Character art thread:
Hey guys I need some decent character art for a thing, could I have some please?
Preferably of the sort where it's pseudo-modern, like part old/magical.
Character art thread:
Hey guys I need some decent character art for a thing, could I have some please?
Preferably of the sort where it's pseudo-modern, like part old/magical.
I'll be honest, I don't have that much art related to it, but I'll just dump what I have
Guys, I'm really running out of art here.
Please help.
I'm looking for mercenaries.
Slightly futuristic would be nice, but not any of that super slick stuff.
Is this the most reposted knight in existence? Love it every time I see it though. Have the 2nd most reposted knight.
I love these.
Jesus Christ what the fuck
Any of these helping OP? Anything more specific?
>breach of the Masquerade.jpg
And I'm done.
Hope people found something they liked.
What does he keep in the pouches?
Does anyone have that one with the gold armored knight with a rifle?
Yo, specific request, but anybody got some music-themed robots/cyborgs? Preferably humanoid, I'll post some shit in exchange.
Oh! Very nice, thank you.
If anyone's got any, I could do with some evil space facist stuff. Got to illustrate some kind of space empire to my players next session, and some inspiration art would be lovely (characters, places, spaceships, whatever).
I know plenty has been posted in this thread, but I'm looking for knightly power armor that isn't 40k related.
Is that powered by an honest to god furnace on his chest?
Anyone got any pictures of stereotypical German/Austrian nobility from the 1800's with a bit of a fantasy bent? Pic related, but with a bit more of a wizard-feel.
Speaking of knights, does anybody have that picture of the cowboy knights with bits of fluff on it?
Fuck yeah I do.
Does his squire shovel coal into it?
Shit, meant for
The artist doesn't really go into but it's not a bad idea.
Yeah these are all pretty great, I just had to go to bed.
I'm liking this stuff so far, lets keep this going if we can.
Looking for a cyberpunk thief: A woman with a full body suit and mask that doesn't look fetishy.
Seconding this request.
Also, anyone got more like this?
Looking for female post apocalyptic characters. More of a Metro 2033 style, instead of hot and dusty Mad Max style. Will post what I have and then some other nice stuff.