/srg/ Shadowrun General - Don't Need Cyberware To Go Crazy

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>Shoot straight
>Conserve ammo
>And never, ever take a job to steal a dragon's dildo

What's the weirdest job you've ever gotten, user? Stealing a baby juggernaut for a house pet? Trying to make a background count by thinking mean thoughts to protect a magic-phobic client? Digging holes in Poland for some nutjob who thinks dwarves used to live underground? Jacking the latest gold-plated DNI cables from Renraku?

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Crazy troll mage hired us to kill friday the 13th (the date) so he wouldn't suffer from his Bad Luck quality while performing an extended ritual.

We said yes, thinking we could bullshit him. We mostly lived to regret it, metaphysics hurts like a bitch.

you should have found somebody named friday the 13th and killed them.

I mean, assuming you do wet work.

of course, you probably would have had a terrible run of luck killing that person. They would have constant near fatal accidents and never die.

>What's the weirdest job you've ever gotten, user?
We once got hired by an Arab-Sheikh looking fella to steal a specimen of an incredibly rare breed of cow for him to clone and sell expensive steaks.

Y'know that scene in The Italian Job where they drop a ramp from the back of a coach to let in the three Mini Coopers without stopping? Imagine that, but instead of a Mini it's a decidedly angry bull draped in kevlar being ridden by a street-samurai and a screaming decker.

I think weirdest one so far has been protecting a yakuza's daughter from a mob hit while he was away on business.

Turns out the daughter was a panda that he was attached to. So we spent almost a week in game housesitting a pet.

That or the time we had to protect a church that was being used as an orphanage by a giant human nearly the size of a troll named Father Cobra, a Catholic luchador. We did a lot of ghoul killing for the Lord that day.

>Father Cobra, a Catholic luchador
good god, is that legal? could there be a church of wrestlemania?

all they'd have to do is register as a non-profit religious organizaion...

How did you try to do the deed?

>giant Catholic human

My players got to meet Sir Eli of New Canaan, a modern day Catholic knight, human, adept but augmented to 3 essence, wearing heavy mil spec with a focus 8 claymore. He's about 8 feet tall and 340 pounds.

He speaks harshly and acts harsher, and protects the innocents of the world from the dangers of Satan and evil magic. They met him when the Norse shaman player summoned a force 12 guardian spirit, and Eli came to kill it.

The players love him.

Some terrorists had us blow up the Times Square Ball on New Years' Eve but it turned out they were more pranksters than terrorists and it was just a means to spray out a bunch of drugs and get everyone real high.

You should also have him punish them when they do bad things.

We had to bring an e-ghost to the person he suspected had killed him and caused his current predicament.

Except it was Eliohann and the person in question was Celedyr

We got our mind-wiped in the end.

>We got our mind-wiped in the end.
better than getting your end wiped by your mind

>that description

wow. so any humanoid that looks slightly monstrous/nessie-like will get me all the riches in Scotland

Okay, question for the runners here - I've been thinking about running a pixie character. To keep them balanced I was going to suggest them not being able to use weapons or armour (due to size), and taking the illiterate and computer illiterate background perks (they couldn't exactly go to school). My idea is that before they became a runner they just grew up in the barrens alone. (it goes without saying not using the critter version of vanishing). What do you think? Is it better or is it still cheese?

It's still cheese. Not having armor or weapons isn't that big a deal for a pixie. Being illiterate and uneducated is also kind of expected for them. GM's are the only ones who can make pixies not broken. And the only way I've ever seen that done is a GM who used their rarity as a big game trophy and basically sent everything that ever realized of it's existence after it to try and claim a reward. This quickly turned into the team ditching the pixie because it was basically flying heat.

The Loch Ness monster is female though.

Why would she have a penis?



you're not getting out of the pickle jar

Probably be easier to just say "No, you can't be a pixie."

Shit dude sounds kinky

So is the whole "there's a bounty on you" a big deal in game? I mean there's gotta be other shadowrunners with bounties on them. And was the pixie in that game really that broken? Considering you've only got one BOD I thought they might be hard made.

>you should have found somebody named friday the 13th and killed them.
That'd be like trying to kill that one fucking dog from Fallout 2.

>glitch and miss every attack roll
>his soak always explodes like 6 times even when you do hit
>crit glitch once per combat turn and your gun gets damaged
>spending edge only decreases the number of 1s needed to glitch or crit glitch
It turns out that he's stealing all your luck

>that one fucking dog from Fallout 2

What does the dog do?

He didn't say it had to be monstrous-looking at all. Just start bringing in things that match the description, he'll tell you when you get it right.

Yeah you only get one bod. But you're tiny and really fucking hard to hit. And it wasn't a bounty per say. It was more like it was common knowledge that fairy corpses were worth big money in game due to their rarity.

It makes everyone around it catastrophically fail all combat rolls

It's nigh inevitable the campaign becomes Shadowrun: A Pixies Temporary Seattle Adventure if the fluff is played accurately. has it right on how hunted they are.

No CAPTCHA, a cast iron skillet is not a wok.

That's what the GM said, but the player harped on playing a fairy and he was a spirit spammer.

Why do grenade launchers have accuracy stats when they simply need 3 hits to not scatter?

No clue.

>It's still cheese.
Not him but I really don't see what's so overpowered about pixies. Unless you're a magician, but they're already strong. I kinda want to play one that uses syringes full of narcojet in combat.

>But you're tiny and really fucking hard to hit.
How? Attacking something small doesn't seem to give any penalties on attack rolls.

Also, defense tests against motion sensor / airburst grenades?

People don't play pixies to be non awakened.

And if someone did?

You'd still be a unkillable because of this insane ability:

Creatures with the Vanishing power have the ability to disappear entirely from the physical and astral planes at will, leaving no trace of their existence.

Though no one knows where creatures with the Vanishing power go when they disappear, paranaturalists and occultists speculate that they go to the metaplanes of astral space to which the fey are native to.

You know that only kicks in when they DIE right?

user, I'm sorry, you're too retarded to be on this site.

That only triggers when they die. It just removes their corpse.

Special snowflake + conealment power + flight + no real drawbacks = no tinker bell

Ah cheers.

So has anyone seen a pixie played well then? Where maybe it wasn't catastrophic or game-breaking or whatever?

That was errata'd. That only happens when they die.

There are drawbacks - no armour or weapons, can't ever get a SIN so have to live permanently off the grid, uneducated by default, etc.

The people I've played with that have played pixies have all been autismos. So idk if I'd have the best point of reference or if that fact is telling enough.

>>But you're tiny and really fucking hard to hit.
>How? Attacking something small doesn't seem to give any penalties on attack rolls.
No prob, their busted stat line has you covered m8:
REA 3/8
INT 2/7
And for full defense:
AGI & WIL 3/8
They're also faster than a centaur, fly, and have concealment at will.

Why are pixies so suddenly very popular when almost nobody talked about them last edition, or even this edition until like last year?

So you can't fuck the corpse when they die? Pixies have all the op powers.

Both of those things mean you are literally retarded.

Go for it, retard.

Fun fact, thats because there is no body left behind.

>can't ever get a SIN so have to live permanently off the grid
That's not true.

>France is the only nation that issues permanent SINs to pixies
>NeoNET and Evo are the only megacorporations with pixie corporate citizens.
>Tír Tairngire, the United Kingdom, Tír na nÓg, and the UCAS issue criminal SINs to pixies convicted of a crime

Uh, learn the fluff. In Europe, France and Amazonia, Pixies are welcome to get SINs at will. Corporations like Horizon and Evo are happy to have them as well.

Woopty do. I get to live in FRANCE. That makes it all worth while.

And even if I did, there's still the whole "a whole year's salary for one alive" thing to help relations with my neighbours.

Fuck off you insufferably miscomprehending cunt.

You can live anywhere as a national of one country, citizen of two megacorps, or convicted criminal of multiple extraterritorialities.

So if a mage manages to sneak through a barrier, can they cast spells inside the barrier like normal, or are they affected by? Rules unclear.

OK cool, but this character doesn't have a SIN, french or otherwise. They grew up in the Barrens.

And I'm still really not seeing what's so broken about them. Sure,it's stealthy but from what I've heard one drone would destroy me. And I kinda like the backstory I've got for them - the whole uneducated hermit living in the Barrens with little human contact. They're aware of the outside world and that other pixies exist but have never seen one themselves, with their shadowrunning taking them to places they never imagined they'd ever see.

Isn't the whole "Pixies more or less can't have SINs" a moot point when, by default, Shadowrunners, which you are, don't have them anyway?

Not exactly; you're still generally expected to have a fake SIN.

A lot of runners do have SINs and jobs.

What kind of day jobs do shadowrunners work? As far as character backgrounds go, you'd assume people with decent day jobs would just do those over the difficult and dangerous job of shadowrunning. Where's the incentive to run when you can make a living wage as a social worker or a fry cook?

>you'd assume people with decent day jobs would just do those
Who said anything about day jobs being decent?

You say that, but by default you have neither and it's a bad thing if you do

You can still have a fake one. Rating 1 SINs might have shit like the bio of a pig slaughtered in Africa and say you're a little cambodian boy. Obviously you couldn't go high up in the rating, but still

Working 40 hours a week pays 5k a month, enough for a middle lifestyle solo or living with roomies; high is 10k.

there are so few jobs that most people have 10 hr/week jobs.

The pay for the dayjob quality is pretty decent, at least. The 40 hour/week one gets you 5k a month, or 60 grand a year.

Of course, that doesn't necessarily imply anything about how pleasant or taxing the work is.

>You can still have a fake one
Of course you can still have a fake one. It can be shit (as you say), or it can be from NeoNET, EVO, or France.

Personally, my runner's job in the run is the same as their regular job; attract attention. As soon as guns are drawn, my character is trying to sow discord.

They make 15k a month for fashion and Music.

It's a decent wage, if you want to live in comparative squalor, with only a portion of your total meals being over-processed shit made from industrial food manufacturing byproducts that we'd only feed to livestock today. (and that's taking into account how crappy food really is today - it only gets worse in the sixth world)

The 5k/month person still makes 3 grand a month over the minimum for a Low lifestyle. They can totally get better amenities if they want, while still putting away one or two thousand a month for savings.

I find the notion of a single income of 60k a year equaling squalor to be pretty laughable. That's more than the average family makes.

Mine is a bunraku prostitute by day. S/he gets switched to a stone cold operator personality when it's time for a run.

Instituting realism it is a stupid fucking thing to do. Don't fucking do it you goddamn retard.

>a Low lifestyle

Which by modern day standards is pretty damn shit unless "ghetto" meets or exceeds your standards, especially when there's no expectation of improvement;

>nobody is likely to bother her much as long as she keeps the door bolted

>the nutrisoy may not taste great, but at least it’s hot

>Power and water are available during assigned rationing periods

>Security depends on how regular the payments to the local street gang are

>folks stuck in a rut, just starting out, or down on their luck tend to have Low lifestyles

You *have to* spend on amenities, etc when you're living in that. Otherwise you might as well be living in a prison cell on ramen noodles. Most GMs won't shaft you too badly (if they even pay attention to lifestyle stuff) - but you'd better not leave anything valuable lying about when they do.

Anyone playing a shapeshifter at the moment?

What are they 'running for? Do they have anything figured out for the future, or are they flying by the seat of their pants?

Does anyone have any tips for building a Street Sam with a katana and cyberernetic arms?

Don't trust the one in the book.

First time playing Shadowrun, but I assumed the examples would be bad. They usually are.

>Where's the incentive to run when you can make a living wage as a social worker or a fry cook?

Because you're making a living wage by working for THE MAN.

I mean Shadowrunners also work for THE MAN, but they get to break the law in the process, so they can feel better about it.

Don't all reply at once or anything.

Internal router and the redliner quality. Other than that try to keep your dice pools big for the stuff you can do. Also sum to 10 is fantastic, I'd try to convince your GM to let you use it.

Also cyberware compatibly is a good quality to take to get more cyber on your char. Add I believe you can only take it at char gen. Also if you plan on getting bioware as well I'd recommend looking at the prototype trans human quality.

Can somebody explain sum to ten?

It's the priority system, but you aren't limited to one of each grade. Instead, each grade has a cost (E 0, D 1, C 2, B 3, A 4), and can only take ones that sum to ten (or whatever) or lower.

Sure. Sum to 10 assigns every priority level a point value, A:4, B:3, C:2, D:1, E:0. So with sum to ten you can place any of the priorities at any level as long as the total equals 10. For instance, my Sam has priority A resources and attributes, priority C skills, then E magic and metatype. It's nice if you want to play a more focused char, allows you to not have to waste priorities on meta and magic as a Sam.

/srg/ anyone interested in critiquing my build? I am a little spread out and having trouble cutting down to more focus my stats. I'm going for an operator (I guess is the only thing I could call it) type of build.


B 5, A 5/6, R 5/7, S 5/6, W 4, L 2, I 3, C 4, ESS 2.07, EDG 3

Condition Monitor (P/S): 11 / 10

Armor: 17

Limits: Physical 8, Mental 4, Social 5

Physical Initiative: 8/10+2D6

Active Skills: Armorer 2, Athletics Group 1, Automatics (Assault Rifles +2) 6, Automotive Mechanic 1, Blades 2, Con 1, Electronic Warfare 1, Escape Artist 1, Exotic Ranged Weapon: Parashield Dart Pistol 1, First Aid 1, Influence Group 1, Intimidation 1, Palming 1, Perception 3, Pilot Ground Craft 1, Pistols 3, Sneaking 2, Unarmed Combat 2

Knowledge Skills: Seattle Area 1, Shadowrunner Community 1, Small Unit Tactics 6

Languages: English N, German 2

Qualities: Biocompatibility (Cyberware), Catlike, Consummate Professional, Distinctive Style: Facial Scar, Driven: Revenge on Aztec (6dicepool (4)), Hawk Eye, Insomnia (Half-Speed Recovery) (7dicepool vs. 4), Prejudiced (Specific) (Outspoken): Aztec Employees, Prototype Transhuman: Wanted, Wanted


Adrenaline Pump (Prototype) (Alphaware) (1) w/ Prototype Transhuman
Adrenaline Pump Optimization
Bone Density Augmentation (Alphaware) (1)
Damage Compensators (Alphaware) (2)
Datajack (Alphaware)
Internal Router (Alphaware)
Muscle Augmentation (Alphaware) (1)
Muscle Toner (Alphaware) (1)
Orthoskin (Prototype) (Alphaware) (1) w/ Dragon Hide, Insulation, Penguin Blubber, Prototype Transhuman
Reaction Enhancers (Alphaware) (1)
Smartlink (Alphaware)
Stalwart Endosont (Prototype) w/ Prototype Transhuman
Wired Reflex Optimization
Wired Reflexes (Alphaware) (1)

F-B Bumblebee Gear:
Heavy Weapon Mount (Turret, Concealed, Remote) Built into drone w/ Ammo Bin, Concealed Visibility, Turret Flexibility
Pilot (4)
Rigger Interface
Targeting: Krime Wave (4)
Krime Wave [LMG, Acc 8, DV 10P, AP -2, FA, RC 1, 350 (belt)] w/ Bipod, Electronic Firing, (200x) Regular Ammo, Smartgun System, External, Trigger Removal

Harley-Davidson Scorpion
Metahuman Adjustment: Troll
Morphing license plate
Run Flat Tires
Spoof chip:

Fake SINs: Vortigern Constans w/ (1 month) Bolt Hole Lifestyle, Fake SIN (1),
Eldridge Smoak w/ (12 months) DocWagon Basic Contract, Fake License: Augmentations (3), Fake License: Blades (3), Fake License: Concealed Carry (3), Fake License: Firearms: Assault Rifle (3), Fake SIN (3), (1 month) Street Lifestyle


Ballistic Mask (Customized) w/ Micro-Tranceiver, Sensor Array (2), Voice Warper (6)
Big Game Hunter w/ Custom Fit, Custom Protection: Fire Resistance (6), Drag Handle, Faraday Pocket, Gear Access, Holster, Jammer, Area (4), Shock Weave
Certified Credstick, Gold
Climbing Gear
Datachip x10
Duffle Bag (1)
Ear buds (3) w/ Select Sound Filter (1), Spatial Recognizer
, Helmet w/ Image Link
Helmet w/ Image Link
Hermes Ikon w/ Biomonitor, Diagnostics, Mapsoft: Barrens, Non-standard Form Factor: Wrist Watch, Receiver, Shopsoft: Guns Near Me, Theme Music, Ticker: Shadowrunner Community
Kamikaze x2
Mapsoft: City Streets
Metal Restraints
Plastic Restraints x10
Shopsoft: Motorcycles and Motorcycle parts
Sony Angel
Sony Angel
Sony Angel
Standard Rope (m) x50
Stim Patch (1) x5
Subvocal Microphone
Survival Kit
Tag Eraser
Threads w/ Biomonitor
Tool Kit, Armorer
Tool Kit, Automotive Mechanic

White Noise Generator (3)

AK-97 [Assault Rifle, Acc 8, DV 10P, AP -6, SA/BF/FA, RC (2), 38 (c)] w/ Advanced Safety System, (100x) APDS, Easy Breakdown (manual), Folding Stock, Foregrip, Imaging Scope, Personalized Grip, (100x) Regular Ammo, Sling, Smartgun System, Internal, Spare Clips, Tracker
Colt Government 2066 [Heavy Pistol, Acc 8, DV 7P, AP -1, SA, 14 (c)] w/ Cybersafety RFID Detector, Easy Breakdown (manual), Flashlight, Laser Sight, Personalized Grip, (50x) Regular Ammo, Silencer/Suppressor, (2x) Spare Clips, (50x) Subsonic Ammo, Tracker
Parashield Dart Pistol [Exotic Ranged Weapon, Acc 7, DV By Chem., AP –, SA, 5 (c)] w/ (15x) Injection Darts, Narcoject, Laser Sight, Personalized Grip
Cougar Fineblade Knife, Short Blade [Blade, Acc 8, DV 8P, AP -1] w/ Gecko Grip, Personalized Grip
Ares "One" Monosword [Blade,Blade, Reach 1, Acc 6, DV 9P, AP -3] w/ Gecko Grip, Personalized Grip


Fixer (Connection 5, Loyalty 2)
Safehouse Master (Connection 2, Loyalty 3)
Starting ¥: 922.5 + (1D6 × 20)¥
Ammunition & Resources:
AK-97 - APDS x38
Colt Government 2066 - Regular Ammo x14
Parashield Dart Pistol - Injection Darts, Narcoject x5


F-B Bumblebee
Handling 3, Speed 2, Acceleration 1, Body 4, Pilot 3/4, Sensor 3, Device Rating 3/4, Data Processing 3/4, Firewall 3/4
Condition Monitor: 8
Armor: 14H
Limits: Mental 6
Physical Initiative: 8+4D6
Active Skills: Targeting: Krime Wave 0 (4)
Vehicle Mods:
Heavy Weapon Mount (Turret, Concealed, Remote) Built into drone w/ Ammo Bin, Concealed Visibility, Turret Flexibility
Rigger Interface
Linguistics: English (local language)
Linguistics: Japanese (Manufacturer's Language)
Pilot (4)
Targeting: Krime Wave (4)
Krime Wave [LMG, Acc 8, DV 10P, AP -2, FA, RC 1, 350 (belt)] w/ Bipod, Electronic Firing, (200x) Regular Ammo, Smartgun System, External, Trigger Removal
Ammunition & Resources:
Krime Wave - Regular Ammo x200

The hell man. Put it in a pdf or a fucking link next time.

Sorry, was posting via mobile and couldn't get pdf to post.

Then use pastebin. You have enough of a brain for that.

Well, Prototype Transhuman is a waste of karma for you since you're not awakened. Willpower should either be 3 or 5 since it gets you extra stun track. A pistol that fires capsule rounds filled with narcoject is generally better than the parashield, since contact >> injection.


Thank you for the info. What would you recommend other than transhuman? I figured it gives you an extra essence overall to add ware to.

Plus I didn't want him to be useless in social situations.

What skill is used when a piloted anthrodrone is using its real hands to fire guns?


Hey chummers, anyone watching the Revision stream?

>OK cool, but this character doesn't have a SIN, french or otherwise. They grew up in the Barrens.

>species only comes from a specific region in France, where they have legal status
>but I come from the Barrens, so it's fine

>Sure,it's stealthy but from what I've heard one drone would destroy me.

Because you cannot into math and realise that the drone will never see you, and will never be able to hit you due to ludicrously good attributes

I always pick something to match overall archetype
>night shift pathologist ghoul
>idol (singer) running is just adrenaline hobby
>in education way too young for legal job
>prosthesis engineer rigger and cripplefucker
>warehouse hand actually yakuza

Not at the moment. I'm waiting for Chummer to work it out so I can play my Amazonian horse adept with fiery kicks. also for people to stop moving to different countries so I can keep a group together for more than 6 months

Is it possible to snowflake so hard in the other direction that you become retarded?

I just made a character for 5th ed who's a Dwarf Druidic tradition mage and just want to make sure the rough outlines of the lore don't trample on anything lore wise.

>Character grew up on environmentalist enclave in Quebec
>Does lame ass agricultural work and other shit as kid
>Eventually awakens and learns some magic from the one or two other mages in the collective, both Druids
>Realize a huge problem is that most Druid mages lack a connection to the original magic of the druids due to their lack of a written history and historical docs.
>Eventually visited by a mentor spirit that isn't 100% clear on what it wants but it obviously wants him to leave Quebec
>As he begins traveling becomes stronger in detection magic to figure out intentions of mentor spirit.
>Seems mentor spirit wants him to find a Free Spirit that acts as the true spirit (as per druidic tradition) of someplace in Seattle and either master it or become its student.
>Unsure if free spirit is aspect of mentor, an ally or enemy of the mentor, or just some random spirit
>After smuggling self across multiple national borders he is broke, unfocused, and essentially a bum with good magic.

Any glaring lore conventions I broke?

>street sam
>1 edge

Human gets 3 edge at E priority.

fake news