What would a campaign setting based on Ancient Egypt be like?
What would a campaign setting based on Ancient Egypt be like?
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Lots of sand.
I would hate that, it's coarse and rough and it jsut gets everywhere
Like Ancient Egypt I'd hope.
And cats.
There's at least one out there. I keep seeing its cover thrown around.
Sand, cats, pyramids, paid slaves (weird isn't it? But it's actually true), weird maths (pretty advanced since they needed some serious calculations to make the pyramids work but the way they phrased it is very lolrandumb), and lots of superstition and crocodiles
It depends on the time period.
Lazy, cliched hack shit. See: Forgotten Realms.
Art would have, indeed, a good profile.
Seriously: lots, lots LOTS of Duat sheaninigans, 'cause that shit is the archetypal land of fantasy adventures. And everybody is a wizard/uses magic.
>talking about Egypt on Veeky Forums
That's like starting a land war in Asia.
You must be great at parties.
Lots of sand, it never rains, lots of crocodiles and cats, hippos are the top level enemies able to kill whole parties and kings alone, nobles in pimped up chariots, bald priests, ancient aliens, mini pyramids for pop stars and warriors
Campaign setting: Ancient Egypt
-very religious
-very ceremonial
-gods play an active role in the world -- possible drama that the mortals get caught-up in
- strong family loyalties
- necromancy of a different sort
- Old World Myths (Sumerian, Ur, etc.)
- desert culture yes, but also deep forests further South, and rich delta to the north, and Mediterranean trade with other kingdoms
- Less of a "group of heroes" dynamic, versus "Great Hero and his Companions" dynamic
At good parties, yes I am. At shit parties where boring plebs wearing beige cardigans drone nothing but inane drivel, I tend to be the odd one out.
Enjoy your shit, FRfag.
Full of Kangz and shiet
I wonder how Egyptian Americans feel about being written out of their own mythology and history by that type of revisionism.
All the royals are severely inbred.
Absolutely incredible amounts of lewdness. The Egyptians basically had no cultural taboo about nudity.
Gator shit in a woman's pussy is best contraceptive.
I can hear your fucking fedora tip.
there'd be egyptians and some mummies probs
Every little town had their own god. The major Egyptian pantheon just became that because the cities these gods originated from became powerful.
Lots of porn, and the nobles would have their own personal dick washers
They also had no concept of virginity. Which I'm sure will make things weird for purewaifufags, but oh well
>Ancient Egypt
The country gets conquered by every bitch ass motherfucker with an army lmao that's what #HELLENIZED
What ancient culture DID have a pronounced group of equals dynamic?
That kind of takes the erotic edge off, though.
Like Ancient Egypt, presumably.
Real talk though, what era are we looking at? Old Kingdom, Middle Kingdom, New Kingdom, Post-Alexander, Post Rome?
Took me a sec. Well, played user
Tip: at the first ones thay are not laughing 'with' you.
isn't that true for most polytheistic cultures? Mediterranean, India, E. Asia, N. Europe, Mesoamerica, etc.
>but the way they phrased it is very lolrandumb
what do you mean? the way they phrased maths?
Delicious brown catgirls walking around (half)naked all the time ISN'T magical realm, totally justified and borderline canon.
Rome? Sure, there were still patricians and plebeians but plebs still played a somewhat active role in politics and the Republic had this whole (on paper) "muh equality" thing going on. It also had a few success stories of soldiers who ended up becoming senators and governors purely by being really talented (and lucky). It's not perfect (nor is any system we have today for that matter) but it's the closest to a "group of equals" in the Ancient World. Hell, the Roman Emperors even called themselves "first among equals".
Shut up and post brown girls.
>paid slaves
arent those just people with jobs
Except at night, then it would be cold.
Black people. Lots of black people.
If you want people catering to your fetish, just visit /co/, /aco/ and /d/.
>It also had a few success stories of soldiers who ended up becoming senators and governors purely by being really talented (and lucky).
Wasn't Caesar himself a nobody in Roman society before he got him?
got big*
Not him, but I'm pretty sure they had a thing with fractions where they only had 1/X - so you'd write 2/3 as 1/3 + 1/3.
Which would be tedious if you wanted to write something like 7/13
More akin to a drafted soldier, just for civic work.
any resources i can read about this it sounds interesting?
>Wasn't Caesar himself a nobody
He was related to Gaius Marius. That's not a nobody but to be fair when Sulla won the civil war Caesar's family got fucked over pretty hard.
No, he was a pretty big player for most of his life. To make a comparison - it's like you had a modern politician who spend last 30 years doing different, high ranking government jobs, including few different ministeries and then was elected a president.
If you want real nobodies going big, check emperors starting each new dynasty in China. Half of them were leaders of peasant rebellions and peasants themselves, with Ming being probably the most prominent case.
People with jobs are aloud to quit. There might be repercussions to quitting but you can do it. Slaves, even valued and paid ones, not so much.
Vaguely related (this channel in general is pretty good, though 9/10 of his videos are on Rome).
They also fucked their dead women .
Not like Amonkhet I hope
this, Egyptian civilization existed for about 4000 years, a lot can happen in that time
>yfw you realize that more time has passed between the early days of Egypt and the Romans than the Romans and the present day
>tfw you realize that when the pyramids were built woolly mammoths still existed
>tfw you realize that Cleopatra lived further from early Egypt than from us
Not like
>tfw no Alexander the Great to conquer the known world and be best bros with.
Alex doesn't need any kind of best bro, he really needs a wingman. Imagine how different our world would be if he just got laid once or twice. Even if he didn't get married, a bastard heir is better than none at all.
What the fuck is going through the minds of cringelords when they post shit like this
I just don't understand
>woolly mammoths still existed
Only in distant relict populations. Most wooly mammoth populations went extinct around 9-7000 BC, a good 3 millennia before the pyramids.
He had a wingman and a best bro. Then he got into a drunken fight and killed him. Alexander the Great was a brilliant conqueror but a bit of a fuck up at everything else.
It's always new kingdom.
>Even if he didn't get married, a bastard heir is better than none at all.
You do know that he had a kid, right?
Toto a cute! CUTE!
>You do know that he had a kid, right?
He did? Then why was he never propped up as a potential heir?
Because he was a toddler surrounded by ambitious generals and because full blown hereditary succession only really took off in the middle ages.
It really miffs me that I can't just post multiple pics.
Not really. Egyptians had a long history, but the earlier it was, the more animistic their beliefs were, so for the most of their run they had a weird mix of animism and polytheism.
Lots of kangz n shiet
Like detroit, if not YOUS AFUCKING RACIST.
Ask the people who complained about the newest M:tG world based on Egypt being 90% black Nubians.
Why are Americans literally incapable of making anything with whipping out the black paint bucket tool?
Ever heard Charlie Sheen's "winning" speech? It's kinda like that.
No one's life is exactly what they wanted or expected it to be - events are just too random for shit to ever be perfect, and there are hard limits to the amount of control you can exert over your own life.
But people don't want to believe that. Most of us (to varying degrees) just rewrite our own story as they go along. We forget the way we actually are and the way shit actually happened, and reinforce an idealized self by repeating our favorite lies until we believe them.
This is why testimony of eyewitnesses is always skewed, even from one telling to another. Their recollection of events changes over time, usually becoming less accurate. Same concept.
Once you grasp that, irrational behavior becomes a lot easier to understand. It's still cringey as fuck, don't get me wrong, but at least you can get the underlying mechanism of it.
>When your mummy is your mommy tonight.
No such thing, the Arab squatters in Egypt today have only a weak tie to Egypt's glory.
>arab squatters
Arabs didn't actually do mass migrations in Arabia and Egyptians are mostly nationalistic.
Coptic is a semitic language too.
>Ask the people who complained about the newest M:tG world based on Egypt being 90% black Nubians.
Who the fuck cares. It's not really Egypt you fucking turbomongoloid. It's fantasy!Egypt.
Because otherwise we have to deal with slavery still being our fault and relevant even though it ended 150 years ago and disproportionate crime statistics we're not allowed to hold relevant.
Amonkhet, except without the Gatewatch ruining everything.
>Lots of sand
Less than you'd think. Everyone thinks the Egyptians were these wacky dudes who spent 95% of their time building pyramids in the middle of the desert, and tend to forget the Egyptian civilization was really the civilization of the Nile River and delta. Theirs was primarily an agricultural civilization that grew and prospered due to the rich black soil that spilled from the Nile every year. More farming rich fields, less dudes riding around on camels in the middle of the desert.
>It never rains
Actually, it depends on what part of Egypt you are talking about. The climate of northern Egypt is influenced a great deal by the Mediterranean Sea, particularly in the winter months, where winds from the north carry moisture from the sea down over the Nile delta, creating bad-ass sandstorms and thunderstorms. Set, one of the leading gods of ancient Egypt, was a god of, among other things, thunderstorms. The south of Egypt gets no rain.
He came from a prominent patrician family.
Rome was equitable on paper only, more as a means for the Patricians to appease and control the Plebeians than out of any real sense of altruism for the most part. Plebians played the role of glorified rubber-stamp for any laws the Senate made, and in elections were marginalized as much as possible so that Patrician and Equite families had almost all say politically.
The distance in time between the building of the Pyramids at Giza and Cleopatra's reign is about the same amount of time between Cleopatra's Reign and today.
>Every little town had their own god
It started that way, yes, before proper ancient Egyptian unification, with a series of little towns along the Nile with their own set of local gods. As ancient Egypt unified, as conquering warrior-kings moved from town to town down the Nile, the small local gods were typically merged with the larger Egyptian pantheon, with gods representing similar concepts merged together into a single deity. This encouraged cultural homogeneity in the developing civilization.
Also, during Islamic times Egypt often more frequently dominated the region than the Arabs.
Do you want a setting that is actually based on ancient egypt? Or just a setting based in the desert? Because I find that when most people say one thing, they mean the other.
Morticians everywhere in every culture have done that.
The Egyptians didn't like the thought of getting fucked by the embalmers, so they eventually adopted a tradition of leaving the body of a qt3.14 at home for a couple of days before sending it to be mummified so she wouldn't be so appealing.
>paid slaves (weird isn't it? But it's actually true)
Drafting peasants for public works in the months where they were not required to plow fields is far from slavery. The construction workers at Giza were paid in part with roasted mutton and pork, and the architects and mathematicians were given beef, the most valuable kind of meat in Egypt. All the workers were also given excellent medical care. The average Egyptian's diet was very simple, consisting mostly of emmer bread and beer, accompanied by garlic, onion, cucumber, and seasonal fruits, while fish and meat, usually salted, were often rarer.
Menkaure's pyramid, the smallest of the three Gizan pyramids, was built over 35 years by 10,000 workers who hauled stone blocks for months beginning in July. The smaller force of skilled engineers worked on the site year-round, calculating angles, cutting blocks and the like. Presumably many of the temples and roads were built in the same way.
This is correct. It's important to remember that the vast majority of the population lived on the fertile banks of the Nile. The red desert was personified by Seth, who was also the god of hostility, violence and foreigners (but not necessarily evil, as he was the only one who could survive the gaze of the Serpent of Chaos, Apophis, and slay him). The Egyptians saw the desert-dwellers, such as Berbers and Bedouins, as foreign people.
Even though it's silly SF, it still feels great.
>egyptians battle sea people
Refugees welcome?
For bonus points, non-houtengeki brown half-naked kemonomimi.
Variety is the spice of magical realms.
No, actually. The 'slaves' that did the hard labour of building pyramids were farmers working during the flood season to pay taxes with labour instead of money or perishable harvest.
That's why you retire indoors at night, to drink fermented whatever and party., and laugh at the overdressed romans.
Well, that's because the Roman empire only technically fell to Mussolini. There was a little pocket of it in italy still going right up until then.
Still keep coming across their bloody roads, and the british museum has a whole load of gold that was stolen from the romans, buried, dug up, stolen by the vikings, and then buried again in big hoards.
I guess the first question is: Is the campaign emulating how ancient Egypt actually was, or how the ancient Egyptians saw their world? Because those would be massively different.
Kill yourself, racist scum.
Solar worship EVERYWHERE.
Seriously, the fucking pyramids were basically engineered as sun-based resurrection machines.
You silly (read: godawfully idiotic) westerners and your obsession with "light = good guys" pretty much makes all Egypt based settings dreary decay lands, which is the opposite of what ancient Egypt culture and magic actually was like
This is what I fucking love about Amonkhet. A plane designed to be as sunny as possible
> Everyone thinks the Egyptians were these wacky dudes who spent 95% of their time building pyramids in the middle of the desert,
I gather that the pyramids were part of a garden complex originally. The flow of the nile just changed and people quit maintaining it, which is why it disappeared.
So you basically got a stretch of land where shit happens and desert into which nobody ventures because fuck that shit.
Yeah, fractions notification remained the standard until the Rennaissance. Nothing particularily wierd about that. Decimal fractions are really young.