>GURPS is the "Generic Universal RolePlaying System." It starts with simple rules and builds up to as much optional detail as you like. It's designed to accommodate any background: realistic or larger-than-life; past, present, or future. The possibilities are endless!
>The GURPS Basic Set contains the complete core rules for character creation and advancement, task resolution, mental and physical feats, combat, injury, hazards, and NPC reactions. It includes basic magic and psionics systems, and starter lists of personal equipment, creatures, and vehicles. It also offers a plethora of practical advice on designing settings – their laws, governments, technologies, economics, and more – and running campaigns there. And it offers a sample campaign frame, Infinite Worlds, that can accommodate adventures set against a wide variety of backdrops.
>In GURPS, characters are built on points. You can create any hero you can imagine by selecting attributes, advantages, disadvantages, skills, and other traits. The GM chooses the power level by specifying the players' point budget, and then GURPS delivers the goods – it supports everything from "ordinary folks" to "gods." You can make character generation even simpler by using GURPS Character Assistant, the official character-creation program.
>Almost everything else in the game – from swinging a sword to firing a laser rifle to negotiating a good price from a merchant – boils down to a 3d6 "success roll." While there are lots of rules, they're all variations on the same theme. GURPS is easy to learn!

>Blatant lies from the Illuminati edition.

What is your craziest animal encounter, GURPSGEN?

Other urls found in this thread:

Replying to last thread..

TL 4, big game is still Very Dangerous to hunt with the weapons of the time. I'd allow them muskets because despite their power they are heavy, slow and bulky weapons. Lining up a shot with them takes careful positioning, finding the prey and getting a shot off, all things that should be rewarded.

Ways animals can be dangerous despite guns:

1) As said by.. Stealthy animals, like big cats, adapt by denying the hunter a clean shot. Staying low in long grass or moving though the jungle, perhaps waiting on branches overhead, these can get in and kill very fast (See the rules for pouncing under trampling). Hunts should be carefully orginized daylight only affairs and at night anyone that fails to stay with the group and in a well defended place might die. this is also really true. Bites that turn into grapples, with the option to worry, can quickly kill.

2) Really, really tough animals. Things like cape buffalo, hippos, elk, Antioch, large boar. These combine being mean as fuck with being so tough a single gunshot might not bring one down. Historically, these are among the most dangerous animals, especially the more territorial examples. Dangerous to charge, likely to knock people down.

3) Packs or swarms. "Clever girl". No matter how well armed a hunter, something sneaking up behind you is a Bad Thing.

>craziest animal encounter
This one time, the players were kicking it in a backwater village. Wowing the locals, challenging the status quo, winning duels and maiden hearts.

And then a horse screams over the horizon, and everyone freezes

And then a dragon bursts over the hillside, screeching like rending steel, dropping the equine carcass in the midst of the revelers.

Everyone panics

Is there a concise summary or a table somewhere of all the damage types and their corresponding wounding multipliers and the various hit locations that also have multipliers?

As in, impaling is x2 and when the target is vitals it's x3, but for all damage types and locations.

Here ya go.





>TFW the player in your fantasy game who plays the half wolfman, ends up in your Firefly game coming down with SPACE WOLF MADNESS

Love the copy of High-Tech off to the side. I *knew* she looked like a player of head-popping snipers.

>tfw youll never have a cute GURPSfu to roll d6 with

>Cat scratch fever.

/GURPSGEN/, how would you handle a Dark Souls soapstone or red/blue orb?

Jumper with modifiers like Projection and Affects Substantial. Since you never actually leave your own world physically, but you can have some influence on the host's world.

Goddang, hes such an asshole!

I love that cat!

Distorted time and immortality in this place allows for strange things.

Soapstone: You can leave a mark that allows you to be summoned to assist another in a alternate version of the timeline fight a powerful monster. You may gain XP, but not physical rewards this way.

Red Orb: Like some kind of dick you enter an alternate timeline, a specter that can't truly be killed, only banished from that space. While there you can kill the one that Belongs there, and reap a dark reward from powers that approve of such things.

Blue Orb: Those red orb guys are dicks. Even the odds.

In all cases, they provide you with Jumper, and a limited kind of Unkillable: When you die you get kicked out of the world you are in.

It depends.
For generic party even big animal not a really big danger, until it use intelligence, which it literally can't possess.
Like bull totally ignoring tough&skilled barbarian standing near him and who can cut his head off with one parry, so bull charging in zig-zag trajectory, evading all weapons braced for stop thrust, to kill sqishy wizard away in back line, who did nothing.
Well, being asshole is simple, don't give party perception-stealth contest and drop on them pride of lions who rip them with AOA while they can't use defence.
Or just like to snipe them from distance, but in melee.
So yeah, i got it.
I like too to humiliate and show to players who's daddy here, and whose arse they should lick.

Predatory animals are quite clever about striking vulnerable targets separated from others.

Territorial animals will commit to a charge and trample the weaker ones and avoid the more confident ones.

And a pack will always try to get the weakest target.

This isn't really intelligence, it's instinct.

You can give the party perception, and even let them try to hide from targets. Who is hunting who should be a constant question.

Is ST 13 exceptional? It feels weird compared to DX, HT or IQ.

I have a player that turned in a character with ST 15. I know with other stats that would be superhuman, able to perform at elite levels with one point in skills or just never dying.

I'm not sure what it means for ST though. It's unbound and pretty much means +5 damage with swung weapons and higher carry weight?

12+ anything is pretty good statwise, since on that level it's a ~75% success rate before resists/penalties.

Also remember a 'novice' fighter might have 12 HP or so. Even a 10 ST guy with a stick can knock them out in 4 good hits before armor is a thing. Heaven forbid they deal cut/impaling damage, then a decent hit will put them on their knees, major injury or not.

I usually limit "normal human maximum" to 16 for most attributes and 20 or so for ST. Basically stretch the scale up a bit - every +2 for normal attribute is equivalent of +3 for ST. That's very roughly and that's just how I see GURPS attributes.

Just look at the lift limits. It's usually the best way of realising how much X of ST is. Also, in low TL games it's important to have anything above 12, as it provides a nice damage, so go figure.

ST 15 is basically a beginner fantasy barbarian.

>Historically, these are among the most dangerous animals

Setting up ambushes should be pretty doable. Hiding in a rainforest amid the different layers, thick greenery, and background of noise should be pretty easy, especially if the would-be prey is not used to the environment. To give the players a leg up, if they need it, they might be startled by a smaller animal running away to give them a chance to look around and maybe spot the ambush just in time. (If the animal pounces as soon as they see it, that's not enough time to aim a musket, but enough to have gotten out their melee weapons.)

Ditto with swamps, where a predator might hide underwater (or in the treetops while the party is cautiously poking the murky waters).

I guess in savannas and other more open areas, I'd just have to have a few enemies charge at the party at once, and expect them to snipe one or two of them from farther away, which is fair enough. (From my experience TL4 weapons are usually accurate and powerful enough to hit and often kill something that comes running at you, though only at a range that forces you to switch to melee on the next turn if you don't kill every enemy.)

No need to risk a TPK with every encounter, but it should indeed be dangerous enough for it to be satisfying to make it through without any serious injuries or casualties.

I've been compiling the rules in a FAQ format for my players for.. over 6 years now?

It is mostly in English, but some bits are in Russian yes, I am the same poor guy who posted a rant yesterday. The point is to have rules in an easily comprehensible format. It focuses on medieval fantasy campaigns, and is categorized by types of things the players would probably want to do.

For instance, "I want to craft a sword, what do I do?" - this a huge section with subsections like "Where do I get materials from?", "Where and how could I sell it", etc. Mostly Basic Set + Low Tech Companion stuff. It uses some assumptions on the setting though, so it is not completely setting-free. "I am in a town; where and how could I get information" - another large section, as I love Social Engineering. And so on and so forth, from exploration, hunting, and injuries to sewing, horse riding, and feudal hierarchy.

This is a huge document which I started to compile out of desperation due to no Enhanced/Improved 4ed coming in the next 5123 years. It is much more approachable than the combo of Basic Set + Fantasy + Low Tech + Low Tech companions + DF #2 + DF#16 +DF#32515 + Pyramid#8522 + ..

Do you think GURPS would benefit from a similar, official, re-release? Dungeon Fantasy is not quite there, as even in a purely DF campaign you would want to look through LT, Basic, Pyramids, etc. Nevermind the skill list in Basic, which is just unwieldy to get information from.

I was sometimes tempted to send Kromm or Phil Reed my recompiled version, but then again - there are so many neat fan-made pdfs, like Saduria or WFRP; surely they know that there is a demand for these?

I have never posted it though, because it reproduces the rules (albeit paraphrased).

Maybe you can post just the questions? I'm interested in seeing what you came up with and even answering these questions can help new GMs (including me) come to grips with the system.

>craziest animal encounter

I'm actually having a hard time choosing.
The ones that stand out from my current campaign are the spider-goats, the carnivorous cows, the monstertruck octopus, and the hill-sized turtles.

How badly would it work out if I tried to use GURPS 3e stat blocks (like in GURPS Bestiary) as-is in 4e GURPS?

Getting into the GURPS mainly for the huge worldbuilding capabilities. Do you guys have perchance something about Steampunk? Edition doesn´t really matter, though I´d prefer 4E.

Sorry to bother you guys and thanks in advance..

Yes, but you'll be missing information (like Perception) or have erroneous numbers (like Dodge).

The OP does not have what you're looking for in a folder under Older GURPS Books called Steampunk.

It's 3e, but the genre advice is still good.

There is GURPS Steampunk for 4e already. For all know it's straight update from 3e plus some new information, so you won't miss anything from previous edition.

>not screampunk

4e Steampunk 1 is just over a third of the size of 3e Steampunk, and you've also got Steam-Tech, the steampunk item compendium.

You've got Pyramid 3/39 to alleviate some of that page count deficit, but that's only 39 pages in total.

Oh, my mistake then. Good to know.

So, where's the Lantern skill?

Beam Weapons/TL 5 Pistol

That's clearly a Teapot grip, not a Pistol one.

Expert Skill (Lantern).

My bad, just went from memory and forgot there's a third specialization.
Correct skill is Beam Weapons/TL 5 Projector

How into three-dimensional movement/combat?
Or is it best not to bother and to just have everything play out on a 2D plane?

What is the question?

Yeah, and if it's worth it to begin with. Aerial, space, and underwater combat would all be three-dimensional, but if you treat the battlefield/map in those cases not as a static bird's eye view but as an abstract plane that dynamically aligns with the actors and simply measures relative distance, it might not even be needed.

It is annoying as all fuck, basically the best way to do it is (assuming you're a normal human and not an ubermensch codegod who can shit out a 3d space representation ASAP) to put tokens to signalize on which plane things are, but as said it's annoying and nearly useless.

If you're playing in person, you could use poker chips to denote height and such.

If you're willing to, you could also use two tokens for aerial creatures. On the side of your game mat, or on another board, assume that the first row of hexes is the ground level. Put the ground-based combatants there. Then use the other rows to denote their altitude, with each hex representing a yard. Poker chips can again come in handy here for distance. If someone is 11 yards above another, you could put their token on a 10-value poker chip and on the first row above the ground combatant row.

Abstract planes only work in some scenarios, it gets wonky as fuck if you have three combatants and unmanageable with four. It also won't do you much good if there's an actual environment to consider. Buildings you need to zip between, clouds you can take cover behind, coral reefs or asteroids to consider, that kind of thing.

If you're playing on roll20 or similar you can set a field of choice to be visible to all and use that to denote altitude, poker chips as mentions is a good idea when playing in person. In a pinch you could also just use labeled pieces of paper to denote altitude, it's not perfect or smooth but it's viable.

Lacking poker chips you could abstract the altitude somewhat and use whatever you have at hand. Colored pieces of plastic, coins, or whatever, and use a less detailed scale like 5 yards altitude or whatever scale is suitable.
How to turn this classic into a game, aside of course picking Infinite Worlds, which would end up with players expecting Centrum and/or wanting to mess things up as Homeline? My players are too young to remember the show, which is both a blessing (I can use it!) and a problem (they will fuck things up if it's going to be just IW game)


>but Sudri! I'm so pretty and magical!

It's the first time I ever heard about this series

DORF1.: also you know what would be hilarious
DORF1: if Deloth's master was this guy, or this guy has become Deloth's new master
and then we kill him right before her eyes
BEASTMAN.: That's just mean DORF1. I like it
DORF1.: >kill her
>nuke her homeland
BEASTMAN.: We should follow her around, killing every master she finds
DORF1: >kill her master
>kill her new master
BEASTMAN.: It's faster then hunting them down normally
DORF2: If this were a less intense situation, I'd have Bomrek wave to her as she appeared.
DORF1: she's bullybait
maybe she should just pick one of us as masters, sicne we're all touched by the darkness or something
KBALTH (GM): such an unintentionally Tsundre relationship you all have with her

What are the ST requirements for firing a gun that requires a rest without a rest?
Low-Tech just points to P. 270 in the Basic Set, which only talks about ST requirements for firing a two-handed weapon with one hand, and says that guns that need a rest require a rest (duh), but nothing on shooting without a rest.

Just wait until next Saturday!

The more I think about it, the more it seems like she was never actually evil, just a huge chuuni.

She showed up once just to disappear back into the darkness right after some ominous, but ultimately pointless, lines. The next time we met her she gave us this overblown caricature of a villain's grand speech, and we immediately blew her up when she was about to disappear again.

Maybe she was just tired of being a Dark Lord's errand girl combing the dirt in the middle of nowhere, so when she spotted us obvious heroes she saw her opportunity to feel like a real dark lord villain-type once, too! She prepared an epic villain speech with all the flourish she could think of, but we unceremoniously killed her, and then just sent her away when she resurrected because she was already no longer any threat.

Then we destroyed her people's greatest/evillest creation, annihilated her homeland, and killed her master.
And then we took pity on her and took her with us because she started crying.

It's simple.
Check the Lift for One and Two arms for given ST.
Check gun's weight

o that works, thanks

I *think* it's just the listed ST.
For the Musket (which I guess is what you're looking at) it's listed as ST 12R†. So without the rest, you fire at ST 12†

My reasoning here is that if you look at Basic Set p.270, R, B and M are all in sequence, each seemingly intended to be an upgrade over the last. To me at least it makes sense that:
>R = Rest is optional, if you use Rest use these Aim rules as listed, no change in ST.
>B = Bipod is optional, if you use Bipod use these Aim rules as listed, lowered ST required.
>M = Mount is optional, if you use Mount use these Aim rules as listed, no ST required.

...Yes. that's a kind of accurate description of her personality.
That and she's a bound warlock, which makes some decisions harder to make.

Ahh, that would make sense. I didn't look at the Bipod and Mount rules.
The Low-Tech Companion states that the muskets in question are “too heavy to hold level unaided,” so I assumed the ST given was with the rest accounted for, and holding it freely would require additional ST/special rules.

So it's officially canon that we've just been bullying her all this time. Fug. :D

She's a /tormented soul/ bound by /dark powers/ and she's doing a lot of her bad things /against her will/

You have been bullying her

So in summary today
>Party marches on the local Lord to demand an audience/get back pay
>Party scopes it out, votes for diplomatic entrance
>Parley with guards, access granted
>Guardhouse opens, party enter, guardhouse locked from behind
>Party suspicious
>Lord's Domo (elven court policies when?) Addresses them welcomes them
>He tries shady ambush
>Wizard/aristocrat see through this, calls out ambush!
>Party quick draws on double their number of forces, demand they drop arms
>Beastmen Gray invokes Blessing of DX! And rolls a 6!
>Mexican standoff ensues!
Guard stands down, party takes Domo hostage, enters Lord's Manor
>Holds Domo at knifepoint/Beastmen point and parleys with Lord Marshall geofferson
>He has a guest!
>An elf guest!
>A necromantic archimage elf guest!
>Parley devolved, shouting ensues, manifest destiny called into question
>Everyone's favorite aforementioned vampiric monk warlock elf appears!
Until next week!


She'll do it man
She's fucking angry
And she's got ALL the arrows

She bought more!
I seent it!

I have a player who wants to be able to go "I know a guy" in the middle of a session in reaction to certain situations, stuff like

>I know a guy who we can sell drugs to
>I know a guy who can smuggle our guns into the city
>I know a guy with a boat who can get us to the island

What's the best way to handle that? I don't want him to go too wild with it, but I like the concept.


Impulse points.

High streetwise skill or contact group (criminals). Maybe patron if the class of people he belongs to regularly provides significant aid.

Last time I did that, I went with a couple of contact groups, specifically Law Enforcement, Underworld and Government. Ended up costing quite a bit, but it worked.

I like what that one user said. A contact group of criminals who are only available some of the time, because of just how broad he wants to go.

A little trick for you - if there are three participants in the combat, then it ALWAYS plays out on a plane. And if there are only two of them, then it is a line.

This is only true if facing doesn't matter.

If he had successfully ambushed you would he be promoted to majordomo?

I get that, I just don't know if that really applies to ST. It doesn't really do skill checks or ability checks like HT, DX or IQ.

So ST 15 is Schwarzenegger in Conan and 13 would be.. Ledger in a Knight's Tale? I am having trouble ball-parking what these stats look like an mean in context.


>So ST 15 is Schwarzenegger in Conan and 13 would be
IIRC, ST20 has lift values close to what the current olympic and strongman records are.

ST 15 is adrenaline-rushed Brendan Gleeson and Cilian Murphy lifting a cab while Megan Burns replaces a flat tire.
Arnie in Conans is 20.

Also, I've just realised Burns is 30 today... I feel fucking old

Olympic competitors would have a combination of ST, high levels of Lifting ST, Lifting skill, and a technique for whatever lifting method they're competing in.

Yeah probably, but I'm talking about straight up lift values, not about building an olympic competitor character.

ST 10 - Average Joe
ST 12 - Martin Riggs
ST 15 - your average wrestler "movie"
ST 18 and above - any role of Arnie when he was at his peak

Lifting ST is exotic. I know it's allowed in some games, but I don't think baseline humans generally get to buy it.

>Lifting ST is exotic
Wait... what?

It is. Arm ST is also exotic.

Just decide your "base" setting and let most of your players make characters with that setting in mind. Let's call that Setting A. Meanwhile mislead other players into thinking they are going to play Setting B and Setting C, but don't let them talk about it with others.
Then just play it up the way you want to, depending on what Setting A was.

And you made me nostalgic, I spend half a night watching it. Dr Elvo did nothing wrong.

Alien head next to an advantage = you can't take it if it doesn't come with your race/special ST permission/unusual background.

I just always allowed that, treating it as what this user described.
Holy shit, I never even checked if it's exotic

Arm ST should be allowed to archers.

That's basically what "Strongbow" is, though, isn't it?

Clubbing people with it is "mace", using it as a fist load is brawling, beaming someone in the eyes is a DX check.

>Lifting skill


X-Com XIX century-edition
>place: Europe, possibly limited to single country
>enemy: assorted monsters
>main mode of transportation: railroad
>keeping steampunk to a minimum, preferably none at all
>PCs are outstanding individuals commanding a squad of mook soldiers
What would be the best year for such a campaign?

If you want to keep it even somewhat realistic, 1885 or later, so you at least have access to some better guns.

At the very least, 1866 so you have access to the Winchester lever-action rifles.

1890? Lots of cool guns to play with and the excitement of a new century coming, with the march of industrial progress seeming to run ever faster. Early Kodak cameras, electric lights, even magazine fed rifles like the Lee-Metford.

Traveling by train to investigate alien/monster incursions and sending reports home via telegraph.

I was thinking about setting it as early as possible, since repeating rifles being a rarity has some appeal. But yeah, the problem is that weapons will lack variety this way - you have some lever-action rifles, military single-shot rifles, revolvers, early blackpowder grenades, and that's pretty much it. Artillery is too heavy to lug it around, machine guns pretty much count as artillery, and so on.

Not only variety, but early 19th century cartridge weapons were pretty weak by today's standards.

Good enough to put down a guy or a sectoid-equivalent, but a muton-equivalent would be trouble.

You could drop back to 1866 or so, but run into a problem that someone ( ) pointed out..

Spencer carbines have low damage and long reload times, and there's a lot of disadvantages to early revolvers available there.

You could go a bit later, landing in the 1870s where they can pick between powerful single shot guns and weaker repeaters. Dropping new rounds into a Martin-Henry means slower rates of fire but hits much harder then the lever-action Winchester 1873, while famous revolvers like the Colt Peacemaker hit like a hammer.

Note that it's not just black powder grenades. Around this time soliders were beginning to improvise grenades, often tin cans filled with round lead shot around a core of Dynamite with a 5 second fuse or so lit by a friction primer. Pull the wire, throw. These were murderously effective in the Crimean war.


>These were murderously effective in the Crimean war.
Anything even remotely resembling tactics and weapons designed to kill was murderous in Crimean War.

Rude and savage

I wish I could get my hands on some stats for punt guns and early elephant rifles. Still, 1890 provides so many more interesting opportunities, such as Maxim guns and mountain guns.

What's the proper skill to use for breaking into and hotwiring a car?

Depending on way of picking the doors, it can be Picklock, Mechanics (Automobile), Sleight of Hand, Electronics (Remote) if you do it Ghost Dog style or even just Boxing.

Hot-wiring itself is under Electronics, Mechanic and high enough Driving.