Either before or after the cycle ended.)
Fuck, yes.
>Am I missing any interesting periods of MTG lore that we dont' have jumps for?
Weatherlight Saga? Fighting off old school Phyrexia, Slivers, and a planeswalking ship.
Odyssey/Onslaught/Mirari Saga? Loads of shit going on, the Mirari doing shit, Akroma being created, Jeska becoming Phage, them turning into Karona...
Prince of Space for maximum destruction
well I modified the hab from eclipse phase to become an Exponentially growing von Neumann machine with both GBEs as weaponry and supcom fabricators I can literally 3-D print an entire continent. If I wanted one more good thousand year jump and I should be able to print out An entire Earth size world
When you make one.
So. Speaking of Dominaria: pitting the Eldrazi against Marit Lage. Bad idea?
Just get 15 squirrels.
I'm going to buy bulk lands in Zendikar. Should I buy an equal amount of each color or focus on one or two?
Their are a few minor references, but not much direct information.
However the Church has one of the largest 'magic foundation', and can somehow do magic like stuff from faith.
Oh and while it's not directly a Jesus thing Grand Order revealed the YHVH is technically responsible for modern magecraft.
they all got sacrificed before they could do significant damage.
Page of Time I was (am) [shall be] back then (now) [in the future]
It got (can be) [will be] a little odd from time to Time, as it were (is) [will come to pass]
So I started reading this and I've hit a snag...
If Fury broke Thor because "Gorr was Right" how does that work into the fact the first God of Thunder comic establishes worlds without any Gods die?
Thief of Light.
Sometimes I use it as a title in jumps, specifically because it sounds all edgy and dramatic and conceptual... when in reality it's just shorthand for "I'm too lazy to do my own research or be important on my own, so I piggyback off other peoples' success".
Which I don't tell people.
Although, you really have to pick and choose what jumps to roll out a title like that, because while it sounds totally awesome in, say, a Fate jump, or maybe Drakengard, if you try to pull that shit in somewhere like Robocop they'll call you an idiot. And if you try that in Batman, they just ban you from Home Depot.
Gorr's argument was that Gods deserved to die for their inaction. Active Gods wouldn't have to die, but Gorr was a madman so he went too far. Argument comes down to a Responsibility thing at that point.
Depends on what you want to do. Equal amounts if you want all magic, focus on one or two if you really want to specialise.
But killing even inactive gods dooms the planet they are for.
What about an Invincible jump?
Thief of Void. I make things by nicking off with their nonexistence, then get rid of things by putting that nonexistence in other people's pockets.
user, I can do a lot of things, but making Marvel's current writers have more talent than the average FF.net writer is not one of them.
is probably right, but it's still a pretty dumb excuse.
It takes killing all the gods to kill a world. You can have entire pantheons wiped out and still have a spark of life left in the world, the reason Old Galactus is after Earth is that it still has some life left in it and that's hinted to be because Thor Odinson is staying there. The fire only snuffs out after the last god is dead, before that it's reversible.
Hey guys, I'm making a list of useful perks for every category I can think of so I can have something to recommend whenever someone asks.
Do any of you have a favorite perk, or just one you just think is really good for some reason?
The idea of worlds without gods dying is stupid anyway.
I haven't been there yet, mostly because the whole SBURB game scares the pants off of me to consider actually going through. I know it's probably not as bad as it looks on the outside... but damn.
Anyways, I know I'm going to be something associated with Heart. The sheer amount of Soul-based/-affecting magic I have hidden under the hood makes that pretty obvious. Which class though would probably depend on my mindset when I finally take the Jump though.
If I'm still on a positive bend, probably Rogue or Knight.
If I'm starting to go a little soul, Thief or Witch seems more likely.
Raven, on the other hand, is pretty solidly a Sylph of Space unless something drastic happens. I have no idea who is going to end up with the Time Aspect. I certainly don't want that job. Maybe Marceline.
So Gods are needed. Even if just one you actually need Gods to keep a world alive. So Gorr is fundamentally wrong.
Not really. Gods and their like are made by the lifeforce of a planet. They are a naturally occurring part of the Marvel universe.
Best part is that Gorr became a god himself. That's how he was defeated.
And that's fucking dumb.
Then in that case, I will create a planet in that setting and rub it in everyone's faces that Gorr was totally right and that gods are inherently awful and deserving of death. Because fuck that stupid 'gods are necessary' garbage.
>Universe with different metaphyics than ours.
Will you name yourself Jumper: The Amazing Atheist?
How do 'magic systems' from Highschool DxD work?
Do I pick a theme for each purchase like water, fire, time, etc.
Can I pick a theme that's around somethiing that my sacred gear also is potent at like souls?
How exactly do magic systems work.
No, because it's not the gods that bother me, but the idea of anything being necessary at all. Why the fuck does air exist? So that people can breath? Fuck that, I'm going to make a world where people don't have to breath, then I'm going to destroy all the air in the entire universe, and make fun of the lesser existences as the suffocate. Because fuck them, I'm a spiteful, vindictive asshole.
The human magic system I believe works with math and equations, the devil system works more with desire, see Issei and his techniques.
>Owner can't take Guinea Pig
>You can't do a shitty reenactment of Octo-dad, but as a guinea pig
I'm not asking for it to be changed, but this occurred to me and made me laugh.
What if I'm an angel?
I'd actually prefer it to work with mathematics because I took savant from the get go at pokemon jump.
... You know, at least you're honest about it. More power to you.
So...you'll create a world that specifically defies that part of how the universe works...in order to prove that Gorr was right about how the universe actually works. By, again, creating something that specifically goes against that part of how the universe works. Because you think it's stupid.
...I'm not sure if that's better or worse then the above, really.
Damn, son.
Is the reverse true? Do gods die if their planet does? If I choose to be a god in Marvel Magic, do I need to worry about comics bullshit blowing the earth up and me dying?
I am sorry I do not know of the Angel system but yeah the other races are quite lazy and just use their innate systems so they would lag behind a human who is great with math and such, if they had magic that is.
"You know my methods" from Sherlock Holmes is my favorite perk. We have tons of jumps that give you ample opportunities to work with extremely talented individuals, even drawbacks that force you to work with the protagonists, so you'll end up learning a lot from the people you meet.
I want to imagine a climatic final battle at the end of the chain, where jumper is fighting some world eater or something, and jumper is calmly countering everything that's thrown their way, with a Slumdog Millionaire style story, for each and every attack, explaining why they know how to counter that technique.
Replace all the Air with Water instead no air tanks will help them now.
I think Gorr is right in killing evil or useless gods, they don't really deserve worship, power, and respect. Killing goodly deities is retarded, though, obviously.
I really like Buy Menu from Counter Strike. It's in my opinion one of the best perks in the entire chain. Training Takes Time is useful too. Anything that makes money more useful is amazing and really interesting to me. At the same time, anything that gives tons of money is worthwhile.
Thing is you need both really. You need evil gods so that you can have good gods. Now useless gods, sure that should be fair game.
What are gods like in Marvel? Mostly dickish like their mythological counterparts? I know Thor is a good guy, obviously.
This is a universe where a survivor from a previous reality was turned into a cosmic entity that has to eat planets to survive, because if they die an entity that exists to destroy the multiverse will be freed. Meanwhile the embodiment of creation and destruction regularly possesses and or becomes human girls. Their are space-time rewriting artifacts that seem to be everywhere. Oh and finally you have incarnations of fundamental aspects of reality with nowhere near the durability that they should have for cosmic entities.
Sense stopped being a thing for this reality a long time ago.
>You need evil gods so that you can have good gods.
No you don't.
>You need evil gods so that you can have good gods.
No you don't. Fuck moral relativism and fuck this retarded, castrated version of dualism. It's completely idiotic. The original dualistic religion, Zoroastrianism, even talked up how it was good people's duty to team up and help Ahura-Mazda kill Ahriman and evil once and for all.
They run the full gamut. Most of the Asgardians are decent people, so killing any of them other than Loki is dumb.
My favorite/strongest perks are:
Guitar Summoning(FLCL) gives you a flat +20% to all powers.
Numeral of the Saint(Fate/ Servant supplement) triples your power for a few hours a day.
By Your Powers Combined(Captain Planet) can create a being with any attributes or powers of yours, multiplied by 10.
Self Duplication(Teen Titans) gives a full powered clone, plus extra weaker ones.
Avatar(Generic Creepypasta) gives a full powered clone.
Descending Hierarchy and Heart and Soul(Exalted:Infernals) give two temporary full powered clones.
Pentacle(Bleach) gives you four temporary 2/3 power clones.
Infinity(Seven Deadly Sins) allows you to achieve a magical singularity by creating custom spells that massively boost your spell casting stat that only last a second, then extend them forever so that you can use your new better magic to cast a stronger version of the same spell, then repeat.
Is there a way to kill Marvel itself? I do not want it to exist anymore now.
Alright. Anons one and all, I think I've finally finished my Companions' Stands - for JoJo, at least.
I would greatly enjoy it if people could give a quick glance over said Stands and critiqued them.
Please and thank you.
Pic because posts with pics get noticed and I'm an attention whore.
>Descending Hierarchy and Heart and Soul(Exalted:Infernals) give two temporary full powered clones.
... Did we read the same Infernals jump? At all?
Fuck you. There is no such thing as good. Only egotistical assholes who like to feel like they have a moral highground.
If you mean the setting kill Galacus. That should free the guy that exists to destroy it. Then make sure Galactus isn't revived before they finish.
If you mean the company. Marvel seems to be trying that.
He calls others egotistical while espousing a philosophy of self-absorption.
If you were going to do this then shouldn't you just compile a list by going through every jump yourself instead of relying on word of mouth from other people's favorites?
Heart and Soul says a fetich is "able to channel your own full power for a short time." I assume "full power" means all your perks, not just your Infernal Charms.
I guess that's just a case of different interpretations, then.
Carry on.